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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 183
Thread images: 151
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Which are you most concerned about?
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I'd be the one cooking. I'm the chef in the family.
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Just don't mix up the answers with the ones from your poetry final and you'll be fine.
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where do you expect you're going to use calculus in the real world?
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Very many places.
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list some that have available jobs openings
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Integrating tons of dick.

I'll channel my inner fag to ace poetry.
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Oh. Well as long as you're a good cook, it'll be delicious. How long you been cooking for?

Just gotta know those needlessly intricate integration techniques. It's stupid they make you do so much of that, I can't think of a situation where you'll ever have to use trig-substitution
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I honestly liked trig subs. This exam is nothing but series, I'm not too too worried.
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Even if you don't use it directly, understanding the concepts is pretty important for hundreds and hundreds of STEM careers.
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It is useful to understand how a power series works.
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I haven't yet. it's because most software you use just iterates instead. unless you're like a frontier scientist then i don't think you need it in the real world.
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Started working on my degree off and on for 5 years now.
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It depends how you define "real world" I guess.
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I did too, but looking back I feel like we could've spent our time learning something more worthwhile. Series are dope, though; they're everywhere

Even then, I don't know any theorist who'd not just plug a hard integral into Mathematica or something. Especially considering at that point you're probably going to be evaluating it numerically, which would be plain retarded to do by hand

Oh cool, a soon-to-be professional, then. Always liked chefing it up, then?
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most everyday jobs, even in STEM fields don't need calculus as often as you think.
How are you today Kaybe?
Cool Snarf, what's your major?
What would Asriel's soul smell like?
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Determining maximum anal capacity, why do you think the CEO of Bad Dragon went to college?

There is value in teaching content for the point of preserving it.
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I love the cake decorating competitions. But honestly, due to a back injury, I may not be able to work full-time in a kitchen.

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I guess ill just rot here tonight, because R6 is fucked.


apple cobbler
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You're right, there sure is. But they've got kids doing tons of and tons of integrals and picking up tricks that are kind of cool to know, but don't really help to have 100% memorized

You actually do those kind of things? That's pretty cool stuff. That sucks about your back, though
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Spent the last 15 minutes trying to get a match.
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For the scientific and engineering ends of mathematics it's used fairly often. I know that people aren't breaking out reference books in their day-to-day working lives, but there's a certain level of importance to at least knowing basically what's happening to the numbers that you're entering into software to do the mathy stuff for you.
Kinda ornery.

Hey butt sniff anon. Having some type of crisis?

I don't know enough about him to hazard a guess.

i could not even join a party
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Ahh that's right i remember you being a Baker. So what do you learn in Uni you can't learn in the restaurant?
It's ok. you could do some push-ups and squats to feel better.
I know that, but you don't need to stress over a test of calculus is what i'm trying to get at. unless you really need to for your chosen field.
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I am upset.


i was pretty upset too, really wanted to play that game tonight. i hope me brushing your tail right now improves your mood.
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Looks like the only pics I have left of the gungerbread house I had to submit to a competition for my baking class final is the Santa with a shotgun I made for it.

Was a shame, the royal icing I used was too fry, so the day of the competition, I arrived to find a lot the piping on the walls of the house had fallen off.
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Whatever, im shit at it anyway.
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I guess I just didn't understand even a little bit that you were getting at that.

who do you usually play
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or i should say, which characters
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Well, I'm trying not to sexualize him. And, I think I got enough answers on what his butt may smell like. So... now I'm trying to be curious of other things!
Rainbow Six
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That's pretty neat
Well i thought you'd might actually do it now that you're just here.
same, i'm just chilling on warframe right now. no gym today.
grass right? ask yourself what his breath smells like?
sometimes Smoke or Chaunka/Buck or 186Thermite
Pretty nice! Must've taken a lot of practice to get there
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I say go ahead and sexualize him. Diverse curiosity is good though.

Oh, okay.

I went for a walk, it was nice to see everybody outside walking and riding their bikes. There must have been a few dozen kids playing at the park. Warmest day in months.
siege or division
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I do not like you trying to "motivate" me. Its like you are some rancher growing bitch bottom sex slaves.
You play on pc or console? Pc fan boy here
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:D Are the trees about to leaf up? Spring is great for positive change.
you're assuming things again. i'm not a sex slave rancher.

ah, the russians. i delight in ambushing people with tachanga, but usually i play pulse. but on offense i play almost everyone except iq.
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Soonish I guess. Spring is fine. The bugs will be back though.
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Not really, just kinda jumped in and made it. First time using modeling chocolate.
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I dont care, you're a dick.
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Whenever I play Chanka I get shot in the face.

you must play secret man tachanga and hide in plain sight, then shoot through puny doors as invaders punch them
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How'd the spring cleaning go?
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Eric 4.jpg
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Kaybe, you don't need to be afraid of bugs.
Well I guess it's talent then. Either way, you can make some cool stuff
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It never works. People always know.
Living room tomorrow
Cleaned tub
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you must BELIEVE
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>wake up
>still tired
fuck everything
Are you out of things to say?
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That's never stopped me before.

Is that your autobiography? I like it. Succinct.
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I wish I had pics of the zombie elves he was fighting off.

You should see mom's living room. She hired movers to take all the crap from the old house over, and they piled it up in the living room.

well i did not want to say "i've never really had problems with it and usually get two or three kills and escape with my life" and you seemed uninterested in receiving tips on stealth tachanga.
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I tried tf2 again
5 outta 5 games were shit.

So about humping dat rump
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i should take up cocaine or something
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They're your friends, Kaybe.

i am so sorry for you

i had a lot of fun defending my home from a soldier as a soldier, with both of us using only the market gardener
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The only time its ever worked is when the map is "House". When I put the gun right at the front door, break the door and hope the enemy team spawns in the front.

perhaps i will have the opportunity to provide an example some time. usually i look to see where the robots come from, and place a gun and shield in front of the main door from that direction. ive had the best luck on bank with it.
Would've liked to seem them. Well I'm sure they were cool too
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Projecting much?
Just bugs? cause we got the most annoying fly's here during the summer.
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Surely it couldn't make matters worse.

I don't treat my friends very well.
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Ive tried that, twitch repelled to one of the windows and shot me in the face.
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Eric hiding.jpg
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You should treat them with kindness.

did you ever try again
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Do people get their junk caught in them, or what?
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Whatever happened to you saying I have a 1/2inch dick?
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What a qt arachnid
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just as well, cant afford a coke addiction anyway
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There are a lot of things that I SHOULD do.

1/2 inch was generous. Learn to take a compliment when it's given.
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Eric being spooky 3.jpg
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No, we went 0/3 and the clan of 3 said we were shit.
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Eric back.jpg
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Treat the little critters with love and understanding. They just want love.

have you ever considered trying again
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n-no. I mean the flies that fly around annoying the fuck out of summer BBQ's. There's a shit ton of them here.
That was a long time ago mate, I forgive and forget.
I mean he's got all that fuzzy hair. How could you not like him?
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Nobody can for very long.

The things that we want in this world are by no means guaranteed.

Bugs suck. The heat really tries its best to be worse though. The summer isn't the best of times.
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No, why would I do that if it lost us pathetically?
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Eric fangs.jpg
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Well, he is a cold blooded killer.

But they're so cute, Kaybe.

to improve, or to have fun.
I do not.
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fucking brains man
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That's true, but fortunately it's not mutually exclusive with being cute. Pic related
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You can have them.

What you do behind closer doors is your business.
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I dont improve, I think there is something wrong with me.
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i just want mine to function properly

it is probably that you give up after failing once
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Eric 2.jpg
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He's my little tough guy. I was thinking about getting some sort of lizard.

I do have them. Everyone should have them.
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There is no reason to keep doing something if you fail it. It only takes one fuckup.
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What does properly mean to you?

One part of that is true.
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Eric 3.jpg
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The everyone should have them part?
That'd be natural addition. The intersection between tarantula owners and reptile owners is pretty large

Wish my living situation permitted either of them, or really any pet for that matter
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anime is not real.png
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you are tr0lling me
That's pretty pessimistic
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awake, alert, focused
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I'll leave that up to you. It's part of the fun.

Coffee seems to work for some people.
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The next few pets I get are going to be Madagascar hissing cockroaches, another tarantula, and some jellyfish.

Leave the bugs to me to bring to you?
And you wonder why you say you have a bad personality.
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it kind of does and kind of doesnt
it also has a crash effect
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I'd love to get jelly fish. I've seen some aquariums of them and the small desk ones look really cool.
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Everybody gets theirs, but I dont get mine, so fuck everyone else.
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Eric hiding 3.jpg
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Yeah, I'd like to get one of them that are big enough to hold a couple of them.
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You have a lot of work to do.

I mean, a healthy lifestyle would probably help, but we both know that's not going to happen. Time the crash.
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Thats cute
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Sound like pretty cool new pets. I'm curious, how much do each of those tend to go for?
i suppose a short cycle ride might put me in the mood to do things

no... you
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Do you live somewhere that it's daytime?
That doesn't sound healthy
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You will get yours, just work for it. your not a girl that gets handed things.
Do you know if they're hard to keep alive?
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Go for it muchacho.
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might cry
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Ive worked enough, all I get is broken noses/bones, spit in the face or filth that try to walk all over me. Im tired of it.
I am so done.
Dont care.
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Peter Lorre 143.gif
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I mean, it's not difficult to get bugs. And transporting them would be simple enough too.

The roaches are only a couple dollars each, the set up is really simple too. A tarantula, depending on the species and size can be completely free or upwards of 100 dollars. Jellyfish are expensive, it's like, 500 dollars for the full set up and the jellies.

No, they also seem to be a low maintenance pet. Like, you only need to worry if the filtration system on the tank busts. Other than that, you put some food in when you need to and leave them alone. And it's not like they produce waste since they eat microscopic plankton.
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im cryin now
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I bet you're a big crier.

Maybe you should reconsider your job as a human sidewalk.

I'm glad that you won't be too taxed.
Im not playing this game with you
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Move to new city, start over, hang with a better crowd. There are millions of other places to be, you're not tied down to anything. if you don't try anymore you must have some cash saved. Go move and re-invent yourself.
Surely they much produce some waste.
*pats back

gnashing of teeth'll cost you extra


why not?
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Ive switch professions to professional dick
Sorry to hear that. What happened to you?
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Private investigation is sort of a legitimate career. I can see why you get beat up so often though.
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>you're not tied down to anything.

Also im too retarded/autistic to survive by myself.
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Peter Lorre 7.gif
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I could probably even just mail you a box of darkling beetles.

They don't produce bulky waste products. Essentially they're like living filtration systems.
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Because I know its a way for you to make fun of me. I can spot that shit miles away now.
For what they're worth at least conversation-wise, I'd say that's a fair price

it is an attempt to include you in something at least marginally positive.
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Email, even.

He doesn't need another vector of attack, Nibi, he has more than he could ever possibly get to in a lifetime as it is.
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Im pretty sure Dick Tracy was just a loonytoons skit.
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Peter Lorre 6.gif
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I just think they're really pretty and fascinating to look at.

I'll text some roaches to you.
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I should of saved a collage of all the people telling others they are wasting their breath because im a waste of time.
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Really?? Are you by yourself now? none cooking cleaning for you at all?
ahh right. maybe i should read up on jelly's first before i buy a tank and stuff.
I try all the time, and i won't stop.
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Today wore me out.
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Dick Tracy has very little to do with it. A private investigator has been a dick for longer than that.

Attach a smiley face so that they're in a good mood.

He just wants to play with you because he's lonely, Nibi. Help Dom help you help him.
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But it didn't break you.
Did it break you?
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I am financially illiterate. I can cook and clean for myself just fine.
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Peter Lorre 93.gif
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I'd recommend researching any animal you're considering for a pet before getting one so that you know what you're getting into and will be able to provide it the best home possible.

If I email you I'll put CUNT in the subject line so you'll know I'm serious.
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It was worth it though.
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Hey there Luc. What's got you so tired?
Have you got massive debt or something?
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Think of it like a fetish. An elaborate joke makes people much harder.
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i am loving this of

to be fair you try very very hard to make sure the less stoic give up
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341 KB, 1024x1000
Just had a ton of shit to do today.

I got some nice items though so it was worth going.
Something to that effect.
File: anime263.jpg (353 KB, 692x544) Image search: [Google]
353 KB, 692x544
I'd hate to receive an email that wasn't serious. I might even delete all those poor bugs.

Make the big buckaroonies?

Oh, I do think of it like a fetish, have no fear in that.
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387 KB, 750x500
Well, I ended up making money rather then loosing it so that's always good. About triple what I spent.
And we wouldn't want that.
As do I. Thanks for sharing
Hey, $3 is $3. Congrats.

The royal we.
You injured someone in a car accident didn't you? with no insurance cover you've been ordered to pay their medical costs. you being in the land of the free the cost of health is stupid high. forever putting you in debt?

Right on. get your package?
I dont have a car.

what is good, exactly?
That filth stop bothering me.
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