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Waifu claiming thread. Previous:>>712526956 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 178
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Rory-sama claimed
fucking kill yourself
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Shiro claimed.

>>712541291 (Halal)
Unfortunately I knew that because of rap culture and all the mudskins here in Germany.
I also know Chabo, Babo and Lahmacun.

>>712541632 (shiro)
I usually refer to you as shiro and use Shiro when talking about best waifu to avoid confusion.
It that a type of noise?

>>712541719 (Du)
>meinst du das ernst?
Wenn es meine Ehre als neet wiederherstellt dann ja, toternst.
>Wie kommts?
Die sind knuffig.
>Gestalten im Netz
Ja, mache von denen claimen Hamster und Kirino...

>>712542042 (K-on)
You really do. German is a phonetic language, so if you learn a few simple rules you will never have trouble knowing how to spell a word you heard or pronounce one you read.
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Cute Yuuko - 106.jpg
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Yuuko claimed.
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Claiming my goddess.

Nice. I actually didn't know that this language would spread to rap culture.
I claim Hikari
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Kyouko (29).jpg
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I had the thread ready and was looking at the old one waiting for it to end.

Then I noticed it was at limit.
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i'm on a panda.jpg
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I also just got home, from school. A pretty uneventful day it was.
Wew what?
Kind of an underwhelming track.
Ah, I see.
No, lowercase isn't noise.
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>>712541632 [shiro]
hopefully your headache goes away soon. other than that, an evening like the others right?
>>712542349 [rory]
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>Wenn es meine Ehre als neet wiederherstellt dann ja, toternst.
Ich kann es einfach nicht glauebn. Mein Weltbild zerstört mit zwei Zeilen...
Tja Shiro das wars dann, du bist offiziell nicht mehr auf der Liste der vernünftigen Anons.

top tier what's the problem?
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I think it's because it's mostly a lower class phenomenon, and that's where 90% of turks and other arabs are.
Good part is that you can get Yufka everywhere.

This particular song got somewhat famous as a running gag, so there are some funny covers.

It's noisy though.

>Mein Weltbild zerstört mit zwei Zeilen...
Nenn mich Cthulhu, zerstören von Welten!
Ach, ich glaube ich vergleich bin ich immernoch relativ vernünftig.
Ich glaube so heißt das Ding, ja.
>Top tier

So close!
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>>712541014 (Anon)
Sounds bad
>>712541142 (Kalashnikov)
Not Nano.
I was wondering if you had gone to bed.
Wew was for got another one in the musics.
I was listening to it at the time
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Das wars dann für mich für Heute.
Ich muss die Geschehnisse des vergangenen Tages erstmal verdauen.
Man sieht sich dann morgen wieder...
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We already knew that
Is this a cute awww or a sad awww?
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Träum was Süßes, Schatzi x3 rawr~*!
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that's alright though. watching any games tonight?
but I'm not a liberal
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Damare, baka!
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TomoyoKanzaki {101}.jpg
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Thank you. I appreciate the help, I've always been afraid of approaching German threads here, so I usually just lurk and just read their conversations, its a bit fun.

Same for me, life is pretty boring.
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Sad, but since yuuko is associated with it also cute
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Post the rest of the image.
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Syndra [246].jpg
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witty file name 28.png
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That's a good song.
I'll probably watch a little bit of Raiders vs. Texans.
Got any plans for Thanksgiving?
Oh my goodness, another lewd image! And this time it's cropped.
>post full image
Boring is fine with me though. Nice and calm.
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Smug Yuuko - 11.gif
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>Implying Mai isn't a qt
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Come on now, that would ruin the fun.

Also in reply to your last post. Which is now 404d
Ya, it sucks for somethings though, like I have to carpool to get to school and back.
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TomoyoKanzaki {103.}.jpg
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I could make it better but i can't be bothered
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>jusr lurk
You actually understand what we're talking about?

I found something by the same artist, I think:
Again, I post what Im listening to. Im at the mercy of my library.
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Hello dead man
How was today?
>i'm fine

mai is unknown and scary
Just look at how terrifying she is here
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>I do have 2 hentai mangas of K-On

Yeah I use to walk to work in VA, it was like 2 miles. Not crazy, but carpooling is better than that.
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not really, as our thanksgiving up here was last month.
I understand you.

Nice caim by the way
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dress 3.png
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Nothing unusual happened, so I'd consider it good.
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They had some truly scary songs.
Hi. Nice lie by the way
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For the most part. German and English isn't drastically different, word-wise, and I piece them together to form a general idea, how else would I have known that Jibril had said to be nice?

I have several, though Yui cannot know I jerk off to her friends. Shhhh.
And yea I used to walk to highschool for marching band at 5 or so in the morning. It was little over a mile and a half walk.
Mai is a good waifu.
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I honestly fail to see the difference. I bet if I put that sounds in a artsy looking video, you would listen to it.

>Träum was Süßes, Schatzi x3 rawr~*!
What was that then?
Ritsu is better
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Best K-On.
I would. I never said I had a distaste towards what you posted, now did I?
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For some.
For others she bullies their waifu~
Yo when is s2 starting?
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I don't know them very well. I'll look more into it
what do you mean?
I find that difficult to believe since she doesn't exist. But her brand of character trope is one that I dearly love for some reason or another.
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likely smug.jpg
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I don't know. Nice dubs by the way

I'm going to sleep now
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>Träum was Süßes, Schatzi x3 rawr~*!
Hmm that's a bit of a hard one, I know Träum = dream, right? Süßes is sweet, because candy is sweet and candy = Süßigkeiten. So something about sweet dreams? I dunno what Schatzi is.

Ritsu a cute, but I personally like Yui more, sorry.
he's referring to the anon
lurk moar
Do you want to fix them and make them more loving or like them they way they are?
Scary and unknown....
I like yui for her voice and personality but ritsu is cuter
To be fair i was trying to be vague enough to be applicable to either
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thanks. goodnight buddy
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>Yui can't know that I jerk off to her friends.
>You don't know she does too.
>They all do.
S2 has ended. We're waiting for S3. Release date unknown but it is being made.
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I claim my cute Russian nyasha poklonskaya
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Hell, I can do a direct translation of what I understand.
Dream what sweet, schatzi, schatzi, schatzi rawr~
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That wasn't too bad. Schatzi is just a way to address your honey.
For how many years have you been studying?

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I wasn't. And he did use the pronoun 'she' so it's anyone's guess.

Trying to fix something that's already perfect would only be deleterious to its flawlessness. I wouldn't call them scary in the least, unknown would maybe fit more.
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these are some other guys I haven't listened to in a very long time I don't know why. It's good to go back to the roots.
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The 'was' I used was a short form of 'etwas' (something) though, and had nothing to do with the question 'was'.
Why do you think you're drawn to those types of women?
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And now for something completely different.
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So far two years, both in highschool, am working on a third. I really should be better. I thought I more decent than I was, I am able to speak to my friends in the class relatively well, with a little stuttering.
Ah, when you use shortened forms like that it throws me off.

Nyash myash
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Can't wait for this earthquake to destroy all your pedo-baiting cartoon characters. Good riddance. Fuck Japan and fuck all of you.

I've just got two words for you elevens - Pearl Harbor. You deserve this and so much more, honestly.
HAHAHAH fuck yeah. These autistic virgins will shit a brick. I'm gonna spam the fuck out this virginity festival later just get ready faggots
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A name of files.jpg
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But she's Ukrainian
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oh boy
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Hey Eli, how has your day been?

Drinking already?
It's only 10am Rory
Virginity use to be a thing to be smiled upon.
Your hedonistic views on sexuality would have made you a degenerate among common folk.
Yeah, so was slavery, and stoning witches, and believing the Earth was flat.

Times have changed, if you're over 14 and still a virgin in 2016 you're better off dead.
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It's been good enough but I haven't really done anything
How are you
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Achwas, ich finde für zwei Jahre ist das schon mal recht ordentlich.
>shortened forms
The etwas->was is very commenly used in spoken language. I have not once on my life heard someone say 'Träum etwas Süßes' or 'Wilschd etwas, du Lauch?'. I also never saw them written, but that may be because they are way to informal.
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>if you're over 14 and still a virgin in 2016 you're better off dead.
So I have a few more months
She's from Crimea. Crimea is Russia now. So she's Russian.

Either way, Crimea was always majority Russian
So you're a pedo.
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>diddly hole preparation
Implying Ive stopped
i'm 22 ;w;
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Y tho
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Ah well, it doesn't really matter if you done much I guess. As long as you're feeling good.
Pretty good, I just woke up, not sure what I'm going to do today though. Probably just the regular bike ride - eat - run - games.
Not complaining though, it's nice.

I'm proud of you, what are you drinking?
I can feel the tumors weighing down my back
Carry my sins on my behalf

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Im drinking lies and slander. And coffee.
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I Don't Know.jpg
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Die träume von 33.png
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Doing nothing can be fun, I just feel like I should have done something today
Good luck with whatever you decide to do
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All I have really learned thus far is really unusable for casual conversation. "Welcher Tag ist es?", "Was Mödelstucke ist in dein Schlafzimmer?". "Wie geht es dir?"

Oooh oh I can try one

Was machen Sie heute?
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That's not an easy question to answer I'm afraid. Other than her relatability, which I think I have already mentioned, I would enjoy having someone to talk to without the consequences of human interaction and the awkwardness I have with it. Though I admit, I'd love to see her warm up to me over, but that's not a necessity for me.
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>lies and slander
Are you serving Keemstar then?
There better be alcohol in that coffee

Best Rabbit out of nowhere!

I know how you feel about that. I feel guilty if I just play games all day, so I guess riding helps me feel as if I actually done something.
Thank you, are you up to anything now?
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Alice (45).jpg
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Yo Kirikiri. What you up to?
>I got some things for you later in RS
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Nothing really, just playing guitar
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Two of these sentences were even right!
Though it's a bit weird you switched from 'dir' to 'Sie'.

If you want sentences you can say, I would recommend watching something in German with English subtitles. Preferably something you would want to say, like:
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I wasn't ready for this
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You caught me laffin

Just laying in bed listening to some music, woke up like an hour ago.
Oh yeah, I got all my combat skills up to scratch, they're all lvl 20 now.

Nice, how long have you actually been playing guitar? Back in Primary school I played a bit of acoustic but I stopped for whatever reason.

It's been a hot minute since I've heard this.
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And I respect my job and the guy I work with.
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Alice (22).jpg
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What you listening to?
>they're all level 20 now
Welp, I'm going to get rid of the stuff I had then, you can use Mithril now kek
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I honestly should have referred to you formally from the start, I have only now met you and isn't it strange to refer to strangers so informally? Sorry.

Thanks for the link
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Love Tom Day's stuff.

Aw, I hope it was just leftovers, but thank you for thinking about it. I'll go have a shower and then jump on, see you in a bit.

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why did it have to come down to this?
what are the odds? ok guess what I'm listening to right now.
Only death releases us from this nightmare
Best Girl Reporting in.

What's Gucci Muh niggas?

Cleaning my apartment edition.
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Ohayo 3.png
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Alice (252).jpg
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It's a pretty easy listen. Very nice

It's not like I would buy things for you or anything, b-baka
What did I do this time?
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I can't wait.
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Considering the very informal environment we are in and that we are on equal terms, it would be hella weird if you started siezen me.
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Neither can I.
Siezen means Sir!

Ah ha! I speak another language, take that harvard!
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Ohayo 1.png
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Nothing. Should I clean my bike chain today? I haven't cleaned or lubed it in like, 8 months.
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How is Jean?
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Not quite, it has a different feeling to it and is genderneutral. Also it's a verb.
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You should be doing it every refuel you dunce.
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Um good?
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enough of this. have some japanese soad
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I see. Thanks, I enjoy learning from you more than I do my actual teacher. I have work in a few so I am going to have to leave really soon. It actually has been a pleasure talking to you.

Close. Close. Also here's some of the lewds you wanted.
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Sorry to those that don't like lewds in their thread.
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Always a pleasure, schlaf schön!
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Loli is pretty good.
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Uh... Renge's Fukkireta?

Glad you like it.

Movement speed buff when?

I hope not, but it really appreciated none the less.
Coming on now.
>It's started raining
Bring on the comfy.
I fucked that up pretty badly.
Steph is bae
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Sorry for replying late
I've been playing for almost 9 months now
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Tchüss! I'll be back in some 4 to 5 hours, if you are still here, I would love to talk. Same for you Mizore.
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Anyone else watch bungou stray dogs i think im gonna stream it tonight if anyones bored.

haven't seen you around for awhile. seems like your still up to the same ole same ole tho.
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wrong. thanks for making me discover it though
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chibi (31).jpg
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The Hitoha.
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I'll probably be going to bed, but I'll see you another time!
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They're pretty bad yo.
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If I am off work, I'll watch.

Well then, sweet dreams, night.
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what time is that man? I've already seen all of it, It's sooo goood tho im trying to get more people into it.
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my bad, I forgot we had been sharing masterpieces for a while.
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Well EST anywhere from 11 to 12
What site?
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well i should be around im probably playing ps4 tonight cuz i hate league. the address to the stream is anyone is welcome. I'm watching occult 9 right now.
See you then.
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I should stop. Im not sure I can get more cancerous than I have.
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Ohoho Occultic;Nine?! Have fun! *wink wink*
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Fukushima can't catch a break. Guess I have some reading to do over dinner.
Weird, my stocks haven't gone down but up instead.
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If that's your worse, I think I can handle you~
Hello Houkie.
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hi akame how are you doing?
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Im not drunk. I can handle a lot more when Im drunk. Im just at work, sober and need to do stuff.
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Mine as well. I don't care much for more potential of nuclear waste leaking into the ocean though.

Hey hey. About to have me some dinner before I settle in for the evening.
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hi shino. it's been a while. I'm ok, you?
I'll have to be the judge of that.
alright. what's on the menu?
HAHAHAHAH I hope all you're little autistic cartoons get wiped out virgind
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Neptune claimed
Nothing fancy tonight, red beans & rice with some garlic sausage. Got some salmon I'll be using up tomorrow though for something a bit more gourmet.

Up to anything good/interesting this evening?
>devil trips confirmed

>neps internally
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I'm ok. Sorry about deleting you off discord i just thought u hated me or something. Plus ive been super dumb lately. I'm doing well just watching animes on stream and been playing way too much league lately.
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I understand why you'd remove me. I never made up for what I had done in the first place. What champs do you play now?
I'm not up to anything. What's the occasion for having a gourmet meal tomorrow?
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Ohayo 2.png
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>Every refuel
What the fuck kinda shit chain do you have that you need to lube up more than every couple of months?!
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Im all over the board now man. Been playing mostly Skarner/elise jngle. Teemo/fiora top
and then my normal ahri lux mid but now sometimes brand. And janna and sona sup and adc is a fucking mess.
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lux and ahri must be hard with the new assassin patch, or whatever they did. I pretty much stopped playing completely again. It's for the best.
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nah man we used to have fun. Just gotta play norms and goof off. You should totes start playing with me again. Gardy is good with nami now.

but yes assasins patch is gay. Fuckin leblanc deleted me a couple times today when i was lux then late game i got her back so whatever.

Doesn't help anyone during laning phase tho to have those over powered busted asses in the game.
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