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Smashed coke for 4, maybe 5 days straight. Can't actually

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Smashed coke for 4, maybe 5 days straight. Can't actually remember.
Nose fucking hurts.
Wat do with nose
Cut it off to stop the pain.
snort some salt water
Probably snuffed up some insect eggs and they're hatching now
I like this thought
Shit or get off the pot OP.

saline spray and decongestant spray
Olbas oil bruv, put a samll amount on a cotton bud and lightly coat both nostrils. Feel like u have a brick iny our head?
If you're feeling anything in your nose after 4-5 days of coke then it's either not coke or shit stuff bashed with more benz then you thought existed. After almost a week bender on coke your face should just be in a numb comatose state with the possible exception of your jaw trying to escape the confines of your head.

If your Nose hurts after 5 days of Blow it´s probably shitty snow
Kill yourself junkie. Too bad I cant put a fucking bullet through your brain.
Wat do?

Reconsider your life
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If its not coke what could it be?
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Little bit angry?
meth, speed, vitamin c, chalk, sugar, glass,
md2ca, gummi bears, heroin, shrek,
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Not at all. Just wish you degrenates would die off soon.
Not OP but done good quality b4 few days in was like a little nipping pain where your nose connects to your face, would u say thats down to the coke or thinking bout it probs a paper cut from the note hahha
Do it beta bitch
Ah you're raging bro. Calm down there.
do more schlings
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Touched a nerve I see. Keep crying junkie, soon youll be dead.
>tfw the coke addict comes across as more reasonable than this asshole
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OP it's time to crash nigga

This pasta ain't 4 u

New to drugs?

---How to not /b/ retarded---

4chan is a terrible place to ask for drug advice. Why? The opinions on 4chan are generally subjective, uneducated and ill-informed. If you’re a newfag to drugs you won’t be able to tell fact from fiction.

Drugs ARE dangerous, incredibly FUN, but dangerous... Here’s some facts: There is no drug on planet Earth without negative side effects. Anything you buy on the street is usually a gamble. Millions of people have died taking drugs and so could you, you’re not special.

Drugs are awesome, so educate yourself so you can enjoy them to the fullest.

For future drug inquiries try:

ALL the information you need will be there.

Or don’t follow my advice... I couldn’t give a fuck if you’re alive or dead tbh… but you probably do.
C'on we're all friends here
>can't interpret the meaning of words
>hates drugs
OP agrees
lol who's going to kill us? Kek

I get high all day. It's fucking great.
Stop taking coke
Then deal with the consequences for your actions (for once in your life).
i bet krokodil is fun as hell
Who hurt you anon?
Being this edgy xd
Most definitely no one hurt him, either he lives a sheltered life. Or he too once was a junkie who wishes he was back in those early 20's doing drugs because they wouldn't affect him
QQ more.
>Who is going to kill us?

Oh, the irony.
He's the angry school shooter kid here thats what
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Keep crying people.
What's QQ
Is that two eyes reading?
You think I don't read bro?
You think I'm no fan out classic and modern literature?
That's disrespectful, eat shit you little punk nigger
No, 4-5 days worth of sesh
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If I could I would rat poison in your coke and piss on your corpse.
lol stupid nigga not all drugs kill you! God damn! Some of us use in moderation just like you do caffeine or alcohol. I did indeed lol tho.
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I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast
Nigga it's for the noobs, aspirin isn't that much fun either retard
Hope pic is not of what you did. That looks like shit product
I smell an illegal abortion
Hey there, welcome to 4chan!
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It dont kill you but make you brain rot. Thats becuse you worthless
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Keep the rage going nigga.
No, my stuff looked *heavier* iygm
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The problem Op is that you've ran out of coke, if u have a cat do what the gif does might help
Kek thats salt or something, Dont think ops that much of a faggot
netti pot then put vaseline
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If I were on my computer, and not my phone, obviously I could just image search.. You seem like part of the new wave of summerfags that overstayed their welcome

Use the links kid
Gif related its you
And you seem genuinely upset.

Well at least you learned something today.
Hey bb,
Pic is off ggl,

I love coke, wish i had some now
Snort some oxy to relieve the pain and kinda live an odd speedball.
Nah I just wanted a reason to use that .gif and refer to someone cause I'm baked and I find it fucking hilarious. I'm here to entertain myself
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I'm holding want a rail?
Same :(
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No thanks junkie subhuman.
You're some kinda asshole bitch head
Wanna meet up and settle this like men, tough guy?
This. Plus your nose wouldn't really start hurting or even feeling irritated until a couple days after your last bump.
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Come and nock on my door and say that to my face. Bring a priest with you. One less subhuman on this earth will stand after Im done with you.
Why not? Ill piss in your mouth after Im done with you.
>be me
>do drugs all day every day
>still way more successful than >>715175016
Dont binge that long then dumbass

Children with autism or Asperger's syndrome may sometimes display challenging behaviors in order to re-ceive our attention or to gain a reaction. It has been noted that often, the child is not concerned if the attention is negative or positive in nature, as long as it is provided. Behaviors such as these require a dual strategy ap-proach, often involving tactical ignoring, particularly in dealing with tantrums.

Tactical ignoring can be one element of a behavior management plan. As such, it is a method of responding to a behavior, complimented by a positive reinforcement schedule and skill development in learning a more ap-propriate method of seeking attention.

Tactical ignoring is a strategy where you give no outward sign of recognizing a behavior (e.g. no eye contact, no verbal response, no physical response). However, you are aware of the behavior occurring, and you moni-tor the child to ensure their safety and the safety of others. Often, you will be able to continue with a conversa-tion with others without acknowledging the attention-seeking behavior.

Firstly, the individual is displaying a behavior which is communicating a message. This message, the need for attention or to gain a reaction, requires a response. The aim is to provide the child with positive and quality at-tention for displaying appropriate behaviors, or for not displaying the desired behavior. When the child displays the desired behavior in order to gain attention, it may be appropriate to tactically ignore the behavior. This strategy uses the same foundation as that underlying Positive Behavior Support and Applied Behavior Analy-sis in that positive behavior is encouraged with positive reinforcement, and unwanted behaviors are discour-aged with ignoring or negative reinforcement.

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Op is even a bigger faggot than you think, he snorted powdered cock.
>More successful
>Implying you know anything about me

Junkie logic
This is where all the school shooters come to meet right?
There's 2 types of people that refer to any level of drug users as junkies 1. people that don't actually know anything of the world outside their own bedroom and 2. Those that were raised with a VERY sheltered lifestyle.

I was the latter, didn't even smoke a cigarette until I was 18 but I did this little thing where I stopped being a judgmental prick and decided to see what the big deal was to try and see it from their eyes and hey, what do you know, as with literally anything else, in moderation they're brilliant!
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Jesus... writing a book or something mang?
I know, thanks
>Implying I read anything coming from a worthless piece of shit like you.
put some cocaine on it, will numb it up good.
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Love the time you spend on b writing those worthless words nobody going to read. The rage most be real.

lmao even if you're trolling i would pay money to fly over to your house and break your fucking jaw with a bat. then set your MLP collection on fire
Nose hurts from coke?
Do more coke i like it
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Cant fucking stop laughing. If you got the balls I would shoot your head off and cum down your neck.
But he would have to leave the basement
anybody else high right now? im about 2 days into a meth binge
you eat pieces of shit for breakfast?
>Implying you got 5 dollars in your pocket.
>Can't actually read
Holy kek...
>Don't understand what they're missing
I rob people to get my drug money lolol still getting away with it Scott free I love Canada
A bit,
Smoked some hash before.
Hows meth life going.
Snort baby powder
Comon those comebacks are getting old. But guess you too stupid to come up with anything better.
I 100% agree
not bad, ive been using it for about 2 years now on and off whenever i have a good 3 days of nothing to do. personally weed always gave me anxiety so i never really liked it
Goddamn I miss my coke binges. But also, I really don't. I did enough to kill me way too many times.
>Implying I miss anything coming from a worthless piece of shit like you.
Take a kilo of coke in under an hour and all the coke will numb up your nose.
Why dont you slam those keyboards some more. Keep going with your book. Pathetic.
Im the same with weed. But its great for coke come downs
Also, get a neti pot or however you spell it. My nose got wrecked during my addiction but that saved me on some occasions.
You perm off it now? Think I'm getting to that stage, trying to take breaks between but never do
Commencing tatical ignoring.
kek for the comedowns i usually take another drug (i.e. an antipsych/benzodiazepine/every alcoholic beverage within 10 miles/etc.)

so is nobody else on hard drugs?
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Children with autism or Asperger's syndrome may sometimes display challenging behaviors in order to re-ceive our attention or to gain a reaction. It has been noted that often, the child is not concerned if the attention is negative or positive in nature, as long as it is provided. Behaviors such as these require a dual strategy ap-proach, often involving tactical ignoring, particularly in dealing with tantrums.

Tactical ignoring can be one element of a behavior management plan. As such, it is a method of responding to a behavior, complimented by a positive reinforcement schedule and skill development in learning a more ap-propriate method of seeking attention.

Tactical ignoring is a strategy where you give no outward sign of recognizing a behavior (e.g. no eye contact, no verbal response, no physical response). However, you are aware of the behavior occurring, and you moni-tor the child to ensure their safety and the safety of others. Often, you will be able to continue with a conversa-tion with others without acknowledging the attention-seeking behavior.

Firstly, the individual is displaying a behavior which is communicating a message. This message, the need for attention or to gain a reaction, requires a response. The aim is to provide the child with positive and quality at-tention for displaying appropriate behaviors, or for not displaying the desired behavior. When the child displays the desired behavior in order to gain attention, it may be appropriate to tactically ignore the behavior. This strategy uses the same foundation as that underlying Positive Behavior Support and Applied Behavior Analy-sis in that positive behavior is encouraged with positive reinforcement, and unwanted behaviors are discour-aged with ignoring or negative reinforcement.

Yeah. At first because of finances and then because I realized I needed to stop self destructing. Not preaching, do what you wanna do. But im glad to be done with it. Even though I crave it from time to time.
Commencing tactical ignoring now.
snort water, easy

makes it not burn anymore
Listen to what I say, or you'll pay
Yeah sure lemme just put fluids into my lungs
Change Your Life Forever OP
meth guy here, should i take one last bump for this binge or stop for the time being?
Nah bro, weirdly looking for advice n ere, I know its becoming a problem, hooked up with decent stuff got for friends and a freebie since i brought cash that way if you get me, Been past month getting a little paranoid when i'm on it hard to explain, heads telling me to give it a break i think
are you some kind of noob? you only do a little bit. very popular with coke users. get your finger really wet and stick it up there and inhale.

you guys are making me want to do the rest of mine
Hi meth guy, not touched and dont think I would but try n weed off it just seen some crazy stories about it and dont think it can be done in moderation
Disloves all thats left in your nose. Gives you a good high aswell if not too much water used
OP here. After a nice nose bleed and a tampon later. I decide to change my ways for the best and cut the coke.
For 2 weeks then the sesh will continue.
This thread makes me want to do some CUH CANE
dammit guys

im almost out, should i do some lines and play this new gta v update?

it depends on the individual i would say. there are a lot more functional drug addicts than you would think. thats not to excuse the drug use in a moral sense, i merely know it can be done... still does not answer my question: should i snort one last line or stop for this session
I feel ya. Now granted my situations a bit unique because I was diagnosed bipolar during all of this and was abusing drugs constantly. It was like a switch flipped. The way I see it, I'm always an addict. If I did a line now I'd fiend for more til I got it. But I cleaned Up. I battle with my condition everyday but I haven't slipped yet. It's a great high. And it consumes you. But it can't last. If you can be a casual user you're lucky.
Checked and fuck you sound like me but been through it hahaha.
fuck it im doing it
You have a pint, in the words of hunter s "abuse a drug and it will abuse you"
your grammar is terrible man...
Agreed i'm dispaxic but fuck it life goes on
so now that im guarenteed to be awake for the next 12 hours, anyone have any ideas how to kill the time?
Do more blow. Not only will you not feel your aching nose but the rest of your face should follow suit.
snort more coke.
Hit fb, whatsapp whatever is your poison try and get laid, fail, have come down pop a few downers and masterbate yourself to sleep
play rocket league, wash car, clean house
Conterplate life,
Fb fab thread
12 hours up.
It can be the coke. Coke is acidic, and will hurt the mucus membranes. You will have inflammation and congestion. Saline and decongestant.
not op. on coke now. who else on coke? Roll call.
wanna play rocket league with me?

i dont have social media
im about to be after i take a poo

just got back from chinese dinner and ate so much

you on PC? i'll play. im challenger 2 in doubles

i need a few minutes first
for me my fucking nose would get plugged up a day or two in, sniff some water, it fucking sucks but it gets the job done
Ah well while your high stick this on and have a jig. Good bass would be advised. Hits the spot every time i'm peaking
decongestant spray is your friend, mate.
consolfag actually :(
>Ah well while your high stick this on and have a jig. Good bass would be advised. Hits the spot every time i'm peaking Link included this time, I went full summerfag there
If its real coke, you wouldn't be able to feel your nose.
Fuck off.
Good man. watcha play?
You're an idiot. Days later you can.
with respect to multiplayer i really only have rocket league and black ops 3 but that game is bullshit you?
neosporin with pain relief. rub it on the inside of the nostrils.
Make foilies or crack and give your nose a break
Division mostly, nit of a grind but worth a buy, bloodborne and fifa. Rest of the games are just gathering dust or used to do a line from now and again kek. Buy ps+ get a free dl of the first res evil, notalgia central
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A sober life is a longer life :)
I'm Sure River Phoenix said that...
just did fat linez

Just fuckin smoke it you pleb.
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dubs in hurrr
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have you ever cut a line into a swastika and snorted it?
what the fuck is shrek and gummi bears?
Nothing to say and still use asbergers as an insult. You most have gone far in the special class.
Switch to the needle, feels 10 thousand times better and no more fucked up nose!
Settle down kiddo. If you're too ignorant to realise that drugs are fine in moderation then you're past the point of saving. Go yell at some homeless people or whatever it is you do for fun
This. If you've never tried squirting a bit of salt water up your nose I suggest you do, it'll be clean as fuck
I'm guessing you've never done any drugs, spoiler alert they're fucking awesome. If you're responsible and take them in moderation you'll be fine. And don't forget that the government are allowing alcohol and cigarettes to be sold, both of which cause a lot of deaths
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