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Get in here

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 266
Thread images: 151
Get in here

i have the learned opinion of a phd backing me up.

You know it to be true.

Uh... I don't have an American fetish, I don't think. It just so happens that most people that I've gotten close to have been from America.
well then how can you discredit it so quickly
You are yukky and uggo.
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I am. He even asks me to FUCK HIM occasionally.
Vaginas are the work of the devil.
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thats not funny...png
389 KB, 600x558

why do you think that is?


i'm crying, please, nibbler
I'm off boys, have fun
fuck me darwin
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Seems like the logical result of only talking to Americans.
Actually it was no worse than here, where you could preview or download the originals. Plus there is an infinite history.
They are 100% amazing

Thats what you git for saying I want to put my penis is males. Yukky
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Max (125).png
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Phd in what?

Because it is fake.
Esa es la mierda que hace que me vaya a medicar.
how can you say that
will you try it
just for me

why do you only talk to americans


i suppose people find no reason to sidegrade. there's also a nice tempo when replying is not instant.


you're hurting me so much



which is ironic because most of his work is data manipulation, he just has to understand what all the data is to make use of it
>give me one reason why otters arent the best
>protip: you cant
They are 110% unpleasant.
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GOOD. I replace the absence of sex with the pleasure of hurting others.
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The people from here.

i-i'm so glad... that i can give this... to you


so it is by happy chance that you predominately are sexually attracted to americans
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Max (123).png
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Yeah but he is really good at what he does.
Poor argument.

If you really knew me you would know I rarely eat breakfast.
I suppose
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Have you EVER humped a vigina?
it's important for your brain and body
you should eat breakfast
I will feed you breakfast
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Ah yus, your pain reinvigorates me.

he's said multiple times you do not have to be good to get a degree

whether that is self-referential, i do not know


weeps quietly into your chest fur
I'd have to have been within 10 feet of one without vomiting first. And that'll never happen.
or not*
I guess, I wouldn't use the word chance. If you only meet people from one place you can't really expect anything else.
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i mean, you could always go outside
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Max (106).png
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I am not talking about getting a degree, I am talking about getting a degree and not having it be a waste of money because regardless of whether or not you have a degree you will never get a job because you are not good. Some fields are not as competitive as others.
You can suck at math and still get a degree in it if you wanted to. What is going to happen, however, is you will find yourself jobless and without income as you wasted your money thinking you could do something you are not good at, and convince people you are worth more than the guy sitting next to you with a 4.0 and other stuff even if he may be of the same skill level.
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Everyone look at the crying gay, look at him and laugh!

Wow! Ew
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Max (124).png
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What are you up to?
More like this? Also where can I find more adjot?
taking care of you because you are worth it
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i dont wanna go outside.png
168 KB, 299x432

seems like there would be a lot more openings for mathematicians than biologists, what with the rapid expanding of engineering and technology.


he said as he softly nuzzled the crying wreck huddled on his chest

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I hate computers and the smart people that can use them
I know! Vaginas sure are terrible.
Just kidding. I go outside all the time for college.
What're you lookin at?

well i never.

ever consider talking to people while you are outside?
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Max (87).png
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You would be surprised.
There are more mathematicians and biologists than there are jobs probably, so there is still huge competition. If I did not actually suck at everything math and physics related, I would probably stand a chance.
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Psh, as if id let anyone get that close to me.

wow, no.
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Max (92).png
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Besides that?
does there need to be more to it
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Max (104).png
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But anyways. Dom what are you doing?

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Max (60).png
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Were you not going to stream something?
I could stream somthing
do you want anything specific
One day you'll realize the superiority of the cock.
File: 1444785004559.gif (2 MB, 720x383) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 720x383
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across te 8th Dimension
The Omega Man
Dark City
Logan's Run
Trancers (I-V)
The Raid 1 and 2
The Ice Pirates
The End of Evangelion
Crank 2 High Voltage
Eric Andre Show
Escape From New York
Evil Dead (2013)
Fantastic Mr Fox
Good Eats
Law and Order
Home Movies
Moral Orel
Naked Lunch
Office Space
Palo Alto
Speed Racer
The Big Chill
The Darjeeling Limited
The Graduate
The Last Days of Disco
The Trial
The Virgin Suicides
The Royal Tenenbaums
Maniac Cop
After The Fall of New York
The End of the Tour
Blade Runner
Kino's Journey
Look Around You
Max Headroom
Panty and Stocking
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Repo Man
The Hidden
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Todo lo que quiero hacer es tocar el culo
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Max (20).png
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I was just wondering since you said you might earlier.
Do you have any plans for tonight? Or like, the week or something?
is what I have on hand
I would have expected you to put Prometheus at the top of that list.
I thought I had plans but it looks like I'm wide open
why do you ask
do you want me to fit you in somewhere
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Max (107).png
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Why are you trying to include me in all of your responses?
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me right now

reading a conversation i am not a part of

also i made a smoothie


but IM that close to you RIGHT NOW
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stream blade runner
you're the only one I'm talking to right now
plus if I quote you you'll respond and it'll make me smile
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Max (56).png
23 KB, 97x157
Do you play any vidya?

Is it saucy?

What kind of smoothie?
I have been known to partake
did you have any in mind

well, it got saucy. before it was simply engaging in the way a cool book or tv show is.

a homebrew recipe, it's for a specific purpose

also tell him to play morrowind
File: 811c1dd4b92938de5d10cb2777f06a8d.jpg (164 KB, 1024x1280) Image search: [Google]
164 KB, 1024x1280
I use my cock to fap, so I guess thats enough.

Gross, dont touch.
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1 MB, 1075x1200

do you have gifs of the other two anim's fuzzamorous posted earlier today as well?
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Big balls are the best

i am touching your tail
What a deeply intimate photo

It's making me depressed just thinking about the poor soul that drew it.
Only one, but is an awful game.

Play morrowind.

Saucy enough to put in your shake?

What is it for?

I have to transfer my copy to my computer
but okay
but then I cannot play with you
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Max (61).png
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I am the absolute worst to play with.
There is a reason I only do solo queue.
>he selected every square of the captcha
There you go, touching your own cock is good practice for touching others'.
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Its so fluffy, isnt it?

what? i don't understand. it's saucy, they're touching each others tails and ears and stuff, but before they were talking about cool magic books and books that are NOT garbage.

it's for uh, well, uh, it is a nutritionally complete "meal" with a lot of fiber in it.
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1 MB, 1280x942

and such a pure... beige? white? ochre?
I could think of a few fun games we could play
I would argue that the top-left square was only street sign support structure
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I should. It's hard to find them in my folder, though, which is kind of weird because it's like my smallest folder.
That is pretty saucy.
What defines a garbage book?

Your diet consists of homemade meal replacement shakes

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Why are you depressed?
you would lose

did you convert them to gif yourself?


well apparently to some, above-average-but-perhaps-not-great-and-incidentally-directionless defines a garbage book, but i disagree. the first three were good, if not excellent.

my diet consists mostly of homecooked meals, incidentally of takeout on gift cards, and is supplemented by smoothies which enable me to have almost as much anal sex as i want.
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Yeah, you're probably right.
we could play house or doctor or something
Lots of that! An endless amount of that!
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why are you lurking anyway
How many lemons could a Lemonfuq fuck if a Lemonfuq could fuck lemons?
I wasn't lurking, I just logged on to say what I said.
logged on to my 4chan Premium Account™
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Max (132).png
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So basically any game that involves physical contact?

First three of what?

Right, right. Hence the ton of fiber.
Those smoothies really help that much?
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you logged on just for me
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Brilliant whites and greys
Logging in.
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Kinky fox.jpg
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This is literally what I see when I see this bullshit. kys animal fuckers
yes david-senpai
I didn't know house involved physical contact
regardless do you object

Game of Thrones.

they do, but it is 100% due to the 10g of Psyllium Husk i put in, which can be had with just water. like i said, it is a nutritionally complete meal i have in place of snacking on random garbage.


you might need an eye exam, friend
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Like a billion

Wow, rude.

You know nothing of gross. Except vaginas.
will you stick around if I stream something
you know I enjoy your company
It looks pretty full. I don't Think we can all fit.
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Nope. Just straight from e6. I didn't even name them like I do with all my pictures.
We'll fit. Trust me.
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147 KB, 1280x946
Women have told me I am gross.
>Keep Yourselves Sexy
Thanks, you too. :3

someone is quick then. thanks.
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this little asshole.png
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i know your secret
reminder: nibi is very attractive
If you say so.
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Max (134).png
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Oh, that.
Yeah I never followed with that stuff so I have absolutely no idea.

What is wrong with snacking on random garbage?

What would house even involve if not physical contact?
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makes you fat

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you are so lewd
it would involve cooking and cleaning and balancing checkbooks
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do you want to play house with me
stairs is being shy
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I say so.
Tell them they're gross back. You're not gross.

Tell me, because I don't know.
I think he thought you meant House MD.
play house?
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>tfw I dress up cute in bed
>hands in panties
>penis cums everywhere
>big cleanup
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>tfw no qt bf to fuck like this and cuddle with afterwards
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Max (91).png
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That is why you eat moderately.

bbl yourself.

Knowing what I know you would not be satisfied with just that.
no no that was playing doctor
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There's a difference between playing a regular doctor and playing House MD.
what would satisfy you
would you want physical contact
it's a playful way of saying cooking and fucking
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Max (25).png
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That fine ass of yours~
I don't have fistfuls of vicodin though
you mean like a proper relationship?
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Ok, here I come.
so that's a yes then
but pretend
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Max (33).png
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Just eat smarties and pretend.
why not
do you dislike cooking
he likes ramen
but pretend sucks
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Max (45).png
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I am awful at cooking.
I can make like, macaroni and ramen.
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Max (85).png
41 KB, 208x278

>tfw no bigger bf top to make you feel inferior, but love you in spite of it, so you let him use you until he's satisfied.
well I could cook for you
is aezin embarrassing you
we can cook together, i could teach you
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a match made in heaven
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eventually it won't be
but pretend makes things easier at first
He really isn't.
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that sounds nice
filthy homosexuals
delete this
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Max (54).png
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Pass. I do not like gifts.

Who even are you?
>>675555575 I'm ready.
They'l get their black/beaner bf to shoot me then probably.
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it's not a gift
you will be repaying me with goods and/or services later
have no fear
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Max (53).png
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And Eisen is not embarrassing. He is just being Eisen.
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>criticizes me for not doing enough work
>calls me a nerd

you're frustrating
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Ive gotten a bit of both, so im going to go with... Average.

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Max (55).png
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You know you like it.

Those "goods," and "services" are mutual gifts. Thus it is still uneven.
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>Human cock
Fucking newfag
what if you do them at the same time
or rather do me at the same time
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I'm the new guy just trying to fit in
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very much the opposite actually.
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Max (35).png
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Snuffles this is really gay.

That is your denial in action, bb.

Suck his dick.
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that sounds perfect for you then
I'm glad that we worked this out
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if that makes you feel good inside
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I dont like nigs or beans
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Max (138).png
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Want me to return the favor?

Good doing business with you.
you're not really a lemon
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A dick is a dick.
It 's a really tight fit.
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check my trips
alright you should assume the position now then
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Now you're being disgusting.
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It feels best that way.
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Max (97).png
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I do not get paid enough (You)s to do such a task.

I shall assume the position of sitting on my bed fully clothed while typing.
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502 KB, 1920x1080
black desert online is fun

also fuck my recruiter's boss for not calling today
i was looking forward to that shit
snap me a picture of it
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3 MB, 3000x3000
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Max (5).png
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1 MB, 1600x1800
do you play with coffee, he plays it a lot
here I'll just pretend that my body pillow is you then okay
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890 KB, 604x964
i gave demos all my (You)s
Absolutely not, dicks are never disgusting.
Hey chaps, never posted in a gfur thread before but here goes.

Basically I have been fappin to gfur for many years, since i was 15-16. Before then sfur and straight stuff, now a mixture of gfur, sfur many odd fetishes, dickgirls and so on but only if it is drawn, cannot find real dicks or trans/herms attractive.

Yet I do want to get fucked and fuck a dude, but can never imagine myself in a relationship with one and find the male form unattractive.

Any advice or wisdom to part?
all your (You)s are belong to me
So now that we're all in your car where do you want to go?
Yes they are if they're on a nigger.
all of me loves all of (You)
Try pegging
I would let a cute furry femboy sit on my face and shit in my mouth tbh
Thread replies: 266
Thread images: 151

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