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How do you feel knowing this man is going to be president for 8 years?

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 65
How do you feel knowing this man is going to be president for 8 years?
We don.t know that.

He could die.
The country could die.
Th Dems could nominate somebody less intolerable next time.
Perhaps the horse will learn to sing...
He won't get a second term.
God willing. He's fucked enough stuff up in his first year that the next three presidents will have their hands full trying to unfuck them.
I very highly doubt it, reason he got elected was because the Democrats thought they had the election in the bag and fucked up. Doesn't really matter if by 2020 he's fixed every problem in America, the liberals are gonna come out in droves to make sure he's gone and I don't think he's gonna have enough support to prevent it.

For better or for worse he ain't gonna get two terms.
He literally admitted to Obstruction of Justice on twitter this morning..

Yeah, I'm thinking probably no.
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Did the tweet get deleted? I can't find it. If you're talking about the Flynn tweet that is nothing honestly and im one of the people hoping he gets impeached
how do you feel knowing this man gets a peach next next week?
I think after the tax ass raping the next few years he and the people who voted it in will be in trouble
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President of Cell Block 15, I feel great about it. LOL
you poor little leftists are in for a rough 7 years, so buckle up buttercups.
idc coz im livin' far enough from the US ^^
I can't wait until he starts a war so I can laugh at you faggots hobbling around on fake legs or coming home in flag-draped boxes. Gonna be funny.
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Gonna be necessary. Not funny.
Funny is you enjoying freedoms purchased with the blood of people you hate.
nice, enjoying a lot how he trolls fucking niggers and african violated liberals
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He is doing it
How’s the weather today Vlad?
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About as good as the civil war he's gonna spark. Btw, keyboard commando fucktards, wars aren't fun when they're local to you.
We haven't fought a just war in 70 years. Only one that's ambiguous is Desert Storm.
>you poor little leftists are in for a rough 7 years, so buckle up buttercups.
Not just the leftists. The whole country if he lasts 7 years.
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moot created /pol/ for these niggerfaggots and theyre still spamming /b/ with their shit
What ever it takes to end the stupidity of the left.
So ??
nigger, have family in africa?
So don't try to sell people on the line that the past few generations of dead soldiers died in the name of "our freedoms".
What does this have to do with masturbating?
Just imagine /pol/ wouldn't exist
Fuck off shill faggot
/b/ = random, any topic is radon new fag
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>new fag
Yes nigger faggot how a bout you 360 your ass out the thread
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I'm speaking of present and future sacrifice.
Freedom has never been free, nor will it ever be.
Then maybe you should hurry up before the bell rings and you're tardy.
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I stabbed two Antifa faggots in Lille last night and feel proud about it. You shitskins can say anything about God Emperor but Trump 2020 is happening.
Cringiest thing I've seen in awhile
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He isn't going to live for eight years. The dementia has already begun.
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He finally did it though, he has given corporates free blow jobs with a less tax bill.

Shit they were only paying approximately 300bn a year instead of the 1.8 trillion before rebates.

Now they will pay 100bn less.

That is 100bn less for the treasury.

Americans are fucking stupid, and they think this is all good for them, how fucking retarded.

At least I am not American living in cuckoo land, thinking mass produced MRM foods, paying more tax than corporations, shit education system is better than the world.

Thank fuck for that.
love it
Fantastic. I don't see how is fucking anything up, either he keeps blasting butts of self-proclaimed liberal "intellectuals" or you get a feel of a president like Yeltsin, who can be a constant source of embarrassment and disappointment on a national level.

When will you fucknuggets finally understand that there are people who support him, don't think that he won by mistake and don't think your gender-studies-infected opinions are worth shit

>not my president
>why aren't the president doing what I want
>why can't I keep all these 3rd world hobos
>muh political correctness is in danger
Time to fucking realise politics are shit we are all gonna eat, and you are going to need a bigger spoon.

Were you rooting for the lady at the last French elections?
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Twas always darkest before the don
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When Don dreams he actually thinks it happened in real life.
The tax bill, if it does get signed into law, will be repealed after the midterm elections.
Found the retard, nigger I don't get mad especially by keyboard warriors, sjw, and btards such as yourself.
i dont get over hyped about every thing he does. so far, i think things are going better than i expected. the only problem i have is that he isnt articulate and a piss poor representation of the country. makes us look like idiots, which isnt new. sucks because i really do have some pride for this country, i just have a hard time justifying it with all the shit we see in the media.
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>i don't get mad
is mad as hell

Yeah, but there is little chance of that happening actually.

But I wonder what the Trumpeteers will say when his first National Debt figures comes in to play after it with a whopping 1 - 2 Trillion addition before interest placed on it.
Dipshit, no wonder you don't like Trump. You snowflakes have no common sense.
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The photo that Donnie’s face is shopped into is promotional art from a assassin’s creed DLC where Washington becomes a power hungry tyrant instead of the first president. You are unintentionally insulting your “god emporer”.

Not the person you talking to, but since you think you have common sense etc.

Explain what benefits you get from leaving the TPP to have an exclusive deal with Taiwan.

I await your answer. Although I think we will be waiting forever.
Nobody cared when Obama did it, why should they care now?
I’m so scared.
makes me so fucking horny i could cum loads in repressed liberal pussy
As a libertarian, debating with a lib is useless. What's the point? We wouldn't agree on anything either one of us would have to say. Your cons are pros to me and vice versa.
So you'd be fine if we went to war with Russia over them interfering in our election?
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>implying i give a shit about you fucking murricunt jews and your faggot politics
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Because Obama knew how to give good fingers. Donnie knows only how to give us just one.
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But he didn't really, The difference is this, Obama spent little to be added to the ND, the interest on it is what is making it rise steeply now.

That is right your ND is a series of debts with interest on it.

Don has effectively started the process of whacking on a 1 to 2 trillion dollar deficit on top of the 20 trn right now, then interest gets added on that.

In layman's term he has started the economy to be pushed into the major recession like the 1920/30s. And the Americans are going to feel it bad.

I hope they all like the rising prices that will come with fresh fruit and veg, meats from butchers. The only thing that will be reasonably priced is the factory packed ready meals made from the leftovers of the butchery of animals (MRM/MSM) and piles of MSG.

That is when Businesses will be flocking to leave the country, foreign investments drying up etc. It will be a brutal 10 years or even more.

And the Americans did it to themselves for listening to absolute BS promises, they have only themselves to blame. But no doubt they will blame everyone else like they normally do.

But I am not a libertarian, nor a republican, nor a democrat, nor antifa etc.

Just asking to prove a point, that Americans are all mouth and no substance.
All these Leftie tryhards walking around on Magic Legs, like Lieutenant Dan.

I hope all Libertards lose their Legs in the next Great Faggot War. Make them easier to spot when I walk down the street with my 18 year old Czech Wife.

Seems you think Actually has only the one meaning, it can also emphasize something that has been said or done surprisingly.

As in you would expect it to be repealed, but surprisingly it won't. Hence why I added actually.
Your own comments implied this, not me. You do know what thread you're commenting in at least dont you? As to my original comment about b being random. Thread being about Trump and your dipshit ass is in here making retarded post while not being able to keep up with who you are talking back and forth with. What grade are you in again? You need some more reading comprehension classes.
>>As a libertarian, dealing with small penis problems and wikipedia backed up political ideology is useless
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All true. But not all restricted to the United Snakes.
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>what is trolling
>the new /b/ btw
i think reddit is missing a user
he wasnt asking about a view he was asking about what benefits the US would receive leaving the TPP and going with Taiwan. there would be no black and white answers.
I'm a libertarian and lib = liberal, guess I wasn't clear on that, my bad.
The TPP was unequal in trade and cancelling it give America a new chance to gain a more favorable trade agreement. America was paying higher taxes in trade then those we had trade deals with. Not exactly fair in my opinion.
What next 3? Trump is all we need. Trump is love. Trump is life.

Well not really, the majority of the world is actually improving their economic status, sure there is shit poor countries.

I am from the UK and ours is being hit hard because of Brexit.

But that will pale in comparison to the US' recession that will hit, it will force costs up on other goods globally.

Valve will be hit hard, when developers leave the platform for another platform based outside the US to avoid forcing rising costs for US based businesses, hell even some development studios may leave the US for Canada or Europe/Asia.

Amazon will ride the same train out of there too, as would Google, etc.
>United Snakes
A theoretical repeal in the future has no bearing on actuality. Your trope, therefore, was fallacious. And fallacious tropes are one way that we recognize bullshit.
Sure kid, back track and try to cover your ignorance now. Hahaha not falling for it.

But they weren't, they paid the same tax as every TPP member, the US government imposed a tax on imports, that wasn't down to the TPP.

All they have done is got an exclusive deal with Taiwan to produce mostly electronics, at a lower cost and a bigger profit to companies using them.

That is all, it doesn't benefit America, it benefits the corporations.

Just like the current tax bill being approved, it benefits the corporations.

Not surprising since the corporates have been in majority control of the Senate and Congress since the 70s.

Rising costs for the American people, lowering costs for Businesses (not small Businesses they will be hit hard).

Just like the US Military Budget, it isn't 650bn+ by accident, most of that is pure profit for most of the Congress/Senate members who are shareholders for McDonald Douglas etc.

So what is the benefit overall for Americans and America? None.
But when it comes to politics, it's always a view point, friend. Politics is an evil that the powers to be bread into the people.
The Last Poets were indeed the last poets in that school of poesy.
Meanwhile, in Mexico…

You are wrong it does apply to theoretical situations/statements also, as it was pointing out the fact that it would be against the "norm" in politics, that it wouldn't be repealed when it normally would have been.

You are grasping at straws too tightly there.
That's awesome!
Do some more drugs, its working out so well for your fantasy. Will be IMPEACHED
no war fought since WW2 had our freedoms at stake. Just the freedoms of american corporate interests
About the fucking same as any dickhead that’s been president. The only time I noticed a president was when Bush sent us all checks, but you were probably still giving the principle blowjobs to get out detention for wearing combat boots in gym class
tell yourself your legs got blown off for freedom

I'm too old for war or the draft, but I can laugh and laugh

He'll never be impeached, you're wasting your time thinking about it.

He can't do anything without an army of unelected assholes allowing it. You'd have more chance getting rid of one of them.

Use your energy to support who you want to win next time
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wait... what if youre trolling the whole time
Trump is a faggot and so are you
Yes the tariffs may have been equal, but when one country jacks up the tax so your products cant be bought in equal and fair quantities the out come is still the same. America was getting screwed. That's why we lost the textile industry as well as the auto industry. Other countries were taxing the hell out of American products.
what faggotry is this? fantasy for little pimply fat boys who have never gotten any pussy
is Sir Bonespur fleeing from battle?
they have plenty of time to shitpost because they have no women
Then I guess I may have actually fell for it, good on you anon.
He's just admitted on twitter to obstruction of justice, because he knew Flynn talked to the Russians when he asked Corney to back off. That's actually an arrestable offence
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>The country could die
these dumbfucks don't care - mommy's basement is a tax haven
Put this white nigger on the $20 dollsr bill

Actually that is true, many Russians did die to keep the Nazis occupied to force them back.

Good call, so glad you remember the nations that did give a lot in WW2 to preserve freedom.

Shame all those deaths today are being shit on by people bring hatred and bigotry to Western society via the far right parties.

Oh if you meant America, they did fuck all in WW2, nothing they did in Europe made a difference, the hard work was already done, as said by the Millions of Russians who gave their lives to take out Millions of Nazis.

And of course the British and French Resistance, who gave up so much to get intelligence of German operations in Europe, that led to DDAY being successful.

And the biggest thanks of all goes to a dead homeless guy who was clothed in an officers uniform, with fake documents saying an invasion by allied forces would come from North Africa, was dumped on a portugese beach and the Germans fell for it hook line and sinker, if they didn't DDAY would have been worse off for the Allied forces.
it wasn't obama so much as it was the federal reserve
Russia didn't interfere. We go to the international space station in Russian Soyuz rockets. It why we ditched our shuttle program. We have been working with Russia for lots of years.

Link for when you call bullshit.
libertarians are as retarded as communists

tell us about your free-market fantasies you dumb faggot
Not an argument.
That was in December. He was already President by then. Now offence commited if he's already the leader of the country.
>live in libertarian utopia
>wake up
>no internet because DARPA was never funded and it wasn't developed
>eat my breakfast
>hope i don't die of heavy metal poisoning because there are no regulations regarding food safety >walk outside
>get in to my car
>hope i don't get hit because there are no regulations requiring seat belts or airbags
>driving along the dirt path to my job at megacorp because there are no roads
>work for 9 hours with a 15 minute break to eat my hopefully toxin free food
>go out to parking lot
>car‘s not there
>caIl up the private police corporation
>"pIease note you will be charged 19.95 for this call"
>they give me a quote for $1000 to investigate my car being stolen
>only make $800 a month because no labour laws
>politely decline
>walking home
>get stabbed for my shoes
>nearby private police contractor can't interfere because i don't have coverage with their company>die of internal bleeding
>megacorp inherits my house because that's what my employment contract said in the ?ne print

such is life in libertarian paradise

I don't think you understand, what one country did affected them all including themselves, nobody lost or benefited from it all.

But they did do one thing, they lost a lucrative deal with Japan, who turned to Germany and other EU members to fulfill it.
what the fuck does the space program have to do with election fraud?
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> Russia didn't interfere

Im not even going to talk about your bullshit claim. also linking quora? Like really?
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Yeah I am sure DRUMPFXD!!! We'll impeached any second now.
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but muh free market
well according to fox news. Hillary owns 95% of this galaxy and controls the majority of it through ruthless assasinations
Enjoy your freedom to do so.

You're welcome
I'm still just relieved that Hillary didn't get the job.
So far Trump hasn't done much worse than Obama or Bush in my opinion.
You must not know what a libertarian is the dumbass. Read a little more. Libertarian believe in liberty and the constitution as it stands. Small government and laws that only stop you when you affect others. Not when you are harming yourself, ex would be smoliking pot or a seat belt. Only hurts you no one else therefore are unconstitutional laws.
you haven't done shit for me
Believe in nothing, and you'll fall for anything.
I know what fantasy-land you live in and it defies human nature. People are stupid and need a firm hand to guide them.
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Your talking points are about half a year out of date.
>>752719334 see
If /pol/ didn't exist maybe mods across the boards would actually delete all this stupid shilling and the website wouldn't fucking suck.
well I ain't falling for a reality tv star/failed businessman who'd be flipping burgers if not for his daddy's fortune

and you dummies lick his asshole despite the fact that he is selling you down the river
>>752719334 shit wrong one meant
As someone whose home country is China, I'm thrilled. You handed leadership of the world to us. You're a bunch of stupid fucks, I'll say that.

That may be correct if I was that person, but I am not, you yanks sure think everyone on the net is American, and that makes you look dumber than you actually are, which was already in the majority of the dumb level.
I hope the ISPs throttle the shit out of /pol/ as a "hate site" once we lose net neutrality

be nice to see Dump's bullshit really bite his lapdogs in the ass
You give that parvenue too much credit.
>How do you feel knowing this man is going to be president for 8 years?
do you remember how cocky the democrats were leading up to the election just because they were ahead in the polls?

don't celebrate victory before you win
That seems like a good way to get grease burns in very inopportune places.
yes, there are a lot of morons in America and they are damn proud of their ignorance

out of all the multiverses out there, we truly are living through the shit end of the stick on this one.

Pretty damn good.
is he even going to be alive for 8 more years?
he is old as fuck, fat and in horrible shape
Not hard to say don't fuck with me and I won't fuck with you. Make no laws that fuck with my personal business and you can be free to do what ever floats your boat as long as it doesn't harm any other or interfere with their rights. It's rather simple really.
Dems are too divided. Biden would be their best choice, with Tulsi as VP because that gives her a shoo-in in ‘28. Problem is, those two are too mainstream for the Left to get behind. Instead, they’re probably going to run Kamala Harris with DWS as her veep.

The Dems as a party are just about fatally flawed atm. GOP isn’t much better, they didn’t want Trump either.
yep, it could be a real issue

I was a trump supporter, but he has done a shitty job keeping his campaign promises, is not acting presidential, and is showing obvious signs of senility

it's crazy to act like he has 8 years locked up. Next election season he will have to answer some tough questions, and they will be coming from previous supporters
Already corrected myself just hadn't made it down to this post yet. Instead of being so offended, maybe try refreshing to see if someone tried to correct their mispost.
Sure kid
Fuck off foreigner, you wish you could be American
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>The country could die
At the end of 8 years, no longer the leader of the world, just a bit player ignored by China, Russia and the EU, mired in a continual recession and riven with violent factionalism. The dregs of society rose up and blew America up led by a narcissistic fraud who, along with his cronies, fucked the trailer trash that elected him and the rest of the country as well. Twilight set the day he took office.
My father was there, 83rd infantry.

Lecture waisted.

and probably longer than 7 years
But yet you in a thread about an American President arguing with Americans about American politics. Priceless!
Those 8 years ended on January 20, 2017.
Nobody wants to be a citizen of your retarded country. USA is actually a laughing stock in most of European nations.
Kek okay, and after that everyone from the politically incorrect will flood /b/. Containment boards are pretty effective at what they do.
Sounds like some marxist faggot uni kid doing revisionist history.
No that's the day ignorant trailer trash such as yourself decided America should be governed by a loser like yourself.
We are not on bad terms with Russia, until Trump won that is.

That's the fucking point.
I am an American and I even served in the Army. America is shit, Our healthcare is garbage, our internet is shit-tier service, our President is a faggot, we have a bunch of hee haw states full of Christian morons who don't believe in science - I dream of moving away and renouncing my citizenship
you wish, nigger.
go fuck your sister, brainlet

life ain't a John Wayne movie

he was a pussy just like Trump
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About time for America be America and not bullshit Russia
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Get over it, Soros/Colbert. He's making the changes we asked him to.
You can do it, just renounce your citizenship, stop being a faggot and leave.
As a lefty myself, I'm feeling shame for your actions.
If we're supposedly the ones who stand for equality and tolerance, how can you treat another person like this?
Do it, faggot. Fuck you and eat shit. The USA is the greatest country on Earth. You think it matters that you served, WRONG! Fuck you!
Oh great insult commie faggot.

Go get a job and stop complaining how uncle sam doesnt pay your way to eat hot pockets and be a waste of breath which no women would ever touch or acknowledge.
Your welcome.
Are you joking? Hillary was planning more sanctions on Russia, and their actions in Syria. She was also campaigning to make sure cyber
threats are treated like any other attack, and would use military, and political power to answer back.

Hillary also sold 1/4 of all the Uranium produced by the U.S. Trump isn't the best choice, and I don't care to support either won.
You don't decide that you nut sucking piece of dog shit. Fuck off back to 9gag
propaganda-addled dumbfuck

why is it great?

aside from WW2, when were we even the "good guys"?
Since we're sharing,
I believe in America, and the freedom it stands for.
Go fuck your sister you ignorant inbred shit for brains. No one cares what you think.
Lol at you thinking we’ll survive 8 years. Nuked by next November
Do it faggot. America is better without traitors like you. But you weren't deployed so your' service means shit.
nice weather in russia today?
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will he become president of an african regime?
freedom for who?

a lot of countries have as many freedoms

rights are only for people who can afford lawyers here

a cop can gun you down for no reason and say "I was in fear for my life"
Would be better if they weren't leaking radiation all over Europe right now.

> still believing the Russia collusion narrative

Consider bleach.
Do you understand how any system works? He just essentially added 1tn to the debt of the country and has passed very little laws he promised in his campaign
Have you tried not being black?
glad I didn't get sent off to get shot at for Israel and the oil companies

if you were deployed, it had nothing to do with freedom or america. you were a hired thug helping the defense industry get rich
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Really? You are using your' privilege to get on 4chan, and talk shit about freedoms with biased misinformation.
Not even recognizing the freedoms you are at the moment.
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Can you still eat bacon in Europe? I know free speech is gone.
>americunts are retarded

that's not news, they made it official when they elected this clown

on a side note, satire never felt so good, the retard is a never ending goldmine
eat Trump's shit

that's all he's giving you

and Mexico will pay for it... believe me
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hes not tho
Then you can not deliver biased information about politics behind the credit of being a U.S. Veteran. Especially to discredit the name of God.
I'm white, fatass
>this is what inbred retards actually believe

EU countries have on average between 95% and 85% white people.
US population is now less than 60% white.
You live in a shithole and you think the rest of world is worse, but the rest of world is laughing at you.
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I doubt he'd be flipping burgers. I feel like he'd be a warehouse manager or a CFA or just something really normal and kinda bossy. Volunteers as a tour guide at some historic building to serve his community by telling idiot kids not to touch things.
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Hillary is insane.
Welcome to reality
I dont feel anything about it since its just a Trumptard fantasy....
God? You mean that fat lump of shit in the white house? or do you mean that jew fairy-tale faggot in the sky?

maybe you'll get to catch bullets in Korea
Yup. He's going to suspend the elections, until we can get this voter fraud situation sorted out.
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According to the Dems he wasnt even getting a first term.

Now look

And now you say he wont get a second?

Eat your own words when it happens you fucking dumbass.
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Only 8?
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Tax bill passes Senate.
Highlander 2: the winnining.
Freedom for American citizens.
I know, that is what that post was talking about.
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Trump kills the PC SJW crowd. He gets my vote twice.
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Nigger we're about to lose the freedom to go on 4chan because of this asshole. The whole internet is about to get notably less "free".
Islam isn't a race, it an ideology.

So bacon availability in Europe yes or no?
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Net neutered-ality is gov't control of the internet. Trust me, you DON'T want it.
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Man the left really can't meme.
Who ever said I was supporting anyone you illiterate mongoloid? My point is freedom is what allows you to voice your' support at all.
Net-neutrality wasn't specified, but soon big companies are going to censors, and influence the internet to their liking.
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>any fact I don't like is fake news.
Can't agree ?
Contrary much?
Libtard motto right there.
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I'll take corporate control over gov control. You can fire a company, you CAN'T fire a bureaucrat.
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Only a true MuriKKKan would call him or herself an "American". Everyone else in this continent knows better.
Haute couture!
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Said by retarded trailer trash who couldn't tell fact from fiction if it fucked him up the ass with a baseball bat.
SJWs can get shit on, yeah.

But I'm still waiting for the winning to start. Why is Hillary not behind the bars yet? Why isn't Mexico paying for the wall? Where's my healthcare change?
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Love it or leave it?
Change it or lose it!
Obviously you are a trumptard. Only trumptards are that fucking stupid an clueless.
>Islam isn't a race, it an ideology

except it's 99.999999% arab shit

not gonna answer the other question since it's retarded
The government didn't have control moron. That is what the word neurtrality in Net-neutrality stands for. Removing net-neutrality means removing the protections keeping
information open, and accessible to being able to be controlled or manipulated by big businesses, as well as the government.

This wasn't a one or the other issue, this was keeping the internet free and open for Americans.
> the winnining.
Like a pig does?
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M-m-m-uh fweeeeeeeedums!
He will probaly resign through his second term due to age.
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you can't wear capes in prison
How do you feel knowing that he just admitted to treason and obstruction of justice in "official" Presidential communication via Twitter?

He won't make it mast summer, 2018.

The election was stolen, votes manipulated in tally. This embarrassment will all be overturned in 2018. And the Trump name will always mean shit, forever hence. Benedict Arnold meets Edsel Ford and Nixon.

>not even recognizing the freedoms you are at the moment
>soon big companies are going to censors

And you call me illiterate? Yes you moron everybody knows what free speech is, what point are you making? It's not a right that is limited to the U.S.

What about the freedom to have a job that pays and not be gunned down or jailed because of the color of your skin? What about the freedom to not die because of a curable disease because you don't have healthcare? Whatever happened to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Is the freedom to call black people names the only one that matters anymore?
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>We haven't fought a just war in 70 years.

Perhaps that's why we have a pressing need to do so now?
There's a sucker born every minute.

Every time I think that Trump is selling us out, he goes and does something big that benefits us.

I'm not sure what his angle is, but I still don't quite trust him.
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The wall was built in the twentieth century. Don the Con has simply run the Brooklyn Bridge Scam on the dumbest third of the country and they've fallen for it.
Dumbest fucking country on earth.
Post your' sources? This Mueller investigation involving Flynn happened after the election. So there is still no proof of collusion to modify the results of the 2016 election.
>Now they will pay 100bn less.
>That is 100bn less for the treasury.

It don't work that way, though.

Tax policy that stimulates the economy can, with lower rates, produce more revenue.

Will that happen with this bill? Let's watch and see.

In any case, though, there is no revenue stream so large that Congress cannot spend more. Our deficit and debt cannot be controlled by increasing income, only by reducing spending.
exactly my thought
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Blame the senate. he's on track, the senate is iffy.
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Executive branch (president) and the Judicial branch, are two separate branches of the US government with two different functions.

They are not interchangeable.
January 2021

You fucking moron, we've had surpluses before. In the 90's, when a democrat was running things. Republicans love to spend, just not on things that actually help people. Like tax cuts and wars.
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