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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 282
Thread images: 120
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I requested this original image edited some time ago however the imp was coloured along with the background. Just requesting for the background to be edited so random parts of the cliffside aren't red

>Bonus: colour in the cliffside in an earthy / stone or yellowish colour

Original uncoloured image in reply to this
File: Surprised Imp.png (218 KB, 550x700) Image search: [Google]
Surprised Imp.png
218 KB, 550x700
Not good at coloring digitally, sorry mate.
I don't know how to talk to people, especially you.
requesting a dark skinned milf with pink nipples pleasuring herself, while spying on a cute shota boy who is playing with his penis for the very first time
>What exercises?
I'm probably going to try drawing objects upside down. I got some advice and it seems like something I should do
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Requesting two of these pig girls making out with a tiny man between their mouths, then one of them swallowing him whole and alive.
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It's cool man, just do however you please.
You're free to try.
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i have arrived
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I will protect this smile. I luv u babe.

It's a visual pun (open bob) and a jab at Eva's censoring habit.
I am glad.... end my life please.
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please no?
I'm sorry to hear this. Need a hug?
I'm just relaxing. Being a lazy bum and all that.
Yeah there's a demo. Some guy even did a lets play of it on youtube. Blew my mind.
Can someone draw me a short waifu with big tits, green hair and blue eyes? Different eye colors welcome too.
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775 B, 78x50
Yo, you good lad?
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102 KB, 640x400
you already got delivered
The autism in that video upset my apple cart.
I demand compensation!
File: eva.png (128 KB, 900x900) Image search: [Google]
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d'aw ily potato <3
u are 2 sweet
>jab at censoring
pls no bully
Different takes, anon.
Hey Suncat
What's up?
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i cant do that for you anon
i am sorry

i am good friend
how are you
File: Daww.png (163 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
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Autism or not, someone made a let's play on youtube for my first demo. You can't even comprehend how flattered I am, my dude! It's like whaaaat. That's crazy.
Is that so? Wanna help me with my laundary?

yeah I did the upside down excercises and they kinda tired me out after a while
What is your XMPP again?
Tried to add you but it does nkt seem like proper email.
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151 KB, 1600x1200
Shit forgot the pic
I should be doing as many exercises as I can, as well as practicing anatomy more
But you must at least try, Eva!
I can't keep living like this....

Figured that's what it was... although I thought it was you just showcasing. So I guess that's one point better.
What is happening
File: eva.png (87 KB, 900x900) Image search: [Google]
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>But you must at least try
reach into my hole and see what you find
it might help you with your task
Nah, XMPP ain't email.
It's a whole other thing
Just tell me if I need to guide you through it.

Here's my contact info again
[email protected]
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>When you don't know how to do laundry
Is there anything else I can help you with, sir?
It was a bit arrogant of me to share a link! I do apologize. I'll refrain from doing so in the future.
Still can't fathom why you would like to be cucked by bawble.
Trinket, and eggs I could see.
Leyla would just rape you knowing her.
But bawble.
Though I can't see why people still ask her to draw shit, so who am I to say anything.
File: toodrunk.png (418 KB, 500x517) Image search: [Google]
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Good to hear!
Just taking it easy, have been freezing outside all day.
Been biking and looking for camp spots in the woods.
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Nothing, What's happening with you?
I'm not reaching into that thing. I know full well the myriad of things I, myself! have thrown into that thing.
And while the sheer volume of vomit I would produce might kill me through dehydration... That doesn't seem like the best way to go.
>Flicks a booger into the hole instead.

The only thing you should refrain from doing in fucking that glass of chocolate milk.
But I know that's not going to happen, so just be happy that someone made a video of your autism.
Top 5 biggest sluts of the drawthread
Me. Please use me.
Yeah guide me as you seem to use something exotic in place where it should be easy, does it even work with pidgin?
Pain mostly
Fuck off, cunt! It's my turn. Use me!
Man thats dope. It was cool of that guy to make a video for you. You got a link to the demo?
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I appreciate any form of cucking from anyone I can get. It's just a nice feeling! It's a lovely sentiment. I don't care who does it so long as I can watch them do naughty things with someone superior to me. It's fulfilling!
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As if anyone wanted to use your prolapsed holes.
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Hohoho merry Christmas motherfuckers
File: eva.png (56 KB, 900x900) Image search: [Google]
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are you posting from the wilderness

no boogers into the hole until you become one with the hole yourself
>One with the hole
Does.... does this mean we're.... going to....
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hey thread, how goes it?
Drowning in a sea of despair!
>But really I'm just hungry and don't know what I want to eat.
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This adorable pic has warmed my heart, thanks Eva~

>become one with the hole
That came out weird tho.

Congratulations dude!

I've always wanted to draw the lewdest drawthread girls in a strip club, surrounded by a crowd of anons throwing (You) bills at them. Just because it seems so accurate and it would be fun as hell to make.
Hello friend, how are you doing?
Why only girls?
File: FaceFuckery.png (244 KB, 532x725) Image search: [Google]
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Muh doge looks at me with disappointment whenever i turn around from my desk... I think he knows what i'm drawing.
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reach inside and find out

d'aw anytime~ <3
>become one with the hole, potato
I do kegels with my butt, you washed up roastie.
>I've always wanted to draw the lewdest drawthread girls
which girls would that be? im curious now!
He's disappointed that you're drawing it instead of doing it with him.
Whelp... here goes nothing!
>Gets naked
>Gets inside the hole
the breasts have very different sizes. maybe make the right one a bigger?
File: poptepipic.png (261 KB, 359x284) Image search: [Google]
261 KB, 359x284
Find a server that suits you, see
but beware, some require on site registration but some allow registration through pidgin.
Just register if it's on the site.
(Domains mainly for shits and giggles can be found on

Now to Pidgin:
Go to Accounts > Manage Accounts
(or CTRL-A)

You should have a window popping up asking you to enter credentials.
Fill in the following:
Protocol: Choose XMPP
Username: The username you registered with or want to be registered with.
Domain: The server you chose from the list above.
Resource: Can be anything, just a identifier for your client, go with "Pidgin" for now.
Password: Pretty self-explanatory

Also check remember password if you please.

And if you haven't registered yet, check the checkbox on the bottom saying "Create this new account on server"

Okay, press Add and then you should enter the password which you want to register with.

Tell me when you got so far, will you?

inb4 >>>/out/ ist
File: Elected Speaker Ovaa-Kezhada.png (144 KB, 430x470) Image search: [Google]
Elected Speaker Ovaa-Kezhada.png
144 KB, 430x470
Can I have this alien guy wearing a santa hat?
Writing merry x-mas/happy holidays is optional
Is good anon, sounds like a lovely thing to keep myself busy with for now!
Why even bother? Those don't help you to lose your stretched out skin that can handle a flared horse without even noticing.
File: eva.png (45 KB, 900x900) Image search: [Google]
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>>752721325 will not fit friend

that would be a cool group pic! nice idea!
that's a pretty shitty onboarding process
i wish open source protocols and applications would get better at that, maybe then they'd have some mass appeal
Awesome, thanks Anon. Also just out of curiosity, and this goes to all drawfriends here; do you guys often go and do stuff in /tg/'s drawthreads?
Anyone wants to draw a big fluffy werewolf? :3
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Did you take anything for it?
we only do that on mondays
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I guess I didn't think of any lewd guy drawfags that get a bunch of requests when I first thought of it, but there might be a few I'm just not remembering.

I'll become one with all your holes, huehuehue.

Basically any that are known for taking a
>my OC doing something extremely lewd
...request. I'd like to see anons come up with a list though, I probably couldn't name them all.

I know right?! I've had it in the back of my mind for a while now.
>Mental anguish has no cure
>but there might be a few I'm just not remembering
H and Fishbone? Especially if they are both in the thread at the same time.
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2 MB, 772x1090
Eh, the process is similar to email a few years ago.
Also, keep in mind, pidgin in a multi protocol client, it has some moment where it goofs.
Dedicated clients on several mediums usually work easier, see Conversations for Android, that app actually had that in mind, making it a protocol for mass appeal.
I honestly think it's good that there is no mass appeal, but that's just my opinion.
I managed to get some of my friends on there and actively use it with them daily.
And the protocol is pretty aged too.
Cross-board drawfags don't happen alot as far as I know, me personally don't really drawfag outside /b/ and want to keep my drawfag character specifically for this board, since I don't want that shit associated with me if I am posting in a /out/ drawthread (which almost never happen)
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Requesting Rukia doing something cute/cool with any pokemon in the spreadsheet below
Rukia refs:
Yo, Swordbro, you doing okay?
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Can I have an Ork shooting a space marine?
ye hows it going famalama?
You're just jealous no one has wanted to touch you in the past 40 years. You disgusting dog face woman.
aye! looking good now
Well, then how is this going to work if you're too tight?
>Wiggles around trying to go deeper.
Try relaxing a bit. Maybe that'll help.
Sure thing, However I am at work right now, will pop up in about 18h or so.
All's good here, SHI by the way.
It's good to see you still actively around, haha
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Hoi, thread

Requests? At work so deliveries may be slow.
oh thanks, it's good to know you're alive. I come and go in these threads sometimes, it's harder to keep up with fast threads.
You do any gay requests?
Do your job.
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I disagree with that, but I get your meaning.
At least they don't try to actively avoid me like when they see your saggy everything, especially tits. How long are they now, a meter already?
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Nurse Soren, i have a problem. My kitty cat keeps losing her head when we play. Is there any way to get it to stay on longer?
Ay, don't expect a answer at that time though, I will probably nap soon.
Y'know, timezones.

Incase you can't figure it out, here is a guide including OTR.
the OTR plugin should already be packed into the installer of Pidgin so just enable that without following that guide's guide to how to install the plugin.
Yeah, I kinda have a hard time jumping in too once the thread is rolling and there are drawfags enough.
I usually just pass unseen through the flood of posts.
makes sense
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what have you DONE

we are occupied at the moment
It's like you've never heard of double penetration before....
Henlo, Mobile!
Here's something I would like to know.

People in the art community keep saying to learn anatomy.

How MUCH anatomy do you NEED to know to draw the body/characters in any angle?

Any help?
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what did I win?
All of it.
You need to know enough
That's it
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132 KB, 1200x600

If you're hungry i have some food for ya, i had got stuck in space traffic on the way back.
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Konnichiwa thread, I hope you are having a wonderful day and you're revving up for Christmas theme'd draws.
Hey, get in the line.
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Somebody needs to draw trinket holding a trophy that says #1 THOT. The trophy should be filled with cum of course
I just want to let you know I am still working on it, I am not the quickest drawfag there is haha.
Mainly because I draw on paper
Evening Mobile, what's goin on?
>That fucking pizza again
Too cold, fam.
Besides, I found a chicken tit sammich and some soup.
File: you win!.jpg (94 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
you win!.jpg
94 KB, 600x600

1 pack of welches fruit snacks and a crown!
You need to know a combination of anatomy and basic perspective to draw a character/body in any angle. You don't need to know the name of every muscle or bulge on the body, just as much as knowledge you can keep as a general rule of thumb. The more you know, the better.
Damn nice!
Let's see her spreading pussy for anon.
We could always use more Xmas themed draws.
Welcome friend, how are you doing?
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I don't suppose I'd be considered...
An all expenses paid trip to my bed!
Nada mucho, taking a break between working on commissions.
nearly all of it. Being able to correctly name and identify all core muscle groups should be easy for you by the time you're done.
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I can, but don't rely on me to do good homo. I'm not good at drawing the homo.
>Doesn't even make it Christmas themed
You disappoint me fellow anon.
>inb4 you make the same request but with a shoehorned Christmas theme
>Nada mucho, taking a break between working on commissions.
Oh nice, what kind of commissions if that's okay to ask?
You were the only person who was correct.
Everybody likes to be vague as shit when this question is asked because they don't really what people to become as good-if not better than they are.
All the other peoples who responded just exposed themselves.
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Have you tried sewing it back on?
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Right now I'm working on a simple comic. Here's the panel I just finished
Yeah, and it works for a while! But she's always way too aggressive, and it always comes off again.
>Just exposed themselves
Nigga what
I just like to make jokes
Besides, don't you have something that you should be practicing? Get back to it already
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Requesting this but with the panties pulled down.
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I practice when I want, not when YOU want.
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Requesting cat mom smuttery.
Draw her with a bouquet of flowers
Aw. :c
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Damn, thanks I guess. Chill tho.

I wanna take a better look inside here. How does this place work anyway?
Now draw her either trying to guzzle all that cum or pouring it all over her pussy while holding her labia open, trying to fertilize herself with it.
I lack context
middle left panel looks like she's bulging in the stomach from something
her nips are two shades of red
and the penis has a face...

Still like it. Keep it up man
File: Thanks for help.jpg (215 KB, 1600x1200) Image search: [Google]
Thanks for help.jpg
215 KB, 1600x1200
Nah. Just needed some help you know.
Oh, I am relaxed alright.
people pay money for this?
Ikr? I put an ass load of effort into my own drawings yet i could just doodle up a few circle box people having sex for 15 bucks.
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Thats far too lewd anon! you get get gifts like that before christmas, baka.

I'm doing well thanks for asking, how about your self? and yes Xmas themed draws are always good.

Thanks for the bouquet
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If anyone would be up to it, I'd like to see someone's own rendition of shaggy but with a sharingan
Request you fuck off, Blue Balls.
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Really, all you need to know are the major masses of the body and their topographical shapes. Knowing how they fit with each other is also important, especially if you want to go into those extreme angle shots. You wont have to learn a lot unless you're going into figure drawing. In that case, you'll need to learn the different minor muscle masses, tendons, and all that jazz that affects the surface of a figure. It really depends on what you decide to go with that'll dictate the amount you need to learn.
Use stronger thread, and superglue the edges together.
What is this even? Do you actually produce drawings or is this just another giant Namesync circlejerk?

t. Newfoal
Okay, but what happens when my kitty pulls her head off to throw at me?
She's done it before. Usually while at a disadvantage. Because I'll be honest. Surprises me every time still.
Anti_pin (that pink thing with a ponytail that sometimes has a dick)
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1 MB, 900x796
Here you go fam.

Ay thread, I am off getting some sleep.
I don't know if I'll be here tomorrow, I'll see how things work out. Haha
A real slut would do it..
awesome thanks you Drawfriend
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OOooooooooooooooh we're going to have a slut contest!
Thank you.

You were specific about what to learn and I think it's quite clear that other artists who DON'T specify these things DON'T want everyone else to know them.

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what the hell did i miss?!

oh well.

i can take on 2 req
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A Slut off?
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Who's blueballs? This is discrete turtle asking for more blue cat mom smuttery.
I'm doing well. Taking a break from my writing for a little while. Probably going to
Make some hot cocoa
Do mine
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The client wasn't terribly specific, they just wanted the sub-male sucking the futa off while she wears a condom that makes ahegao faces. They were
specific about that last part.
Are you volunteering?
Woo! Go Trinket! Chug dat baby batter!
I'm in!
File: Huh.png (103 KB, 800x600) Image search: [Google]
103 KB, 800x600
give to me
your ref
Requesting Trinket locked in mortal kombat with Bart Simpson
i will do this
Ugh, I get queezy just looking at that!

No, I’ve been out slutted...
File: Cozy Crusier.jpg (81 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
Cozy Crusier.jpg
81 KB, 600x600
Hit me with a req

Eat pant.
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79 KB, 900x900
my head hole usually spits stuff out from random places in the multiverse
or should spit you out in a random place in the multiverse
or you can float around forever
i don't know how to get you out
please don't hurt me
Christmas kisses
say what now? a ref of this chick?

that does sound fun, but it's a bit beyond my current skill level.
Trinket's goblin thing is gross anyway
>Hit me with a req
>The client wasn't terribly specific
I feel you did well on that part then.
Sorry for the comments on the comic from before. it was about 50/50 jokes and actual criticism.
Nice I look forward to it.
>Don't know how to get you out
Kinda glad I didn't manage to wiggle my way in to you...
File: thriller-2.jpg (221 KB, 1984x1077) Image search: [Google]
221 KB, 1984x1077
Requesting Trinket getting shot and coming back dressed as Michael Jackson in thriller, than fucking her assailant to death for revenge.
If yu do the second part of that request, you'll be a winner to me
>pouring it all over her pussy while holding her labia open, trying to fertilize herself with it.
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190 KB, 1600x1200
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40 KB, 900x900

i warned u
just reach
Trinket is not gross even if she likes to guzzle cum!

I don’t want to be fertilized with random cum, I’d hate to catch a beta faggot:/

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Don't worry, I can be your champion or berzerker or whatever it's called, the one that's been been fighting for the king or such.
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a ref of your demon lady or whatever
it's liked a really fucked up lottery
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not sure if that was what you were asking. but here.
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no way.png
107 KB, 799x799
and one more;
File: IFurFaggedALittle.png (346 KB, 800x1121) Image search: [Google]
346 KB, 800x1121
Forgive me father, i furfagged.
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so.... were is the 2nd place trophy? I still got room.

your right!
its WAY better strait from the tap.
on it
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51 KB, 500x500
Does your cat make puns when they're playing with you? mainly those in the cat pun variety.
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Hot cocoa on a cold day sounds pretty good anon, best of luck with your writing.

Is this okay?
File: potato.png (25 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
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>I regret every choice that led up to this moment. Let us never do that again.

Was that an eyeball or some weird gland that just shot me out? It was interesting getting some info about your head, but I don't like getting covered in other-worldly bodily fluids either.
I don't see a penis so it's OK-ish.
>Best of luck
I'm probably going to do some more drawing exercises too
Yyyyyyyes.... Is this part of the problem?
File: loverrrr.jpg (167 KB, 1600x1200) Image search: [Google]
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Do you remember me??
do you have some social to look other works?
File: ttorrrs guide.png (98 KB, 1085x637) Image search: [Google]
ttorrrs guide.png
98 KB, 1085x637
here's one you can try out.
i made it very difficult.
Well, berserker was a type of Viking, so I guess not that one.


I guess that is true, but a whole chalice full...
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Slut competitors, on your lines, prepare!
Yes, I remember you from earlier:)
Here it is my first furry attempt, you'll soon see more

Requesting this shaggy fighting >>752727400 as Scooby.
I like it, thanks for the draw!
It's a discord/Tumblr circlejerk, even more cancerous than general namesync faggotry.
I prefer an Archer myself
got any L O R E?
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1 MB, 788x872
this but Jack skellington?
Oh snap, that'd be pretty cool
But I’m not a slut anymore, not sure why I got involved...
I know
File: ttorrr2.png (98 KB, 799x799) Image search: [Google]
98 KB, 799x799
blue chick is named "cirro"
A God; She is daughter of Zeus & Gaia and is the manifestation of clouds themselves. She has his Bolt as a gift. thats all i got

i didnt know "certain guy" was you.
File: wolf.png (84 KB, 350x373) Image search: [Google]
84 KB, 350x373
That looks awesome! Do you do requests? I'd love to have something for my wolf. :3
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183 KB, 1600x1200
What happend with that black guy? What was his name?
What are you now, going to do 1 on 1 missionary position softcore stuff?
File: Untitled-1.png (246 KB, 1135x660) Image search: [Google]
246 KB, 1135x660
black guy?
File: get on my level.jpg (29 KB, 600x480) Image search: [Google]
get on my level.jpg
29 KB, 600x480
Phey, you've voing tho lothe thith compfethithion like vis.
Bane? He went to sleep, old guys need their sleep, practicing for death.

I still prefer the kinky stuff, but I just don’t have the energy to suck off 200 guys in an evening like I used to.

'Cause it's a drawtheeeeeead
Drawthread night
Requesting three naked shortstack girls, one showing off her big breasts, the other one presenting her big ass and the third one showing off her big breasts and big ass.
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I'm sorry, your cat may be retarded. I'll refer you to a specialist.
I had a feeling that may be the problem... Thanks doc, appreciate it.
hah, nasty
Oh, and apparently we're supposed to fight still. Even though I know you're just going to pummel me into the ground...
i miss your good art.
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More magicks.jpg
96 KB, 600x600
Should i drink it?
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here, big old demon dong
You sound like a granny. Too old for this shit and all that. Never let go of your dreams!
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oh no~ ill just sit back and let the expert work.
Bane isn't a blackguy though...he is a Germanic guy from 1540...
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Zeus got around
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>cumslut fetish triggered
>impregnation fetish triggered
On the other hand
>STD cocktail
>Other artists might judge me...
Should I do it, thread?
Requesting Tinker kissing my taller OC with a mouthful of cum
That's friggen NEAT


File: Him.jpg (190 KB, 1600x1200) Image search: [Google]
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When will he come back? I have some...uhh questions for him!

Thought he told us some days ago?... oh well
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ye ye.
If you wanna fight now, I can start up the game. What's your steam?
Do it, become a champion
Maybe I am getting old...

Oh, I’m sure he’ll be... around.
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But there is nothing there.
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hey guys envy here
Only because I'm looking to get beaten up.... Mr. Me.
You are, if my internet stalking skills are to be trusted, Soren NT. Yes?
With 76 hours invested in Skullgirls.
Hi! Envy!
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why do you people want?
I want because there is nothing else to do in this life.
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Nananthea slime pets.png
170 KB, 524x744
Anyone want cloth-eating slimes?
I am 13% sure they grow up to be slime girls
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Ye, that's me. Get ready to throw hands.
Why just open it up and get it dumped in when you could get all that straight from the source into you. Just line'm up
may i ask for a match too?
Daddy’s cummies.
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boxer loli strikes back.png
162 KB, 799x799
im gonna shit doodle for an hour. hows everyone doing?
Can someone draw me a spaceship?
File: devil.jpg (162 KB, 1600x1200) Image search: [Google]
162 KB, 1600x1200
Speaking of the Devil...I have some questions for you

Look! He's here
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hellooooo how are you?
>Hits the old man's back
You should see someone about your posture my friend
I am fine
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Heeey, didn't want to make you sad. Come on, dude, noone wants to see you upset.
I Trust that youre in a good mood today. Envy
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i.m 527.
I'm a widower
I specialist in cult knowledge ,artifacts and blacksmiting.
I am of Germanic decent
my blood type is O+
and iv served in 4 wars and 2 organizations that don't officially exist
and am wanted for multiple crimes including smuggling and have multiple aliases..

did I miss anything?
were you always bald?
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47 KB, 424x533
yuh, I'm just tired cuz my whole family raked leaves today
What are your weaknesses? Or are you a Mary-Sue?
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Least you got to spend time with them
>noone wants to see you upset.
Not even the anon who calls my art shit in every thread, multiple times per thread?

I think they were mostly curious about your cock.
I'm doing well. When i woke up this morning i only cried for 30 minutes
Tell me about those organizations
Specifically the second one
Haircuts arent so bad!
How about some Miguel x Coco?
A fuk, forgot image
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130 KB, 800x800
...I shave my head.
hair is an easy thing to grab in a fight,
why would I tell you?
oh...again? i thought my demonstration was self explanatory.
what organizations? I think you may have suffered a stroke.
What if they grab your eyebrows?
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requesting this coloured
do you know how long eyebrow hair actually is?
Longer than a buzz cut, but it was a joke.
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You forgot the 5 second war, your age and the year you live in! Also your cock size. Michelle wasn't lying about me needing the stats.
Thread replies: 282
Thread images: 120

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