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Tell me how Trump is like Hitler, /b/

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Tell me how Trump is like Hitler, /b/
Adolf Hitler: Gave speeches that inflamed the anger of his followers; said that he wanted to make the country great again.

Donald Trump: Gives speeches that inflame the anger of his followers; says he wants to make the country great again.

Adolf Hitler: Singled out a religious minority; labeled them as terrorists who wanted to destroy the country.

Donald Trump: Singles out a religious minority; labels them as terrorists who want to destroy the country.

Adolf Hitler: Promised to make all members of that religious minority register with the government.

Donald Trump: Promises to make all members of that religious minority register with the government.

Adolf Hitler: Said the State has the authority to close down places of worship of that religious minority.

Donald Trump: Says the State has the power to close down places of worship of that religious minority.

Adolf Hitler: Vowed to keep members of that religious minority out of the country.

Donald Trump: Vows to keep members of that religious minority out of the country.

Adolf Hitler: Punished newspapers that criticized him.

Donald Trump: Says he wants to punish newspapers that criticize him.

Adolf Hitler: Called for executing the families of terrorists.

Donald Trump: Calls for executing the families of terrorists.

Adolf Hitler: Supported and condoned torture as a legitimate means to ensure the security of the State.

Donald Trump: Supports and condones torture as a legitimate means to ensure the security of the State.

Adolf Hitler: Blamed foreign powers and immigrants for the country's problems.

Donald Trump: Blames foreign powers and immigrants for the country's problems.

Adolf Hitler: Endorsed by white supremacists.

Donald Trump: Endorsed by white supremacists.
That enough, or you need more ?
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Those are all the best things, you fucking faggot.
Are you kidding me?
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This is perfection.
Either way both will cuck the country
Freedom of speech isn't real but you shits don't realize it
Deportation plan was very similar to Hitler's deportation plan. If you don't remember Hitler's deportation plan, it's because he discovered deporting millions is unfeasible and switched to genocide mode

Also threatening to jail political opponents, calls of treason etc
Hitler beat candidates shittier than him. So can Trump. No one likes Hillary.
He's also enamored with Vladimir Putin. Like WTF?!
That only works when he gives no reason. Using it in response to a thought out post is ironic as you are effectively the one saying "are you kidding me"
Hitler didn't beat anyone. His first "contract" he made was with the Vatican - Vatican then basically forced the Religious right of germany to endorse Hitler.
Not to sane people with a grasp on history. Enjoy having America controlled by two foreign powers for half a century after the world snacks you down
Are you jewing?
It was commies versus socialists you fucking retard. Read some fucking books. Jesus Christ
I really hope you Murican's get Trump, though. THAT will be bloody hlarious, especially watching the entire circus from Europe.

Although, if Clinton wins, which seems way more likely, there might be a minor "civil war" in the USA.
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Always makes me laugh when some faggot piece of Eurotrash brings up a civil war in the US. Europeans raped each other for thousands of years and have now decided to let the sand monkeys do it. Cheerio bitch
>Donald Trump: Calls for executing the families of terrorists.
He never specified what "take out" meant.
>Donald Trump: Says he wants to punish newspapers that criticize him.
*Says he wants to punish newspapers that lie about him
>Donald Trump: Promises to make all members of that religious minority register with the government.
Not true
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Obama doesn't give speeches that make people mad? Maybe that's how he's lost seats in the House and Senate every cycle since he's been elected.
You look like gay
Have fun voting for Hillary any chance you can an hero?
>He never specified what "take out" meant.

That's just the kind of ambiguity that epitomizes Trump and is why he's been doing so well in polls.

About the "civil war":
Undermining public trust in democracy is very dangerous. It’s what leads to civil wars. I don’t expect anything to go that far, but if he gets his supporters fired up enough with his bogus claims that the election was “rigged,” there could certainly be incidents of violence. It also calls into question the whole future of the country. We can’t have a large subset of the country that doesn’t believe in the electoral system. We have had 227 years of peaceful and orderly transfers of power. Even though it is clear to all that Al Gore was the legitimate victor in the election he lost to the Supreme Court, he still conceded gracefully because that’s what you do in America.

So, short-term: violence. Rioting, destruction, possibly even murder. Long-term: deep harm to the cohesiveness of the nation as a democratic institution.
I'm ready for a civil war if it's conservatives versus liberals. I wanna get in a knife fight with Harry Reid
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reminder that hillary is losing and will resort to "grander" things

>being such a cuck to vote for hillary and her jew overlords
how? aren't you supposed to be the jaded, cool, counterculture culture that is /b/? things have changed here
To be fair to him, Hitler never raped underage girls.
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Adolf Hitler: Gave speeches that inflamed the anger of his followers; said that he wanted to make the country great again.

Hillary Clinton: Gives speeches that inflame the anger of his followers; says he wants to make the country great again.

Adolf Hitler: Singled out a religious minority; labeled them as terrorists who wanted to destroy the country.

Hillary Clinton: Singles out a religious minority; labels them as terrorists who want to destroy the country.

Adolf Hitler: Promised to make all members of that religious minority register with the government.

Hillary Clinton: Promises to make all members of that religious minority register with the government.

Adolf Hitler: Said the State has the authority to close down places of worship of that religious minority.

Hillary Clinton: Says the State has the power to close down places of worship of that religious minority.

Adolf Hitler: Vowed to keep members of that religious minority out of the country.

Hillary Clinton: Vows to keep members of that religious minority out of the country.

Adolf Hitler: Punished newspapers that criticized him.

Hillary Clinton: Says he wants to punish newspapers that criticize him.

Adolf Hitler: Called for executing the families of terrorists.

Hillary Clinton: Calls for executing the families of terrorists.

Adolf Hitler: Supported and condoned torture as a legitimate means to ensure the security of the State.

Hillary Clinton: Supports and condones torture as a legitimate means to ensure the security of the State.

Adolf Hitler: Blamed foreign powers and immigrants for the country's problems.

Hillary Clinton: Blames foreign powers and immigrants for the country's problems.

Adolf Hitler: Endorsed by white supremacists.

Hillary Clinton: Endorsed by white supremacists.
putin wants US to pull out of syria. isn't this what you want?
Dowsn't work at all.
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It does.
She judge just defended the guys that did in court when she knew they had raped little girls
>Tell me how Trump is like Hitler, /b/
They are both fucking Krauts
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Oh that's right I forgot Hillary has both a public and private position. You probably didn't hear that though.
>Tell me how Trump is like Hitler, /b/
They both wished for incestious relationships
Guys, I know dealing with cognitive dissonance is hard, but could you at least try ? :D

As for Republicans... It's obvious that the world is changing much faster than Rep's conservative values can take - you are a dying breed, and thank god for that.
They both had shit fucking hair that made them look like complete and utter mongs
>ed, cool, co
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I bet the RNC is wishing they rigged their primaries.
Right now the progressives resemble the nazi party pretty closely. Using violence to silence opposition was one of the major contributing factors to the rise of the nazi party. Silencing opposition is an authoritarian staple when it comes to politics.
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Hmm where did I hear this first? Oh right the dumbasses in the Democratic Party.

1. 2000: Al Gore and the Florida recount. Yes, Gore eventually accepted the result — but only after withdrawing his concession, trying to have the vote recounted only in Democrat-heavy Florida counties, and suing to stop ballots from being recounted. Even after a consortium of media outlets concluded that George W. Bush had indeed won more votes in Florida, Democrats continued to claim the election had been “stolen” by the Supreme Court and Bush was an illegitimate president.

2. 2004: John Kerry and “rigged” machines. While Kerry conceded the election, he and his running mate continued to believe afterwards that the election had been stolen from them, possibly by voting machines. Elizabeth Edwards said in 2007 that she had been “very disappointed” in Kerry’s decision to concede the election.

3. 2008: John Podesta and Obama’s voter fraud. As the Wall Street Journal pointed out recently, President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder have suggested that voter ID laws are a way of rigging elections against black people. And while they downplay fears of voter fraud, Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta reported internally (via Wikileaks) in 2015 that Clinton operatives believed that “the Obama forces flooded the caucuses with ineligible voters” to win the primary.
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4. 2014: Congress and a “rigged” district system. Thanks to the Tea Party wave election in 2010 in response to Obamacare, Republicans were left in charge of many state legislatures as they redrew congressional district boundaries. Except in a few states — such as Illinois, where Democrats drew several Republicans out of their seats — that meant Republicans held the advantage in the House.

5. 2016: Bernie Sanders and a “rigged” primary. Sanders uses the word “rigged” often to describe the economic system. But in 2016, the Democratic Party primary was rigged against him in a political sense — both openly, in the party’s anti-democratic super delegate system, and secretly, through collusion between party officials and the Clinton campaign.
what's wrong with Putin?
>Tell me how Trump is like Hitler, /b/
Russia fucked em both?
Omg like WTF Becky? You probably can't even point out russia on a map.
mass deportation, racism and antisemitism (international bankers & media = dog-whistle for jews)
hillary does the same, just not so public.
Pooing in a tin is more acceptable than Putin
Wait, but I thought russia was helping trump to rig the election?
what happened to /b/ that made it so pussy liberal? is it visitors from other websites?

for example, /vp/ was completely changed (more like dead) when kotaku published an article about their little game project. they even interviewed a redditor to further explain the project and the website in general, then everyone from all corners of the internet started flocking to /vp/ to play video game designer. these same people stayed and saw what kind of freakshow /vp/ was. they begged and complained for mods and janitors and they actually won. now, /vp/ is dead and all you see are slow threads with brain-dead 1-2 sentence replies
how Trump is like Hitler, /b/
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Bernie a bitch?
Trump's not at ALL like Hitler.

Hitler won elections, and was a success in his largest endeavors.

Trump lost elections, and had a 100+ Million Dollar foot-up from daddy. He still ended up broke.

No. There are 0 similarities.
This thing called CORRECT THE RECORD.
Trump is bending over for Russia to plough his anal furrow
1. Promises socialized heatlhcare.
2. Has violent thugs who feel they are victims in the current system (Brownshirts, Black Lives Matter)
3. Controls most of the media outlets (Bill helped deregulate news and telecommunitcations in the '90s, now most of the major news outlets are owned by a few companies and are big Hillary donors).
4. Name begins with H.

Very similar, good observation anon.
tend to disagree, Putin's the only one with any balls on the world stage right now, putting country ahead of globalism.
is it really? how much are they getting paid now per post? 0.25 last i heard
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That always ends well, doesn't it.
>had a 100+ Million Dollar foot-up from daddy
Where do you people get this bullshit information from
crazy leftists want more war and for the US to not pull out of syria like putin wants them to
If by murdering any political opponent and clamping down on citizens rights in pursuit of his own personal wealth then I couldn't agree with you more.
Not as hard as Hilldawg did for that Uranium. MUH LET'S START ANOTHER COLD WAR.
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I'm going to reach across the aisle, and thank Trump and his supporters.


1. Madame President Hillary Clinton
2. Liberal Scotus
3. Gun Control (FINALLY!)
4. Democratic Senate Majority
5. Democratic House Majority
6. Universal, Single-Payer Healthcare (FINALLY!)
7. The death of the GOP as we know it.

Most Trump-supporters are whites on welfare, in red states (the largest bloc on welfare in the US are whites in red states). They've never contributed anything to America. This is their first contribution to the country - even if it's by proxy. We should show them some gratitude.
Putin would LOVE to see Tramp as pres - easiest candidate to manipulate you're ever had :D
Da, tovarisch?
He's not - Hitler was a hugely skilled public speaker, studied classics and art, had a brilliant military mind, and also had a wife he didn't have to pay.

In the grand scheme of things, if he hadn't offed all those Shlomoes in WWII, Hitler was an OK guy.

Trump can barely string a sentence together, studied nothing but his own asshole, has no concept of strategy or planning, and had to import a paid "supermodel" to be his wife, he's such an undesirable piece of shit...

So yeah, Hitler wins this one.
yeah that was debunked though.

>inb4 Benghazi/emails...

riiiiiiiight. keep shilling. i'm sure you'll be able to convince the American Public, in 2 weeks, to vote for Trump.
Cool have fun with the upcoming civil war. It will be just like syria. SOOOOO FUN RIGHT?
did anyone mention ridiculous hair?
if by political opponent, you mean US-backed CIA plant, sure?
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>brilliant military mind,
>Invade russia by land
There is nowhere left that lib-cancer has not spread to. It's not even like anybody gives a shit, they just have to constantly sit there like a lubed up pineapple waiting to be shoved up your ass with their fucktard views on everything and millenial-rage nonsense. What ever happened to just fucking right off with your shit?
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Syrians are well-armed. Tanks/aircraft/AAA/canons etc.

Americans are not.
3% of the US owns the vast majority of the firearms. You don't have military aircraft, tanks, and most don't even own small fully automatic arms.

Good luck :D
I actually meant opponents. Lots of them. The man is a fucking cunt of the highest order. The type of man that makes me desperate to be wrong about religion and for heaven and hell to really exist... Or some ruskie to take one for the team and empty a clip into his face. A true fucking horror of a man
Stoopid huh? That's why he came so close to winning is it, you fucking moron?

Enjoy 4 years of being able to blame Clinton every time you stub your toe, you fucking man-child.
I used to be like you but then I grew up and now I'm a liberal.
Hitler had a mouth, nose and two eyes. Checkmate.
>was successful in his greatest endeavors
Yeah, about that...
nigger, they also get paid for it, and it gives them hope that they will, one day, be thrown into the world of politics to further shit up the nation. what i want to know is whether or not they know they will be further degrading their nation or not
Close to winning it isn't the same as winning it, ya mong
Hahaha true
You forgot that Hitler atleast supported social programs too. Even a maniac understands that you have to take care of the weakest links in society. Unlike the entire republican party and their bootstraps policy.
It's public information. Trump inherited $114M when his dad died (after the $1M "loan"). Then Trump's brother died, his sister and Donald inherited his share.

Do some research - anti-intellectualism isn't a good quality.
Both are men with Nationalist pride.

Both are massively smeared in propaganda campaigns that paint them differently than reality.

Both have big plans that seem to indicate they genuinely care about their country.

Both have some poorly thought out plans that will tarnish any good they do in history.

Both are likely to have any good they want to do be heavily stifled by opposing political forces.

Both are not good leaders, but significantly better than what came before them and what competed against them.

Both are vilified and idolized by groups of people who generally don't know what they're talking about.

Both have funny hair.
it really isn't a dem./rep. fight. it's more globalists+their (unknowing) followers against decent people
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Trump is getting decimate in early voting, and in every poll.

This isn't a "close win".

This is a MANDATE. 8 years of Hillary. Then another Democrat.

America won't vote for a republican for decades - Demographics.


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it actually works better you shill. Hillary is the only one shilling for a war with Russia after all
i see nothing wrong with inheritance or having a lot of money if you know how to use it. stop playing these strange mental gymnastics
They're Trump supporters what the hell do you expect from them?
True :D

Which is ironic of trump's supporters. At least 30% of them are on govt support. Yet they want to end welfare. The largest bloc on welfare are whites in red states.

I don't understand trump or his cult following at all.
Dude, keep up - I was talking about Hitler. Trump couldn't win a fucking Trump look-a-like contest.
Nothing anymore. They literally still think he's going to win.

At one point I held them to a higher standard. Now I hold them to no standard - like a common gang member, or cartel worker.
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>close to winning
Like Trump is now?

If hillary is winning so much, then why does she have to resort to voter fraud?
ooooh I went back and read the previous posts - thought you were referring to the cheeto-god

and this >>709190368
How the fuck have two of you idiots managed to miss what I was saying? Trumps is a fucking moron, Hilary is a cunt but at least she can finish a sentence and understands how law works.
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So I think Trump and Bannon are up all night banging whores, blowing coke, and shitposting on twitter, at 3am (and probably blowing each other). Breitbart (bannon's ex companion), was a known coke addict who died of a heart attack in his 40's.

Donald's what, 76, and still living the life of an 80's playboy. Fun, but tacky. And he should remain thus.
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ok, we cool negro.

Adolf hitler could be compared to barack obama and hillary Clinton as well.

Especially obama with his constant attacks on the 2nd amendment. Hitler also made most guns illegal right before be sent the SS after the minorities.
Hitler raped underage girls.
There, someone said it so you must believe it, right?
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Trump has a Hitler mustache, and that is a dead give away.
Shes a fucking scum bag /b/ro. Trump may be a douchebag but at least he's not pure fucking evil
>1. Madame President Hillary Clinton
Sure, that might happen. I don't know why you seem happy about it.
>2. Liberal Scotus
Yeah, that's likely to happen under HRC. Well, not liberal in the classical sense, but progressive, sure.
>3. Gun Control (FINALLY!)
Yeah, I think that's probably coming too.
>4. Democratic Senate Majority
Maybe for a short while, but it's not something I'd count on for long. Americans like to play the "party 1 isn't working, let's vote party 2. party 2 isn't working, let's vote party 1" game. If HRC is in office, especially if she starts proxy wars (or open war) with Russia, next mid-term election is going to be heavily red.
>5. Democratic House Majority
see above.
>6. Universal, Single-Payer Healthcare (FINALLY!)
Hahaha. Don't hold your breath.
>7. The death of the GOP as we know it.
Maybe, but it won't matter. Same donors, same multinational corporate entities, same financial institutions generally fund both parties. They figured out long ago that this faux 2 party system can easily be manipulated to eliminate democracy.
You can have a system where nobody can get into major office without their funding, and everyone has to push toward more authoritarian corporatocracy... but as long as you have two team names, and each team gives different speeches, the public thinks that they are making the choices and won't revolt. Even if the GOP disappeared today, they would quickly be replaced with another party that keeps the 2-party sham going. You'd get another GOP, making speeches that appealed to conservatives, it would just be under another name.
somewhat quality b8


Obama has had the most lax gun laws under his Administration than the country's seen since the late 1970's.
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Well if it's on youtube...
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God, why isn't this hunk Trump's VP?

>johnny steele

literally who?

Also, theres only video evidence of democraats talking about rigging it, but this meme quote is sure compelling evidence against the republicans!
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>endorses white supremacy

>this doesn't work at all

>"my friend and mentor Robert Byrd (ex kkk leader)" - Hilary Clinton

Pic very related.
Hes been trying since he got in to change the gun laws. Thank fuck for the NRA and rednecks roadblocking him.
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also i can't believe some absolute retards think hillary is the same.
If you want to keep some wealth redistribution, and you want to if you're not on trump levels of money, vote hillary.
Except the jews werent blowing shit up and generally being nuisances who have LITERALLY DECLARED THEY HATE AND PLAN ON DESTROYING WESTERN SOCIETIES
They are both white men. All white men are literally Hitlers.
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I'm sure you know Robert Byrd joined the KKK in the 1940's and quit in the 1950's and spent his entire political career apologizing and working for civil rights.

wow, who gives a shit?

Good job moving the goalpost though you spineless worm. If hillary is winning so much, then why is her team scrambling to rig the election?
how much more retarded can you get ? ISIS kills mainly muslims.
You're a retard
College kids and terrorist niggers bitching about change isn't changing anything.
We living in reality are just laughing at the circus platform you create for yourself.
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Apparently Hillary is like Hitler. She wants to start a ww3
Sounds like the DNC
ISIS kills whoever they see fit, because they are funded by countries with vested interests. Including the great USA
> gave speeches made people angry
All politicians. Every single one.

Stopped reading. You're a retard and you're deliberately obfuscating the truth in an attempt to make a candidate look worse than they actually are.

President Donal Trump: You have no one to blame but yourself.
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>perfect example of how trumpfaggots debate
Citation needed.

And you have no fucking idea of the meaning of that word you use like a 14 year old hipster, faggot. Literally.
Oh they MAINLY kill muslims? I guess thats fine then
>joined the kkk
>later became politician
>cuz he apologized


Imagine if Donald trumps mentor was an ex kkk member who spent his entire career apologizing for it. You'd never hear the end of it.
The point is banning muslims because ISIS kills people makes no sense you fucking dense faggot
>she understands how law works.

No. she understands how to make you think she's obeying the law. Which proof says she's not.
trump is like Hitler, because he was right
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Nice shilling nerd virgin.

What you said actually made noa sense. Hillary is closer to hitler than trump ever will be, and you are basically their SS
Anon i can show you 347000 crimes hillary commite.........

Dear4chan i anon have decided to kill myself by driveby shooting. Dont question this or lookin into it,
Why ? Explain yourself.
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you mean like we're never hearing the end of Hillary looking up to him?

Robert Byrd was 23 when he joined the KKK. Donald Trump was 60 something when he bragged about grabbing pussies and started a fake university to scam dullards out of their hard earned money.
Please show them with credible sources. Then explain how they are a valid reason to still not vote for Hillary when her policies are great and the other side is Trump.

Oh I forgot, Trumptards don't care about policies because they don't live in the real world.
The mans not lying , fuck hillary kills her enemies
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>lol stupid redneck whitetrash wage slave! go fuck your cousin cletus I hope they shut down those coal mines and processing plants, they are so bad! I know because some celebrity told me so. Also, we should bring in more poor brown people to work the jobs no americans want to work. I mean, Im an upper middle class suburbanite with an art degree! Im sure as hell not going to go work on a construction site, so this means literally no other white person will neither, so you see you stupid racist, we NEED to flood our country with more immigrants! You stupid evil white racist need more diversity in your neighborhoods and you should hate yourselves as much as I do. And one last thing, we need to drastically increase taxes on middle class people to pay for all the poor brown people without a job

>WHAT THE FUCK?! Why isnt the working class voting for us democrats? Why are they voting AGAINST THEIR OWN INTEREST?!
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>hillary kills her enemies
citation needed

>tfw op has kidded you and your wifes son for the last time.
>grabbing pussies

you never talk like that with your friends? fag.
This so fucking much. Except not only hillbillies seem to think this way, which is unbelievable anywhere outside of the USA.
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>Why are they voting AGAINST THEIR OWN INTEREST?!
because the rich republicans told them that democrats want to take their guns and hate the little baby jesus to keep them voting republican, against their own best interest. At least the niggers are smart enough to vote for the party who will help them the most.
And if you were on a plane, would you want a pilot who knew how to fly a plane and was pure evil, or would you sooner have a guy who's just a douche but crucially DOESN'T HAVE A FUCKING CLUE HOW TO FLY A PLANE?

Jesus titty-fucking Christ, how are you dipshits not getting this?
Definitely this. It's pretty impressive how many of them don't realize it.
They are both WHITE MALES!!1!
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Clintin voyers fire bombed a gop campiaghn office , hired people to start shit at trump rallies, and gives 200k to blavk lives matter. Id say she has the nodern day brown shirts on her team.
Hitlery does hate guns , you werent alive in the 90s were you ?! You fuck wit.
Hillary is a terrible liar and displays it.
Also your assuming i'm voting for trump as well. I do not like hillary at all, trump is the better of the two for sure with that being said. I'm not going to try to convince you though your opionions will be biast rather than rational as in most cases when people talk politics.
I dont need to call names my points valid
Which means, by definition, she understands the law. You daft cunt.
Trump is a clown, Hitler was a good man.
Dont you hate it when people get tired of establishment politics and corpratism , i just wish hilary could continue to fuck our party even harder in the ass so no one ever votes for us again.
Her controlled manipulation of the public through propaganda and shilling.

The fact that everyone who finds anything on her ends up dead.

Her crazed stance against russia and her obvious willingness to start WW3.

Her obvious indifference to life, even her own country people, ie the Benghazi incident. An incedent that happened because her and her fellow corruptoids decided to overthrow a man who was leading Libya and africa into the most prosperous period of time for them ever. Which now has been reduced to rubble because it was a threat to the banking system.

I could go on all day.
>because the rich republicans told them that democrats want to take their guns

well yeah, this is true. Democrats are hardcore anti-gun people, but you completely missed the point because youre a typical dumb 18 year old american.

Democrats fuck over the working class by ruining their jobs by allowing waves of immigrants to flood the market and disguse it as "diversity" so stupid middle class people (you) support it

go back to watching John Oliver
I wouldnt debate the fact that theyre smart, they're at the top of the food chain.
I wouldnt be able to manage that myself nor would you what i would debate is their agenda.
Also youre a bit niave in money matters
Money talks bullshit walks. Everyone has a price
Yeah i prefer a clown i can protest against and sway as opposed to an evil rotten dusty corrupt cunt continuing to play monopoly with banks and corporations
Okay then...
1) Corporatism - if you're anti- anything, learn to spell it
2) If Donnie wanted to move away from "establishment politics" he could have run as an independent, no?
3) Nobody is voting for the side associated with Donnie for a long, long time after this.
If you let Hillary take the stick, she will fly this "plane" straight into the World War 3 trade center.
Im an EU fag an this whole situation is fucking hilarious.

In one hand you have Trump, it would be fucking hilarious if he won, America would be the laughingstock of the worlds for 4 years.

In the other hand you have Hilary Clinton. The bitch is so fake im not sure any sane above 70 IQ human being would believe one fucking word she says. Every single word she says is fucking liberal bullshit cliche. I mean in america 2016 you actually have to feel bad about yourself if you are white. Fuck you racist fuck if you are white. Its hilarious lol!

300million+ people and you fucking retarded faggots managed to narrow it down to these 2 fucking retards. Believe me, the rest of the world is fucking speechless about the retardness that the USA manages to show every single day. LOL.
Just like Hitler, Trump only has one testicle
You debated nothing
Wait you mean like lance armstrong ?
Yeah, she should make peace - maybe she could accuse your nearest neighbours of being rapists, drug dealers and thieves? Or maybe have black people knocked about at her rallies?

Hilary "might" start ww3, but Donnie is going to kickstart your next civil war. Either way, kek.
>$0.15 has been deposited to your account, thank you for correcting the record.
If yoy lived in a country worth a shit you wouldnt have an opinion on our election. I sure as shit dont care about any britfags rulers because they are irrelevent brittfags
Neither did you dipshit, what's your point?

If establishment politics is so bad, why didn't Donnie run as an independent? Answer the fucking question, Poindexter.
He's already winning in mail in ballots
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yeah, the dumb rednecks are just crawling over each other for a shot at picking lettuce in California.


I assure you John Oliver is far more intelligent than you


I voted for Bill Clinton, twice.
I see your point to a extent, but news outside the us likes to exaggerate a lot as well. They tend to throw sterotypes up without really knowing our inner workings. This shits a circus though atm
If that were true, at least it would be confined to the shithole of USA
Because running as a republican means you might get elected ? How much money has trump taken from jp morgan chase , or how many saudis has he made weapons deals with ?
I'm a britbong so I got my own shit to worry about, but yeah the yanks are a great distraction right now.
Because he actually wanted a chance at winning maybe?
I live in a small EU country. So? Being born in a country makes you better or worse?
Ya'll hold grudges for a long time
None, because he's a small-time idiot piece of shit, and the international arms trade would laugh at him and his "extensive network"... The arms trade pay people like Donnie to carry thier fucking bags and you know it. Also your economy, like the UK, would collapse if you stopped selling weapons overnight so bare that in mind as you cry about your shithole nation, yeah?

And yes letting the govt rule you and ban guns , ban knives with pointed ends you are all usless cucks that love sand nigger cock in your asshole deep.
>Donald Trump: Gives speeches that inflame the anger of his followers; says he wants to make the country great again.

So he speaks with emotion?

>Donald Trump: Singles out a religious minority; labels them as terrorists who want to destroy the country.

No, he has clearly stated that the majority of terrorists are coming from that "religious minority". Only in America are they a minority.

>Donald Trump: Promises to make all members of that religious minority register with the government.

Only the ones coming in, not the people already in there.

Blah blah blah, you're fucking retarded. Not going to bother with the rest.

>Hitler: Has eyes.

>Trump: Has eyes.

Stop being such a fucking nit pick too.
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Hitler build the Berlin wall just like trump You racist shitlord

they do want to work factory jobs and what not, even bernie fucking sanders realizes this

but keep talking down to poor people and continue to be oblivious as to why they fucking hate you. Also, lol at you thinking John Oliver is intelligent.
But that's "establishment politics", and we all know how bad that is huh?

He's not qualified, he's not experienced, he's not smart, and he's not charming enough to be a leader of a fucking softball team, let alone a country. Enjoy 4 years of Clinton, you deluded fuck.
Maybe we dont want to sell terrorists guns any more ?
Yeah... well besides that?
Typical amerifags thinking they are the center of the universe and better than everyone else.

Meanwhile their election is between a douchebag and a turd sandwich.

Only reason people care outside the USA is because they have a habit of going into other countries and turning them into rubble for very loosely threaded reasons.
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This isn't THAT old grudge, friend - this a brand new one. Maybe I'm pissed off about your version of "The Office".maybe I'm annoyed that you call biscuits "cookies"... But it's not the old grudge.
When did hillary used mass propaganda as hitler did ?
Do you think anybody in this thread is being paid ?

Sources for people being dead.

Her stance against russia is the most rational one to have if you mind about Russia killing people for a dictator right now.
Also WW3 won't start over this, maybe the proxy war will keep going for a while though.

>indifference to life
That's what you're showing right now. Non american people are people, you know that ?

Not even talking about the life of people that depends on the healthcare trump wants to delete.
So just all the other stuff is accurate
im 24, im a hunter, i have 3 rifles 2 shotguns. Probably more than 5 hunting knives. I can carry them anywhere as long as i have my hunting permit.

I live in a country which let in less than 500 migrants.

I have free healthcare, free schooling up to university level.

So im pretty good, thanks.
No being a republican or dem doesnt make you establishment , having ties and power over fbi agents , controlling our media makes you establishment.
>America would be the laughingstock of the worlds for 4 years.

as opposed to fucking canada who elected Zoolander?
Yet you talk about it in a thread you have the power to ignore it or at very least not continue to bump this thread
Lol cuck guns for cucks , with permission slips
Nail ,hit /head spring to mind!!!!
Okay dude, whatever - as I said, enjoy Clinton. I'm sure it'll be every bit as bad as you say.

Nobody gonna be talking about Donnie no more come December, that's all I'm saying.
i dont give a fuck about canada, lul
>being the perfect example of the image you're answering to
Kek i suppose so anon point made though were not all bad
If the usa didnt matter you fags woukdnt be commenting.
>Being born in a country makes you better or worse?
And you still don't understand why Hillary is way, way better than Trump ?
Not even that guy but... fuck me, were you dropped a lot as a child or something?

I'll bet these dubs you can't explain why freedom of speech isn't real.
Have fun living as a cuck that lost all actual gun rights.
I do care. I just told you why.

Because whoever is driving your trainwreck of country effects who it crashes into and destroys.
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>Comparing small hand orange face man to Hitler
>Only in America are they a minority.

So you think the world is just the US and the middle east? Are you stupid?
Nah, I know - I'm fucking with you for chuckles, but in all seriousness the rest of the world is just staring at the US in wide-eyed shock right now - millions of people to choose from and you ended up picking between THESE TWO fucking ass-clowns?!
We're waiting for the punchline, honestly.
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Emotion has no place in politic debates. You should make your voting choice based on facts and reason. That's the first thing you trump retards can't get.

You should stop for a few minutes and compare trump and hillary's policies and how they are applicable based on real numbers.

>majority of terrorists coming from a "religious minority"
except the terrorists themselves are a minority of muslims
>go back to watching John Oliver
No one cares go back to sucking sand nigger cock.
So he wants to give them
chinese food then?
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>current year
The delusion is real
What do you think is going to happen to the people deprived of healthcare when he'll delete it ?

What do you think is going to happen to the people that fled their country with nothing, getting kicked out ?

It's not because he doesn't kill them with gas or guns that he doesn't kill them. And you're killing them if you're voting for him.
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Good luck shooting ALL the nasty federal agents, Cletis. I'm sure they won't just drone the fuck out of you from a safe distance, come the revolution... Your guns are gonna come in real handy aaaaaaaaaaaaaany day now huh?
> [s]gave speeches made people angry[/s]
>Gave speeches that inflamed the anger of his followers

There is a difference.

well you should to at least laugh at what a god awful prime minister they have now. Everyone is ignoring it because hes a super liberal SJW jackass who is running the country into the ground.
If only he was

The usa needs a night of the long knives
Hitler was a brilliant man.
You do realise that as a current Trump supporter a "night of long knives" would make you a potential target right?
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If he wins, we all get Chinese food.
No i dont? Being born in a country is just luck. Blindly following a religious dogma is choice. Illegally migrating into another country is a choic too. Your point?
>migrating is a choice
You're out of your mind. People risk their lives to travel to other countries because it's a life or death situation. Their only choice is leave or die. They're desperate.

And the point is, their lives aren't worth any less because they were born in another country (and you seem to agree with that).
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Anyhow the election's over.

Did you guys hear about Ratambo? He died, sadly.

You probably didn't want to hear about this way. In a Nimble America thread. But I just wanted to get the sad news out.
>(and you seem to agree with that)
yep I think they are equal, so why should they be threated with exceptions to other human beings? If I cross any border illegally im in prison for years.
Also how convinient that every single one of these desperate people seem to risk their lives to travel to these rich welfare countries, while there are closer safe countries in the vicinity?

>Gives speeches that inflame the anger of his followers; says he wants to make the country great again.

Literally every politician ever.

>Singled out a religious minority; labeled them as terrorists who wanted to destroy the country.

In Trump's case, he "singled out" the most narrow discernible source of terrorism. We don't have a way of keeping out only people who planned to commit terrorist acts, or else he'd obviously be doing it. This is the closest segmentation of that.

>Promised to make all members of that religious minority register with the government

No idea if this is true, but it makes perfect sense. Hitler drank water; you drink water. Guess you're more like Hitler than you thought!

>Said the State has the authority to close down places of worship of that religious minority.

Well does it? What's the fault here? If he's correct, he's correct. If he's not, he was mistaken. He didn't say they should or will be made to, he said they had the authority to.

>Vowed to keep members of that religious minority out of the country.

Already covered, and with good reason.

>Says he wants to punish newspapers that criticize him.

Actually, he said he wants to expand the libel laws so that colluding journalists can't continue to ruin the lives of innocent people they don't like. Which others have been calling for for much longer than he has. This is overdue.

>Calls for executing the families of terrorists.
Nazi Germany didn't have "terrorists" so I have no idea what this means. Trump called for executing the families of terrorists because they're brought up in the same insane doctrine that radicalized their parents.

>Supports and condones torture as a legitimate means to ensure the security of the State.

This applies to the majority of history's leaders.

>Blamed foreign powers and immigrants for the country's problems.

True of every leader, because it's true for every nation.

Hitler drank water. We all drink water. We're all like Hitler.
Maybe because everyone there tells them they'll be able to live a better life out there ?
Which is true tbh.
Best thing to stop people coming is to make the situation in their country better. For example by removing ISIS and bachar and allowing the free syrian army to organize elections. But this will need years.
>Maybe because everyone there tells them they'll be able to live a better life out there ?

well, but when they are in a safe country and they want to go further because they are not in a rich one, why should we still consider them as desperate people runnig from death?
>Every politician inflame the anger of his followers
Only far right-wing ones do.

Also you realize stigmatizing muslims is going to
1) worsen the lives of way many more people than the ones that would have died to terrorism
2) provoke a LOT more of terrorist acts because the oppressive climate will lead the younth to rally against the government that oppresses them

Also most countries' economy in Europe needs immigrants because population is decreasing so your last point is completely wrong as well.
Dying from poverty when you ran away from your country with nothing but a bag on your back is still dying you know.
>needs immigrants

no. just stop.
I know your brainwashed faggots would like to think that, but when there is a 10% average population without job we do not NEED fucking migrants.
>Dying from poverty when you ran away from your country with nothing but a bag on your back is still dying you know.

There is noone dying from poverty in any european country. No one. Stop with the fucking bullshit, you cant be this retarded.
Except most of those people aren't going to accept the jobs the immigrants are doing. And the immigrants working at a lesser cost makes life cheaper for everybody else that needs the sector.
You're wrong, people still die from poverty in Europe -but you got the point. They have much more chances to survive in an European country than if they stay in those "safe" countries next to theirs. Thanks for supporting the point.
>no job
>there is job but i wont do it cause fuck that

thats just retarded.
Yep, but thes ungrateful faggots dont just want to be in the EU. They want to be in the 3-4 richest countries of the EU.
Populist wildcard who can't control his rage and makes everything into a blame-someone witch hunt.
Not everybody can do physical intensive jobs, for example. Especially women.
Maybe the life in poorer EU countries isn't that good as well.
>life isnt that good here
>running for my life

pick one fag. Also i promise that the life in any EU countries is 100times better than anywhere these migrants are coming from.


Big percentage of the jobless are people who would be perfectly capable and willing to do any kind of jobs that an uneducated migrant with no ability to speak the local language could.
So the migrants aren't stealing jobs right ? So what's the matter ?
Who said that they are?
It's good to hear somebody saying migrants aren't stealing jobs. That's it.
Ofc they arent right now, and naturally they wouldnt. But if we went with some liberal faggots idea and we had to prioritize giving jobs to migrants, that would be a whole different story. But then again that wouldnt be treating them equally, that would be giving them privileges and no true liberal would want that am i right?
Nobody is prioritizing giving jobs to migrants, neither in France nor in the USA. No idea about other countries.
so my point stands. we dont NEED them.
Yeah, but on the other hand they got no impact on the unemployment rate and they help the economy if they do jobs other people won't do, especially if they do it for less. And it improves their life. Looks pretty cool eh ?

Maybe you're going to say 1 out of 100000 is going to kill 2 people in the name of Allah. Still made the lives of 999 997 people better.
ii meant 99 997*
That guy looks like a bearded Channing Tatum.
yep 10 out of 10000 works, how does that help the economy? Who feeds, houses etc all the non working?
Imagine all of the jobs that are created for the people that need to feed them.
But for the most part, charities and churches.
And none of these reasons are why hitler was so hated
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the hitler template of characteristics can be applied to everyone
Well, for one: The best thing both of them could hope to do with their life is to end it.
pretty sure the stuff about the minorities he excluded is the one and only reason why people hate him.
are you actually this retarded or trolling?
Please explain what bothers you.
he isn't like hitler.

i'm still not voting for him, but he isn't hitler.
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people are thinking the US is more likely to be a police state and warmonger under Hillary as President, not Trump
aaaaand there is the witty attempt to back out of the bullshit you said. true keyboard fighter.
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