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Waifu claiming thread Claim your waifu and discuss. Obligatory

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 173
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread

Claim your waifu and discuss.

Obligatory claim.
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Vigil - 183.jpg
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God damn it.

Which one? This is clearly superior but they're flocking to the other.
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>Just one this time

There'll be another time.
Can I stick with you, Hand? If I'm getting pruned, I'd rather get pruned under your OP.
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Hamakaze 017.jpg
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>Hamakaze claimed

Back to dark souls.
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Rumia claimed

Kill him. Do it for the glory of your waifu
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Do as you please, I'm not one to tell.

Go for it, beautiful.
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Sticking with hand.
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It was a pointless question to begin with; I'll be in both of course.
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That's what I assumed, smart choice.

Thank you kindly, Kyouko. How goes your night?

I didn't even know this Lou Mao person or whoever made the other thread. The amount of posters is getting out of.../hand/.

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>ba dum tish
Yeah, quite a few new faces, and it is quite loud.

I want to get along with the group, but quiet threads are nicer...
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Guess I'll stalk 2 threads
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Mi Luo!
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He seems like an alright guy. Still makes threads even though he got a warning today, that's admirable.
>Before accusation of being clueless to VPNs

Can't quite put my finger on what the joke was there.

I didn't see you make the thread when I made mine, sorry.
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Not bad I'd say. Just playing Hearthstone. What about you?
That's how I feel when I'm in there. Like everyone is yelling in a crowded room. And for someone like me who's always drinking, it makes my head pound. It's why I usually show up around 2am pst.
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Its cool Hand-kun
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Hi Glico!

Yeah, it kinda sucks that I have to ignore some of the conversations just to keep up
>can't quite out my finger on what the joke was there

You can out your whole hand on me ;)
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>I'll be in both of course.
Good to know.

I'd just like to thank you, despite not knowing what to say.

I'm just glad you're more and more open nowadays, even if you do dislike it, I got the opportunity to exchange a few words with you, and that is always important, for me at least.

So, hope your situation gets better, I wouldn't want you to have a rough week.
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Nice, glad your night is going well. I'm doing well myself, just relaxing while listening to some music. The heat is actually helping with said relaxation.

Heyo, Galko.

Thanks, handsome. Up to anything right now?

Puns are getting out of hand.
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Hi qt!
>You should wait until there's only one thread, posting from mobile on one thread is hard enough
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>outof hand.

I fuckin love you, man
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these threads are so fucking cringe i can only imagine what you faggots act and look like in real life haha
How is your night going?

Hey Handman.
Should I just call you Hand-kun like everyone else?

But then I'll fall asleep...
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Koko 1.jpg
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So I guess things are split between the comfy thread and the fast thread?
Same here, I like talking to everyone but when it gets that crazy the thread ends before I can even get a chance to respond
Heya! How goes it?
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Zzzzz m8 we hear this shit 5x a day
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Roger that.

Love you too, man.

Can call me whatever you want, friendo. Doesn't really matter to me. Hope your night is going well.
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Glasses 5.gif
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>pronounces slowly
Meeee Lowwww

Sorry about that. I don't really know you. You been around long?

I'll give you a hand in pun-recognizing sometime then.

That was me.

Yeah, and much of what runs through the thread is "haw ah yu/ fine tsankyu". The Shinoas are answering that all day. Like, ALL day. I see them when I go to work and when I come home, haha.

I have a few who I make an effort to say hello to, and just say goodnight to the rest, hehe
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It might be for the better, having two threads is stressful.
Even though I enjoy your company, blue eyes
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It's goin alright. Just relaxin on waifu for the moment - how the time has flown, though.

How are you? I recall you were ill a while ago - feeling better now?
Was he pruned along with Spike's threads, or because of them?
And if you say he's alright, I'll keep an open mind Hand-sama
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You're quite the helpful person to have on hand. I appreciate it.

Sorry that you have that much difficulty coming to the thread, wish I could help you somehow.
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Yeah, you can spend a LOT of time on these threads responding to hellos and how-are-yous. It's nice that anons care, though
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Koko 2.jpg
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Rum friend! haw ah yu?
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Hi Koko. I'm tired but I don't want to sleep yet.

It's going pretty well, thanks.

I'll stay here for the next hour or two, probably.
>green eyes are good too

That's good. I'm all better now.
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Not really, getting a bit sleepy
Not really just a couple of days, at most a week
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Koko 3.jpg
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How come? You waiting for someone again?
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Claiming Judy Hopps!!
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Well t-thats all folks

Im going to bed nighty night
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So my neighbors came over the other day and they want to split 50/50 on a fence. Guess who's ddoing even more carpentry work?

I've been living here for about a month and a half and that was the first time I met them. Pretty cool guys, so I invited them over for beers on the weekend. Forgot I kinda booked the most important trip of my life of the weekend.

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happy pats.jpg
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Patmaster stopping in for a second.

literally 10/10 waifu
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Good to hear
>Galko really has a beautiful face too

Goodnight Luo anon!
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That's cool then! Blue and green a best
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I have no idea if I'm honest, mods are just doing their jobs as usual.

Their boss must have come to check up on them or something, considering they only ever do this in short bursts between extended gaps of time.

>I'll keep an open mind Hand-sama
Thanks, beautiful.

Glad to hear it, man. Up to anything right now?

Also getting tired, heh. >>681423377
Hope you sleep warm and well, handsome.

Hope you're doing alright.

Kek, I'm sure they'll understand. Funny way to develop friendships with a neighbor. Hope your trip goes well, by the way.
The resemblance is uncanny.

Maybe this is why I liked Emi without really getting to know them

>marie rose
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Koko 4.jpg
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Whats your trip?
Goodnight! Sleep well :)
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Was actually talking to a old coworker at the gym today about this. Told him my other hobby was being an Otaku. He asked me what that was and I explained and responded "YOU'RE a weeb?"

See, I'm almost at store director status, and no one under me or around me even knows I go to cons, love anime, or have a waifu. And ya know what? No one would care. I'm a Russian male who lives in Texas, supports himself, hangs out with friends, goes to parties, and works out daily. And my other hobby is anime. Such cringe.
My birthday is tomorrow, I don't want to miss the first couple minutes of it.

>Rumia is really cute

I can agree with that.

Just messing around with my guitar.
Doing pretty good, just really busy. Had to take my grandfather's dog since he recently went blind, pic related.

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Koko 5.jpg
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kys tbh fam
Woah! Happy birthday :D how old are you turning?
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>The resemblance is uncanny.
I knew they kinda looked alike, but... They are TOO SIMILAR
>Maybe this is why I liked Emi without really getting to know them
Nah, it's because she is awesome

>My birthday is tomorrow
I was about to go to sleep, but fuck it, I'm waiting for that now!
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Ahhh, that's right. You own a guitar, playing any tunes or are ya really just messing with it?

I'm sorry to hear about that.

That's nice of you to take care of him, hope your grandfather is doing alright. Happy to hear you're safe and sound.

>Comfy looking chair
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Hard to keep up, for sure.

Don't worry about it. When I'm not in the threads, I'm doing something productive, like drinking haha.


Fine tsankyu. Haha, after the other night, I had just a headache. I remembered why I don't drink vodka. I feel sorry for the people working under me who I yelled at. I bought them pizza, to apologize for my mood.
Haw ah yu, Rum n' Koko?

Ah well welcome and all that jazz.
>I'm Mirai-anon and I drink alot.

Also, gudnacht

I like this guy. Thank you, I think so too.

They type with their feet, so it takes them a while to do things.

I'm turning 20.

If you really want to sleep, I'll still be around tomorrow.

Trying to play some RHCP by ear, that's about it.
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happy pats 2.jpg
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The chair is fucking amazing.

Your waifu looks like my wife. Freakishly similar looking, actually. I'd post a pic but she's asleep and I don't have any on hand.
Yeah, I don't mind breaking my lurk for you. No, not at all. It is nice that we get to exchange a word or two. Thank you.
>I wouldn't want you to have a rough week
I don't mind it too much, even though it takes it's toll. Happiness is a precious commodity that shouldn't be wasted on me

The other reason why I've been breaking the lurk is because I sometimes see a nice person getting ignored, like Froggy and Haurchefant. I don't enjoy talking with them, to be honest, but I want to try and make them welcome when they're here. So I reach out. Froggy seems to be fitting in well. Haurchefant... I'm not sure.
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My sweet little waifu.
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>soon to be wife walks into room
>gets into bed with me
>calm down this isn'tewd
>starts farting like a fucking mammoth
>Jesus christ, Chelsea. The fuck did you eat
>Elaine is so much worse though
>is her excuse
>Well okay but I don't have to deal with Elaine's stinky ass.
THIS is what I'm going tk marry. Kill me
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I worry easily, annoying trait I have. Drinking, eh? What's your poison?

>their feet
Kek, more like their ass.

Looks fucking amazing, jealous now.

You're a sweet guy from the sounds of it, we're lucky to still have you here with us.

Sounds like marriage material to me.
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Syndra (91).jpg
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I want to be one of the first to wish you a happy birthday. Besides, my insomnia will probably keep me up until the sunrise

>starts farting like a fucking mammoth
You made the right choice
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Koko 6.jpg
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well thats what you get for straying from the Rum, although im straying a bit myself. Went with two bottles of Kings Bay instead of one bottle of Bacardi so im feeling it in the mornings haha. Im doing Fine tsankyu, a bit miffed with the whole two threads shit and all that going on but hey, what can you do
>Bought them pizza
Id like you as a boss, way better then my last
>waifu looks like my wife
How does one go about finding 3D waifus?
Nice! Im 20 myself, what are you gonna do tomorrow?
Who the fuck is Elaine? and dubs confirm, fuck the fartbox
Hey! Hows it goin?
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I'm heading out, goodnight anons, sorry for intruding
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happy pats 3.jpg
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You could put your hand in my chair Hand-Kun...
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How's it going Syndra?

Have a goodnight Rumia.
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One of her friends. I would've said one of her friends but I figured you guys would catch on. And eveyone did. Except you

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Goodnight, sleep warm and well.

No intrusions were had, happy to see ya.

>flattered hands
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Run low on pics.

>well good one marie rose. You just wasted one here. Fucking retard
Did you go to sleep?

Well, thanks.
>it really means a lot

I'm going to work, then visiting my parents in the afternoon.
>and I'll be here of course

Sleep well.
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not katawa.jpg
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wait is there a sylvie-anon?
3D printers can do wonderful things.
I'm the only one I know of.
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Just flip every image and pretend it's new, they will never notice the difference.
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happy pats 4.jpg
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forgot pic
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gotta love Sylvie
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oh sorry! how have you been bun anon
>another hambahgah
claimed kagami.....
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Syndra (69).jpg
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Justcame back from my morning work and now im waiting for my classes to start.
I forgot to
Does your wife wear glasses?

Do your hands shake when you worry? Rum. Rum is my poison. Between Koko, Spike, and I, we could form a group called "Alcohol Disposal Professionals"

Hey hey, I don't call it straying. When it's vodka it's called "leaning towards my heritage" And yeah, we're all liable to get banned soon. Like I said last thread, if they have to kill us, they have to kill the drawfags and furries first. King's Bay isn't too bad, but it's not too good either, hah.

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Miho claimed

No tax return money....
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Until the other thread 404s I am going to post bread porn.

>marie rose
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No? But my anxiety shoots through the roof and I get very paranoid.

Rum? Mmmm.
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Tfw no marie rose
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Koko 9.jpg
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Always great to see you! Have a goodnight :)
Well so-rry for considering polygamy as an option
Sounds like a cozy birthday, do you have anything on your wishlist?
Well I know what im getting, is there a specialized waifu making brand?
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happy pats 5.jpg
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Yes, she does.
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Akiko claim

These captchas are beyond stupid
>select all straat name plaques
>shows pic of umbrella
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>im stuffed
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Holy fuck I just now saw the two dollar bill at the bottom left
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sachi claim
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Seemsabout right
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awwwww.....not even room for pizza?? im sorry bun anon
>mfw there were two threads
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Curie claimed.

how are you guys?
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How are you?
Go to sleep.

Not really.

Hello again.

qt <3
>45 minutes
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2 MB, 1936x2592
Do you like?

>Mhw you never noticed
>mischievous hands
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2 MB, 500x375
Thats funny, but nothing can beat this.
Get a fucking life you fag nigger. I'm so tired of all u gay ass weebs but you especially make me sick. U think ur so cool cus ur hand is famous among you degenerates. Why don't u just kill yourself
>45 minutes
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What's up Galko?
Didn't sleep again tonight, too busy coding
> U think ur so cool cus ur hand is famous
Hand is top poplar
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So much pantsu!

Mfw I'll never be in it...

Sailor Jerry, Captain Morgan Spiced 100 proof, and Kraken are my three greatest friends.

Can you make a gun with your hand, Hand?


grass is what ticks me off

Have been for a while. On Hand's side, it's a slower thread, but on the other hand, we gwan get banned.
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Koko 11.jpg
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Nice, what classes are you taking?
Thats true, that frees me up to drink Jeager! haha, and thats true, Id be willing to bet waifu is pretty low on their list. And I actually like King's Bay, its just a bit less smooth in the mornings
>Alcohol Disposal Professionals
Im honored
You didn't get anything!?
>still not in it
Oh well, maybe next month
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images (8).jpg
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>u think ur so cool

Please don't even respond to this lmao
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I think I'm going to call it a night. Goodnight everyone.
Good night! This is the last of my vread porn. Back to marie rose
That is amazing.

I would take a pic but I don't want to put my sleeping wife on 4chan.
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kagami (21).gif
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All the MonMu girls

Until my birthday.

Got $750 spent it in 5 mins.
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Can I? Yes, would you like me to?
>two fingers out or one?

Goodnight, Gourd. Stay beautiful.
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Well happy early birthday.
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Koko 12.jpg
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Hey peachy! Hows it goin?
Heya! How goes it?
Thats what im sayin
Hey! Hows it goin Curie?
Aw cmon, there has to be something that you really want
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Vivian 26.jpg
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So... who are you guys voting for? I'm really just trying to make small talk here.
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no u

WWIII in 45 mins
>And Galkoanon's birthday


I've never seen anyone posting bread porn pics here. You are a cool lad
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Vigil - 253.jpg
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Eh. Nonsense.

Stay chill, Gourd. Goodnight.
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Have a goodnight Gourd.
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getting a little tired. might take a sleeping pill and in a few hours I'll be ready to dream of Curie. until then i am listening to black and thrash metal recommended to me from /mu/.
He literally makes this thread every day. How sad is OP's life honestly. I wish I could have you killed you faggot I'm dead serious if I ever saw u in real life I'd knock ur fuckin lights out.
>get a life
Let's explore that, anon-fag.

>open computer
>navigate to 4chan
>begin to sweat, because trap, ylyl, fur, and gore threads are calling.
>see Hand
>navigate to thread
>post in thread calling OP a fag

Who's the degenerate now?

Goddamn idiot. Go someplace else if you're that fucking sad. Like tumblr or reddit or fj, just fuck out of 4chan.
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Vigil - 00-MAGA.png
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Find a chibi of yourself and ask Hand-kun, he can set you up
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Syndra (99).jpg
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I wont.
Basics of programming
forgot image again jesus I'm tired.
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kagami (15).jpg
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happy early b-day galko, hope it's a good one
i didn't notice either
Forgot to ask: What about you?
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Vermin supreme even though he's not an option.

I meant what I said.
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I never really gave those genres a fair shot. I listen to a bit of death metal. Favourites being
Abysmal torment- dawning new aeon
Cryptopsy- crown of horns
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no laifu.gif
2 MB, 504x279
But the world is already my oyster so that wouldnt accomplish much.
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I'll be here when it happens

busy busy, couldn't catch any sleep again because I couldn't get these codes to work
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im not even sure....ill prolly just move to cambodia or something....
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Im not a registered voter but trump.
I wouldn't use nice to describe that period of my life. My life as it is now is nice. I've people I really care about, I'm in love with someone that loves me back, I've a steady job and can afford to not only pay my own bills and afford to buy nice things if I want them.
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Koko 14.jpg
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Later Gourdo! Sleep well :)
Oh yeah, didn't you spend them on your car parts?
Nobody, I don't pay attention to politics so any vote I make is invalid
Oh is that how it works? Sheeeit
Sweet, what are you trying to do?
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> I'm dead serious if I ever saw u in real life I'd knock ur fuckin lights out.
>mrw this faggot is sadder than all these fucking weebs
But seriously, kill yourself

It's coming.

Thanks Miho.

Thanks Kagami.
>I hope it is too

>35 minutes
Yeah ok implying ur not a sad basement dwelling g fag weeb neckneards who has no real relationships or ambitions in life except masturbate to drawn Japanese underage girls. KYS
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Alright, sorry I offended.
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Vivian 15.jpg
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Me, personally? I don't really like any of them. I don't care for the socio-economics of Bernie, everyone knows what's wrong with Shillary, and Trump is just a little bit too war happy to put into a position of power right now.
I really don't want WWIII guys.
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The car payments. Aint got shit left. And i need new case fans.....fuck.
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I'm gonna head to sleep, have a good day/night everyone.

Happy early-birthday Galko!
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Ever tried rice wine? Saké? Fucking Jaeger, hahaha you mean the alcoholic koolaid? Actually, I don't have a leg to stand on, considering my heritage is Vodka...

I'm not asking for it, but thank you. Buy your wife lots of glasses holy shit if I had a glasses wearing wife that's all I'd spend money on.

I wasn't complaining, still not but...

Just one, plz

Pic related
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>my computer is on the first floor thank you
>im 6'2'', skinny, and white.
>you're totally right about relationships though.
>Fapping to drawn japanese lolis isnt an ambition i already do it
>again the world is my oyster, killing myself wouldnt make sense
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Im going to call it a night. Cya guys
good night kyo, sleep tight and sweet dreams, see ya tomorrow....
This may be the firsttime I didn't mean to upload a lewd. You knkw what this means.

Within 5 posts there will be trips
Kill your gay self
goodnight beautiful

goodnight lewd beauty
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happy pats 7.5.jpg
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She has maybe 4-5 pairs, but most of the time she'll only wear one of them.
Good night Kyouko!

Night Marie Rose

>/waifu/ magic can now predict gets
We are too powerful
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Vigil - 299.png
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Hm. The more I talk to people, the more they tell me this type of rubbish. I'm starting to get worried; They can't all be mad.

Nonetheless, I'm glad that I've stuck around. Really glad.
Thanks Kyouko.

>can we not have 2 threads this time
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im a straight white male
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I just came up with a great idea.
Let's go on

stay with ehre here
guys, lets
you listening?
lets go on the internet
and you ready?
lets go on the internet and shit post
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Forgot pic
Night! <3

- tsuzu
Who is sadder, the guy amusing himself with subjectively stupid shit, or the other guy who for some reason gets angry seeing it and spends his time commenting on it while no one asked for it?
I thought it prior to you talking more frequently. The way you talked to Sanya and such tipped me off pretty hard.

Call it rubbish if you want, though I don't see it like that. I'm glad you decided to stick around, Ruri seems to like you quite a bit. Glad y'all could get along.
>knock ur fuckin lights out
Nice threat dad
Thats too bad, but hey, at least your doing what you want right? haha
Honestly it is the best gift haha, that way you don't have to put on a fake smile when someone gives you something shitty
Remind me, ill have a drink on you!
Well thats a free car payment at least! Right?
Goodnight! Sleep well :)
No I haven't, im down to try em though! Unfortunately my family isn't super diverse in drink choices and Im some months shy of buying my own
>alcoholic koolaid
hahaha Id never heard it like that, that actually reminds me of the only named drink i've had and it was A purple dragon, Vodka and purple koolaid, was my grandpas fav
Later! Sleep well :)
Sounds like a plan


Already have 87 Hilary Clintons in my government. Don't need any more.
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