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Levantine women are the most attractive and you can't convince

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Levantine women are the most attractive and you can't convince me otherwise
If you say you wouldn't fuck a hijabi you're probably gay
One is good
Two is better
Three has even one more letter
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File: bb1.jpg (31 KB, 549x604) Image search: [Google]
31 KB, 549x604
Agreed, fam. Lebanese, Israeli, Palestinian, Persian girls... mmmph.

Greek girls, too.
Dark, full head of hair, noir features, sultry eyes, pouty lips, beautifully colored range of skin, generally great genetics.
You can make a pig wear lipstick, but it's still a pig.
Tight, when they're young, but turn into warts and shrews quite early.
File: devilish.jpg (39 KB, 536x464) Image search: [Google]
39 KB, 536x464
Heeeere's Deus Vult!
Indians make a close second
Faggot detected

sound like the type of guy with the education level of someone who has experience fucking actual pigs
Yes they do. Desi girls are also very welcome to straddle my face.
funny how the more prominent they are the whiter they are. She's pretty hot, though, that's for sure.
I like darker girls just the same, just what I felt like posting
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dude idc what race they're up against swedish, argentinian, german..... persians are top tier
Indians have a very short sell-by date.
You can't just make up a country and claim it has the best women; it doesn't work like that.
i think what youre trying to say is that indians make a lot of "number 2"
File: Screenshot_2017-03-27-14-46-25.png (1 MB, 1080x1920) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1080x1920
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