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Long story short, I met a coworker who’s into me and I’m

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Long story short, I met a coworker who’s into me and I’m into her, but how do I cheat on my current girlfriend without seeming like a asshole
Make excuses. Blame everybody else
NEVER under any circumstances date or fuck a coworker as it always leads to problems. Stay away, anon. As soon as that bitch decides she isn't into you anymore, she'll squeal to HR and it'll make working there forever awkward or get you fired. And how about staying faithful to the current girlfriend, eh? Getting cheated on is a horrible feeling.
But what the fuck do I know? I'm just another opinionated 4fag.
jesus that made me cringe
Break up you cheating asshole

Was in the same situation a month ago where it was with a old college friend and we were both in relationships.

Got to the point where we organised a time and a place to hookup but we both got cold feet which is probably for the best.
you can't. You're an asshole.
You sound like a retard
Don't cheat
Break up with you're girlfriend or get a open relationship
You asswipe
I don’t wanna hurt her faggot
Then don't cheat asshole
This. Don't shit where you eat. Either just stick with your current gf or quit job/change departments in order to date this sloot at work.
Seeming in asshole
Liars and cheaters are assholes
Fuck who you want when you're single asshat
We already don’t work in the same department, we just see each other and flirt often.
But I wanna fuck her
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17 KB, 374x500
>how do I cheat without seeming like an asshole
I never reply but... This... Trust me
If you wanna fuck break up with your girl asshole
Jesus it's simple

Don't cheat or break up
Hello lurker
I still like and wanna fuck my girlfriend though. I just wanna fuck co worker too but without the drama of the girlfriend
Ok, set ground rules with the slut first. Tell her it's not a long term thing and if any drama comes to the workplace the whole thing will be out and you'll both look like sacks of shit. Make sure you dig into her personal life too, find her family and friends and have them on speed dial if shit hits the fan. She turns into a cunt, you need to call everyone and be in a panic about needing money for an abortion and how big of a mistake it was to let her manipulate you so far.
unless you're in a open relationship
ain't gonna happen
just don't cheat or break up with her retard
You can't serve you're cake and eat it too
choose one
Girlfriend or coworker
Don't listen to these faggots who have probably never had a real girlfriend. If your coworker knows you have a gf and she fucks you anyway you are good to go. Come to an arrangement. Fucken send it kid.
>how do I cheat on my current girlfriend without seeming like a asshole

Not possible. The real question is how do you do it without getting caught.
Im in the exact same position wtf
See here's an anon that has his priorities straight. Very wise.
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