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Who else wants to punch Jordan Peterson in his smug fucking mouth?

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Who else wants to punch Jordan Peterson in his smug fucking mouth?
hes speaking where i study soon. im going to knock his ass out
no you won't
Why tho? Are you anons small lobsters?
Why? Because hes smarter than you and better than your father?
Black guys who love to fuck and fuck good:

If you're a hot black guy and you wanna fuck me, fuck me.

If you wanna move in you can move in, but you gotta fuck me. I-I need to be fucked a lot man.

Free food. Free rent and everything else man. Here's the deal man.

Men from jail; homeless- or Um... if your a thug, you wanna come move in. You're friend can move in too man.

Free rent, you get lease and a key. Fuck me.

Piss on me. Beat me. I’m home here now.

If you see me and you wanna come over today and try it out- try it out man. If you're in my building. Try it out. You wanna fuckin' piss on me. Try it out.

Serious replies only, just fuck me

I'm lookin' for hardcore guys and mean it, and wanna do it, and I want it delivered.

I'm a hot white trash cum dump, lets fuck.
Post pics?
I don't like cleaning my room and I don't need anyone to remind it should be done
This man created a good log
Rule 34?
I have a buddy who actually likes his philosophies, but I feel too bad to call him more than just a fucking idiot. He's a great guy, but he is totally bought into this moron.
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Op sounds like you need to clean your room and rescue your father from the dragon.
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Mad because he won't buy into your narcissism? S'okay.
Skip the room cleaning and just start sorting yourself out.
guilty as charged.
This is my brother. He comes by sometimes too, he loves blojobs.

Dude should stick to psychology, maybe he's at least good at that unlike his pop-"philosophy" The Secret For Men high school level bullshit
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Quads don't lie!
Nice quads
Let me hate on people/things that are popular so that I feel like a special snowflake.
Hes serious man. Come by and try it out.
Oh yes.

I look forward to seeing you on the news anon. Do it, faggot.
Psychology is mostly pseudo science

Imagine dumbing down already dumb self-help books for middle aged women and then marketing it to weebs and NEETs wow what an intellectual powerhouse Jordan Peterson is
This dude’s brother jacked off in FOUR STROKES.>>768904444
He knows whats up.
Weebs and NEETs are mostly a product of disinterested parents anyway
I'm a NEET, I had disinterested parents.
>Can confirm
Nice try, CNN employees.
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Clean your room, faggot.
didn't really care about him.

heard him on tv. omg that smug frenchie accent. he needs a good hard fist to the face hole
I'm guessing that the thought hasn't occurred to you that you might be the moron.
I see this faggot at U of T. Jordan Peterson will (wrongly) make a pseudo-psychoanalysis on you about your troubled childhood and why being a pedophile is okay within minutes of meeting you in an attempt to look like his IQ is above 110 at best.
Says the guy who doesn't know what science is.
Youre in toronto?
give me a red pill. Whats wrong with this guy? is he really just a nut job and im blinded by Canadian pride?
Two nuts were walking down the street and one of them was assaulted.
They used to say that about Marshall McLuhan, too. Maybe it's a Maoist Cultural Revolution for the New World. As if Canada isn't supposed to have any intellectuals in its population.
Hey, are you in toronto? I have something younmight want to try out.
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nothing's wrong with him. He got too popular now everybody wants to act like he's shit.
He's just an outspoken narcissistic dipshit, I don't trust anything he says, Capitalist scumbag
Clean your room bucko
If this is genuinely what you think you've never actually paid attention to what he says and have never read his books or who they're marketed to.

Marshall McLuhan would think Peterson is a buffoon. Peterson couldn't pass PHL100.
Jordan's IQ is probably around the 130 to 140 mark. This comment proves to me you've never actually even tried to heard what he says and are just salty he disagrees with you.

Fuck off Canada.
well at least he advocates against mandatory made up pronouns
I'm 100% with him on this
fuck degenerate lefties and that repulsive hungarian jew who's financing them
Are you shilling for this asshole?
Thousand keks
Hey, i saw you mentioned you were in toronto and have a question.

Are you a black guy who loves to fuck and fuck good?

If you're a hot black guy and you wanna fuck me, fuck me.

If you wanna move in you can move in, but you gotta fuck me. I-I need to be fucked a lot man.

Free food. Free rent and everything else man. Here's the deal man.

Men from jail; homeless- or Um... if your a thug, you wanna come move in. You're friend can move in too man.

Free rent, you get lease and a key. Fuck me.

Piss on me. Beat me. I’m home here now.

If you see me and you wanna come over today and try it out- try it out man. If you're in my building. Try it out. You wanna fuckin' piss on me. Try it out.

Serious replies only, just fuck me

I'm lookin' for hardcore guys and mean it, and wanna do it, and I want it delivered.

I'm a hot white trash cum dump, lets fuck.

Let me guess you're a weeb or a NEET who loves his Chicken Soup for the Incel Soul?
So do you guys coordinate these threads from a discord or something?
r u feg?

That’s genuinely impressive
pretty much this
I'm not thrilled that he jumps out my fridge, but most of the things he says are spot on
I can see your nose from all the way over here
Smoke a little meth, you won't believe how good it feels. His brother is 49 and hes fine, he has no neuropothy problems or anything.
I'm acting alone.
Im a white trash cum dump
You need to clean your room.

Let me guess you're one of the bozos who pays him $60,000 a month through patreon despite the fact that he has a tenured job paying $150k plus book sales plus his clinic? Gotta defend daddy as he fleeces you? Don't worry you'll realize the shyster got you when book 2 is a collection of Charles Schultz growing up parables
This is a great way to give him more supporters, and prove him right at the same time.
He also does speaking tours that sell out theaters.
Comedians who sell out theaters make like 20k a show.
(In dumb cunt Brit accent) So you're saying kill all white men?
No one. Daddy jordan is all high and all mighty
I'm just hoping the feminists can bring him down so the millions of young men who follow him can be brought into the folds of the far right.
He's just another smart-ass peddling easy answers to gullible fools.
He will be forgotten soon.
Like all other motivational speakers with a " message".
Remember The Secret??
The Celestine Prophecy??

Seen this before.
I'm guessing you don't have any arguments.
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libtard detected
try it out mommy
You appear to not know what psychology is.
Nor do you know what a pseudo-science is.
holy shit!!!! quad 4s for the four stroke gang. goddamn wizard
nope I like his videos of his classes, it's nice someone took the time to record university lectures for others to learn for free
Hes right about the meth thing, you wont believe how good it feels.
Mediocre thinker who would have been weeded out with the chafe in the American University system, drowned out by dozens of professors who talk exactly like him.

But he's novelty in Canada which has a smaller system and fewer vocal conservative thinkers in their universities.
Marketing worked on you, apparently.
Or alt-right. All of the retards peddling identity politics hate Jordan Peterson.
I couldn't even get hard on the shards
Isn't this the same autist who said there's no art or poetry without religion?
And you're a trained psychologist who can administer IQ tests?
Have you tried benadryl?
Only a retard thinks you can combat unreasonable collectivists by being reasonable individualists. Those are the first people who end up buried when the mass killings start.
How about degenerate righties?
They're pretty stupid.
I just don't like him cause he's dime a dozen in the States. We don't need more guys like him exported to us when we have homegrown conservatives who think every turd they poop out of their think holes is some folksy piece of common sense they need to share with the world.
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I like how you think anon. We must win souls to our side.
With my dick maybe. Mmm succ me daddy
Trumptard detected.
That you Vox?
If I had $60k a month, I wouldn't need any halp to begin with
I can't disagree that a good part of what he says comes off shallow and obvious, but apparently there are people who need that kind of incentive
not everyone is depressed because they're intelligent and/or nihilistic
plus you can't disregard his personality - he strikes you as a guy who has some common sense and is not afraid to use it
moreover, he became so annoyingly popular after his anti-pronoun speech, which apparently had an appealing ring to the right-winged people, so yeah you can thank /pol/ for that and not just incels
>inb4 /pol/ is not incels
you and every other libtard
Are you a black guy who loves to fuck and fuck good?

If you're a hot black guy and you wanna fuck me, fuck me.

If you wanna move in you can move in, but you gotta fuck me. I-I need to be fucked a lot man.

Free food. Free rent and everything else man. Here's the deal man.

Men from jail; homeless- or Um... if your a thug, you wanna come move in. You're friend can move in too man.

Free rent, you get lease and a key. Fuck me.

Piss on me. Beat me. I’m home here now.

If you see me and you wanna come over today and try it out- try it out man. If you're in my building. Try it out. You wanna fuckin' piss on me. Try it out.

Serious replies only, just fuck me

I'm lookin' for hardcore guys and mean it, and wanna do it, and I want it delivered.

I'm a hot white trash cum dump, lets fuck.

Try it out Jeans
I love Profiles in Eccentricity.

"Try it out!"
The left and right have to win over the center in order to outnumber the other side. There's no need to win over the extremists.
Would Jordan Peterson browse Reddit or 4chan?
What a true scholar you must be.
>when the mass killings start
You might as well just stop pretending as if your lot has any actual morals or virtues. The gig has been up for decades.
Yes reddit. Pretty sure hes done an ama.
Definitely not 4chan.
4 strike gang !
I mean, that's not bad advice but it is generic. I'll add to this.

Be sure to eat daily.
Be sure to breathe regularly.
Be sure to use the bathroom when you need to.
Be sure not to drink bleach.
You're a deluded faggot, Canada is a cesspool. I have never met more insane and absolutely oblivious people in my life, it's like you lack the ability to see past the pretty facade that your country used to be, denying how fucked you really are now and the downspiral of the effectiveness of your government. I can't wait til you're all so broke that you can't leave your country and it all crumbles down around you while the elitist fuckwit Quebecois leave you to die.
Why do you think more extreme politicians tend to lose to more moderate politicians? Politicians fight over the swing voters.
is there tho?
butthurt "marxist" who waits for the society to clean his room detected
Gotta rationalize those liberal arts degrees somehow
Jordan Peterson has mentioned 4chan. I think he does browse it sometimes.
That's probably because people are, in reality, doing fine here, we actually have some sense of personal responsibility, treat everyone as an individual and the usual toxicity that makes people both left and right of the spectrum emotional children doesn't control the narrative most of the time, unlike in America.

The real estate market is in flux as usual, but almost everyone who lives here can more or less afford the worst case scenario already.
I want to punch him in the dick with my mouth
You're assuming that the governments of the west will stand long term. Every month Europe as a whole becomes a little less stable, governments are a little less in control, a little more in debt and the public trust in both them and the media continues its downward spiral to 0. Europe goes the global economy goes, how long does the US government maintain control after that?
The only "lot" i belong to is the get the fuck out of the west before things before either the far left or right start the same thing they've been doing on and off for the last century across the globe.
Sup Jordan

Humility would look good on you. WRT to pragmatic advice, you're a good entry level for men without fathers
like so

Stay out of the philosophy/mediawhore game
This. Jordan Peterson made me a faggot.
Ah, my mistake. Thought you belonged to one of those groups. I feel the same way. All of the incendiary politics and group-think ruins everything.
When the governments collapse everyones fucked. Picking a side won't necessarily help. Plenty of communists got sent to the gulags.
Shut up and clean your fucking room.
See the alt-right and SJW purity spirals.
You have a better chance picking a side and hoping they win than being one of the people standing in their way. Plenty of communists went to gulags but most of the people killed in the initial red terrors were people outside the party who posed a threat to it's stability, which is exactly the sort of people the educated individualists are making themselves out to be.
>implying I didn't spend too much time in Canada and with Canucks
Your taxes are absolutely fucked, your healthcare is a sham, ask your public service workers and/or mounties about how long it takes for them to get a doctor's visit if they're not having immediate heart failure, your water bills in certain provinces are beyond reason, you treat the indigenous folk like shit in Sask and Westward, you're more than happy to continue letting Newfoundland sink into the metaphorical ocean, you elected an absolute nonce based on how good his hair looks, who can't even engage in reasonable debate if it doesn't involve him promoting his platform and repeating, "we've worked hard for the Canadian people and only want what's best for us, you dumbfucks", an have consistently elected mayors and representatives with track records of spousal abuse, drug addictions, and public indecency. Don't even get me started on how your justice system tries it's hardest to cover up your crime rates in high population density areas while your retard college age youth spout their Marxist rhetoric.
I have a better chance if neither wins.
This is funny because it isn't satire
You don't want to get "out" of the west.

You want to get back into it.

Gather your people and stick a knife or a bullet into anyone who wants to force you to live according to evil rules.
>Europe goes
>US does fine
I don't think you understand. We import instruments, flowers, and frivolties from Europe at the moment. Europe as a whole won't fall, either, there are plenty of countries in the East who didn't fall for your socialist bullshit. The US is full of resources and the blowback from Western Europe collapsing will be minimal compared to what you think. We'll be sure to split you up nicely with Russia and France, though.
If communists or Nazis take over I'm probably going to die of starvation. And if I survive I'll have to live through hell. I'd rather take my chances and make a stand.
why do people hate this guy so much? yeah his fanboys are annoying and a lot of what he says is stating the obvious in a way that sounds profound and smart but the way some people talk about him it's like he's some neo-nazi when his views are far from "alt-right"
This is why I've worked in a dozen different trades and started my own business, never voted or ascribed to a political agenda, and have paid the bare minimum to any body. Y'all can get fucked but the world needs skilled workers.
we live in a post-satire era, anon
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People hate him because he's a pretentious faggot
The problem isn't just economic it's also security. Firstly when Europe starts to go everybody in the far right and far left will decide that now the time is for the US and the cost of stopping them, assuming you can stop them, will basically cripple you. Ten once Western Europe goes and all you have is Israel (not your friends), Turkey (also not your friends) and Japan (distancing themselves from Nato and rebuilding themselves as a separate independent nation state) against Russia (Who will end up owning Western Europe after the dust settles) and China (who without nato to stop them will colonize south east asia). That's the new world, even if the US survives you won't be the strongest nation anymore. Should be interesting to see how things look once the dust settles.
He speaks with some little bit of backbone when confronted with the insane leftist faggotry that rules "polite" discourse in America and Europe.

Some people want to lionize him as a champion, but he's also a tenured prof, and severely pozzed in other ways.
Yup same, when I talk about my getting out of the west I'm not just gonna build a boat and row there. I speak 2 soon to be 3 languages, have a bach degree in applied math 5 years experience in software and am currently doing my masters in data science/machine learning. Basically just building myself a group of skillsets essential to the modern tech market.
Can someone explain what this faggot is and why he's so popular? I don't really care about politics at all, so I've been left kind of behind and it's hard to find an unbiased/memed page on him.
just go listen to an interview or two of his
it'll take about 15-20 minutes of your precious time, busy man
Like 90% of /legbutts/ hate him which I find interesting. While I don't want people unironically calling me a faggot, I believe they have the right to say whatever they want.
Personally, I have a schedule of monthly checkups that are completely covered under OHIP that I make ample use of. If there are early signs of diseases, I will know without having to break the bank. Wait times are absolutely a non-issue for me because I use this service the way it was meant to be used. It also covers most trips to the Optometrist, Dentist, and the Chiropractor I had to use when I fell off a ladder a few years ago. What I pay in taxes is a far cry from what I would have to pay otherwise if an extremely rare emergency does afflict me. I can simply pay into insurance to be covered for even more. There are alternatives you can pay for outright if you have the money and believe government-sponsor healthcare is sin or whatever. If you have a problem that requires a specialist, there is a lineup, but most of the time it's not as bad as the hyperbole the habitually uninformed fall back on. I'll take a week waiting over a $15k hit to my bank account any time.

I can't speak on how the Indigenous are treated across Canada, but I do agree more needs to be done to set things right.

As for the crime rate, it honestly doesn't help that corrupt Mayors take the helm and royally screw some things up (Rob Ford was terrible and quite the meme, I admit).

>muh marxeesm
I know people here have a lot of trouble with political science, but Communism is not the same as a pseudo-social Democracy that runs on the principles of Capitalism.

Trudeau and Harper weren't the best possible Prime Ministers, sure. I also strongly dislike how Canada is no longer strictly a peacekeeping force (thus much more open for retaliation with the rest of the warmongering nations), but at least they weren't an Angela Merkel or Donald Trump. Water bills and such are mostly provincial issues up to the Premiers to take action with. It's not like these problems are unsolvable and a new federal election is coming soon enough, so even if you hate all of this it might very well change.
lol nailed it
A bunch of sad adults who are ok being worthless piles of shit.

Why don't you knock out Hasan Piker, dudes an ultra douche soyboy who needs his wussy jawline tuned up.
if "b" in lgbt stands for bi, does that mean there are only two genders?
Story's already bullshit. He doesn't speak at special needs schools.
weird, I was under the impression it was he ever did

Give up the alt right and get a hot Asian gf instead.

You guys are all fucking retarded. You don't like him cause he shines a mirror in your fat pathetic face. Enjoy your small corner of hell fucking losers.
>I am mad because he makes money
Congratulations, you're a faggot
>implying Peterson agrees with dumpty
Even Peterson is more intelligent than the dotard.
That's what I am and that's what I believe. I am a very factual person and facts point to 2 possible sex configurations (there are others but they are outliers so they shouldn't count towards the whole). I understand some people want to say they aren't one or the other but rather somewhere in between but for simplicity sake we can't do that for everything. If I'm not that sexually attracted to people but I do want to to cuddle with guys and gals but mostly guys I could say I'm sensual panandroasexual but that's just fucking stupid.
If someone asks, I'm bi.
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Sort yourself out.
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