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Like lolis? Like priests? Well here’s to you /b/. >be me

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Like lolis? Like priests? Well here’s to you /b/.
>be me
>be female preist
>church is an orphanage for lil lolis
>most loli kids are lil shits
>two lolis who are actually worth taking care of
>both are 11/10 qt 3. 14s
>massive lolicon
>other lolis are rude and refuse to take Jerusalem
>the rest of the church doesn’t like me, says I’m not representing the Christian faith in a good light
>lil fox loli comes up to me and is shy as Hell
>yes I’m a priest and just said Hell fuck you lol
>loli starts fiddling with her hands
>”Mistress A-anon... I w-want to talk to you about something... p-pweese...”
>oh my fucking God
>“Of course child. Tell me what’s bothering you.”
>I get down on my knees to get to her height, she’s smol
>smiling warmly trying with every fiber in my being not to fuck this little girl
>”I... umm... I-I feel funny... whenever I see you... l-like I want to hug you really tightly...”
>fox loli just explained to me that she gets horny whenever she sees me
>time to take advantage and show her how to love
>”Well child, you’re growing up. And with growing up comes new feelings that can only be satisfied by other people. What you’re feeling is natural. But I can help you.”
>loli hugs me, her panties are soaked
>she starts grinding up against my leg
>then the winged girl boner arrived!
>reach down and start rubbing the outside of her panties
>loli moans commence
>take her into my office
>set her down on sofa
>take panties off
>eat her out like a filthy Saracen that just found out what food was
>she calls me mistress as she cums
>don’t stop until she cums two more times
>teach her how to eat out pussy
>she eats me out
>she’s pretty good for a little girl
>put her on top of me before I cum
>rub clits together
>she cums as I cum
>we cuddle afterwards
>she tells me she loves me
>send her back after a few hours
>find out she’s an orphan with and so is her loli friend Remillia
>working on adoption for fox loli
>pic related
godspeed op
Fucking catholics and foxholics. Hope the foxgod takes you to hell with it.
Burn in hell pedo
>be me
>still a priest
>been a week or so since I taught the fox loli how to be loved by someone
>admittedly I really didn’t really do it out of love, I was just horny
>over time I develop a parental bond with her
>found out her name is Rin
>still teaching her how to be loved by someone physically
>start to actually love this little girl
>spends most of her time with me
>constantly making her cum and in return she say she loves me
>still calls me mistress but one time she called me mommy
>go back two days ago
>I’ve been working on adopting Rin a while now
>an agent shows up to ask me some questions
>typical CPS shit
>suitable home, clean record, everything that those fucks would ask
>checks out my room
>fox and cat lolis all over my walls
>agent looks suspicious
>tell em “I watch anime in my spare time”
>he buys it but is still suspicious
>tells me everything looks good and they’re just waiting on an interview with me and Rin
>at church, teaching how the kids how God loves them and he has a family for them one day
>kids eat this shit up
>kids don’t realize that it’s a bullshit lie
>get done with the preaching
>two FBI faggots approach me and ask to talk to me
>”of course gentleman. What can I do for you?”
>they tell me that one of the nuns overheard Rin talking about how I teach her how to be loved by someone
>tell them that my intention was to teach her that God loves all of us and we should love each other alongside him
>they ask to personally speak with Rin
>they take her in the back room to ask her some questions
>start preparing to beat both agents unconscious with the chalice used on Sundays and flee with Rin to Canada
>they come back and seems like Rin got what was going on and told them bogus shit to keep my ass safe
>mfw the loli I’m fucking is lying to the feds
>they thank me for my cooperation and fuck off
>word spreads to CPS and completely fucks the adoption process
>whatever, I see her all day at work so it doesn’t matter too much
>Rin says she wants to show me Remilla
>mfw she’s having the same feelings as Rin does
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tits or gtfo
Indulge yourselves /b/. Indulge.
>be me some more
>still a kiddie touching priest
>Rin calling me mommy regularly now, makes the other kids bully her fir having someone who loves her
>no secret why no one loves them
>everyone knows I fuck Rin regularly now
>fag haters try to get me removed multiple times, all fail
>visited once again by the feds
>God strike me down now
>tell them that it’s against my religion to touch kids
>they don’t believe me
>they take me away, Rin’s bawling her eyes out
>tear up a little
>I don’t say a damn word the entire ride there
>they question me a lot
>extensive investigation
>everyone is questioned, the kids are questioned, Rin is questioned
>they find out about the adoption
>the agent that visited my home is questioned about my home
>they got nothing on me at all
>finally bring me back and apologize
>tell the kids they’re going to hell if they rat me out
>other members super pissed
>give them a smug look whenever I take Rin into the back
>they try fucking with the adoption process
>mfw they have no proof of me fucking a fox loli
4 realz?
Im here for the screencap
Hey world
I feel like i've read this before
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Not a priest, but my ex girlfriend convinced me to spend my summers working with orphaned/abandoned kids in the Ukraine. I washed lots of lolis but didn't molest any of em.
Washing lolis is great.
>be me
>smol fox loli desperately in love with my minister/mother figure
>my hips wiggle a little whenever is see her, dont know why
>she makes me feel funny down there, but it goes away when she kisses my privates
>makes me feel cuddly
>I call her mommy all the time now
>s-she makes me feel safe
>scary men come ask me questions about her
>I dont like them so i lie
>I think they wanted to hurt mommy but mommy is proud of me
>she teaches me how to make myself feel better when im alone, its called masturbating
>I do it at night so i can have sweet dreams
>it gets my hand covered in weird stuff but its so tasty
>get bullied the next day becuase im a fox
>run crying to mommy
>hide under her skirt and cri
>mfw i feel her hands on my head, scratching my ears
>I spend the rest of the day clinging to her legs
>she looks dow at me and calls me her little girl
"Mommy loves you Rin!"
"I love you too m-mom..."
>feel happy but i cry anyways
>she picks me up
>takes me to her office!
>off comes her shirt
>she lets me drink her milk
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Ahhh. Thank you /b/. Finally made it to 4chan stardom.
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All the greentext I have for now anons. Screencap so you fags don’t get confused as to whats going on when I post more most likely in another thread.
top 10 anime bamboozelments of 2020
Here’s a little bit more anons.

>Be Rin
>Mommy talks about the crusades alot
>I want to make mommy happy
>if i reclaim this jeruselem thing she keeps talking about she will be happy!
>fashion make shift armor out of pots and pans
>need a sword though
>takes a little effort but i manage to tear down the towel rack in the shower room at the orphanage
>stick that shit in the oven to try to heat it up, mallet ready for when i take it out and forge it intp glorious papal steel folded a thousand times over
>social worker that lives with us gets up my ass
>im grounded to my room for the week
>exceptions are made of course
>Wouldnt want me to...miss church services, would they?
>get to spend time with mommy even though im grounded, i hope she'll teach me how to crusade legit
>notice her room is covered with pictures of girls like me...
>i-i feel funny down there again
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Very nice thread
Kitsunes are the master race
Your doing gods work anon
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Doggo traps are best raps.

>/b/ me
>female priest that has evaded the feds twice and making the haters mad while fucking a fox loli
>average Sunday
>get done talking about God and how he made traps not gay when he made Adam and Eve
>go to attend to the lolis
>see Rin
>smiling like an idiot as he runs up and hugs my legs while calling me mommy
>other lil shits staring at her in hatred
>fury stronger than the flames of Hell itself
>she takes my hand and leads me to this cute dog girl
>11/10 qt 3. 14
>she’s shy but says hello to me and calls me mistress
>she boasts how much she’s talk about me to her
>it’s absolutely adorable
>go to take Rin in the back before she asks if her friend can come along
>why the Hell not?
>bring them both in the back
>ask dog girl what her name is
>cute name and cute grill, nice
>ask Remillia if she’s ever been taught how to be loved physically
>shakes head no
>get Rin to kiss Remillia
>they’re both nervous but they do it
>start to rub Rin’s panties as they’re starting to get soaked
>tease Remillia’s thighs but I feel something brush against my hand
>curiously slide her panties off
>erect loli penis slaps me in the face
>I fall back on my ass
>Rin and I are staring in awe of just how much this lil loli was packing
>too horny to care what Remillia is
>take cock down throat, tell Rin to sit on her/his face
>all I hear is loli moans as Rin cums all over Remillia’s face and my face is glazed
>Rin licks off the cum
>we all cuddle together until I’m supposed to leave
>before I leave Remillia asks about adoption
>mfw I have two lolis to fuck now
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