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Waifu claiming thread. >Cant stop,wont stop The rules are

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 184
Thread images: 151
File: Syndra (67).jpg (642 KB, 720x1080) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (67).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.
>Cant stop,wont stop

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Syndra claimed
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Fastest waifu on no legs claimed
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21 KB, 480x360
Marie rose claimed
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Shiki 0533.jpg
671 KB, 1198x1381
Shiki claimed
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Graf (40).png
709 KB, 1008x1500
Best German Cv Claimed
ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer!
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Tenryuu 117.jpg
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Tenryuu claimed
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1 MB, 1936x2592
Obligatory claim.
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Lili claimed
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Syndra (56).jpg
237 KB, 630x840
As i was saying
Well im not much better. I'm only rank 2.
>Mostly because i don't care much and i don't have time
I know I've asked shit a thousand times. But

Does anyone have plans for the weekend?

>drinking tonight with some friends

>working tomorrow morning
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ebola chan17.jpg
140 KB, 462x579
Ebola Chan Claimed,

Well I have to go, got work in forty minutes
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yo im the one and only D O DUBBLE G
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Ruby claimed for Ruby-anon

Still great

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I read your text before seeing the pic

>no panda bear
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Graf (47).jpg
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Well in my country we dont need any plans for the weekend cause we drink everyday
>Strong Vodka
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Let's make some conversation, shall we?
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I claim this imouto before I go to sleep.
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ur waifu is shit.jpg
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Is this the same guy who always claims Syndra every thread?
or is it different people
Mao claimed
Hand-kun. We need some OC from you.

Grab a pen or pencil with nail clippers please
File: Teto-187.png (816 KB, 1000x1300) Image search: [Google]
816 KB, 1000x1300
>tfw you now spend all of your time posting in the Telegram
>tfw everyone who talks to you is also there
I've fallen into the Telegram trap.
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Syndra (31).jpg
227 KB, 800x1376
Still good old me
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105 KB, 339x321
Watching animu until my eyes bleed
What did you have in mind?
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4.10 rear gears finally installed in my project.
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>Both waiting for you and making sure nobody steals her
Awww, you're so cute Emi!
>T-thanks so much. You're a good friend
>Pic related. It's for you

Playing round 2 now. I'll lurk when I eventually lose Kek

File: Stocking12.jpg (1 MB, 1680x1050) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1680x1050
>Best goth waifu claimed
>Sorry I had to leave for personal reasons

I'm alright thanks.
Gonna drink my weekend away after a long week

Heh, don't pretend you don't want to look at me <3
Come here~

I don't think anyone can disagree
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Fair enough. What's your favourite bodka to drink?

>>674787927 trying
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Sanya Claimed
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No Teto pls. We don't want to lose you! Think of the Reich!

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Graf (22).jpg
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No one invited me and Syndra on telegram
And hi Teto
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dood i just got done dl:ing the OVAs for SnK and might do some o that eye bleedin stuff myself
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How do I into telegram? It's set up. Where do I go to /waifu/?
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Syndra (52).jpg
53 KB, 576x1024
Mind adding me ?
Im gonna try experimenting and drawing people.
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Claiming Holo
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2 MB, 1920x1080
You just wait, you'll be amazed by my creativity and chatting skills.
>How are you?
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Sounds like you have alot of spare time.

Good for you man, enjoy it. You (probably) deserve it
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This Marie Rose costume can't be bought for DOA5 anymore
This greatly annoys me
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I'm about as good as the polar ice caps right now. How about yourself?
>> Not using waifu syndra skin
>> Not owning Snow syndra
gtfo fgt
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This is why I'm against such things.
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2 MB, 1200x1884
rawr XD ~~nuzzlez~~ :3
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167 KB, 966x827
Captcha is being a bitch right now

Darjeeling claimed.
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I'm as good as a slug who found a shell on Tuesday.

>you amaze me
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1 MB, 1936x2592
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How to Telegram?
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Syndra (5).jpg
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Snow syndra is shit, Even justicar is better than that. Original skin all the way
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Belvedere Vodka.jpg
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>The best imho
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maxresdefault (2).jpg
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Thst would be the only skin I would use if I played

>school girl outfits are hot
File: Tenryuu 102.jpg (53 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
Tenryuu 102.jpg
53 KB, 600x600
A wonderful song

You never fall in the trap. But still: Those threads need you.

It's not like we never asked you guys...

By just adding me, asking me and hope that the Admin of the group is online so we can shitpost 24/7.

>rawr XD ~~nuzzlez~~ :3
I just puked a bit

Everyone who wants to join our wonderful shitty Telegram group should just write a message to @Tenryuu and hoping that the Admin is online.
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451 KB, 1000x667
Kendrick claimed
>inb4 no 3d girls
File: Teto-500.png (1 MB, 816x1158) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 816x1158
You're right.

One people, one country, one leader! Hail Reich!

I'm pretty sure someone in the group has to invite you. Post your @username and they should send you an invite.
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142 KB, 500x500
No need to thank me! It's what friends do, right?
>that pic is so damn cute, I can't even

>Come here~
N-no! We know things happen!

Oh fuck, I haven't seen the OVAs. Well, now I know what to download next...

Only now, in a week or so, I'll have to study like a bitch. One's gotta give the spare time some good use!
>PAnda bear
Those are 2 different characters doofus
If only she was still great in the games too
Spent years mastering Lili and she is just a B tier
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370 KB, 684x1000
they seem baller AS HELL
File: Stocking02.jpg (736 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
736 KB, 1280x720
Highly agreed!
Since I can't though I use use her regular Gothic Lolita outfit or this one: >>674788077
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>You never fall in the trap
No, I have. I know that I don't talk to you guys much, but I have been spending every free moment talking with Stocking and Roseanon.
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23 KB, 240x245
I am fully aware they are 2 different characters.

I'm just disappointed you didn't pick the panda bear lili
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1 MB, 924x1336
wild sex
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images (9).jpg
7 KB, 300x168
I'm not really a vodka person, more of a whiskey and beer person.

>crown royal
>bud light
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File: deus vult.jpg (128 KB, 960x686) Image search: [Google]
deus vult.jpg
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Crusader Anon here.
Reminds me alot of Gaige from Borderlands

Anyone else getting the same feel?
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Asking 2.jpg
29 KB, 500x500
Then you have fallen into the trap..


The german spirit
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Syndra (44).jpg
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*Deus vult intensifies*
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This is still my regime, Crusader anon.
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Gaige was my favourite char in Borderlands 2.....a wonderful game. Tiny Tina DLC was the best
Not really X_X
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138 KB, 409x619
What's your favorite games for waging the holy war in anon?
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37 KB, 206x300
I can think of a better crusader
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>It's what friends do, right!
Right! S-still... T-thanks...
>Ruby a qt. Emi a qt too
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Shiki 0340.jpg
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Don't make me laugh
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688 KB, 664x714

God damn it.

Recently Crusader Kings II

0/10 didn't fight Muslims in the holy land.
>tiny tina dlc

That was the one inspired by Dungeons and Dragons right? That dlc was funny.

Badass crater of badassatude was probably my favorite dlc. The commando being my favorite character

>oh how many times I killed Pyro pete. Must be in the thousands
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Pax vobis friend
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Syndra (9).jpg
138 KB, 709x638
You know.... we could always..... noone will notice
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78 KB, 600x1080
It's not supposed to matter which Vodka you drink.

Sounds like headaches.

Clear spirits are the best the best the best the best the best the best the best ad infinitum

How's it vulting Crusader-kun?
File: Graf (20).png (959 KB, 1200x1500) Image search: [Google]
Graf (20).png
959 KB, 1200x1500
Graf Zeppelin on telegram
>Shoud be ok ?

>Fucking CAPTCHA
File: Vigil - 50.png (411 KB, 1000x800) Image search: [Google]
Vigil - 50.png
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To thy name give the glory, my brother.

Deus Hoc Vult.
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87 KB, 225x350
Glad to know you like bears.
I'm fine, thank you.

>On Tuesday?
Explain your reasoning behind the idea of said slug.
I'm fortunate enough to not get hangovers or headaches from drinking.

> this ability infuriates my friends haha
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2 MB, 1920x1080
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deus vult2.jpg
15 KB, 258x195
Peace be with you too Anon.


Very vulting.

Thank you fellow Anon.
File: Vote for syndra 2.jpg (166 KB, 1024x576) Image search: [Google]
Vote for syndra 2.jpg
166 KB, 1024x576
Lets discuss that watermak crusader
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1 MB, 2592x1936
>Ifunny watermark.

Is mrs. Bug eyes still lurking?

What about st (alk)ocking kun?>>674788699
I found it on Google Images.

A coup? I am not against that idea.
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292 KB, 500x678
i-is it too late to stake a claim?
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one day the heathens will fall and our empire will reign eternal

a comfy empire with waifus and blackjack
oh and peace and Mr. Domine and whatnot
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628 KB, 1496x1936
Only takes like 2 seconds to crop out the water mark.
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deus vult3.jpg
58 KB, 960x540
Forgot image.

That sounds great
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54 KB, 258x185
Don't worry. Good ol marie rose got your back
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721 KB, 455x252
What's the best type of slug
Where do you grow bananas?
>the tropics
What is making the tropics hotter?
>global warming
What's causing global warming
What did man think of Tuesday long ago?
>The greeks considered it an unlucky day.

My logic is undeniable

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images (3).jpg
8 KB, 195x259
Nope! Come join us
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253 KB, 2048x1365
a genuine question: are you weeaboos even aware of how pathetic you are?
also what's with the faggot posting his hand all the time?
to emphasize he'll never have a girlfriend? cause that's already obvious m8
File: deus vult4.jpg (33 KB, 546x512) Image search: [Google]
deus vult4.jpg
33 KB, 546x512
That is true.

Thank you Anon.
>posting on /b/
>calls other people pathetic.
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770 KB, 707x1000
man i cant get over how good the LISA soundtrack is been listening to it for three hours now
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Good afternoon anons
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347 KB, 600x853

hows everyone?
File: Syndra (66).jpg (431 KB, 691x870) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (66).jpg
431 KB, 691x870
Its never too late
Great, were should we start?
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1 MB, 1784x2592
Friendly reminder that you're also using /b/.

Spring hits hard.
File: Stocking03.jpg (54 KB, 570x570) Image search: [Google]
54 KB, 570x570
I'm still here!
Kinda just lurking right now
File: Graf (8).png (323 KB, 500x707) Image search: [Google]
Graf (8).png
323 KB, 500x707
i mean @GrafZeppelinn
File: deus vult5.jpg (69 KB, 500x417) Image search: [Google]
deus vult5.jpg
69 KB, 500x417
You do know that most people here aren't weebs right?
We're pathetic for spending spare time on the exact same website as you, just utilising it differently. Aight
File: 1378394545108.png (247 KB, 705x861) Image search: [Google]
247 KB, 705x861
gj being the biggest loser in a waifu thread you big ol dummy

here have some hugs for the emotional pain that comes with being ridiculed by people like us
File: Hatsuzuki_35.png (2 MB, 2000x2000) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 2000x2000
How exactly are you any less pathetic than the next?
You're still a damn monkey in a suit.
So you're huge? Rich? 18 inch dick?
Still pathetic.

It doesn't even matter if you're relatively more or less pathetic than anybody else.
Even if your poop doesn't smell it's still poop.

Waifus on the other hand?
They are awesome.
File: images (8).jpg (11 KB, 300x168) Image search: [Google]
images (8).jpg
11 KB, 300x168
Pretty good. I might be getting off soon though.
Going out with a couple of friends
File: why-anon.png (715 KB, 799x491) Image search: [Google]
715 KB, 799x491
I'm not implying you're pathetic for using whatever site
you're pathetic for having a waifu you fucking waste of space
give my condolences to your poor parents
File: Stocking86.jpg (65 KB, 700x700) Image search: [Google]
65 KB, 700x700
I have to go for around 20/30 mins
>If thread hits limit, some kind soul claim stocking for me please <3
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269 KB, 837x815
Yes i'm constantly reminded thank you.

Shit poster really like you.
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2 MB, 500x267
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friends? water those?
waste of doulbe-dubs
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2 MB, 510x285
Here is your (you)
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1 MB, 1936x2592
>Improved grammar
Did I strike a nerve?
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images (2).jpg
8 KB, 300x168
>dual traded carpenter and welder
>living in $800k home
>pathetic waste of space
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153 KB, 400x683
>Will do <3
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I gotchu fam
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99 KB, 285x500
can do, someone might beat me to it though
File: deus vult6.jpg (63 KB, 500x636) Image search: [Google]
deus vult6.jpg
63 KB, 500x636
You probably did.
I would kill myself if I ever fapped to anything animated
File: Vigil - 00-MAGA.png (535 KB, 677x865) Image search: [Google]
Vigil - 00-MAGA.png
535 KB, 677x865
>ignoring troll

We haven't seen much of bug eyes, stocking, and hand kun. These threads move slow without you guys. What's up?
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65 KB, 338x450
Card game already over, Ruby?
You're missing out
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393 KB, 500x946
then i sugggest to do so / fapping to something animated that is, its great
Didn't mean to tag someone in that post. Sorry. My bad
you're all so detached from reality that you can't even get off to a scenario where there's you fucking an actual girl cause deep down that's how incompetent you feel
File: Ruri83.jpg (45 KB, 436x750) Image search: [Google]
45 KB, 436x750
I'll do it, qtie.

What did man think of Tuesday long ago?
>The greeks considered it an unlucky day.
Fatal failure, Yuuko-san!
>Tats is greek.
>Tats isn't here right now.

Good afternoon!
How are you?
Maybe you should try having a waifu some time. You can have a waifu and still be an active part of society. You spend your spare time on 4chan jerking off to traps anyway.
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1 MB, 1936x2592
Thread's going sort of slow, just curious to see what else he has in his pocket.

Just not in the mood to really talk.

And my friends are calling. I am out of here. Unless. Maybe. I might come back later. Drunk

Later everyone, have a good day
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37 KB, 960x720
I usually don't post when i think the thread is going fast. I thought there were enough people here talking even if it is mostly taking bait.
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deus vult7.png
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See you around.
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You have preference, you claim her if necessary

I just wanted to say that Hana's cutscene is easily the best in the game

cya! Have fun!
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141 KB, 850x574
Have a nice night out Anon.
not projecting, I just like seeing all these furry and weeaboo threads and feeling better about myself for not being that pathetic
you all need serious help, alongside your friends bronies
File: Syndra (60).jpg (1 MB, 1000x1500) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (60).jpg
1 MB, 1000x1500
Goodnight. Enjoy your normalfag night.

mai plz
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deus vult
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oh man you´re making me jitter posting that

oooh the feels im gonna have to play it again one of these days

its just so time consuming you knoiw?

i mean its like what six hours per route at least?
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1 MB, 1936x2592
See you later.

>Taking out self-loathing on others
Keep going, newfriend.
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deus vult8.jpg
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>Calls everyone in the thread a weeabo.
You don't know these people Anon, stop judging the book by its cover.

Ave Maria.
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2 MB, 1481x1773
maticore is still best waifu.
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>being this pathetic
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6 KB, 256x144
Haha. Guess I'm also guilty for taking thw bait, huh

I'm out the door, in my car. This really will be my last post
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>comparing us to furries and bronies
like yeah thats real accurate you dingus
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there is no such thing as a best waifu, unless they dandere
hahahahaahha you think you're any different?
my fucking sides are out of this world
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It's just like religion, there will always be extremists, same thing with athiests.
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Anon there is a very big diffrence between the people here and Fur-fags and Bronies.
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Yeah, 6 or 7 hours depending on the route and how fast you go. Hanako's and Emi's routes feel the shortest to me, and Shizune's and Rin's take forever.
>Hana was the last one I replayed
>So cute
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>my fucking sides are out of this world
Glad you're having fun.
stick around anytime, anon.
Furries enjoy looking at homosexual animal-humans participating in sexual intercourse with each other. They wear animal suits and fuck each other at conventions. Bronies are obese neckbeards that masturbate to a show about pastel coloured ponies, a show aimed at female children aged 4-8 years old.
good job comparing it to a religion
that's how important waifus are to you seriously cringey people. thanks for proving my point
okay, and now take a look at anon's pic
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your sides are the award winning game from '91
that revolutionized the action adventure genre forever? oh wow im a huge fan!

i could just blow you aaaaaall day
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best waifu.png
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this thread has a worryingly low amount of manticore.
I used Religion as an example since everyone would understand what I am talking about, and as stated earlier there are extremists everywhere, in Sports, Media, Military ect.
Unfortunately you're trying to make a sweeping generalization. Would you be disgusted if an individual were to marry an amputee in real life?
they´re all so good i loooove it
your point?
Are you implying there's anything wrong with amputees?
That character you pointed out is a 19-year-old amputee runner from a dating-sim, hardly anything which could be considered for 4-8-year-olds
it's not a generalization, it's a fact that all of you are in love with cartoon characters
fapping to cartoon characters
c a r t o o n
c h a r a c t e r s
and if you're failing to see how pathetic that is
you're even more pathetic, I'm sorry
Unfortunately you are still making a generalization here. You're implying that each and everyone of us has the sexual preference to cartoon characters over actual women. I'd hope that the majority of the the people in this thread would disagree here and say that they prefer real women.

If you want to be disgusted, go to a trap thread, or a furry thread, better yet, go and visit /mlp/. If you really want to go to /d/ and hate on them for jerking off to drawings.
man trying psychology on /b is a hopeless effort you know that right?
I didn't even look at the whole picture, don't care that she's an amputee
my point is that's she's a cartoon character little girl
all of the people you listed are pathetic too, but you're no different than them
and the actual definition of the word waifu points out at you all being delusional cringelords in love with cartoon characters
and the fact that you're able to feel something to cartoon characters makes you pathetic
if you can feel something for real women too, that doesn't change much
If we're able to feel something for real women more than we do for a cartoon character I fail to see the issue. For the most part, people pick a waifu based off of their favourite character from the show. Nothing more, nothing less.
furfags and people that jerk off to traps probably feel stuff to real girls too
does that make them any less cringey? no
Although their preference is most likely traps and furries. For the most part, we prefer normal women over 2D cartoons.
I'm pretty sure you now realize yourself how thin your excuses are
let's talk again when you stop fantasizing about cartoon characters
You've gotten to the part where you no longer have any actual points to make and resort to calling us pathetic, cringey fags. Not all of us are so sexually deprived that we feel an overpowering urge to talk shit on other people who aren't even posting porn.
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