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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 266
Thread images: 93
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Inb4 samefag
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dafuq is even funny about that gif?
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At least you admit it.
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Would Einstein have been a Rick and Morty fan or would it just go over his head?
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can a nigger.jpg
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fugg nigga. chicken chicken watermelon grape kool aid blat blat poppin capz watermelon cotton chicken KFC
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>inb4 cancer
replying to save my family
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got more ?

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poetry level 99
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Serves you right, dumb cunt.
I REALLY hate you
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this is going to happen to you op unless you reply
i love anon in bold letters
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gay ass.jpg
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Hey rabbi, whatcha doin

Holy fucking shit that dude can throw a punch like it's just waving your hand.
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fuck you op, this is now a bana thread
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souce plz forcthe original pic in that jews hands
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get over it - your guy won
i dont get it
no one will ever be over it in a million years anon, it's not just another election
If it's o over, why is the river of liberal tears still flowing so fluently?
Fuck. Its already 2 yrs ago...
He's actually putting his weight behind his punch. Not very efficiently, but his weight compensates for inefficiency.

Most people don't realize how much weight you have to put behind the punch for it to be a real punch. They punch as if the "slap" effect of the fist will create damage ... it's the weight behind the fist that will do damage, you have to punch as if you want to knock down a 500kg cow with that punch.
In boxing you don't do that with every punch, because other guy is very skilled too and will dodge and find an opening fast. But for the random guy that's irrelevant.

Doesn't help for the other guy to be half drunk. When you're drunk you're already half knocked out.
He shouldve gotten on her shoulders.
Why are you pretending like you know anything about fighting?

The only battle you have ever fought in your life is picking up the cheeto you accidentally dropped on the ground.
This is wrong.* punches aren't just about weight. Look at Bruce Lee, small dude, slim muscles, but could take down a dude twice his size.
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movies dont count
Fuck off.
holy fuck this is gold
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I lost.

I dont feel bad for the stupid cunt in the slightest bit. Hope her death torments her family for raising such a dumb bitch.
No fucking way
What a weak as faggot.

Lift that hefer
File: hole.webm (2 MB, 400x326) Image search: [Google]
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Here you go anon
fuck you
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Is that bruce fucking cambell?

Is it to late to vote?
Honestly think we should offer all African Americans the choice between going back to Africa or shutting the fuck up
You re a nigger
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nah, it's the choice that should be given to you by native americans
Nor fucking way
Isn't that what Liberia was supposed to be for?
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you have a point
what's so funny about a photoshop?
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Okay I replied
lets see this ancap have fun with his not knowloge about economics kek
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Mein Sides
Can they afford to send us all away? Along with the entire government? Do they want to invite all the other countries to come in and take them over again, now that everyone knows how fertile and delicious our land is?
File: monkey see monkey do.gif (2 MB, 297x351) Image search: [Google]
monkey see monkey do.gif
2 MB, 297x351
So fucking accurate. And sad.
the money to send you away should be gathered by yourself, as you have plundered their own land and killed their people. So it could be your way of paying them a satisfaction.

And other nations are to fuck off forever as well.
I lost
Fuck she's ugly.
fuck off cunt
>And other nations are to fuck off forever as well

That always worked so well in the past, pre US settlement.
I'm not saying how things work, but how they should work.
You have the very same problem with niggers, mate

Everyone know how things should work. But that's not how they actually work. This is the real world.

"Oh, so us young girls aren't supposed to wear barely anything, get shitface wasted, and wander around all by ourselves so we don't get raped? How about you just don't rape us, instead?"

Sounds great on paper, but you won't catch me flashing a Rolex watch around in the ghetto.
I fef'd

Especially because this is a true story
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well, why do you complain about niggers then?
Jet fuel can't melt steel memes
I'm not complaining about them, different person. But I'm going to post simple logic every time I see it's necessary.
Muslims are peaceful. It's sand-niggers who aren't. If all sand-niggers were Christian, she'd still be raped and murdered.
but can it steal aluminium beans?
lol fag

btw, since we're on the subject already:
if you were told that everything has actually been done and native americans are indeed willing to take their land for themselves, sending everybody else away, and have good means of protecting themselves against any new invasion, would you agree to move away to some other designated land?
>their own land
Wars a bitch. Its our land now.
He's still putting weight behind his blows you dumb piece of shit. Throw a long-range right hook into a heavy bag without pivoting. Then throw the same right hook from short range while pivoting on your back foot and twisting your torso. Tell me which one has actual force behind it.
Ehm, actually it is the german side put into a translator. nice try asshole
Jesus Christ that gif makes me so motherfucking hard
Don't be mean
Those smart-asses at NASA
I don't get it
Are they angry at each other?
Or are they planning a romantic evening together?
This is a joke! The smartest part of a woman is the penis in her.
The last three shots were pure luck.
In the game my friends and I play, those don't count.
That’s definitely this guy
>pic very related
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on of the best things i seen yet
yes and I don't think so
This is colorized footage from World War I POW camp. Those men bet their survival on the fact that he couldn’t clear the table in under 12 shots. They collapsed at the thought of their imminent demise:
Lol u gay
Damn, didn't even drop his groceries
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not bad
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Did her mother just die?
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its really not though.
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z IMG_0207.jpg
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What's going on here?
Seriously, WHAT'S UP with airline food, huh???
What's happening here, pre-burial stuff or food prep?
File: % beam me up.webm (2 MB, 960x410) Image search: [Google]
% beam me up.webm
2 MB, 960x410
its a bag of doritos
Deep-sea Arthropods. Relatives of the wood lice
I realize that you fucking retard but what the fuck are those things in the picture with the bag of Doritos
spotted the newfag
Hitman's Bodyguard. Sam L Jackson's stuntman is driving the boat
Why a newfag?
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Sorry sir this is a Christian server so no swearing
fuck i lost hard
Eat shit, wtf is in that fucking picture
It allows heavier vehicles to slow down before getting to the junction
I still find it funny they managed to show Danny devito's balls on television.
thats mitt romney you fucking tard
woman stumbled off bus, hit neck on kerb instantly. Bystanders don;t give a fuck because China
Sorry sir this is a Christian server so no swearing
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Giant isopods

>pic related, recommended action needed.
another newfag
Nahh dude it's the law. You can't help anyone because he can sue you. People are just scared to help.
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This, but it's still funny.
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Thought it had something to do with traffic flow.
it was good
File: Life of Disappoint.webm (1 MB, 400x400) Image search: [Google]
Life of Disappoint.webm
1 MB, 400x400
Absolutely shameful post.
I'm insured to the value of £10 million if someone tries to sue me if I save their life
>Steven malkovich
File: grass nigging.webm (2 MB, 718x404) Image search: [Google]
grass nigging.webm
2 MB, 718x404

That's a huge amount of vertical distance at anything close to highway speed. To be able to clear the train back there and get back to ground level in that amount of distance would be pretty bad.
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That's great anon, I should really do that as well but I kinda think that this applies only to China.
what the hell did they expect
Know your limits. Play within it.
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Jesus Christ. Is the soyboy meme true?
The other guy took four direct shots to the head before going down. He'd be dangerous if he learned to drop his potato chips and swing back instead of putting a target on his face.
Ongo bongo fugg nigga?
I wonder what it smells like
File: If you only knew.jpg (91 KB, 747x629) Image search: [Google]
If you only knew.jpg
91 KB, 747x629
things that contain estrogen mimickers
All things around you
Stale meme
youre a retard
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I wish I could work at BuzzFeed just so I could bully these fags, would be so awesome, all the she bitches would be on my cock also since I'm not white, so me having high test would be a good thing in their eyes.
Yep. Just look at the fat cucks running the country. They accept the beta life, knowing they are destroying masculinity for the entire world.
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there are no bullies in bzf
Fugg nigga! Tyron watermelon chicken! BASKETBALL!
Wtf is this?
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wait, is this where alex jones got his crazy rant about gay frogs?
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the same way he came up with interdimensional aliens
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thats literally mitt romney, not bruce cambell.
>pic related
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1 MB, 200x235
Wow. Food must be scarce as hell in suburban China
Chicken nigga! Fugg nigga buzzin copz police brutality cotton. KFC!
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based aldi.jpg
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and the sandnig shops dont carry those chem laced products
eu vice press
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yeah I know anon. it's called a goof
It actually happened. He lives ten minutes by car away from me. He's just a reserve. He's only required to show up a couple of times a year.
> arst arstarsttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
its written in towlhead
File: whites..png (1 MB, 1200x1600) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1200x1600
the aldi is pummeling the competition as they have the fastest growing population as customer

not to mention the natives being squeezed for taxes and losing spending power
The title of the video is literally in the picture. You should find it.
considering he said the generation that relys on technology will be imbociles, I'm gonna say he would despise the very idea of such a ridiculous stupid show
Chicken fugg. Basketball ACLU racism white wimminz. AIDS. Watermelon kool aid chicken fugg chicken!
he is black
sharp but slightly pleasant if its stored properly in ethanol solution with some other shit added (medfag here)
Thanks for the tip anon.
Class A Cuck.
Shit shots
danny devito got me
What if you drink the liquid? What's the taste?
I think he'd like it, then disown it after its fans sperged the fuck out over some nugget sauce.
Happened to me too.
Fuk u
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They were asking her if she has a boyfriend not knowing she's gay, she was thinking of licking her girlfriend's pussy.
Whoever made this video should rot in hell
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Thread replies: 266
Thread images: 93

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