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Which one is better? And why? >Coke or Pepsi

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Which one is better? And why?

>Coke or Pepsi
Only niggers and white trash drink pepsi.
At the end of the day they are both just carbonated sugar water.
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both are fucking disgusting

it's like you're drinking carbonated syrup
Children won't get this reference.
Coke tastes better.
Pepsi because it tastes better
And he went, 'Wait, what are you talking about, we decided
My best interest, how can you know what's my best interest is''
'How can you say what my best interest is'
What are you trying to say, I'm crazy'
When I went to your schools, I went to your churches
I went to your institutional learning facilities'
So how can you say I'm crazy''
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>Not drinking a drink made for intellectuals such as myself.
Coke desu.
>when you're Gen Z and can't answer simple questions without going into snowflake mode
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>posts "not drinking a drink"
>calls himself an "intellectual"

Step up your vocabulary game, roody poo.

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Now and always was. I gave 4 teeth to this stuff.

fatass Americans and their sugar drinks
>so effeminate he reddit spaces
Cry moar, second world queer.
I prefer Coke, but don't hate Pepsi. Maybe I'm just weird.
I'm an American faggot. try again
Pick one, subhuman.
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mfw reading your posts
>not effeminate
>not queer
>I'm an American faggot
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Kek. I'm from the Rochester area. The only drinkable Genny is cream ale.
Beer > Water > Coke > Semen > Liquified Human Shit> Pepsi.
Get fucked candyassgot
Genesee master race. Genny full is my go-to now and forever.

cream ale is cheap af too, like $4 and change for a 6 pack
I roundly reject the myth that it gives you the shits too
Water > Straight Vodka like a real man > Straight Whiskey like a real man > Jack and coke > Dr. Pepper > Coke > Chocolate Milk > Hi-C Orange but only if you’re having a “fuck it I think I’ll kill myself later” kind of day > Milk > Hi-C orange on a regular day > Water from the Dead Sea > Liquified human shit > Hydrogen Peroxide > Horse semen > Human semen > Horse Semen and Human Semen mixed together and served with liquified expired yogurt and HIV+ blood in your beloved childhood pet’s rotting skull dug up from your backyard > Pepsi
>massive amounts of sugar

id say neither is good.
>like a real man
>posts from an Apple device
>Thinks real men give a shit about what type of phone they have
I bet you’re a virgin
>be faggot
>don't do any masculine activities to burn calories
>reddit space and write like a nigger on 4chan about how the single mom who raised you said sugar is bad m'kay
You're out in force tonight.
>i bought a phone specifically made for fags and retards
Yeah, that rainbow sticker on your bumper doesn't mean anything either, Bruce.
Red Pepsi
>Being this much of an android shill
You probably go to the state fair and ask your mom to buy you caramel oranges. Nothing Apple for you, huh buddy?
*Eats Popcorn*
Since I already gave my straight answer to OP, let me just say that birch beer kicks the shit out of all other sodas.
What do you have against oranges? Don't want to muss up your manicure peeling one?
I hate coke. By far the worse soda. It leaves this awful dry itch in the back of my throat. I'll just have water if coke is the only option. Pepsi tastes far more refreshing as well.
Fucking poor fag with nigger shit palette. Coke is “harder” as in has more carbonation. Pepsi is sweeter and has less carbonation. How can you faggots not know the difference
>when jamal goes on an insecure rant because he didn't understand the question
Everyone knows the difference, dunce. He asked for a subjective opinion. Don't have kids, OK?
It's alright, although sasperilla blows its load on birch beer's face every night like the complacent whore it is.
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