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faggot is a bad word, please don't use it thanks

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 204
Thread images: 151
faggot is a bad word, please don't use it thanks
this guy gets it
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Yep. Tested it out. I was able to remove a 40 pin chip in about 5 minutes. That's with me having to redo a few legs.
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Care to share the reason?

are the filthy ones only the ones that give up?
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And that usually takes 2hrs?
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Drink bleach, furfag. Emphasis on the fag part.
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It really depends. I personally suck at chip removal.

I'm happy because it saved time, but also the board was left without damage and so was the chip.
Worst, most forced character
Are you challenging me to a goat competition?
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What would his horns smell like?
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Good, I don't know if I could handle that kind of carnage
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Peter Lorre 3.png
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The editorial.
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both you and i could, but we must think of the civilians
Undertale, Homestruck, and Steven Universe are all utter degeneracy. I hope you kiddos are ready to hang when the day of the rope comes.

Other than that, enjoy whatever kind of RP or chat thread this is.
really good post
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Well with the time saved you can start exercising now :) Welcome to the club!
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Peter Lorre 238.gif
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Is Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment degeneracy?
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My mother refuses to let me get a licences.

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Indeed we must

Tsardom-era allegorical works are automatically degeneracy
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you again, faggot
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Drat, i thought you do it this time.
Come lift weights and get a buff chest and arms.
You live with her still?
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>this guy gets it up the ass regularly from his beastiality-bum-buddies
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Peter Lorre 210.gif
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Yeah, Nihilism is degenerate. But Dostoevsky is so good.
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I use to do that.
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Pick it up again, be a buff daddy for league :)

quite a thing to get
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I injured my shoulders so that kinda put an end to it.

I've only heard good things about him. Yet to actually crack open Crime and Punishment; it's sitting on my shelf right now
the brothers karamazov was a chore.
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Have you gone and done some physical therapy on it since?
can't afford that. Just did chiropractic until it felt better
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How'd you hurt it? What's the prognosis?
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Peter Lorre 79.gif
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I've only seen the Peter Lorre version. Notes from the Underground is one of my favorite books though, and Demons was pretty great, Kirillov is one of the all time great fictional characters. The Grand Inquisitor is also very very powerful.
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car accidents.

And they said I should avoid lifting.
nie bate
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How long ago was it? Have you tried to start it up again just progressing slower?
That's just because USA doctors are scared of litigation. Do some body squats and push ups again. Listen to your body and see how you feel.
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I don't remember how long ago.

And I rather just avoid aggravating it again.
dont be a faggot come draw le epic doge may mays
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Could just devote all of your time to leg pressing.

i remember doing several sets of pushups and planks a few months ago and feeling like i was going to have a heart attack for days afterward. i am never working out again.
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Fuck you and your Asriel bullshit
Skelebros nigger
Suppose that explains the Peter Lorre avatars. I think once finals are done for me I'll try and get back into reading

My heart was never really into it anyway. The bonemen are nice, I agree
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skeletons are acceptable
Well, I'm a big fan of Peter Lorre's films in general. M, Casablanca, and The Maltese Falcon are all fucking brilliant.
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Do you aggravate it doing normal things?
Do you still have full range of motion?
Bigger legs = bigger thrusts :)
That's because you stress your body after not doing anything like that for ages. your body was shocked so it said fuck that's painful. If you did it again 2-3 days later, you'd be in less pain than before. as your body is more adapted to it. you keep going and then you don't fell that same pain anymore.
Just keep going.
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Checked skely dubs
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and I do now.
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no ! ha ha ha

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I don't think I like the association of Flower Goat with Furry Threads that is happening.
Blame that one goatboy poster
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Fark you must've been in some accident.
What about swimming?
my dub dubs speak truth.
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Second one totaled the car.

And maybe.
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I'm cancer and I know it.jpg
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No, no, no filthy casual
THESE are doubles
Faggot is not a bad word.

Bad people use perfectly good words to mean hurtful things.

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Fair enough, those are some quality films
Nah bruh this is how you get
The Man Who Knew Too Much is also great. Stranger on the Third Floor, Arsenic and Old Lace, and Mad Love are pretty good.
Shut up, furfag.
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Geeze. How long were you out of action for?
Well i don't know what to say. you've need to be your own man or something, it's hard to gauge your situation as i don't know when your serious.
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Couple of months with some flare ups here and there.
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I feel like I've talked with you about old black and white films before, around 6 or so months ago. Turned me on to Jacques Tati, if I recall right
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Damn that sucks.
How's your BF these days?
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Post your butt.
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A bit choked with not a lot of options.
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Still looking for an apartment.
Wait a minute, aren't you OP?

I've heard rumours about your sexual proclivities!
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Peter Lorre 145.gif
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I don't think that was me. I am not big on any French filmmakers except Jean Melville. Also I don't typically talk to anybody about films.
Artist please? This is pretty hot
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Sorry man i don't want to post my fat ass yet. i need to get my BF down. It's heading into winter now so i'll be bulking again soon.
Thanks for constantly asking though :)
I understand, but just remember that you can always ask for help.
Still no luck huh? Does it have to be in Cali?
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It's where his job is at.

Couldn't find anything back east. At least he's got something now out here.

Plus I'm here too.
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Then take him in.
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I wish I could but I can't,
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No room or something?
Oh, maybe it was someone else then. Guess you just sound similar

Well it's getting late for me, I should probably get going. I enjoyed the conversation
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Pretty much.
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Peter Lorre 310.gif
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See ya round.
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Night mate.
That sucks. Well tell him i said hi and to do his damn exercises.

Good night guys.
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Okay. You're a bundle of sticks.
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go back to /mlp/ you closet fag
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More people should hang themselves. Especially gays.
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Wow, you really are bored tonight, huh?
Fuckin queer antelope
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Fuckin' A
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Just found this kids facebook page. Is alive and was in a vegetative state but has made some small improvements. Really sad though. Really feel for his family.
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Pretty much
you're all alone in here
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It'll be alright, man.
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Oh good, now I'm bleeding out my butt
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Why's that? Any pictures?
what did you do
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Happens every once in a while when I do buttstuff. My skin's already thin from irresponsible actions when I was a young teen

Also gross, Kaybe
ur a fag
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Have you mentioned it to a doctor? What actions? You're gross.
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Serves you right
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Am I late?
I would see a doctor bro. Could be something bad, or fixable.
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Never have, but probably should. I've just kinda been dealing with it for six years or so

I put some stupid things that didn't belong in my butt in my butt when I was younger. Didn't think plastic injection seams could do much damage

Am I a bad person?

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how are you

it's k
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I would... uh... mention it.

That is one vivid picture. What plastic injected object was it? A big GI Joe?

It's not k
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How is everyone's night/morning?
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Where r u Kharkiv cat
Fighte me
boring, yours?
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Started 3/10 but it's working its way up to a 6.
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boring as well, decided just to stay home today

How're you doing?
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Cmon hun, tell us more about your cutie patootie
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I've thought about it a lot, but my insurance isn't really that great. It's also more of a nuisance than anything, as far as I can tell. Granted I'm not a medical professional, so I guess that opinion's pretty much worthless

Yeah I should, I just keep putting it off. That and it usually patches itself up in a couple days, but it's probably not smart to ignore

I honestly can't remember what caused it in the first place. Might have been a small plastic bottle or something

Aside from the aforementioned brokenness, I'm doing alright. How're things on your end?
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Females are still the best.

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How come?

They're fine, I'm just kinda groggy.
I needed a day off
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"Me" days can be nice.
Compounding variables.

Things like that can sneak up on you, a lack of insurance really shouldn't hold you back.
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Wait what?
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Too awake. I slept from 7-9. Woops.

Ahh shit I forgot that not all countries have healthcare like Aus. Probably just ask then whenever you have to go next and double up in the one appointment I reckon.

In the meantime you could try adjusting your diet. Maybe up your fibre and have some probiotic pills for awhile. Something totally different could be the root of the issue. I know two close spaits of food-poisoning fucked me up pretty good.
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Have work, cant sleep.
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Ok Asriel.

Sorry Asriel.
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Unless you've got some specific fetishes, I'd question your ability to call it cute at the moment

Anything in particular making you feel that way or was it just one of those days?

You're absolutely right. I think at this point I've just deluded myself into thinking it's not a big deal, regardless of whether that's true or not

Well like I said, I'm no expert, but considering this has only occurred after putting things in my butt and I eat tons of fiber anyways, I've got a hunch it's not my diet. Could be wrong, but that's speaking from a few year's experience
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Ehh kinda had a shitty day at school yesterday, so I decided to just stay home today.
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Deal with it faggot.
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Go away asshole
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But I don't even know who you are.
And you probably don't even know who I am.
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Is that how you greet your friends?
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He clearly knows you're an asshole.
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Maybe I'm a different asshole than the asshole he speaks of.
Jare, you stuck ice up your asshole and you're also a little fucking bitch.
Oh, that's accurate.
But like 80% of the rest of the thread also shoved ice up their ass so I didn't feel so bad about it.

Also I don't know about that latter bit, that doesn't seem right.
That's just splitting ass hairs. If you're an asshole and you're called an asshole, you're the asshole in question... Asshole.
Dont care, I hate you.
Is that how that works? I guess so.
Oh. I love you too, person I don't know. With vigor.
I think that's how it works. I spite of what this pissy bitch>>672838528 thinks, you're entertaining.
that's not good, still gotta get back to sleep soon right?
OP is faggot

Hah! You call that pathetic SFW shit goatposting? I'll show you real goatposting.

>image limit reached

You win this time.
Lick my balls OP ya faggot
Thread replies: 204
Thread images: 151

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