ITT: Autistic things that you do
Everyday i blow my brain out but i keep comming back.
Does being an autist counts?
Leave my room only for fnm or alcohol.
Not make eye contact when talking to people, pretending to be on my phone when passing near people, letting my finger nails grow so I can pretend to be a werewolf.
One bath a month
I browse /b/ all day instead of taking care of myself and doing more productive things, fuck.
Fuckin kekidesu.
>Not make eye contact when talking to people
I did this when talking to a 12 year old. Get on my level.
>Not make eye contact when talking to people
>Pretending to be on my phone when passing near people
>letting my finger nails grow so I can pretend to be a werewolf.
what the fuck
i involuntarily twitch and shake when i listen to good music. if i really like a song i physically cannot stay still.
I wipe my ass back to front, pee in the shower, piss in bottles and leave them on the side of the shop where I work.
Take off all my clothes when I take a shit
Interesting, what if you're in a public bathroom?
Anon, are you alright?
I go home or hold it
Something I am making noises similar to the crash bandicot "woah" but it sounds even more retarded. Depending if I am excited, nervous or angry the urge to make these stupid noises get stronger. I also do them when people are around but more silent hoping they don't notice. Even done them at my ex work and some of the bosses thought I was mentally retarded as I later found out.
I scratch my head and eat dead flakes of skin or my acne
Get into imaginary fights with people I see in the street and get visibly angry
Post the exact same threads over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over
I close my eyes during haircuts so I don't have to awkwardly wonder where to look during it
Same but I thought this was normal
I don’t like using public bathrooms. I only use em when my it feels like a geyser is bursting out of my ass
Thought i was the only one
I go to /pol/ threads with 2 different IP's & browsers, enter a thread & then argue with myself from the 2 most extreme ends of the spectrum.
I make the most radical statements possible as both a total bleeding heart liberal sjw whiteknight progressive & a maniacal racist authoritarian who is so extreme that is frightens even the stormfags.
Contrary to what one might believe, the fun is not in the (You)'s from people who are triggered...., but rather it is seeing all of the hivemind retards who will agree with & support the insane positions I take.
I honestly think this is most /pol/ threads in a nut shell
i play osu
The top two aren't normal unless you're autistic. You just proved that you are, faggot
But I've literally done this. Are you me?
Dad, is that you? I thought you died in that horrific firefighter training accident?
Me too in addition to only getting a haircut every year or two.
its a game for autists