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If you could turn invisible where would you masturbate?

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If you could turn invisible where would you masturbate?
Locker rooms or changing rooms.
in Rachel's shower
on the rug
in class and then i'd nut on the hottest girls face
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Why would I let me being not-invisible stop me?
In my room, invisibility doesn't make me want to go out in public any more than I usually do
Inside Jessie's girl
In public man. There are so hot every type of girls than you think.
I’d probably just keep on jerkin it outside your mothers window.
I wish that I had Jessie's girl
Bitch i said in public cause there are hot girls than internet
Where can I find a woman like that?
What does that even mean?
On your mom's hair
It means i would masturbate outside bitchhhhhhh
In your house

Would steal money, walk out from restaurants, and rape women. Man would it be great to be invisible. My neighbor has a hot daughter, id do that. And this guy down the street makes six figures.
People masturbate outside everyday.
In a Middle School Girls Bathroom
Honestly same
you can come over if you want and I'll pretend you're invisible? It's just nice to have someone around y'know
Can I come to? I'll bring snacks. It's just lonely here
Thats pretty good.
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i’d rape ALOT of people, can’t get in trouble cuz people will just think they’re crazy
Guys, I would sneak into a store and steal a bunch of expensive stuff
what kind of snacks
>If you could turn invisible where would you masturbate?

>Guys, I would sneak into a store and steal a bunch of expensive stuff

>If you could turn invisible
>I would sneak into a store

Are you fkin retarded?

Why do you have 'sneak' when you are invisible?
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