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Waifu claiming thread. The rules are very simple: >claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 157
Thread images: 151
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Kazuki (2).png
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Waifu claiming thread.

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Kazuki Claimed
kagami claimed
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Fastest waifu on no legs claimed
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meme machine
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rip qbey3.jpg
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Im very used to always save leftovers but i know a lot of people who dislike eating them.
I really dont understand them, sure its not 100% as good as it was the day it was cooked, but the taste is the same and throwing food away is a sickening thing to do.

Also when i eat out i refuse to not eat everything i paid for... "Eat as much as you can" buffets are fun with me.
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Slighlty mentally drained from all the failed attempts at last night's boss
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I did actually. I like it more than 8.1
>10 seems a lot more like Windows 7 than 8.1
Ouch indeed...
then go go, Kill them all!

Chara claimed
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Well you do have Yuno as your waifu...
We could work up the digestive enzymes so you could eat and digest a lot more, maybe help make you immune to some poisons
There is very little difference to seven, so it's alright
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Anyone else's taste is shit.
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mandatory cc claim

waiting for death is always fun
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I need the memes
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Obligatory claim.

I think they need attitude readjustment surgery. You know what to do.

I just jokingly act like 4 & 5 don't exist.
>Man, I sure am glad they stopped making Halo after Reach.
>Gotta really respect Microsoft for not milking the franchise even when they bought it. Instead they decided to explore newer fronts and innovate.
>Fucking admirable.

That really is the upside of playing with consoles, never have to worry about whether or not your computer can handle it.

I'd still like a better PC as well, yeah.

Ahh, alright. Any reason you're just experimenting with it?
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I use Windows 7.
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Well... I do admit killing is fun..
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Rin claimed.

>Lack of sleep? Low blood pressure? Or infinite boredom?
Probably all of the above
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Glad you're doing good. I'm doing the same.
Any progress on that smoke house. haven't asked in a while.
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Ng or ng+?
Saw a good amount of whining about Orphan back when the dlc launched.
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I smell the memes
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Tatsumaki (368).jpg
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On /asp/. People have been asking that the Wrestling general be banned from the board.

Really good, have been looking for some good rap these past couple of days.
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That makes 2 of us, no regrets.
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>Windows 7
my man
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This is my first run through the dlc.. at +++...
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You have a healthy attitude.
>unless it's left over for too long...
I often cook larger meals than I need on purpose and either eat it again the enxt day or put it into the freezer.

>boat claimed
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sachi claim
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Claiming Renge

Been to Italy, Germany, France, Switzerland, England, Bermuda, Aruba, and most of the U.S. Haven't been to Alaska or some of the most northern states like Montana or Maine.
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imma go make something to eat
might not come back so...
bye incase
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My point
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Well, as a poor student with no income a console IS better... in the long run a PC is always better (in my opinion) but hey, I can play FF 7 remastered, FF 15 and Kingdom Hearts since I now have a PS4
when you use Win 7 stay at Win 7. Don't update to 8.1 or 10... 10 is good when you're on 8.1
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sip with madoka.jpg
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I need all the MEMES, the memes to survive.
How can anybody use anything else?
I'm more understanding of MacOS than Windows 6 or 8 or whatever new shit windows they released again.
How big is it this time? 200GB?
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>I often cook larger meals than I need on purpose and either eat it again the enxt day or put it into the freezer.
My nigger
It's the best man. The only one I never hear people bitch about.
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Hello mr
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Can't wait to get the game

Kill them all, Johnny?

How's it going holstaur?



I really hope it is banned from the board. There's so many threads on /asp/. Why can't they just make a general?
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Me too.
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I am stabled mentally I promise!
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That sounds good. Does it counter weird flying Indian food?


>not enough smug
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You're going to have an easier time casue you're in regular ng!
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Tatsumaki (348).jpg
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I use Win 7 for general use and Tails to browse or spelunk the Dank Web.
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The only ones I hear people bitch about is Windows 10
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GoodHeavens!Time for Genocide.png
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>Pic related

So Pokkén is a good game?
Oh yeah, are you already watching the new Season of Jojo?
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Still quietly wishing I could viably keep using XP and MS Office 2000
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I try to never let anything go to waste by giving priority to what was cooked first.

It doesnt happen much but if something does stay on the fridge for too long ofc it earns a ticket to the trash can.

Cooking more than you need on purpose is certainly better than cooking less... you might get unexpected visits that need food or something. Who knows.
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I've installed Windows 10 on my laptop, and it's pretty great. Wouldn't want it on my desktop, though.
I'm looking forward to what'll be possible with the recent addition of Bash in Windows 10.

Just want to know more about Linux, seems like pretty useful "general knowledge" to have, and maybe Linux will turn out to be so much fun that I actually switch to it.

Cise Starr is probably one of my favourite rappers, though that's very biased because he's rapped in quite a few on Nujabes's songs.
This is really good:
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Just bring me the bodies, if I can't fix them, then I get some free spare organs
I said we could give you resistances to most poisons, didn't I?
Oh that started already?
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Shiki 0147.png
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Don't let your goggles blind you, xp had issues.
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Pokkén is great, I just take defeat a lil too personal, but except for that it's pretty fun.
the first 2 episodes were pretty lame, but I expect the third one ot be gr8
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download (33).jpg
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Tats did you say you started smoking again? I've been smoking since I was twelve and if you just want the activity for stress relief you should just get an e cig. No Reddit intended, but it's much cheaper and its delicious. Possibly better for you I dunno.
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That I can do
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yeah, 2 episodes are out yet!
The first two ones were good to get to know the new Jojo and his Stand. Really looking forward to it!
Okay, Pokkén is now on my "to buy" list.
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im bored
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Alright, just wanted to make sure.
When will the operation happen?

>this kid

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Windows 6 lmao. Even mac is shit for gaming, my brother in law has a Mac running windows for vydia.

The question isnt just how big it is, its also how many new glitches and compatibility problems you get :D

I still remember upgrading vista to seven for the first time. It was glorious.
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Doesn't everyone do this? I feel like this is a thing everyone does.

It did, but my life didn't, and frankly that's what I'd like back.

Alright, I'm gonna scoot for a bit

I leave you with this
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>you might get unexpected visits that need food or something. Who knows.
I wouldn't mind a certain unexpected visitor that needs something...
The point with cooking is usually:
Takes little more effort to cook for three than it takes to cook for one.
So it's faster to cook two meals one day than cook 1 meal twice.
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Truly, it would've ushered in the Golden Days of Man.
I totally forgot they made a fifth.

That's awesome!
You've been almost everywhere!
What was your favorite place to visti
Thanks bro!
Maybe sometime tonight?
I really out of the loop
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Atago 014.jpg
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¿Día aburrido? bueno, quizás quieras llamarlo
>"Día tranquilo y recomfortante"

Por mi parte, no mucho que decir, desperté extremadamente tarde y debería de comer algo.
>Por cierto, hay más hispanohablantes entre la gente nueva?

I slept well, hand buddy!
Maybe a bit too much, but it's better than being restless, hehe.
How about you? slept a right amount of time?

Hey, Yuuko, you don't have any work today?
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>It did, but my life didn't, and frankly that's what I'd like back.
Actually I just realised that I had swapped xp and vista in my mind, xp was great.
y'no I only lost 5 matches out of 108 in the story mode, yet I was pretty emotionally destroyed by every defeat.

You know, I once said you had an inferior waifu, then everyone started using the term "Inferior waifu" for a few days and I still don't know wether it was a popular term at the time or if everyone were just following the seductive words of Dio
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I eat way too much fast food
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Tatsumaki (360).jpg
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For me DG are an obvious choice. Kendrick Lamar is also really good. Other than that I guess clipping. and Run the Jewels are the best I can think of. clipping. has been showed to me by another participant of the thread.
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Yes, I'm new
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Alright, I'll be here.

>no milk themed pics

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Please don't wreck my anus over this, but does anyone here still play Hearthstone? I have no friends there.
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Monkey see monkey do
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2 MB, 1366x768

Regular ng?

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I watched the last episode of Grisaia today... the fucking claw...

Also Shiro claimed.
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the only blizzard game i play now is diablo 3
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Yeah, no way a god damn KI can defeat you, the great DIO!
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Yeah its actually been built a little more, our neighbor came buy and put some of the siding on it.
Its going good, how are you?

With titties like that I'm sure there'll be some.
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we call the first playthrough ng
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I have no money and only 8 GB of RAM on my laptop, my options are limited.
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after surgery.png
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See ya guys! I'm going to read some. I might lurk a bit later
My nigga

Alucard is claimed
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One of them was a pikachu

I was devastated, a midget beating my mighty Machamp, an eternity of embarassment!

At least the first two to beat me were a blaziken and a charizard
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Atago 281.jpg
204 KB, 689x717

Shoutout to Shiro for this masterpiece
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>With titties like that I'm sure there'll be some.
A quick search shows some very lewd milk related pictures.
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download (22).png
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>only 8 GB of RAM
And those would be insufficient for what?
I only have 8GB RAM in my desktop.
I ran out like.. twice.
That's cool. Sounds like you're building this more for hobbiest reasons. Nice hobby to have.
If i'm trying to build or fix anything something has gone terribly wrong.

Goodbye beautiful pre-med
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>I wouldn't mind a certain unexpected visitor that needs something...
Check your door in 30 mins, if you didnt shower yet dont worry, we'll take care of that <3

>So it's faster to cook two meals one day than cook 1 meal twice.
This. If im going to cook might as well make enough for more than 1 meal. Ofc you can't make too much either.
(I've made enough rice for 1 week once... Not doing it again.)
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ok im back
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I hope.



Hi Mugi
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I guess I could watch that again...

but not enough screentime
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>Devil trips
a Pikachu... oh boy, that sure is an embarassement...
I would play as a Charizard I think.
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Tatsumaki (117).jpg
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Reminds me of this for some reason.
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I'm not very fluent in the language of technology so bear with me. I think I have some malware and a bad graphics chip. I dunno, sometimes it has a hard time running 07scape if that puts it into perspective. Shit gets hot and slow.
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That's pretty amazing, especially the "storm's coming" part.
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Tatsumaki (147).jpg
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>forgot link
Hate forearm sore so much. But it's all fine

Oh ok

Satanic Muda Muda Muda?

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>Shit gets hot and slow.
Nothing to do with ram, heat is cpu or gpu (laptops it's bit of both)
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By the way, if someone is down to troll a hater, I've got just the thread:
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Is that game any good, thinking of picking it up
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As long as it's not Suicune.
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This will be a tense 30 minutes..

I cook my rice in the microwave oven, lol.
Most people think it's strange, but it's by far the most convenient method.
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That piece of scum!
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Atago 175.jpg
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See >>678684716
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Its perfectly normal for a laptop to have heating problems. I suggest you buy a cooling pad, they are cheap and effective. You can also try having a fan turned on pointing directly at the laptop, trust me this works.

I used to have this laptop that would overheat in 30 mins. but if i had an external fan pointing at it it could last almost 1 day in gaming.
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Wut do I do. I guess it ran LoL okay for a bit. I dunno, I don't think it's meant for games at all
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Kazuki (1).gif
1 MB, 518x234
Dont tell anyone
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Pretty much this.
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That was my favourite Pokémon!
Sorry Dio-sama, but I gotta play as Suicune.

also >>678685582
this is now a waifu claiming thread
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Tatsumaki (339).jpg
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Kind of feels like Daft Punk mixed with Vaporwave for some reason, it sounds real good.
Try this, it's kinda different.
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Shiki 0389.jpg
3 MB, 4923x4923
Some advice has been suggested for cooling laptop, reducing settings and enabling vsync will decrease load and temperatures.

Best solution is to get a desktop.
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That's pretty lewd...
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Wait Suicune. In a fighting game, strange
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Can you guess which one of them is me?

You're talking about this cheating son of a bitch Nicholas?

At least Yuuji didn't molest the afterimage of his dead sister. Because that's totally what I thought would happen once she first appeared in front of that computer.
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76 KB, 724x1023
Gotta leave for a while, see you later.

Forget the 30 mins. I remembered i can just stop time and rush there.

On the microwave oven? Yea thats odd, its not like its hard or slow on the stove.
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Shiki 0129.jpg
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I warned you
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Kazuki (2).jpg
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Im sure he thought about it
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Thanks guise. Can't afford desktop now, and I don't really play games anymore. I just wanna get some Oblivion nostalgia once in a while.
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Dame straight
Multiple waifu having scum
He slaps people with his scarf thing and shoots lazers, very annoying.
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Seen worse, I guess.
Would click again.
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Atago 028.jpg
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Obviously you're "Arthur Chase" because he's hiding his face
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not here
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>Suicune confirmed dr. octopus
Did someone say something?
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Atago 107.jpg
204 KB, 850x1208
>Would click again
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>tfw I'm wearing that same underwear right now
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Tatsumaki (54).png
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That doesn't mean I didn't save it.
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It's definitely different. Not sure if I'm a fan, somewhat mixed.
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I'm not even sure if that would be worse than him french kissing a 9-year-old who calls him daddy, or the time Asako decided to turn the traumatized, underage rape victim/child soldier that was under her care into a sex slave.
File: Hatsuzuki_4.jpg (584 KB, 1006x1440) Image search: [Google]
584 KB, 1006x1440
Not like I'm jealous or anything.
File: Shiki 0440.jpg (1 MB, 1213x2250) Image search: [Google]
Shiki 0440.jpg
1 MB, 1213x2250
Don't be, cowtits are disgusting. Best breast size coming through.
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>best breast size
File: shiro_1752b.jpg (599 KB, 700x979) Image search: [Google]
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I'm sure Yuuko could do much better.

He does a petty bad job though, considering he's in plain sight in every dancing scene.

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maxresdefault (2).jpg
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I like when women with excessively large breasts are depicted with cow ears and perharps horns, while wearing cow-skin paterned clothes
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File: Tatsumaki (364).jpg (384 KB, 850x1207) Image search: [Google]
Tatsumaki (364).jpg
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It's just some /mu/core that I actually like. It's not that that's uncommon, but The Money Store is so overblown on /mu/ that I went into it with a grain of salt, just to avoided being meme'd.

Your's is kinda of unorthodox as well, I dig it, but I don't know if I ecxactly like it per say. I appreciate what they were thrying to do, let's say.
File: 2016-04-03-822991.png (1 MB, 700x746) Image search: [Google]
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Maybe... but it's fun to pretend.
It makes some sense in a shipgirl kind of way, too.
File: 19.gif (2 MB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
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I guess this is happening again
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team flat?
nice meme anon
File: Atago 124.jpg (109 KB, 850x638) Image search: [Google]
Atago 124.jpg
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You have something else going for you, ya know
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1 MB, 1148x1600
File: bullying cowtits.webm (624 KB, 1017x578) Image search: [Google]
bullying cowtits.webm
624 KB, 1017x578
why not both??
>kagami anon
I request sauce
I don't remember that
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