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How is it that nothing has been done about this. Its been 14

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How is it that nothing has been done about this. Its been 14 hours for fucks sake!
Why would you eat yourself disabled?

I mean, if you are already mentally disabled it isn't a short step to becoming physically disabled.
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god damn some people just do not give a shit lmao
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She can stand just fine. Ablest bitch!
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ooooh its that bitch

if i were more motivated i would do something but im really high so. im just gonna watch
>not being able to walk because you're too fat
>flaunting it
Am I having a stroke?
Classic excuse pussy boy
I can understand being happy with yourself, at what point though does it stop being ok? At this point.
This broad is making me racist.
You gonna let him>>768952577
Talk to you like that?
Or you're realizing niggers suck
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Whats that outfit made out of?
this board just cherry picks like every other info source. Not saying it isn't true, but its definitely not the vast reality of the world...
She has some balls, asking a room full of white people to pay her for calling them racist.
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i keepz browzin these forums whitey. y'all make me sick wit' yo ableist, sexist, racist, religist, sizist, mormonist, bigotist, jingoist, pragmatist, rightist, homophobic, rat-burglarizing ways. it's time fo' you to pay fo' my ass. the war is over I ain't piccking yo' cotton no mo. enjoy thoze forced raparitions we gonna get after we enslave yo' kids!!!!
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Beat me to it. Damn.
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no... lol. Black people have food stamps like it's their job. Next time you're in a grocery store, wait till a black person goes to pay, especially a women. it's like a 50/50 shot that she's paying with food stamps
really? a black person calling people racist in a liberal setting takes balls? do you also feel like a real meanie when you say "excuse me" to get someone to move out of your way?
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wow looks like target should have been the place for a mass shooting instead
Shes the biggest mass anything that happened in a target. Target needs to make a statement.
I mean really what else is there to say. Obese to the point your disabled, completely stupid, and to top it all off a dirty nigger. I mean not much worth living for really.
why not?
i have nothing to prove
God I feel bad. How do I send all my earnings?
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paypal me
Fuck whites, Paypal me
>took me to narnia and back
apparently not even the place with almost nothing but beasts wanted her
fuck i didn't know amy shchumer was a nigger
She ate all of their Turkish Delights.
dont aschumer gender
I'm disabled due to being single and white so I could not get access to my states free health care. So i don't do stuff that would make my conditions worse

Is it because i'm white or i have a modicum of self respect and will power
get back to 1900 literate nigger
I think you are fine as long as you don't wear your problems like a victim badge of honor.
well duh when you have that much oil it tends to stick to your skin nigger boy
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If getting out of your clothing was as much of a chore as it is for her you would remain inside it too.
question guys, how much force of impact could she survive due to her built in protection?
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>$0.00? why??!!!?????
I shudder to think of it. That amount of force would surly extinct a couple things.
anyone want her twitter login wasnt too hard to get to be honest
roll trips and i post
Let me guess. It is "Paypalme1"
Top 10 Boss Battles:

number 10:this thing
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has something to do with her dead mothers maiden name ;)
i bet this planet says 'im beautiful' after basically everything she says, her denial must be working overtime on this one
Lost! ahahaha
>this thing
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i still dont know what that meme is all about and im too stubborn to google it and find out. such is life
its a brand of $O.OO watches
No its not its cp fuck off i just searched it
you werent even lying. color me surprised
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