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s/feral High quality edition because anon is a fucktard

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
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Thread replies: 222
Thread images: 147
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High quality edition because anon is a fucktard
>getting tricked into posting hq feral

I'm disappointed

Do it. I won't even interrupt. go nuts man.

>basically paintings of animals
I'm out, goodnight furfriends
they literally post feral with boobs and complain when we post our "degenerate" stuff

and by interrupt I mean post so as to deny you to post the image, unless you'd like me to add from one of my folders. either way I'll be happy discuss while you dump.
i only have like 3 or 4 feral pics. shame on me

bye, sleep well

>posts smut
good riddance.

oh look, more disney style dog pussies. you're so proving me wrong, man.
>Ow, my feelings.
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That was the first feral image in my folder btw.

Couldn't be assed, and I have very little on my phone anyway, but I'll post what I have just to prove you wrong.

>more disney eyes, again focusing on the genitals as opposed to the beauty of the being.

nigga.... please.
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>looks at porn for "the beauty of being"
fucking gayyyyyy
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dog waifu.png
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ive got some pretty good shit, take a look, also got any human on furry action?
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>hurr it has to be exactly this way or it's bad
Imagine being this fucking retarded. You blatantly ignored the OP image which already proved you wrong.
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you see my pic related? is this focused on the genitals? does it focus on the sexual aspects of the subject, or on the raw beauty?

your supposed feral "high quality" is nothing but amateur penthouse level porno.

OP was down the right road, though. just not far enough.

yes. it's nothing but porn, but with cartoon dogs. it's garbage.
This is my kind of thread.
That's all I have on my phone, but I can go to e6 and find hundreds fitting your description of "good" if you want me to keep proving you wrong.

So I'm right, gotcha.

lol ok kid
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wow, that's so fucking well drawn
Right? I wish I could draw like that.
Stop complaining, post more ferals.
i wish i could eat that

I bet you gotta look at a lot of horse puss to get it to look that pretty and correct.

>words don't have meaning
yep, you sure got me good...

do it then. go there and post some HQ "feral" that is just paintings of animals. I'll wait.
Jesus christ how horrifying.

in fact, here. I got one for you, from my 'best' folder.

it's a fucking owl in a tree, not spreading its legs and throwing itself at you.

imagine that.
Do you have autism?
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I can make a real sfur thread too if you guys want, this one was just to shitpost.

The only person who was even complaining was the faggot whom I made the thread for. Feral is nice.


I'd imagine it more comes down to artistic skill. I could easily draw a horse pussy if I could draw at all, it's not hard.

I literally already proved you wrong, but alright then you little faggot. I'll embarrass you with your worthless opinions, give me a minute.
>literally proving yourself wrong
Are you fucking retarded?

Shut up and post shit, "quality" or not.

everyone's autistic in comparison to brainless downies. so, compared to you... yep.

again, I'll wait... for paintings of animals. whoopee.

You could have just said yes. You made very little sense.
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compared to people that aren't retarded, I'm normal.

everyone seems autistic when you have downs syndrome, in case you didn't catch that.
I'm going to go ahead and assume you know that latter half from personal experience.

comparative reasoning, actually.
Your reasoning skills leave much to be desired.
>inb4 "I was only pretending to be retarded!"
Awesome need more pics
nothing wrong there dude
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still waiting on those definitely extant pics from e621 that are neither fetishist drivel nor paintings of animals... I can stop posting pics like >>768900458
asked, to save room for them, if you'd like. I'll save them, AND repost them, AND admit I was wrong, here in this thread, if, you know, you can do it.
You were saying?
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You guys need help...
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Want me to keep going? I can prove retards wrong all day long.
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classic fairytale
look, falvie hardly passes for high art.
broken anatomy, poor shading, little effort.

>more fanservice
Where is that autist I was talking to last night about genetics?
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>cartoon eyes
>LOL an outline

you're not even trying, are you?
>implying literally any of that matters
And good job conveniently ignoring all of these
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Come on dudes I just wanna beat my dick
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I wonder how hard it is to be such a mouth breathing fucktard who's as mentally developed as paramecium.

there we go. so there is dragon feral that is not fetishist or pornographic. I have now been proven wrong on the charge of "all feral is pornographic garbage"

so you got me there. well done.
You were proven wrong since the OP you dumb nigger. Now get the fuck out of my thread.

This guy fucks.
autists please respond
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Meh, he's an okay artist even if the sexual content is extreme. I don't get the hate, but whatever. I still proved the fucktard wrong regardless.
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disney shit
I can only reply so fast.
cartoon garbage
I can't categorize this, but I'll take it.
something there doesn't settle right.
>oh look, more animé shit

Very nice. I will accept these as proof that my position was wrong. not all "feral" is trash. you got me.

please post more. I'll look up the artists.
You spelled mediocre wrong, and ye.
>please reply to me and my worthless opinions!
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obstinate conflict isn't proof, and OP's pic is mediocre at best.

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these pics, are proof that I was wrong about any decent feral art simply being pics of animals. There is good anthropomorphic art, and this proves it.

not all "feral" is shit. I was wrong.

nice. ya got me.
also, moar
Very nice.

Again, you were wrong long ago. Now shut the fuck up because nobody cares.

>but it's still basically a drawing of a horse, wearing clothes or something

I'm not gonna nitpick. it's good.
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so I was. wrong is wrong regardless of when. and no, I won't shut up. the majority of the images in this thread are zoophilic porn. people that like most "feral" art are nothing but depraved perverts. sick in the head: broken. ill. failures.
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>please validate me!

you get used to it. you just gotta let 'em expose themselves, and bear with the understanding they're sick and lonely.

umm, I was just admitting I was wrong... but If you think otherwise, fine.

why not?
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Also ECMajor
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>high quality edition
>full of more shit than a clogged toilet in a sports stadium

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wow. such meaning. such grace. the simplicity. the beauty. I'm definitely not being sarcastic. Really, that line drawing of an animal's vulva is soooo inspiring. I'm moved. a changed man. life will never be the same.
gee whiz, batman. more porn.

Stop trying to impose your personal rule onto a long-running thread that has been on this site longer than you have.

Stop being a judgy cunt, will you? Your shitty pretensions will get you nowhere.
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RenderAnon checking in
can u make it 3d??
deep, man.
>no, really
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I make it all 3d
>stop judging me
>my shitty pretensions will get me somewhere
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skunkettes would disagree. feral, though not a new development (and certainly not a good one) wasn't well defined until '09. up until then, it was all just furry porn, "feral" or not.
>people that like most "feral" art are nothing but depraved perverts. sick in the head: broken. ill. failures.

Well.... yes it's true, but I'm not going to stop masturbating to animal porn because of it.
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whats the s stand for?? straight?
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ok. you do you. I would like to re iterate that I was wrong about there being no good feral art. Someone posted >>768901773 and >>768901813

I'm glad you are open about enjoying this, and are realistic about it. it takes balls to admit things like that.

I'm super into bondage and dom on /gif/. fap to it all the time.

some people would call me a sicko. I am. the difference is, I don't call BDSM porn "high art" because I'm not in denial. it's smut, made to be masturbated to. it's trash.

high art carries with it high meaning. high meaning goes beyond the sexual and incorporates the purpose behind sex, the reason sex is, and why it is.

Voire Parfaire is to feral as Van Gogh is to hentai
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How did it take this long for this to become a thing?
this has been a thing since like 2010. the word feral even comes from /b/ to describe it. many early pornographic furry comics fetured (previously undefined) ferals. there was no distinction; cartoon animals fucking were cartoon animals fucking, regardless of whether or not they walked on all fours. porn was porn and single ugly fatsos were jizzing to it.
what does the s stand for

I didn't know this site was the origin of the term feral. I knew that had been a thing. I'm asking how it took so long for somebody to make "s/feral" threads a thing.
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this is the first one. I trolled it into being.


/s/ stands for straight. that was about 2014.
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I don't know where Carrot falls on the quality scale OR the autismo scale, but I swear I'm diamonds every time I see art by Carrot.
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dog blonde.jpg
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this thread....
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there were many threads debating the meaning of /g/ and /s/, fighting over whether or not it should be /s/ and /g/ or /m/ and /f/ (male and female)

eventually the community settled on audience appeal as opposed to definitive content. /s/ appeals to straight men (users of the internet at the time, so naked women) and /g/ appeals to gay men (there are no girls on the internet, etc.)

however I do save the occasional male nude for the beauty and idea. I'm straight, but the meaning behind a male nude is not abominable, IMO

>t. can't find any males, mixed in sporadically and rarely. I do have them. still sifting through my 'better' folder

I know they're here. I remember being a bit submissive to the fact that they were pretty, regardless of my insecurities
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dog black.jpg
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prolly could google more afgan hounds
but i already have posted too much here
mebe in the next
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This genuinely needs to remain a thing
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welp, can't find the tasteful males. I know I have some, mixed in. I'm too tired to sort through 9gb of pics to post them.
ok. so let it be. these threads will always be markedly lower quality than even the most lowbrow /s/ threads.

to each their own, I guess.
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feral is amazing

an animal body with a human mind is pretty much the ultimate taboo for me. I have no desire for real animals -- go ahead and peg me as being in denial since the pussies in these pics look delicious -- but I want a Jenna or a Perdita more than any human woman I've known

quality, schmality

I'm fapping to dogs with human expressions here
k. go nuts.

or... drain 'em... or whatever. give 'em a good tug, on me.

key takeaways from your post;

>taboos turn me on
>animal bodies turn me on
>human minds turn me on

I feel there's more to this. can you go into detail? why does human intelligence in an animal body turn you on?

did you spend a great deal of time with dogs as a child?

are you secretive or open about your sexual preferences?

would you have sex with a dog, given human intelligence?

what species should I fap to?

whatever floats your boat, dude.

ummmm.... species is too defined. So I'll narrow it down to... I dunno... lagomorphs.

beat it to lagomorphs.
Dr.s Orders.
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>I feel there's more to this. can you go into detail? why does human intelligence in an animal body turn you on?

Because I watched All Dogs Go To Heaven 2 when I was a kid.

>did you spend a great deal of time with dogs as a child?

Not really. I didn't have a pet until my teenage years.

>are you secretive or open about your sexual preferences?

Super secretive. I'm not going to go around announcing that I want to fuck Disney characters with four legs.

>would you have sex with a dog, given human intelligence?

Only if it looked like the ones in these pics. The artists do just enough to give them humanoid faces / expressions.
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I didn't know what s/feral was and I though this was just cute HQ pics of horses. I hate this website sometimes
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This is /b/. If we post pics of horses, it means we want to fuck them.
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Thread images: 147

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