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Waifu claiming thread. >dont ask about the claw The rules

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 165
Thread images: 151
File: Kazuki (1).gif (1 MB, 518x234) Image search: [Google]
Kazuki (1).gif
1 MB, 518x234
Waifu claiming thread.
>dont ask about the claw

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu/husbando
>post pics of your waifu
>one claim per anon
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Kazuki Claimed
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3 KB, 108x125
kagami claimed
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Leader Of Russia.jpg
409 KB, 716x971

Also, I found anime images to use instead of furry!
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1 MB, 980x1200
wew lad
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Obligatory Yuno claim
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heil cthulu
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TatsumakI (286).jpg
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But the claw
>nice dubs
sachi claim
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im not dead

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mandatory cc claim

whats with the claw
>rule breaking intensifies
File: Nina.jpg (132 KB, 1024x768) Image search: [Google]
132 KB, 1024x768
So if I had to go with an anime Waifu, it'd be...
Those are some nasty ass eyebrows
File: Atago 223.jpg (138 KB, 722x1024) Image search: [Google]
Atago 223.jpg
138 KB, 722x1024
Many stand against us, but they will never win
We said we would return and here we are again
To bring them all destruction, suffering and pain
We are the hammer of the gods, we are thunder, wind and rain
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1 MB, 1240x1753
Flat is alright but a bit boring, small to medium size breasts are the best.
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heil cthulu.
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2 MB, 1417x2000
Do you think so?... but it would still be nice to compensate for some.. shortcomings.

>Hatsuzuki claimed
File: meguluckystaff.gif (1 MB, 498x620) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 498x620
The fuck are you guys doing?

You just missed your shot at a megumin claim.
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2 MB, 500x285
I don't want you to die.

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but why not both?!?
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Kanye West.jpg
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Watching it I was like "oh, so they can build a matrix-machine and turn people into computers, but the best prosthetic arm they can build is a fucking Zoidberg". I won't ask though.
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You can have her, Yuno is mine and mine forever
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>seasonal waifu
File: Perfection.png (446 KB, 564x800) Image search: [Google]
446 KB, 564x800
I keep forgetting to check the tread.
Yeah I knew about those.
Kind of, we want it to smoke meat but we're not in any real hurry.
Yeah those.
Why's it sore?
File: db3058.png (4 MB, 2000x1047) Image search: [Google]
4 MB, 2000x1047
Pretty good, I like the Lain image.
File: Milly Be Mine.jpg (87 KB, 719x404) Image search: [Google]
Milly Be Mine.jpg
87 KB, 719x404
A middle ground has been formed.
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2 MB, 1920x1080
You can have her :^)
File: I Just Can't Stop.jpg (86 KB, 1024x770) Image search: [Google]
I Just Can't Stop.jpg
86 KB, 1024x770
After all those years, I'm still a sucker for nekomimis.
You don't understand, Cowtits are inferior disgusting tits have been at war for hundred of years, it is but a sign of superiority, but a sign that we crave to have.

Noone will truly love all breast size, one may say that he does, one may even THINK that he does, but deep in his heart, he has a favorite and he despise every others.
File: Yume01.gif (3 MB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 500x281
>claiming yume

going to bed have a nice day/night everyone
File: Ayame_Kajou_8.gif (84 KB, 600x337) Image search: [Google]
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glasses are the best waifu
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mother fucker get out my thread
File: megumin.jpg (165 KB, 1596x914) Image search: [Google]
165 KB, 1596x914

all season every season
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249 KB, 1920x1080
File: You Can't Have Me.jpg (86 KB, 497x550) Image search: [Google]
You Can't Have Me.jpg
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File: Kazuki (4).png (1 MB, 1024x768) Image search: [Google]
Kazuki (4).png
1 MB, 1024x768
There is nothing about the claw, move along
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seasonal waifu desu.jpg
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how does she text with it?
I mean
But like
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Atago 226.jpg
94 KB, 595x761
I'm the one being ganged up on here, see>>678689522
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why the fuck does no one else chose nepgear?
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I Need A Freak. jpg.jpg
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File: shiro_1820.gif (1 MB, 500x288) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 500x288
Gut das du dennoch geclaimt hast. Schlaf schön!

The claw is a lie!
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242 KB, 566x635

Kek who cares, ass is so much better.
File: Ded.jpg (502 KB, 1280x1024) Image search: [Google]
502 KB, 1280x1024
Because gross.
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11 KB, 320x240
I mean...

Cowtits AND inferior

This can't be some sort of ironic plot twist
Because Noire and Blanc exist.
File: Kazuki (12).jpg (63 KB, 350x350) Image search: [Google]
Kazuki (12).jpg
63 KB, 350x350
What about the other hand?
File: Hatsuzuki_35.png (2 MB, 2000x2000) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 2000x2000
Good night Yume-chan.
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51 KB, 600x528
you cant just claim a show
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1015 KB, 866x891
Mugi eyebrows a best

I'm with you my fellow well-endowed friend.
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Why is she so perfect?
File: Cat Planet Cuties.jpg (133 KB, 1024x576) Image search: [Google]
Cat Planet Cuties.jpg
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i like legs and stomachs personally, but ok
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peace is always the best option.
Kill him off in the name of peace.
File: Coming Undone.jpg (90 KB, 720x540) Image search: [Google]
Coming Undone.jpg
90 KB, 720x540
I believe I can! But I also didn't, no males there.
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Insipid and Ignorant

you disgust me
File: CWL05R9U4AAOI7B.png (413 KB, 600x850) Image search: [Google]
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that would half the speed of texting
im poking holes in your metal
File: Tatsumaki (65).jpg (3 MB, 1500x2000) Image search: [Google]
Tatsumaki (65).jpg
3 MB, 1500x2000
Really good, I'll have to cut it short for now, I'm kinda in the middle of writing something, very slightly important for school.

I'll be off now.
File: Meryl.png (193 KB, 299x506) Image search: [Google]
193 KB, 299x506
Meryl claimed.
File: Kazuki (3).gif (2 MB, 480x270) Image search: [Google]
Kazuki (3).gif
2 MB, 480x270
Keep trying, im sure you will find the answer someday
File: Dog.jpg (152 KB, 1024x768) Image search: [Google]
152 KB, 1024x768
Best Waifu claimed
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250 KB, 852x480
Goodbye beautiful
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fine, u get the title code geass
but i get cc
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File: Atago 111.png (344 KB, 581x739) Image search: [Google]
Atago 111.png
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>Kill in the name of peace
Kill them all and let god sort them out
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1 MB, 1400x1200
Good luck, and thanks for the great music as usual.
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Cana Claimed
File: Humming Bird Raep Time.gif (715 KB, 500x266) Image search: [Google]
Humming Bird Raep Time.gif
715 KB, 500x266
Why do I love her so much, anonymous?
File: image.jpg (149 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
149 KB, 1920x1080
did someone say pickles?
File: Terry The Tiger.jpg (770 KB, 1061x800) Image search: [Google]
Terry The Tiger.jpg
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Good! I want Milly Ashford and her pervertedness!
These aren't real women, just stop dreaming about something that will never happen
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love me some ass
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she's cheating
thats no fun

yea... fuckin have her
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File: I Believe.jpg (70 KB, 561x726) Image search: [Google]
I Believe.jpg
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It will happen!
File: Tenryuu 156.jpg (102 KB, 850x660) Image search: [Google]
Tenryuu 156.jpg
102 KB, 850x660
Tenryuu claimed

What did i miss?
Real women won't happen either
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131 KB, 440x315
So why haven't you guys killed yourselves yet? I'm personally waiting to see WW3.
Because you're 16 and she appeals to your edginess?
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File: Misspelled Autism.jpg (129 KB, 1022x767) Image search: [Google]
Misspelled Autism.jpg
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C.C. a shit
My waifu is a real ship, though.
Wreck, at minimum.
>tfw your waifu is a wreck
File: sachii15.jpg (57 KB, 359x500) Image search: [Google]
57 KB, 359x500
nice b8
what kind of ass you like then anon?
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File: Kazuki (11).jpg (58 KB, 350x349) Image search: [Google]
Kazuki (11).jpg
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Did you expect something more?
File: Kagami.gif (45 KB, 400x500) Image search: [Google]
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thechance that life may become excellent, i dunno
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Indoor rock climbing

Guys I was talking to this chick whos seem to be weird and crazy (one of my favorite type of girls). She sent me that navy copy pasta and more weird/disturbing to the normie. I thought "hey this girl and I could be great".

After talking some more I sent her weird shit from 4chanow without telling her that I go on it of course. She asked me I'm not disturbed by the shit she sent. Said no because I've seen a guy fuck a snake before. She said she wants to see it but I don't have sauce.

She then started showing me screen shots of some dude hitting her up and how she doesn't like it cause he's annoying. Told her to send the nigga the shit I sent her.

She sent me another screen shot and said she got in a fight with her BF because of that.

Fuck I though we were gonna go somewhere being weird together.

Don't know hown else to feel but feel a bit sad. Don't think I've asked you guys this before but help me cheer up please
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u wanna talk to this fool?
im to lazy to do this
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File: Epic Pouting.jpg (49 KB, 1024x768) Image search: [Google]
Epic Pouting.jpg
49 KB, 1024x768
She's a waifu, not a Beyblade!
File: not katawa.jpg (394 KB, 800x977) Image search: [Google]
not katawa.jpg
394 KB, 800x977
what is an women
File: Atago 117.jpg (115 KB, 850x574) Image search: [Google]
Atago 117.jpg
115 KB, 850x574
The usual shit you've seen in the past month
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407 KB, 960x3220
Fear, where would i do it?, not old enough.
File: Chara98.jpg (62 KB, 600x960) Image search: [Google]
62 KB, 600x960
Time limit. I'm killing myself when I'm 25
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229 KB, 385x545
I've never seen the point honestly.
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39 KB, 225x350
Does that make you a necrophiliac?
File: Cream Of Wheat.jpg (141 KB, 300x480) Image search: [Google]
Cream Of Wheat.jpg
141 KB, 300x480
Nigga, it's pronounced "Uno", dumbass!
>Not checking filenames
Because I'm not an impatient little bitch.
Just.. wait your turn.
i was thinking she lost her hand in a epic battle to save the lives of others, but she pulls it of and her hands fine so that cant be it
(was hoping a black dick would be under it just for jokes)
I could if I would but I have no control over who I love.
File: Atago 085.jpg (119 KB, 638x922) Image search: [Google]
Atago 085.jpg
119 KB, 638x922
I'm waiting for the apocalypse so I can play S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Dress-up and shoot liberals all day
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59 KB, 250x250
Knew you'd pop back out for this question.
File: Syndra (36).jpg (681 KB, 768x1004) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (36).jpg
681 KB, 768x1004
Kill me
File: Love Me, Senpai.jpg (158 KB, 300x480) Image search: [Google]
Love Me, Senpai.jpg
158 KB, 300x480
File: shiro_1859.jpg (289 KB, 530x700) Image search: [Google]
289 KB, 530x700
This is what happens when you meddle with the 3d-chicks. Cheer up, you still got your waifu!
File: Sabrina.jpg (153 KB, 300x480) Image search: [Google]
153 KB, 300x480
My NIgga

Good taste.

A nice firm ass.
File: Kazuki (14).jpg (20 KB, 250x250) Image search: [Google]
Kazuki (14).jpg
20 KB, 250x250
It was just a prank
File: Chara1.jpg (216 KB, 1000x1276) Image search: [Google]
216 KB, 1000x1276
I'm way to predictable, huh?
File: Ancient Egypt.jpg (139 KB, 343x480) Image search: [Google]
Ancient Egypt.jpg
139 KB, 343x480
File: Tatsumaki (213).png (888 KB, 1255x1657) Image search: [Google]
Tatsumaki (213).png
888 KB, 1255x1657
Life's too good to end.
File: Juri141.jpg (205 KB, 997x998) Image search: [Google]
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>Pursuing a 3DPD
Well, what did you expect to happen?

Why are you waiting for WW3?
File: DSQGaly.png (358 KB, 723x1000) Image search: [Google]
358 KB, 723x1000
Not strictly, the ship wasn't alive to begin with.
It only became alive later.
Bit of a fringe case, I guess.
maybe she's sending you some subliminal message by saying she got in a fight with her bf, ask her if she'd like to go to lunch sometime i dunno, i wouldn't take my advice though
>kek, crippling loneliness
File: Tenryuu smiling 16.jpg (276 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
Tenryuu smiling 16.jpg
276 KB, 500x500
Don't forget to say "Cheeki Breeki" all the time.
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20 KB, 240x528
File: Nintendo 3DS XL.jpg (149 KB, 300x480) Image search: [Google]
Nintendo 3DS XL.jpg
149 KB, 300x480
Just means you're honest.
File: Tying Up Loose Ends.jpg (167 KB, 304x480) Image search: [Google]
Tying Up Loose Ends.jpg
167 KB, 304x480
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508 KB, 561x900
File: What.jpg (38 KB, 450x504) Image search: [Google]
38 KB, 450x504
File: Wide Screen.jpg (1 MB, 1280x1024) Image search: [Google]
Wide Screen.jpg
1 MB, 1280x1024
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File: index.jpg (9 KB, 167x301) Image search: [Google]
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Claiming Rin
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File: Kazuki (1).png (205 KB, 300x450) Image search: [Google]
Kazuki (1).png
205 KB, 300x450
It was just a social experiment
File: Chara35.jpg (185 KB, 1100x1500) Image search: [Google]
185 KB, 1100x1500
I don't think it's always good. Like when it comes to killing yourself
That*s not a 3DS XL...
File: deus vult47.png (242 KB, 512x582) Image search: [Google]
deus vult47.png
242 KB, 512x582
>tfw there is a new Muslim at your workplace.
File: shiro_1818.gif (692 KB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
692 KB, 500x281
But isn't it that shipgirls are the souls of warships reincarnated as girls? And if so, wouldn't the ship need to be alive in order to possess a soul?
File: Nigga.jpg (732 KB, 1280x1024) Image search: [Google]
732 KB, 1280x1024

You sure about that?
File: Chara2.png (349 KB, 500x498) Image search: [Google]
349 KB, 500x498
Means you're doing a good job
File: Syndra (76).jpg (225 KB, 800x1400) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (76).jpg
225 KB, 800x1400
End him rightly
I fucked her in that game

then I stopped playing that game and started questioning my life choices


Why would I be playing a cripple dating sim when I could just be masturbating?
File: shiro_1819.jpg (21 KB, 306x306) Image search: [Google]
21 KB, 306x306
Not a 3DS.
Nothing XL in the picture.

I like the pantsu though.
File: Vigil - 145.jpg (244 KB, 741x840) Image search: [Google]
Vigil - 145.jpg
244 KB, 741x840
You know what you have to do.
File: Atago 064.jpg (300 KB, 850x1203) Image search: [Google]
Atago 064.jpg
300 KB, 850x1203
I'll scream slav at my liberal victims and watch them struggle to comprehend what the fuck a "A NU CHEEKI BREEKI IV DAMKE" is before I fill their heads with lead.
>good times
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300 KB, 1280x720
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>Why would I be playing a cripple dating sim when I could just be masturbating?
so tru
File: R3RE2GV_comp.jpg (1 MB, 2048x2632) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 2048x2632
No. I'm pretty sure it say so nowhere.
Besides, they are Japs. In Shinto everything has a soul.
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378 KB, 719x719
Very optimistic of you.
That too. Life's just gotten so stagnant.
Why 25? 40 Sounds good to me.
Going out on your own terms I guess. Some people also just want the release from the fast pace and pressure of modern life. I see why people do it when they're drowning. I don't know if I'd ever take my own life, but I can see why people do.
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55 KB, 512x512
2d waifu
better than lying about it and doing it anyway.
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2 MB, 206x223
Throw it in the oven

File: tmp_20150-Jj61795881178.png (307 KB, 638x513) Image search: [Google]
307 KB, 638x513
What's the claw?

No it means that I am doing a horrible job.

I wish I could but ''laws'' prevent me from doing that.

I think you got the wrong person.

>crusader anon
Starting with trips
thats 3d anon

>not doing both
Thread replies: 165
Thread images: 151

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