Are these lips to long?
I like long lips & I cannot lie
More to play with!
No. They are worth saving. What most of the /b/ virgins don't seem to understand is that there is no too big too small when it comes to pussy lips. It's a matter of taste (pun intended) and because of what people say in places like this it makes some women think they have to have surgery to have perfect barbie pussies and then they pay doctors shit tons of money to get them. They are all unique and should be treasured for what they are.
No.. they're very nice
not too long no. they are long though lol
could be worse mate
Fucking whiteknight beta faggots in here worshipping this roadie cunt. Fuck you and timestamp cumdump.
Still not too big
Eat shit roastie lover. Kys
did you mean roastie cunt you stupid virgin faggot?
Dunno, need more pics to decide.
thanks for stopping in faggot
Long labia are awesome to suck on when going down on a chick . Adds a couple extra moves you couldn't normally do
Fake news
Had a GF with long pips like those. Had to use lube because dry lips would rub against my cock when we would first start fucking. She was wet inside and if we didn't use lube her lips would eventually get wet from her natural juices but those first few minutes would kind of hurt both of us (dry skin on skin).
Long lips like those are not unattractive but not as easy to get through when you're fucking
Nice and wet, is that lip on the right always tucked in like that?
If your pussy was cartoon it would be Dumbo
Dumbo's the best cartoon
and you'd be sucking on my trunk faggot
Pound of smoked salmon that smell like tuna YES they are too long...who knows what other degenerate genes that bitch is carrying...move on..
absolutely not these are beautiful
How about laylas pussy lips?