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Is lolicon acceptable?

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 270
Thread images: 149
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Is lolicon acceptable?
It's better than you guys raping little kids
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no1 is
A cat is fine, too.
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It's the true meaning of life
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I'm not sure, you should post more to help us decide
Swim bro come back??
hell yeah
Do everyone a favour and kill yourself.
That domain doesn't exist.
I Love lolis
you first phaget
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Anyone who's good in the head loves lolis
I'm almost convinced that the kid on the left is a cross dressing shota, am I wrong?
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indeed my loli-bro
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Its made up and hes just trolling you guys, why do you care?
what's the best neko you got?
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Hrm, but of course!
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No loli, No life
shota are loli with extra fun bits
>Its made up
Are you saying we shouldn't enjoy things that aren't real? In that case I've got some really bad news.
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Loli neko?
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Because it's hot, made up or not
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There is only one acceptable path for nonces
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Its more that hes just trolling, good luck getting the "real" ending.
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What crime have we commuted anon?
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I want to stick my wee wee inside a lolis tender pussy.
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More like this,im a poor loli fag
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No, she is not
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No you are not better than real pedos.
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Just loli-neko?
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This. I'm fine with pedos getting off to this shit. It's better than them looking at real cheese pizza
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Good taste. That's the latest in my favorites list.
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>In favorite list.

Fucking disgusting.
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Why is Anko su fuckable? I want to ravage her asshole.
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Futas are tasty, don't have much Loli futa though... anyone?
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this thread sucks
What is this site?
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Mostly pissing, loli, and /ss/, but some futa here and there is fun too.
something something discontent asian bears.
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Just because we like loli, doesn't mean we want to abuse children... Loli =/= child molester
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I dont like futas because they always have unrealistic, huge and disproportionate penises. Cute penises like shotas or traps are way better imo.
it looks like
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Like this.
Post chizza
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captcha : calle wallNUT
I don't like futas because I'm not gay and I don't like dicks.
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Then you have shit taste, m8.
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I love this chubby loli.
futas r fine, problem is theres only 1 pic of futa in the thread
people can argue this until the cows come home, but I dont give a fuck if she/he has a penis. so long as you are a feminine chick with a thick dick you can have my asshole.
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This site dst work :/
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I wasn't arguing anything, just sharing my preferences.
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Those arent even feminine dicks.
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I know. People do though. I'm just stating what I like. I'm pro all loli-bros
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Chizza now
problem is his dick isnt masculine and he gurgles cum like a whore
>tfw swim anon isn't dead
>Tfw swim anon purposefully left us in class cliff hanger to be a dick
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dick doesn't need to be feminine. Just feminine girls with any penis... or no penis, both are great!
what about the swimming pool guy? I love literature
100 loli coins to whoever guesses what this is and whom it belongs too
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It's working for me
but you need a google extension to get in tho
no you don't
No you dont....
This anon get is.
Yeah, and it would be better if they had shit all over them because that's what happens with faggot sex, you can't even have fun unless partners don't eat for 2 days and flush out their disgusting asses, i mean those characters are so feminine you can't even tell they are male until you see a dick, so what's the point, just go with real females, multiple options and they don't need to plumb their sewars before engaging.
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>google extension
>to reach sad panda
Have you ever had anal sex? Its nothing like that...
my bad then
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I have dildos and if you don't clean properly its disgusting as i learned the hard way when i was younger, its a pain in the ass forgive the pun, theres no reason to go through all that trouble every single time, gayness is a mental illness, its illogical, and unnatural, unless you're trying to tell me that an ass ISN'T the cesspool of the human body and full of shit?
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Hi newfriend
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is this true
When I fucked my loligf in the ass my dick would come out clean looking.
Get your diet sorted out, anon.
what is so special about ex-hentai?
Anal should just be an occasional treat, why have a partner that ONLY has the anal option? It makes literally no sense, and a girl with a strapon can accomplish anything a fag can.
That newfags can't get in.
That and pretty much all doujins and h-mangas are uploaded there, including lolis.
Yeah, It can happen, but its still disgusting, what the hell can you possibly eat to never expel waste? You're full of shit, literally and figuratively
I think it is

I'd give anything to cum inside a little girl, but since it's obviously illegal, all i can do is fap to fictional characters
Are you some lard-ass McDonalds eating dolt? I can literally take a shit, wipe with a wet-wipe and be good to go. Gayness is natural, it isn't a matter of logic, and officially not a mental illness. The ass is where you shit from, You also piss out the vagina, don't eat girls out either? And yeah, the butt can get dirty, but it also is very erogenous.
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This anon knows.
Where is this anon how works as swim instructor?
You wipe out the inside of your intestine too lmao? Anyone can wipe the surface clean, try sticking something up there after you shit and see how nice it smells, holy shit the denial lol, and NATURAL?
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Her mum was really into vegan shit and healthy food. She didn't never expel waste, but when we did it my dick didn't look dirty. I'm sure that it wasn't clean, but there wasn't any visible shit on it, nor did it smell like shit.

You can believe what you want though.
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Urine is sterile, the colon is literally the human bodies waste disposal area of all the worst bacteria, you really need an education.
I see you haven't shoved something up your ass yet.

>Living proof of a shit don't stink guy kek
>You also piss out the vagina

Such is the pitiful state of American education.
"girls piss out the vagina" holy shit dude lol
Lmao, ooookkkaaayy Dude, So all animals who only eat grass which is as vegan as it gets, don't have disgusting smelling shit huh?
urine is toxic
He said "mum" hes Not from the US.
I dunno man, I don't fuck animals. I don't judge, but I can't help you there.
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Eat some proper food and fiber idiot. I use all sorts of dildos, with the rare exception, theres no shit that comes out with the toys at all. Sure it smells funky, so does your dick after you fuck a girl. Still a virgin and it shows anon...

Urine is not fully sterile. The vagina also has a plethora of bacteria, fluids, and other stuff. I'm definitely more educated than you though.
good question, mz dude
>all this talk about 3d sex
get the fuck out of this thread
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That's correct, _I_ am not from the US, but the guy that thinks girls pee out of their vaginas probably is.
r u implying women piss with a vagina?
Man, you children really need to get off 4chan.

It's sterile, if you drink a shit ton of it it causes kidney toxicity because of urea salt buildup.

But you can piss on a wound and it wouldn't cause poisoning.

God you retards really need to look up shit before you state your "facts"
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Yes I do, almost every time I fap. prostate stimulation is fantastic.

When you go down on a woman, you are licking at and around the urethral opening. I'm not American, so thats why my education is top notch
if its not toxic, why is it expelled?
You're completely missing the point that no matter what your diet is, the ass is the most disgusting bacteria ridden place in the human body, at least you're posting real girls now though, and whether or not theres ACTUAL shit on your dick or toy after changes NOTHING.
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>wait what girls don't piss out of their vaginas? let me google this.
>Oh, okay, there's something called the uhreethra apparently.
I NEVAR SAID "You also piss out the vagina" MUH EDUCASHION STRONK
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Your dreams can come true anon. Jail is just a room, dont fear it.
No matter what its not as toxic or bacteria ridden as a shit chute. You are missing the point.
You don't seem to know what toxicity is.

Look up why people piss.

Do you think your body is capable of maintaining toxic levels to the point your urine is completely toxic to the body?
No one is saying there's no bacteria in the ass, we're arguing against the guy that said unless the person doesn't eat for 2 days having anal makes a mess.
why does this image trigger me so much? Because that's not a loli? Because it's overused? No, it's because she is asking for a nigger dick right there and then.
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I want a loli to give me a tit job.
Yes you do piss with your vagina, the urethral opening is part of the vagina... Look up vagina anatomy you 12 year old.
r u special?
Who cares if its a little dirty? theres bacteria all over and inside of you. Both good and bad bacteria, so who the fuck cares?
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You might want to check out the links you post.
4 is where the piss comes from.
5 is where my penis goes in.
Lost your argument I see.
>yes, women do piss with vagina! urethral opening is a part of vagina
r u getting your science from the bible?
have u had an argument?

This, they even separate the sex offenders from everyone else so the criminals don't
rip your face off

Its one of the only sites that doesnt delete loli and toddlercon...pixiv is pretty good too
Tit Job by loli,seems hard 2 do
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Dude, you need to retake yo sexuality classes badly lmfao.
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>you have germs on your body so why not just rub your dick in poop?
I will never understand anal logic.
Do I need to tell your mom you're using her computer to look up lolis again?
Nothing good in life comes easy.
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I know thats why its 2 gud.
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Because you're posting fags that only have the anal option for no logical reason, with a partner like what you posted, your only option is anal,why not a real girl that has multiple options and not just a shit hole? That character is a female apart from the dick, so i can only conclude you love shit and dicks, which makes sense since you're a fag.
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keep attending urinotherapy
Most futas have a vag too.
It's a woman plus a dick, not a man plus boobs.
I mean, I don't like futas but he's got you there.
That seems like more options not less.
Futa is okay, as long as a shit hole isnt the only option for intercourse.
more of her
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does someone have the finished story?

that -whole- thing is a vagina you dolt. You are talking -specifically- of the vaginal canal...

>The female reproductive organs can be subdivided >into the internal and external genitalia (see the >images below). The internal genitalia are those >organs that are within the true pelvis. These >include the vagina, uterus, cervix, uterine tubes >(oviducts or fallopian tubes), and ovaries. The >external genitalia lie outside the true pelvis. >These include the perineum, mons pubis, clitoris, >urethral (urinary) meatus, labia majora and >minora, vestibule, greater vestibular (Bartholin) >glands, Skene glands, and periurethral area.
go to >>751626581
Only? What about oral? Why can't I like futa occasionally? Whats stopping me from like different things for different fantasies?

At this point I'm only posting futa because you guys are so adverse to it
We are real pedos. We just don't rape kids.
you will eventually
do yourself a favor and stop jerkin to loli before its too late
Futa is great, just not traps that have anal as the ONLY option, it makes no sense.
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Eh, well at least we aren't child molesters. I mean, why should you care what I get my rocks off to as long as I'm not hurting anyone?
>All /b/tards in rekt/gore threads will eventually behead little boys.
Flawless logic, anon.
Please die slowly in a fire.
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What the.....
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Proof? Citation?
Dude, I only like 2D loli, I'd have to become an anime character to become a child molester.
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>you will never cool your puffy vulva on a hot day
I want to see a lolis pantsu.
no, u dolt. Dolts like u call it a vagina. Its a VULVA, u dolt.
t. Ray Moore
fuck yes kids are hot
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>says it in scientific literature
never said you go from liking loli to actually abusing kids, but you do start lusting after real kids bodies.

i'm speaking from personal and others testimonies.
>scientific literature divides vagina into vagina and everything else down there
no shit sherlock
Gonna need sauce on that Anon. Please.
what the fugg is that supposed to mean?
god damn you are all a bunch of pedantic fucks.

moar loli or lurk moar faggots
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just die, faggot
Speak for yourself and your other fucked up friends you got "testimonies" from, real people are ugly.
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>those soles

O-ooh... Mm..
Any loli lovers on Kik? I wanna find someone to discuss lolis and stuff. joanon20
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It's not only acceptable,
It's encouraged.
Seriously? Always one guy in every loli thread that doesnt know one of the most popular ova's
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Mikan you are such a cock loving slut.
add youknowtoknow on snapchat it's a loser boy pretending to be a girl with breast cancer so sympathetic girls will send breast pics. please spam the shit outta them..

let me know how it goes!
you bet
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I like lolis sucking dicks.
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would you go into that room?
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>is lolicon acceptable?
no. it's mandatory.
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who here does not?
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nigga do you even have to ask?
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The faggos and whiteknights.
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Millie is perfect Loli
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they can go suck a fat one
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well, it looks like you may get quite a bit tortured... i would love that <3
i came here cause my grandson told me his friends used this site, please stop talking to my grandson
who is this girl and why is she putting her foot on some sort of milk shooting mosaic machine?
i am concerned
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If it was a loli and the i was allowed to cum inside her, it wood be worth it
There's nothing loli about these big breasted whores, you liar.
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more alice?
same artstyle?
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you have your own board get out here
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Mlp purn is not that bad in general
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Only a communist would be so Anti-Freedom that they would have a problem with drawings and art, you know protected by the bill of rights.

This is not JUST pornography, You forget that every loli image you see was drawn and rendered by a real person.Yes it's sexual but it's a form of expression and years from now people will look at this art and it will help them understand how we lived in this age.

In summary if you hate loli then you hate freedom.
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more like this please
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was the swimming instructor there today?
File: c1e86395434ee4127465d78d31723558.jpg (741 KB, 1500x1061) Image search: [Google]
741 KB, 1500x1061
Holly Molly she is so cute
more like this but with the mouth spilling with cum
help me out niggas
no prob, it's only one of the best loli artists out there (imo) tanabe kyou, look up his works, they're top tier.
Reminder that shoujo ramune ep.3 and implicity ep. 2 are coming THIS FRIDAY
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