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All memes and jokes aside, we elected the greatest American president

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 356
Thread images: 64
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All memes and jokes aside, we elected the greatest American president of the 21st century
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The hidden government runs the show
Illuminati confirmed
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All these hillary supporter crybabies keep posting that fucking "all memes and jokes aside" thread playing the same game that made them lose in the first place.
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"obviously nobody likes trump"
that's why he fuckin won, right?
Hell yeah
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Come on faggots, there must be something!
>All memes and jokes aside, we elected the greatest American president of the 21st century
keep telling yourself that. you might believe it eventually
Best of 3 isn't super great
The current presidents of the united states! MAGA
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I'm canadian and I understand that fact. Too bad were stuck with cuckdeau, one of the worst...

>libtard denying facts
nobody is surprised. Back to r*ddit.
spineless worm and a turtle?
We did it, boys
new to politics huh?
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Be careful, you almost typed out the naughty word...
>libtard denying facts
presents some and we'll talk.
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Remember me? I was fired :(
what a fucking retard

never gets old.
>doesn't deny it

you have a double digit IQ, I'm not interested in talking with you faggot. bye.

wow r*ddit spacing? and you don't know why I type it like that? how new are you? kill yourself you literal faggot
we won libfags get over it
>this kills the libtard
you faggots literally cried and yelled at the skies like babies on nov 8 2017. youve lost. sorry sweeties.
This needs to be shown to every citizen in America immediately.
because he'll be the only one on account that he'll press the button and start ww3.

not complaining, would've happened with clinton as well.
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IT WAS HER TURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've never laughed so fucking hard
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Hard to say who the greatest president of the 21st Century will be when we still have 82 more years to go till it ends.
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nobody cares about your retarded political analysis kid
Thanks russia
You're welcome.
>he still believes the false russia narrative pushed by corporate legacy media

brainlet detected
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He is the best president we've had in a long time:

> We have minors wanting to change genders
> We have people thinking gender fluidity is a thing
> We have black lives matter

He's going to fix our society
>what a fucking retard
can't help noticing you used a simple typo to duck the question. ...typical trump fan.
he's done fuck-all in 10 months besides cry on twitter and golf, what do you think he's going to do?
Lol half his administration is under investigation or been indicted. How about that wall? Whose paying for that? Oh and Obamacare, has he repealed that yet? What about Hillary?
No you fucking moron, that wasn't even me. Good job dodging my actual response you literal faggot. >>751682305
>you have a double digit IQ, I'm not interested in talking with you faggot. bye.
not according to my Stanford–Binet(s), but whatever helps you sleep at night.
not true at all, what are you smoking?

also wrong. Where do you get your news.
He gonna stop the police from killing niggers? I doubt it
>h-ha no i promise I'm really smart
Sorry bud, you're dumb as fuck, I can tell by the way you respond. No way you have an IQ over 90. Just telling it like it is.
We don't want him to do that, dumbass
There's been 3 presidents elected in the 21st century.

>Sometimes it goes from comical to just boring.

Well, he was officially voted less popular than an absolute corrupt shit like Hillary. What does that tell you about Trump?
Will you all be buying the 4Chan package when Trump's FCC finally kills Net Neutrality?
this fuckin' guy.
"I'm winning the argument because I'm calm and think I'm super smart"
lol whatever helps you sleep at night, faglord

Here's a fact. Trump is by far the most successful president of the 21st century.

Your rebuttal?
still deflecting, still no facts presented. how's that working out for you?, not well
How else is bml gonna stop?
And the other two blew ass
doesn't use the "GET IN FAGGOT" version, uses the shitty PC version

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>reddit spacing
>doesn't know how to greentext
opinion discarded

That braindead commiefornians and fags liek you don't like drumpf
woah who woulda guessed. not too bright eh?

>implying Twitter isn't a perfectly respectable medium on which to carry out diplomatic duties
By what measurements? The numbers I've seen put Obama ahead.
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Trumps the most easily triggered president in history.

Boasting about having a triple digit IQ isn't really saying much.
>"officially voted less popular than Hillary"
That's why he lost the election, right?
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don't be mean to retarded children

>you're dumb as fuck
>not a fact
I agree, if every politician and leftist hate him I know he was the right choice, but I feel like he won't be able to get anything done since everyones fighting him

No. He's deliberately ignoring the fact police are carrying out street executions of black people until they are all wiped out.

He is right to only care about white americans, the rest need to fuck off.
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he jewed you good.
Actually, when I think about it, she would probably make a better President than either Trump or Hillary.
>libtard memes
most trump fanboys hate fox news you fucking idiot. was that meme made by an old person?
For him.. sure. He has funneled millions of our dollars into his own properties through vacation. SMART
He is beating all the other presidents in most vacations days.
I guess you could also consider him the most successful Republican president ever, since they value the government not actually accomplishing anything.
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Illuminati kuntfirmed

Were you born after the election or are you just oblivious to reality?
>I feel like he won't be able to get anything done since everyones fighting him
So getting nothing done makes you great? /b/'s greatest must know no bounds.
4chan in 4 panels
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take this
To be fair, he's done more than any other president in the 21st century.

You lost, get over it.
that's a non argument. try again.
Memes are supposed to be funny, libtard
Guess ISIS is right too then, ya fuckin loon.
Tweeting bullshit is not an accomplishment.
Gonna take longer then 8 years and then the next president gonna get credit for it
We all did anon... we all did.
>he is awful at his job so everyone hates him but that just means he is great
magafag logic

Leftists and Liberals love ISIS/Muslims/immigrants, you dunce.
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and this

"I'm the arbiter of intelligence with my 100 IQ and Liberal Arts degree (even though I've only read 3 books in my life), so if you don't agree with all my opinions, you are stupid."

- Every average piece of shit liberal I've ever met in my life.
>/b/'s greatest must know no bounds.
could you be any more fucking gay?

ya, that's also shit. liberals suck at memes. got any more?

you're dumb as fuck if you don't know that.
No they don't you fucking idiot.
So you're saying Mexico's paying for the wall, obamacare's been repealed, and he locked Hillary up?
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hillary sucks.jpg
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>tfw you didn't vote so you could get to the party early
Sorry, you must have thought you were posting this in T_D. We can't give you upboats here, retard.
>we elected the greatest American president of the 21st century
You're damn fucking right
Triggered by the truth
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>doesn't know what a meme is
try again. what is this like the 4th attempt? this is sad

really hope this happens. she would get raped by trump even worse than hilltard
In just a year, Trump has done more to improve America than the last 10 presidents combined.

Why do Liberals hate America succeeding so much?
He didn't win because people love him so much. He won because people hate and distrust Hilary that much. As well they fucking should
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Are you going to stop niggers from murdering, raping and having open gun-play on the streets of major cities?
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>you faggots literally cried and yelled at the skies like babies on nov 8 2017
we still can't believe anyone was stupid enough to vote for him. Trust me, it is seriously hard, even now, to contemplate the America we live in.

I'm not sure if mass sterilization is the answer, or if we just need to step back and let you all descend back into the wage slavery you seem to want so badly.

They should cut all welfare, let you all stew in your shit for a while. Watch the crime in your neighborhoods go off the charts. Let the companies go back to dumping lead into your water and gasoline, so your kids grow up even more retarded than they do now. Cut all your education, let the states manage it.. so the people in the wasteland states can grow up thinking god made everything in 6000 years, and wants you to vote republican.

You made this shitty bed, you should have to sleep in it. I laugh every time one of your toddlers exercises their 2nd amendment on some neighbors kid. The best is this new opiod epidemic. shit cracks me up. Go back to beating your wives, fucking your sheep, and shooting your guns into the air, while a whole generation of you inbred hicks turn into junkies. Don't forget to blame everyone but yourselves for it too!
Hes about to kill the internet... yay
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Get rekt liberal swine
nice. you stole a conservative meme.
at least that one isn't utter shit. still not a libtard meme though. why is this so hard for you? oh ya, it's cuz im right

>u mad
woah epic comeback you absolute dumbfuck
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>if I just ignore facts they'll go away

ISIS values quite closely match those of the average Liberal once you actually study them. Leftists want to flood the country with imported terrorists because protecting our borders is considered 'racist'.
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fuck you are stupid, do you actually believe that?
go brexit yourself you crumpet eating douche

You're not looking at economic numbers then. You also aren't looking at the extremely lower numbers of illegal immigrants. If you are looking at popularity pols, these were the same people who polled Trump had no chance of victory so there is that major failure in all their recent pasts.
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take thiss

What is the Conservative version of that meme?
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punch him in the face
Point again proven
He isn't going to fix anything. He didn't even want to be POTUS. He's living in his worst nightmare: a world where he actually has to do more than eat McDonald's and con people into lending him money to build one of his gold-laden, tasteless, gaudy white nigger monuments.

What's he going to do about niggers, faggots and mentally ill he-shes? Jack shit. Hopefully someone more ambitious and smarter comes along who can manipulate the system to achieve these things, but it won't be Trump.
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You obviously know shit about history. Nice making a statement like this hoping every one else here was at your level of ignorance. You know one of our Presidents tended to duel people with pistols right?
Are you retarded? We're about to lose net neutrality.
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>Liberal - "I want to drive this country really fast at this wall and hope we come out on the better side in one piece".
>Conservative - "I want to drive this country really fast at this wall just to crash and piss off the liberals".

Do I believe in the truth? Yes.

I'm guessing you're one of those SJWs who wants to turn America into an Islamic hellhole like Sweden or Germany?
>doesn't deny crying like babies in the street
>writes a reddit post on b
oh sweetie....

Ok I'm starting to think you're a right winger false flagging with the intent of making liberals look even more fucking pathetic. this is hilarious.
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these are the best memes
Pistols....nukes...both are dick comparing contests where people die.
Do you even know the meaning of bread and circuses?????

If your measuring on delivering campaign promises, every politician in history gets and f, so he isn't any worse than any other. You're just a triggered bitch.
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Rich people deserve a better quality of internet. Sorry we're not a Communist country where everyone gets access to decent internet.
the one that doesn't suck donkey balls you fucking tard

>brainlet thinks he made a point
We sure did. In 2008 and 2012. Then we elected an idiot man-baby with extreme narcissism.
So then, by following your logic, I ask, if every politician in history gets and "F", then how is Trump the greatest?
liberals believe in border security, we don't believe in building a giant fucking 30 foot high wall all the way across the southern united states.

we don't believe in banning people from entering the country based on their religion.

we don't believe in raiding cities and dragging parents away from their children.

you think we like islam? we fucking don't - but we are smart enough to understand that you can't discriminate based on religion. You dumb shits pretend to value the constitution, but the second it gets in the way of your hick values, you crap all over it.

I see your work experience is in fast food. It takes much more than that to be part of a successful TV program or to run a real-estate investment company, but you wouldn't know that because you have never actually done anything in your life but bitch.
Prove it once again.
They were different times. Of course you wouldn't know that because you obviously know shit about history.
the moron said build the wall to stop accidental border patrol deaths. guy just made that shit up
Shhh. That doesn't fit the narrative of this thread.
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>implying you're not an autistic furry faggot

The effeminate lefts obsession with finding phallic symbols and motivations with everything is sick.
Trump is the first decent and honest president we have had in decades. At last a man with integrity and class sits in the whitehouse and the commies still complain?
ISIS are fundementalists of the muslim kind and if you actually look in to their values it closely mirror evangelicals but punishment for transgressions is a lot harsher. Can't believe i had to explain that to an american...
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He may be the greatest president of all time, tbh.

First president I remember putting our own country ahead of others and having the balls to implement smart but not very PC policies.

Also, even if he wasnt in lock step with what I think we should be doing, he would have my vote just because he is the best troll president I could have imagined. It makes me so happy a tear tries to form in the corner of my eye when i think about it (no homo though). Its like /b/ fucking DESIGNED this president, and IMO if you dont like him youre on the wrong fucking site and need to go back to plebbitland
>"obviously nobody likes trump"
nobody with an IQ over room temp
Say goodbye to your net neutrality, sucker.

yeah uh, no? this guy supports ending net neutrality, fuck that shit
this is literally every trump voter i know irl
Yeah! You’re right! We DID elect the best president in the 21st century! Too bad he couldn’t run for a third term...
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Lol shut up libtard lololol XD
trips knows whats up

remember most americans are dumb as shit, and pretty poorly informed. I have relatives who still believe in pizza gate because they heard it once.

They think Trump is a self made billionaire who would make america great if congress and librals would just let him.

Poor Trump MSM is so mean to him!
Both Bush and Obama were trash.
>reddit spacing
>liberals believe in border security
>literally crying
do you not realize how fucking stupid you look right now?

what do you want me to prove? or did you mean "proved"? please elaborate
whats it like knowing race mixing and the liberalization of society is going to destroy everything you hold dear in a few generations
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Triggered by the truth

>Liberals believe in border security

Bullshit. Liberals believe in open borders and putting foreign cultures before the native white citizens. If it weren't for proud conservatives (who actually care about this country), the USA would be a third world nation flooded with Islamics with people getting arrested when they fight back (with plastic knives).
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trump hands.jpg
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as small as donnies hands
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>>reddit spacing
someone explain this. I've literally never been on reddit. They put spaces for easy reading too or something?

Economic impact, along with cultural impact. If he can get us out of the wars the Democrats and Republicans over the last 15 years got us stuck in, he will be one of the top 10 Presidents of all time.

I find it hilarious you leftists tards are scared to death of a guy who has done peaceful development businesses all his life, making things, but you wanted proven warmongers to keep steering the ship of state after 15 years of war!

So far, 10 months and he hasn't had a Kosovo, Iraq, Yemen, Libya or Somalia. If he can just keep that up, he will beat every fucking loser President since the Korean War.
you are idiots. this guy was supposed to fight against some of the interests that are fucking up Americans today. Instead, he decided to take power with those players. Plus you are doing what Russia wants you to do. Putin is laughing his ass off. He's way smarter than all of you. America is no longer the super power it once was. With time you will be relegated

That's just an outright lie. Just like Nazi Germany, ISIS is a leftist organisation. Difference being, while Liberals are crying on Tumblr about people having freedom to hurt their feelings, ISIS actually get shit done. They are basically militant liberals.
That's bullshit though. I'm wight and I want everyone on the planet to wear collared shirts, work a 9-5 job, pay their taxes, and have 1-2 children.
>doesn't specify units
idiot detected. which is why you're so unaware, politically.

you're in high school though

>reddit spacing
>retarded meme opinions
where do you get your news?
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>Liberals believe in open borders and putting foreign cultures before the native white citizens.
except we don't? Find me a mainstream liberal who thinks we should have open borders - and don't you fucking use that quote from hillary where she is talking about energy policy.
Nope, trumps going to war with NK and in the nuclear wasteland aftermath society wont put up with your retardedness

oh my god people actually believe this
It's your inability to use paragraphs like the prose do.
>all his wealth tied up in russia
>dealing with saudis
>maffia connections in america
I find it hilarious you attempt to label people on /b/
What a pathetic "burn." I think I see how you formulated it, though. You saw the word "McDonald's" and instantly thought "oh, I'll get this guy! I'll call him a fast food worker!" Get a cinderblock (the one holding up the left side of your trailer should suffice), put it into your car, drive to the nearest bridge, tie it to your fat, neckbeard ankle and jump off said bridge, ridding the world of your shit.
He says he is going to help middle-class Americans, but then he fills his government with lobbyists and bankers. He lied to you and you are going to suffer because if it.
Oh man it's gonna be great when he lets the FCC give comcast & friends the uninhibited ability to fuck consumers in the ass, making it more difficult to ever use 4chan

/b/tards don't know what paragraphing is.
>no time stamp on picture
means nothing

you're a newfag and a liberal moron, kill yourself.
A free labor market is part of a free market.
>It's your inability to use paragraphs like the prose do.
>use paragraphs like the prose do.
>like the prose do.
>the prose
Are you saying DACA doesnt have overwhelming support form the left?
>What is the Electoral College?
That's funny because every major thing he's tried to do has fell flat on his face. The first draft of the Health care bill was laughed at by his own party and his tax plan will bankrupt the U.S. and make everyone dumber than they already are
>Bad for democracy

>d-don't use facts to prove me wrong

I wouldn't dream of it snowflake.

People who see through leftist propaganda, yes.
ISIS is far-right authoritarian theocracists
which Trump is against, he is supposedly protectionist. But considering he makes all his shit in China, I privately doubt that.

But I was talking about open borders from a security point of view - eg: let everyone in.
He's right. Nazis were left wing economically. Just because you don't know about politics outside of social studies 11 doesn't mean he's incorrect.

>What a pathetic "burn."
are you trying to sound like a 12 year old faggot or does it come naturally?

you don't know what it is either. you just did it. you're so stupid. kill yourself.
>>>751686045 (You)
>>doesn't specify units
OK, Celsius for you retard, Fahrenheit for the rest of your ilk.

>idiot detected. which is why you're so unaware, politically.
Yeah, i'm unaware b/c I dont follow the faux news sheeple
are you saying DACA is the same as open borders?

feel free to post some facts
>bread and circuses
diversionary fluff

>making shit up

Please, have some self respect.

Kind of a mediocre stab at Trump, but the animation does a great job evoking how fucking hideous he is.

He is the greatest at a few things. Lying, doing stupid shit, an sounding like a massive moron who has no idea what he's ever talking about.

He's also a massive fucking baby. Can't even handle a straight-forward question from a reporter.
as always you ppl are all talk and no backbone
Explain how.
fuck it, enlighten me. seriously, you don't even have to do much, just post some links here, i'm genuinely curious

They're far-left. Don't even know why you'd dispute that unless you're a literal communist?
I didn't make anything up you massive idiot.
Im sure you'll say the same thing after he destorys the internet.

Oh wait you wont be able to post it on /b/ because you cant afford the 4chan package with /b/ included
damn you're literally too stupid to format a response. Farenheit and Celsius are for dumb faggots like you who never took a science course.
you're half-right.
where do you get your news from?

no thank you, comrade

>extremely conservative
>authoritarian structure
>extremely religious
>anti diversity
>anti gay
>anti women's rights

They are basically a doomsday cult, I dunno where exactly that fits on the spectrum, but I have a hard time thinking they are socially liberal on anything at all.
The biological sciences don't use Kelvin...
>my post
>your head
*blocks your path*

You're not even worth arguing with if you can't see how Trump's tax proposals will save America from the Kenyan's suicidal 8 years.

"I'm smart and edgy guys! Like me, please!"
every science course I took we used C or F. No one uses Kelvin autismo
Don't know who else has said this. But that's the head of the FCC who did that, the one who used to work for verizon
says "bullshit", then posts lies.

ok, makes any comeback pointless is that the desired effect?
>your post
>pretending you did it intentionally

They are far left
>biology pleb
shit tier science. girls and niggers are able to do it.
it doesn't take much to kill krillin


Pick one.
please explain how
>"anti gay"
>likes Milo Yiannopoulos

Ya fucktard
Trump is a race realist who supports the need for white nationalism. That alone is enough to make him one of the best presidents ever.
>Trying this hard, in general
>reddit spacing
>putting things in quotes instead of greentext
lurk more sweetie

That's because you haven't progressed beyond high school

No he's right, you're just delusional. #rapefugeeswelcome
You're not even arguing if you don't even try to pretend anything about our national debt, which you clearly don't.

>Proposes tax cuts
>wants to increase spending
>we need more tanks and a massive wall
> fuck literally everything else in the budget

Make sense now that i laid it all out in front of you?
So then what's great about him you moron?
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Triggered by truth
fuck, finally someone who's honest about it. i mean kys tonight please, but gg at least owning up to it
Only left value they have is redistribution of wealth to their loyal male believers i.e. kill the non-believers and we share the spoils. Everything else is ultra conservative
>10 words
>trying hard
Not everyone's as stupid as you. You're a female aren't you? that explains your utter failure to understand politics
What the fuck is this cancer?
>"he's taken money from foreign governments"
>I obviously voted for Hillary
>Hillary's taken money from foreign governments
fucking logic
>That's because you haven't progressed beyond high school
med school
Milo is anti-gay tho
ylyl thread?
what truth is that? the fact you're a not even old enough to be on this site? no, that's funny
>being this fucking stupid
just because you keep repating it doesn't make it true. ISIS is far-right
>only gets it now after anon having to point it out to him
>keeps pathetically trying to change the subject away from his original objective mistake by claiming omniscience
Whatever you say, kid.
taking bio 101 at your local community college isn't med school.
Prove it again

Look at the kind of terrorism Antifa (far left) have carried out in America. Protesting, tearing down statues, assaulting people based on their political beliefs, the Las Vegas shooting, wanting to destroy free speech.

The parallels between them and ISIS are undeniable, along with the National SOCIALISTS of 1930s Germany.
Reposting for pure glory.
>Trying this hard, again
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>spree rapist
>let 2007 happen
>tv star
a two decades of degenerate scum in the WH
He fucks boys but hates the gay movement, have you heard him talk? Obviously not because Milo uses words you don't understand
Tom will save America.
Tom will save you.
>Protesting and tearing down statues is terrorism.
Are you really this stupid?

They're far left you retard, I'm not saying that all Liberals are as bad as ISIS or the Nazis, but they share the same left wing values.
You still haven't explained how either you fucking idiot.
You have to go back!
No one wants you here!
This is the funniest part about libtards.
Literally want far-right muslims to be able to exercise their far-right beliefs.

>destroying buildings and killing people in the name of a violent ideology isn't terrorism
Nazis are far-right. Same as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea isn't democratic.
Las Vegas shooter was old rich white man, guess his party alignment
>Hate gays
>Anti feminist
>Racist and ethnocentric
>Want dictatorial rule based on religious fundamentalism

All of these things are right-wing ideologies.
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"no1 wunts u here fagut"
That's why it's on the front page of /b/, right?
Lurk moar, fgt
>runs against worst candidate ever
>loses popular vote

ya about that...
These Russian trolls on the thread and other brainwashed idiots care nothing for the USA. They want to watch the American dream go down in flames. It is a sad thread and a sad day.
Literally want the sandniggers to stay in their desert, but that doesn't change that they are far-right no matter how much you try to deflect the subject
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hey, the leftists actively disdained us. Like, they just couldn't stop getting high on the smell of their own gas long enough to think we could actually use some help.
They forgot that they are not, nor have ever been, entitled to our resources.
Trump never disrespected us. You don't know how much that means until a power block like the DNC tries to tear you apart for minor political advantage.
So, yeah. Trump is in. He is going to stay in. We refuse to be blatantly trod on anymore.

Welcome to the future.
The "American dream" is already dead, and the Russians had nothing to do with it.
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Las Vegas shooting was claimed by Antifa you idiot (look up Melbourne Antifa).

The Texas shooting was also Antifa, which is why his Facebook showing he was a member of Antifa was deleted so quickly. Eye witnesses confirm he was carrying an Antifa flag but surprise surprise, MSM covered it up.

Just because it makes you uncomfortable doesn't make it not true. The Nazis WERE far left, don't take it so personally.
Trump sucked Putin off. No lie.
They are for small government too lol
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If someone pointed a gun at you, you would piss yourself too, fucktard

>Communist Russia doesn't hate gays, feminists and non-whites
you got btfo so you keep repeating yourself. You get the last word, since I fucking destroyed you and you seem to really want it. Go ahead:
No they don't. They are religous conservatives
Russia hasn't been communist since the wall fell 1989
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pol is old b you fucking newfag

pic related is you btw
Triggered by truth

You're left wing and don't like hearing the fact ISIS and Nazis belong to the far left, I get that, but don't reject reality just because it upsets you.
Please explain how paying more taxes so other people get it helps me. I'll wait.
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lol, youve been cucked by the gop so hard you dont even realize it, its precious

and soviet Russia had gay marriage, right?
>are you saying DACA is the same as open borders?
People come here, allowed to stay despite laws. Sounds a lot like open borders to me.
You're an idiot. Go lurk on /pol/ and learn something.
>Hate gays
>Anti feminist
>Racist and ethnocentric
>Want dictatorial rule based on religious fundamentalism
all of those except the last one characterize far left movements from history as well. that's not proving anything.

>Want dictatorial rule
>small govt
man you're so fucking stupid...
Wait, you think Nazis are far-left too? Holy shit you are dumb.
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Both ISIS and Nazi are far-right. Ill take it you haven't studied much history?
>learn something

pick one
Nah. ive been slinging dope for a while. ive stared death in the face before
He's a r*dditor. the harshness and anti-pc of pol upsets him.
Trump has done more in his first few months as president then obama did in his whole 8 years including lowering the debt and forcing north korreah to stop making nuclear warheads
Like too know the logic that made isis the left lol
And get Pence. Which hell is worse?
>"Watch out guys, I'm an edgy faggot"
He lost the popular vote m8. It didn't affect his winning, but he DID get less votes overall than Clinton.

Not that it matters because both are shit, just from different animals.
he is the perfect president for you - ignorant, fat, racist, thin-skinned coward that tweets like a 14 year old girl - and he's giving corporations the go ahead to fuck you in the asshole
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and you're politically illiterate, the 'neo nazis' are right wing sure, but the original Nazis were undeniably HARD Left. Just because liberal schooling has brainwashed you into thinking 'everything bad is far right' doesn't mean you get to rewrite history. ISIS, Antifa and Nazis are/were all extreme leftists and no amount of denial is going to change that.
does that make you mad, Jethro?
He's right, they are far left economically. Socially, they were pretty much the same as everyone else in that time: racist, anti gay, anti feminist etc. They were only right wing in the sense that they were very nationalist, but again, that really isn't a characteristic of the right in that time either.
Sorry, were you using your own money to build roads, schools, fund medical research, pay for national defense, and provide basic living conditions to citizens ensuring the country has a workforce?
You don't know what a dictator is? Really anon, now your mental abilities really are showing
He has not lower the debt ceiling and north Korea has not stopped there nuclear programme
You pessimists are like the socialists, always thinking the pie is a static object.

Guess what? We can bake more pie. All wealth is created, so we increase revenue by allowing what capital that exists to spread freely. That's how non-death-state economics grow..
>retarded liberal faggot is a degenerate drug dealer
not surprised. kill yourself.

Uh no, the original Nazis were undeniably FAR right. They just used the word "Socialist" in their party's name and dumbass retards like you believe to this day that they weren't complete right-wing fascists.
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Thread has been taken over by Russian trolls and nazis. WTF has happened to the USA I must ask.
Has /b/ has become a Russian outpost?
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>not pandering to the blacks every time a cop kills one is 'racist'
>idiotic passive aggressive reply with no argument
only reason i'm even blessing you with a reply is this:

kill yourself you fat ugly faggot.
That's the worst photoshop I've seen on this site in years. It doesn't make any points except that liberals suck at photoshop

Taxation is theft you cuck.
Hitler outlawed collective bargaining, threw the union leaders in Dachau, and had all of the socialists in the party killed (Night of the Long Knives) - extreme nationalism, racism, and militarism are hallmarks of the right.
NSDAP started left in 1920, when Hitler came to power in 1933 he made them right under the third reich. Any german can tell you this
spelling has no correlation with IQ. also that wasn't funny, lurk more.
No, youre just a cucked faggot and need to go back.

>socialism is right wing
Thank for the history lesson, you still haven't explained how nazis were far right or refuted my claims. idiot.
libertarians are even more retarded than communists

grow up kid, quit stroking off to ayn rand

You lost, get over it.
They weren't socialists, you dumb shithead.
And all those points can be compared to right wing movements through history and nearly all can be attributed to the American right.
Other than it being cherry picked false equivalency

>all right wingers are racist

Full blow SJW here, a lost cause.
bud you still haven't explained anything. we've given you legit reasons why the nazis were far left, and all youve done is go "no ur dumb everyone knows theyre right wing".
Just read the post right above mine by another anon more clever then you
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look at these lefty pussies still going at it
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Ayn Rand was the worst thing to happend to the usa
Fuck foundation head

Nazi stands for National SOCIALISTS you moron.
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see >>751689924
The pie is static, the economy isn't. Drastically cutting and spending more will make the national debt go up. Even the Republicans know this. The only question they ask themselves is how much.

Some economists think the tax plan will add up to 5 trillion to our debt in 5 years. And it's already at 20 trillion, that hurts the dollar, therefore the economy, and could force us into bankruptcy
the left wing of the party was Ernst Rohm and the SA - they complained that Hitler started getting chummy with the captains of industry and was standing in the way of the 2nd revolution (making Germany socialist).

Hitler had them all killed and ensured that the socialist wing of the NSDAP was never heard from again... except by uneducated dumbfucks in 21st century America.

You're calling the terrorist group Antifa 'right wing'?

Name ONE right wing group in America that has carried out as many shootings as Antifa has in recent years.
hows the weather in macedonia this time of year
>muh russia
i bet you watch keith olberman. only dumb people watch him.
DEMOCRATIC People's Republic of Korea is the most democratic country in the world!!!
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