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yeah i'd say i'm a pretty nice guy too

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 245
Thread images: 151
yeah i'd say i'm a pretty nice guy too
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stairs do my homework
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If it is not math homework, I am not interested.
With the exception of physics stuff.
Please do not make me do trig identity proofs.

I keep them stored safely in a (You) bank to ensure they do not get spent in poor taste.
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images (12).jpg
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holy shit you're boring

I don't take math courses anymore
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you only need math until you're done getting high school credits with them
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>not taking courses any more
You are not having fun anymore.
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>knowing what fun is
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>claiming math is boring
>has not taken calculus
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i took calculus for the credit but i've forgotten it all by now since it was irrelevant in my day to day life
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>claims I'm not having fun
>has never spent his Wednesday afternoon sitting crosslegged on his bed listening to Pet Sounds while rain gently hits the window because only one class today
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If you go by that logic barely anything is
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words bruh
eat, shit, sleep, repeat
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It's the idea they convey that is baffling.
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Bino (125).png
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>sitting around
>doing nothing
>not thinking about upcoming tests, research that needs to be done, papers that need to be revised, presentations that need to be polished, and projects that must set up
>all while never doing homework
Literally deprived.
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stairs could you do my differential equations test for me tommorrow
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You're very frustrating.
god told me it was the right thing to say
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Bino (131).png
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Laplace transforms are literally free test points.
God has poor job prospects then.
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Bino (122).png
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Also Eisen: (You) too.
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yeah, it's a surprise that he apparently made the universe and shit i guess if that's what he's saying
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I don't think i've gotten to that yet. Lecture notes stop at integrating factor method
Integrating factor was like, taught literally the second week when I took DE.
Is this some kind of "Concepts of DE" seminar?
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just chillin.png
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give me your lunchmoneys you nerds
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Only if you can solve 5 mathematical problems of my choosing.
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Where the hell have you been?
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I've been busy and uninterested in threads.
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No I guess its just the beggining. We started on second order DE's yesterday but I don't think its coming on the test
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And you think we'll take you back after just vanishing for so long? Think again!
you guys have no idea how lucky you are to even be going to college
submit them, i'm curious
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Bino (106).png
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What is your class called?

What made you wait?
Pretty overrated experience.
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I'm such a fucking waste of potential
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mathematics 1
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Help, I'm covered in pussy.

you aren't alive
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That's fine. I'm just waiting for my dinner to finish cooking before I settle down to play Dota or something.

What is 5+5?
you aren't lucky to be going to college unless someone else is covering it completely without taking out loans
I didn't wait I started into College when I was 16

Life got in the way and I quit. Now I'm left with no degree and nothing to pay for it with.
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Bino (85).png
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What is the real name of that class?

Y-you too?

well, i already knew that
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th (23).jpg
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I still have no idea what you meant by that.
You are doing boring shit.
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Why don't you help them do unboring shit
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maths 1b*
I do not care; I was elucidating.
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Laplace transforms are pretty neat for solving differential equations
Don't look... pedophilia
>11 weeks of some algebra and calc
I'd kill myself
I'm glad I get to take calc+physics and discrete math instead of having to do pure calc
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I have never heard of that way of organizing courses.
That is weird.

I mean, I am only in my first year.
What do you expect?


Though sometimes I use auxiliary equations if I am asked to use transforms to solve a bvp.
I feel like a dirty cheater afterwards.
>when you squat down and your balls touch the ground

what does that have to do with anything?


when you squat down and your balls touch his balls because his dick is in you and you're gay
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Bino (62).png
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Gen eds are boooorrrriiiingggg.
what no
physics calc is garbage
pure is nice
but I'm a top
I thought this was your second year for some reason.
you mean like number theory?

upper dimensional polytropes are pretty cool
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must be an european thing


i guess I don't need to use them for now unless they make it a lot easier. But the integrating factor doesn't seem that hard anyways
yeah sure
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you just watched the new numberphile video, didn't you
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like duh man, you think i go to school?
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Integrating factor is just a nice way of introducing the method used to solve exact DEs, assuming the reason why the integrating factor is e^int(P(x))dx was not proved to you.
Unless you are doing the full way using Mx and Ny and stuff.
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Laughing squidgirls.png
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stairs should still let me "[gently shift his values]"
What do ya'll use for namefagging?
the kids even a bespectacled mexican


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Bino (90).png
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Does that require being entirely dependent on someone for resources just because he will "take care of me"?

The who what?
not necessarily
you're a capable guy you could do things on your own
it requires you being entirely dependent on someone because you simply could not imagine it any other way. after all, you want to be a good boy, right?


i do not even know their use, just that they exist and someone cares about them a lot.
why are you posting woomy
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I think there was something about e^mx for second order df's yesterday where m is a parameter that needs to be determined
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Nothing to He-ho about.gif
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It was the first laughing reaction image in this folder.
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snuggler is very protective of his waifus
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Bino (97).png
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In the case of second order DEs, assuming you proved it to be "exact", if I remember correctly you would either set up the integrating factor to be exp( ∫ [(My-Nx)/N] dx), or exp( ∫ [(Nx-My)/M] dy).

Is that what you are referring to?

I am a strong independent dog boy who do not need no man.

Depends on what being a good boy gets me.

That is pretty deep.
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I defiled that bitch from Azumanga Daioh and he did nothing.
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it is probably because squidchildren are younger


being a good boy gets you lots of special touching, attention, and affection.


you could be an upper dimensional polytrope...
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Woomies do not become waifus

they hunt for mates
They are also terrible.
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in turn this is why the rare spaghetti shota is a prized and valuable thing
yeah but you want one don't you
why is he crying
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I don't think it is. Auxiliary equation is the name of it. its just a quadratic equation with m's
I splatted him.
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Bino (74).png
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Oh, yeah. Yes. That one.

T-that is acceptable.

I am not an astrophysics person, so I would not know.

At this point it would only be a distraction, really.
At least from what I figure.
Looking at your gift gives me respite every day.
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but he's such a young squid
a distraction from what though
He can never learn to be a real turf warrior if he doesn't start training young.
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Just to be clear, I sent him a Rocket Raccoon figure. It is not something lascivious.

and i'm talkin like super special touching, the whole eight inches.

i do not think it is astrophysics.
pics of figurine
boy these sour patch kids sure burn my mouth
his innocence though
you've destroyed it
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The one on the right end.jpg
1 MB, 2592x1456
Turf War is only his beginning. I'll shape him into Inkopolis' finest one day.
Besides, that's why he's on the bed. I'm to nurture the wounds I've inflicted.
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I dunno.
School, life. Important things.
Plus I would rather not have to deal with it ending while I am focusing on my studies later on.

Eight inches of what?

It is literally defined as a solution of the Lane–Emden equation.
that is a HUGE head
That's Funko Pop's gimmick.
what important things
is school really making you happy

eight inches of hot man meat

math sure whatever

i'm gonna be sad when you get a job and stop posting here and only talk to your math buddies about math and do nothing else

oh, i see. does it watch you sleep?
The shelve's too high, but it's nice to look at it when I get up.
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you could have saved him from the horrors of war

why do you feel so strongly about rocket raccoon
His comics are well written. It's not really a husbando kind of thing.
who is your husbando

i thought he was only in that movie? who writes the comics?
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Bino (49).png
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I do not like to look at it as "what makes me happy," but rather "what makes me not want to quit everything". It is more truthful that way.

Eight inches of gay.

>he is demolished as all he finds that all his references connect to some form of mathematics

That suggests I will get that far.
It is great to have dreams, just so long as you do not believe in them too much to where you make foolish sacrifices.
what if I said I could make you happy
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Evening brus
I want to touch women's boobies.

you are already making foolish sacrifices. it's cool though that you feel so strongly about one thing that you can devote the entirety of your existence to it. those people generally find life pretty easy, if their special interest is marketable to some degree.
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Bino (5).png
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>it's cool though that you feel so strongly about one thing that you can devote the entirety of your existence to it
I do it out of self- coercion.
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I want to watch men's booties.
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I would ask to elaborate.
Atomic Robo.

The movie is based on a book which ran from 2007 to 2010 written by the Abnett and Lanning duo. There have been stories featuring Rocket after that date, but they are either garbage or they just imitate the movie.
nibi's like an unevolved pokemon, but one day he'll be a big strong gay blastoise that unleashes seminal destruction upon tiny charmander ass holes


it's cool that you can lie to yourself so effectively about studying something that's marketable.
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i didn't know that. you seem to have a lot of rocket raccoon paraphernalia. is there any other character you are so attached to?
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does that mean I can have luke
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Do you guys have a discord group
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Whatever that means

No I like gurls

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1 MB, 1250x967

why would you even want to be a part of that


yea girls with penises and big asses and no boobs
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have a nice evening and sleep well you guys

ill be taking 8 hours nap now
Joined a shota discord yesterday and it was nice, so I thought a furry goup might be even better
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i'll touch you in pleasant ways and say nice things about you and make you eggs in the morning
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Discord is gay.

At least I'm not a woman!
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Gross, you have a penis.
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Bino (148).png
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I like what I do.
I just am setting myself up for failure by thinking I can be successful past undergraduate studies without a 4.0.

How does that make me happy?
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1 MB, 2592x1456
The Fantastic Four are pretty cool, particularly Thing.

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have you tried it
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what made it nice?


just huge asses and really strong ass holes and nice balls and cool flat chests


you really ARE good at lying to yourself


is HE your husbando?
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Penis is the only way.
No, I've just said it's Atomic Robo.
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why not
he's blossoming into quite a handsome young man
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>That wonderful taste of what might be poo.
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oh, i did not see. do you feel the same about america in general?
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Surpise deluxe
You're too gross for him.
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Was easier to talk with people. So do you have one or not?
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Might as well kill myself.jpg
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No, I like boobies!!!!
and vagina, cus vagina is cool.

The same?

not that i know of. what did you talk about?


man vagina, aka the butt hole.
I am perfect for Luke.
you have my condolences


a strong sexual attraction to america and americans, or whatever you feel for atomic robo
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You are super yukky.
Oops, srry
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n-no... take that back, please?
I see. Nothing in particular, it is just a means of social interaction, somewhat like what you guys seem to do in these threads already. Though a proper chat interface is more convenient.
Le max has been reached
Sex vaginas, yes.

Nono, like I am being real here.
It is an accurate method of valuing individual worth. I have the gpa I have because I deserve it. If I was actually good I would not have such a trash gpa. Anyone who argues otherwise is probably just mad they have it and deserve every bit of it.

it would be inconvenient, however, to post images through a proper chat interface, because those are usually not made with that purpose in mind.
Can someone tell me what this type of creature is called?
Furred dragon. The artist is adjot, he has a lot of them
Actually it was no worse than here, where you could preview or download the originals. Plus there is an infinite history.
Thread replies: 245
Thread images: 151

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