Waifu Bread
I did long ago.
A worthy trade for that sax
The correct answer is to boop all the butts, and die happy.
That is correct, but at least do them a solid and boop them all at the same time.
you going to be playing 2 whenever it releases?
Claiming best girl.
No, it would still hurt..
Not if he boops Rorybutt, but he doesn't, therefore he gay.
Did you beat it?
Hi, smoll
He boops Rorybutt and he cant protecc the Lelei. Because he technically married her, by her customs.
but maybe the pain will feel good?
Did you have troubles with sleep?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Probably. Just probably not in a timely manner.
Yup. Even went through hell.
He's married and still hasn't booped his wife's butt? He gay.
That's not the kind of pain that'll feel good..
I don't remember hell. Only the UFO.. Only managed to get to the ice area 2 times iirc..
it wasn't the best, but i had a dream so that's nice
i'm probably going to pre-order it or something, really liked the first
i say that when i've only beaten olmec though.. just so happens that i beat olmec around the time i was enjoying vidya less and less by the day. unfortunate timing i guess
i think it'd feel good
His wife is 15 and he didn't know he was married until she told him. It made Rory angeru.
What dream?
well it was more like a nightmare kinda, but it was still fun. it's way too intricate and im bad at explaining stuff
It's a real convoluted thing. If i recall everything, have to the black market, get the ahnk, kill yourself on one of the ice levels and res, kill anubis, take his... Staff? I think? Which opens a door to the golden area, then steal the book of the dead, then kill olmec in a certain spot so you can go through a door at the bottom of the map... I think that's it.
It was a good time. If i'm in a better position financially i'll probably grab it after release when it's confirmed to not be shit.
Why Rory still wants to boop his butt if they married and she knows it? She should boop the elfbutt.
I doubt.
I haven't dreams for a while. Do you think it means something?
Wew. Who would even figure that out without looking it up?
definitely. i'll probably hold off too since it's what i usually do, but i really doubt it'll be shit. better safe than sorry though
it would be for me! arisu is a cutie
i'm not much of a believer in dreams having meaning, and it was way too far out to have any meaning if i did believe in that
It might lead to serious injuries and then you'd never be able to boop Arisubutt.
Each individual step (kind of) has its own clues and merits to doing them, so it's not as far fetched as you might imagine.
It'll probably be fine, i agree, but i've been burned by preorders before, and saved myself from getting burned by not preordering even more.
What do you believe in?
she's a 12 year old girl that weighs 31 kilos, i doubt there'd be any serious damage
i've never actually preordered anything, mainly because of not wanting to get burned
as in?
I've noticed that some anons in these threads reply like they are talking down to children. Which is rather ironic considering the theme of these threads.
hello faggots
does it count if it's someone's oc?
I remember the orgy yesterday.
i don't believe in him, but i'm not a denier in his existence either
I need to watch a speedrun or something of it.
Depends where she'll hit you..
Sorry missed ya last thread Renge. We are in for a bittersweet ending I feel.
Rory boops who she pleases. It angerus her that Itami may have done booping without her.
You are an agnostic, I see.
it does, if she was going for my head i'd stop her. but if it was just my arm or something, then it's not a big deal
i suppose i am
What do you usually do in your free time?
maybe a youtube video sometimes
Cato did not immediately die of the wound; but struggling, fell off the bed, and throwing down a little mathematical table that stood by, made such a noise that the servants, hearing it, cried out. And immediately his son and all his friends came into the chamber, where, seeing him lie weltering in his own blood, great part of his bowels out of his body, but himself still alive and able to look at them, they all stood in horror. The physician went to him, and would have put in his bowels, which were not pierced, and sewed up the wound; but Cato, recovering himself, and understanding the intention, thrust away the physician, plucked out his own bowels, and tearing open the wound, immediately expired.
She should realize Itami a faggot.
..aand then she breaks your arm..
Nothing much.
i really doubt that, and if she does, i'm fine with that. it's about time i broke a bone
That ain't right.
I'm going away.
i've never had a broken bone before though
Why are you being a rood?
How is it rood to call Itami a faggot when he doesn't want to boop Rorybutt, elfbutt, or lolibutt?
That's good.
but it seems like an interesting experience
You just being a rood, calling someone a faggot. Das rood. You a rood.
Where's she from?
Shit, I don't recognize any of these
Even if Arisu wasn't there to dote on you and feeling sorry until you are healed?
It a truth.
I love listening to my cute waifu teach me about art
Morning, cutes~
that would make it much better and i would prefer that, yea
Mornin', any plans for today?
I gotta go in at about 12, and after I get home I'm gonna play games with some friends. How about you, cute?
You a rood.
What anime is this?
She's pretty good at that..
..But if she wasn't there to do all that?
And he gay.
Just waiting for dinner to arrive then probably go over my notes
then i probably won't go willingly break a bone
Is that Saya's cat? Are there more pictures with it?
She's super good at a lot of things!
Ah, neat. I've rarely ever studied for anything honestly. What's for dinner?
Suspiciously cheap stir-fry noodles. My favorite.
Rem claimed
Saya doesn't have a cat..
..Otherwise you would?
What else she's good at?
if i had arisu to care for me, yes, i would
So is she just taking care of a kitten from the street? That is nice of her.
Ah, my favorite.
Cat's cradle!
The poor guy doesn't know
Nice! What else?
Saya is a really nice girl.
But you wouldn't be able to boop her with a broken arm..
She is.
i actually have two arms, not only one
You too rood. Why so rood?
Nice, kind and caring.
Truth can be rood.
"But you shouldn't strain yourself!" She'd say.
She's really good at random stuff! What else?
Making excellent coffee!
But still a rood.
rory a cute
i'd still boop her. i doubt it'd be much of a strain
What do you like about her the most?
But tru.
She might worry though, or not let you..
i won't let her worry, and i'll probably still boop her regardless
But why so rood
I watched the anime, i know that axe is fucking heavy. How is he holding her within that axe? He must be not human.
LOL 2cute
She's a demi-god loli
Even if she didn't want boops?
Not rood, just tru.
i'd think she is carrying most of it's weight
Because magic, I think as long as she is holding it its fine.
No, a rood. Saya a rood lood.
if it seriously bothered her, i'd stop. if only slightly, i'd do it to tease her
2 rood
That's a hard question, I love everything about her. Her cute eyes, her hair, her personality, the way she's good at everything, heck even her name is cute.
Do you have a shrine for her?
She has a cute name, yeah!
She looks like fun to tease.
I'm not the one calling others rood tho..
Even cuteanon is calling you rood.
Yeah, but sadly I haven't got much merchandise of her, I can't find a whole bunch.
most definitely, watching her face turn red then hit you for teasing her would be fun
Claimed, evening y'all
There's one figure of her, but her face looks kinda weird on that..
I don't know about the hitting part..
If I had the money, I'd buy it.
just a love tap, those are nice
What about bodypillow with her on it?
That's silly and cute one!
Full strength blow to the liver?
Here >>768096799
How do you know it was for me?
that's not what a love tap is, it's a light, playful hit. but if she wanted to give me a full strength shot to the liver, then so be it
There was an amazing quality limited time one that my friend offered to buy for me, but I had to turn him down since it was 100$. I want more Saya merch so badly dude.
Do you have a pic of it?
You'd let her?
yes i would let her, it's for her!
because saya a rude
Aнacтacия — звeздa, чтo вeдeт мeня
i need money so I can start a shrine
No, Rory is.
Or for you?
well, i've always wondered how it'd feel.. so maybe a bit for me too. but if she's wanting to punch me, then it's also for her
This thread is a damn mess.
Does it differ from every other waifu thread?
That's a nice one, but what's on the other side?
I want to see her eat that apple without using her hands..
It is?
W-Whatever floats your boat..
anyone know a game like ulteralterbach?
Worst girl is on the back, but that doesn't bother me because the Saya side is too good.
>tfw one of my coworkers asked me out for Friday but I already saw the Avengers with my family
what's the problem? i mean it's not like it's bas rutten giving me the liver punch
Oh.. You should get one with her on both sides!
..How so?
It would still hurt, but if you like that..
I wish I could, they're all lewd ;-;
https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B079DJ5DKS not all.
i would still like to try it. and who ever said anything about me liking it? of course not!
How in the hell have I not seen this before? This is great
You wouldn't like it if Arisu inflicted all sorts of pain on you?
It's a nice one, if a bit expensive..
No no, the apple can't fall to the ground either!
well jeez would you look at the time, i should've been asleep a couple hours ago.. goodnight!
..At least there's a good one..
>tfw no good daki of Saya
the one in her mouth did not
I'm sorry, friend.
you moan too much, rory
They all too lewd and kinda badly drawn..
Oo, looks like there were multiple attempts too.