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/b/ does edging work?

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/b/ does edging work?
yeah, keep posting hot girls with big breasts please
Tried it
can't do it
work in what way?
Does it make you last longer when you're fuckin a girl :)

I can do it but at some points i over-jerk and reach the point of no return
I can't say for sure because everyone on this board is a virgin, it makes complete sense that it would increase your ability to fight the urge to blow your load, its just practicing restraint so I'm sure it would help in some way, maybe not a ton, but it would help
No, the only way to last longer is to be less aroused.
The only way to do that is to have experience having sex.
Since you're worried about how long you'll last you either are too young, or will never have sex anyway.
Just cool it dude.
Sex isn't a 45 minute fuck fest.
I over do it and cum quick, Ironically I can fuck for hours

the power of a fetish I guess
lmao you edge for fun?
It's fun. works best with porn games, but doing it during sex leaves you with some massive loads to give her.
I can't
I just jizz

I can't even sleep naked
you're making me mad, just stop moving your hand at the bottom of your shaft fucker >:l
then wait a couple of seconds (10+) and jerk it again, repeat.
I do
but I still cum
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i'm old and have never heard of this
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You cant be serious... You've never heard of edging?
Jacking off without cumming, so you can enjoy jacking off more

Porn stars do a similar trick where they stop fucking for a bit to fuck longer
No, to do that I’ve given myself callouses on my penis to make it less sensitive
How'd you do that?
A lot of friction and a little unorthodox bass playing
Thats what is do
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>unorthodox bass playing
go on
Go on
The jacking off or the sex?
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Not sure. I got this stuff for shits and gigs. It works fairly well.
But it can be ;)
Not that kind of bass, but I play bass guitar and I’m pretty decent. I eventually got to wondering what would happen if you tried to slap bass with your dick so I started doing it. It was pretty difficult at first (as was normal slapping when I was a beginner) but eventually I could do it, albeit slowly. Thing is, you need quite a bit of force and a kind of snapping motion so it’s a little rough on the peener, but at that point I’d already had a little bit of a thick skin down there (and flatwound strings) so it wasn’t too bad.
A bit of a "cheat" in my book
but good job anon
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Meh, i dont need it. Been married forever. Been trying over the counter supplements and shit. No idea why really
Edging does not works
you should not using it too much, it's cool if you want to cum a lot a girl. Personnaly I get less pleasure...
And don't forget that it's really BAD for your your prostate, "injaculated" I don't know the english word. It can leads to prostate cancer.
Bring back the tunes
Put on more tunes
It helps you get used to control, but you should work on some kegels.
Also, control your breathing- lose control of that and the end is basically upon you.
Lucky basterd
You got a girl locked at your house ready to fuck at any time
but how will I one man bukkake a girl?
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