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God tier alcohol thread. Pic related, had some apple ciroc last night.

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God tier alcohol thread. Pic related, had some apple ciroc last night.
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It's alright definitely not god tier tho. Last time I had it I was mixing it with jones green apple soda.
Also crown royal is the best fuck off if you think otherwise
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highly recommended
only had it a few times. it was good. i like Hennessy too
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>apple bullshit drink
>pfffffft pleb

Bourbon master race
Alcohol is a trash-tier drug for old baby boomers.
Throw that shit in an old fashioned and it's the best drink you can have.
its also legal, cheap, fun, and widely used

God tier is stuff you can drink straight.
exactly. i drank that shit straight from a glass with ice

Bourbon whiskey, straight. Even Williams is my go to for the balance of cost/quality but really any fucking bourbon is good in my book.
I drink to numb but I do enjoy good liquor now and again. Good cheap stuff

>Sobieski Vodka
>New Amsterdam Vodka
>Canadian Mist whiskey

Mist comes in plastic but god damn, for $12 a handle it's smoother than fuck and has some nice vanilla notes on it.

Damn fine bourbon

>16 when I got my first bottle
>Drank a full 24oz before going to my therapist
>Sister drove me
>Fell asleep and woke up 12 times in that hour
>with ice

You retarded son?
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Pic Related.
Best tasting thing on the planet
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>one number off from 888888

>god tier alcohol thread

>posts a picture of vodka that niggers drink


makers mark is absolute trash
>drunk before noon on a sunday

Like I give a fuck.

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Anything other than a single malt scotch is for plebs.

90% of any liquor is just based on reputation on their name and mass advertising, guarantee you that you can find something much better a fuckton cheaper if you try a couple different off brands.

>paying $50 for 750ml when not trying to impress some grills
>not being retarded

Pick one.
>$50 for 750ml vodka

Excuse the correction.
try $18
What's your opinion on Macallan?

>Your statement is flawed
>Some of us just want to get drunk at a reasonable price but do enjoy quality drinks now and again
Gin and tequila are the best clear spirits. Aged tequila I can take or leave.

Rye is the best whiskey.
As for other types of whisk(e)y, bourbon is ok, canadian is too sweet, Irish and scotch are too watery, Japanese is excellent.

Vodka is for slavs and women. Flavored vodka is for children.
>tequila is one of the best clear spirits
>literally alcoholic worm piss
Macallan is alright. Not my favourite, but that's a matter of taste, I guess.

>reasonable price
Only plebs care about price.
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funny how you say vodka is for women then mention tequila like your some sorority college chick who gets drunk on the weekends
>plebs care about price
>plebs are those who need to budget money that doesn't come from mummy and daddy's inheritance trust fund

Clearly need to reevaluate your definitions; and I've been sampling here and there. I'll try your MacLeods when I get a chance.
>has never had real tequila

I'm not talking about some rotgut cuervo swill that's not even tequila or some overpriced garbage like patron. You wouldn't judge all beer based on keystone light, or all wine based on thunderbird would you?

Give Casa Nobles a try.

>makers mark is trash

>posts nothing

You are what is wrong with the world.
And tequila doesn't have a worm in it. Mezcal does.

>Japanese is excellent

Weabo spotted

ive had decent tequila and hated it,you cant deny the fact that tequila is associated with women and drunken college chicks
Hardly. Anime is for autistic children, katanas aren't magical, sushi is ok, i don't own any cheap martial arts weapons purchased from flea markets and county fairs, i could go on.

But Japan is the other big whiskey style/area besides US, Canada, Ireland, and Scotland
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I love drinking this with ice
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>Japanese is excellent

japan makes the best whiskey
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It's time for you to go take a nap. Stop shit posting
Shitty tequila is, yes. But that doesn't invalidate the entire liquor. What about all the neckbeards in these threads dick-measuring about who drinks the best scotch? Does their impotent posturing make good scotch any worse?
bf and i gonna pick up graves later
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Pic related.

>gook whiskey
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Mere mortals drink whisky; warriors destined for Valhalla drink mead.
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real mans drink
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>Also crown royal is the best fuck off if you think otherwise

Seriously? Sure, if all you've ever drank is night train you fucking nigger.
I live right by the warehouse that's made in.

Do I need to say more?
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sure, japanese whiskey has won the most prestigous award in the uk 4 years in a row now.
Russian schoolchildren get more than that at lunch.
So how is their bourbon? I've never tried it.
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Fuck that high-dollar liquor shit. It's all about that Malt Liquor. Cheap as fuck, like me on a date with a woman.
Fuck that, the french children get more drunk than that daily.

>Can drink wine from 13 in school cafeterias pretty fucking much
>the french
I like colt 45 and OE for malt liquor
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homebrewfag here

kolsch and irish red
odds are you're not a whiskey drinker. odds are the extent of your whiskey experience has been swill you can buy at gas stations. awards are marketing tools to sell shit to fuckwits like you.
I think it's probably the best bourbon for the price point. Very smooth and mixes well (even though I usually prefer it neat).
Literally niggers or highschoolers.
You need Four Loko, my friend.
Irish red is my favorite, used to be a stout man but since I tried one at my local brewery I've changed.
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I used to be on the OE kick, until I learned what taste was.

No sir, just a cheap white man who likes to go to cheap venues and bring his own alcohol.

Now THAT is shit for high schoolers and niggers.
spotted the buttmad scottsman XD
Ahhh, yes. Hobo antifreeze.
I can appreciate being thrifty, but instead of $2 of pigswill you can pay $15 and get 4x more drunk off some 2x more decent liquor.
Fucker, I go to goddamn art school. You expect me to get hammered off $12 microbrews with the hipsters? Fuck nah. Also, Malt kicks the shit out of Bud or Natty light - the choice beverages for frat douches at the uni.
me and a buddy brew...we're still trying to nail down the recipe...the last batch we did was fucken awesome...we're going to try and duplicate it next weekend. this weekend we brewed an english brown ale. should be ready to keg in 2 weeks.

If it counts, I do love me some Jameson and ginger ale. Whiskey Ginger is my shit when I'm in a real liquor mood.

Aint gettin into valhalla drinking fucking 14%
Hey, I get what I can on a waiter's salary. Malt, in my opinion, tastes a helluva lot better than cheap whiskey or vodka.
If you cut your whisky, do it only with water, even shitty whisky

That Heaven's Hill will get you though. Grain alcohol with whiskey flavoring.
Random pic I nabbed off google. You can get it a lot higher than that. I plan on brewing my own some time in the future. It's closer to a fine wine than hard liquor.
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Man if i want to get fucked up, im not drinking for the taste, i also get the strongest shit i can just so no one else can drink my booze when im not looking
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Anyone here tried Everclear? Forget god-tier, this shit will let you meet him in person.
i dont like scotch and never acquired the taste. i'm now 31. Am i a failure as a man? If so how
I mostly drink while watching a movie with friends or chilling at a low-key party. It takes longer to get fucked up, thus, I need my alcohol have a taste I can tolerate for a long time.
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This stuff puts jack Daniels to shame. I normally go with black velvet though because it's cheaper and has a nice taste
Try this then. Tastes just like fruit loops. I try not to buy it anymore because I drink it like juice and get too fucked up too quick
Forgot pic
Why do Americans waste their time with bourbon when there is perfectly good Scotch
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Absinthe or gtfo.
Because they taste so different they might as well be totally different drinks.

Hang on, they *are* totally different drinks.
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Retards gonna ret.
take this and shut up
and chill
Hmm... might have to try that. I have very little shame when it comes to alcohol (I once mixed Everclear with Kool-Aid. That was... interesting.)
Unless you're getting Verdoyante, you're probably drinking the blue shite they sell to tourists in Wencenclas square.
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Might be a little "girly" but it's like drinking Jesus semen
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One is an alcoholic drink for men made in Scotland and the other is some kind of raccoon piss made in the usa...
That's where you separate the hardcore from the pussies.
Absinthe is god tier alcohol my man.
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It's supposed... to... be... green?

Did the methanol cause you to develop color visual problems?
Back the fuck off wannabee braveheart.

I prefer Islay Scoth myself and find Bourbon way too sweet. But that doesn't mean I'm dumb enough to compare the two directly.
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2 x shot of a decent vodka
250ml GREEN monster
1x shot of black sambuca.

I named it 'The Cuntbuster 3000'
Ironic name really, because you ain't bustin' no cunts after a couple of these.

Many good nights drinking these.
Mix that with sweet iced tea. Not like the sweet tea shit in the south but real New York iced tea
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I had weird dreams with it.
I like it but only with a soft drink and extra sugar.
It's nice warm too.

There's a complete waste of "decent" -- whatever you *think* that is -- vodka.
I actually really fucking like Kahlua. Mix that shit into a chocolate milkshake and sip it on a hot afternoon. Tis quite nice.
Is Islay a smokey one... like Lagavulin?
Not a waste at all.
That sounds like some sorta real strawberry daiquiri kind monkeyness going on there...
Islay is one of the regions.

Yes, Lagavulin comes from Islay, so it's an Islay.

They all have that strong and sometimes oily flavor. A lot of people describe them as "smokey" or "peaty", but they never struck me that way personally.
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Y'all are forgetting the true king.
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You're drowning a small bit of vodka under Monster and second-string Sambuca.

It's ain't gonna matter if the vodka come from Nicholas' private distiller or out of the hose at a tramp bar.

You ain't gonna taste it either way.

In fact, recipes like this are designed to mask the acetone flavor of shite vodka.
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I might try it then.
I like those tastes.
Have a wee dram...
Nothing fancy. Just a milkshake with a kick. Hood chocolate/coffee ice cream, milk, heavy cream, malt, shot of Kahlua. Put it in a disposable cup and you can walk around the beach with it.
Enjoy your solvent and soap

What the fuck is wrong with you people? Ive had fireball, Ciroc, Patron, and Misky Misky.

None of it taste good and you have to be brain dead to WANT to drink that literal poison and wasting your money for nothing. The only tier is shit tier
I tried it with cheap vodka, believe me, it makes a difference.

Perhaps I should explain, by decent, I mean something other than Tesco own brand 1.5L for £10 vodka. (I also consider Smirnoff shit)
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The widow's ruin.
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it's like some cunt says "god tier alcohol" and all the other cunts hear "oh god better post the strongest shit i know to look badass"

how bout some plain good fucking beer you cunts
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CHOO CHOOOOOOO All aboard niggers!
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And not one fag mentions THIS mother?
Ya weak cunts no trying the 'Mad Juice'?
I prefer the Old Raj, but Boodles is nice too
If you want to go batshit with it, try Laphroaig.

(somebody posted it up there).

The stuff is crazy. I like it, but I'm not really sure why.

My description is: "It tastes like something drained from the crankcase of a sunken WWII diesel submarine."

Their website used to (they might still, I haven't checked in a while) say: "Your first drink may be your last." followed by a list of words people had used to describe it:

- seaweed
- hospital gauze
- diesel fuel

etc etc.

It grows on you though.
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the sulfites really hit the spot
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It's not edgelord tier 200 Proof death liquor by any means but its delish as all fuck, familams
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Being from the 603, Smuttynose will always hold a special place in my heart.
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Sake !
Everthing else is shit
Seen it at Asda.
Might ask me Bro to buy me a bottle.
...but knowing him I'll get ..... oh dear.... Bell's.
This looks good af. I'd drizzle some over Ben & Jerry's to form the ultimate homage to the great state of Vermont.
Not even the same type of drink, jesus christ. Why are we comparing different types of whiskey
Cheap and delicious. Drinking it neat right now
I like sake.
Trick is to leave it out on the table all day and hold it in a thin walled glass so it warms to body temperature.
Morrisons used to stock it.
I've not had it for a few years.
Thanks for reminding me.
Shit ain't no child's plaything.
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We're not.
We're comparing countries...
dont know this brand. why's it called mad juice?
No problem
Did you go full retard?
this stuff tastes like dog piss
I honestly prefer Unicum to Jaeger. It's just too sweet

Why limit yourself to just once?
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>god tier
It depends on the sake.

The whole warming thing started for rougher sakes that didn't taste good cold.

Now there are decent sakes for drinking both warm and cold.
says the guy who posts an 8 YO, any true scot would throw that swill in your face
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>spending more than £3.99 to get pissed
have you tried the winter herb version jägermeister sells in the time leading up to christmas?
that one's pretty neat, prefer it to the original, actually.
should be in shelves around this now
Macallan is like the most basic of malts, entry level. It's palatable and easy to drink, but theres nothing special to it.
>any true scot
It's literally called "no true scotsman" and you go and say that shit matey
What the fuck even is that stuff?
if you use alcohol just to get pissed, this thread is not for you
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Wondering about buying. Anyone have experiences, which is better?
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nigga please. PLEASE
White cider, cheap and high percentage, I guess kinda the English equivalent of a 40oz?
>bottle of cider

Makes no sense for me to say that, I am Scottish. It;s a phrase usually used by people other than the scottish
3 litres, or roughly 5 and a half pints, I'd love to see you drink that and be sober
flavored vodka, want me to put a nipple on that entry level shit for you?
What? Its like the smirnoff of malts. In virtually every pub, produced in massive quantities, is usually the cheapest (good) 10yo in the shops. have a Balvenie doublewood 12yo and then come back to the party.
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i'd love to watch you watching me chug this baby bottle shit
Used to get fucked up on this shit round the docks when I was a teenager. Good times, many spews.
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>god tier
t. a literal nigger
i'm german. that's my average on parties
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the balvenie is just fine, but i challenge you to swill 30 y.o. Mac and tell the adults you've had anything better. Speysides are the absolute finest imo
cant go wrong with this
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tastes like orange flavored precum
I love that shit, do half that and half coconut rum, and it tastes like rice pudding
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nyet, you are wrong.
this is god tier.
Ah now that's a different story, I was just assuming the standard 10 yo. Oldest I have tried is a 27 yo aberfeldy, was like honey. It was at a whisky festival in edinburgh which they run every year. Spaysides are my favourite too. Im not a huge fan of peated tastes. Worst ive ever tasted was an indian single malt, think they used water from the Ganges to make it.
Anon will accept your donation any time
OE was good before they put 'em in plastics.
not everyone likes to drink campfire
Jack Daniels Single Barrel Select,
Woodford Reserve,
Jura Superstition,
Remy Martin 1738 Royal Accord,
Piper Heidsieck,
Taittinger Nocturne,
Chivas Regal 12 Yr Old,

My drinks cabinet at this point in time. Rum absent, for which I apologise
Fucking this! was just about to post a pic.
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No gin...
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So much whisky, so little time (and money)

Meant to post, just finished this wee guy. Recommend it if you havent tried.

>Not drinking Killepitsch
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only had the 15 y.o. which is very nice. never the 21.

I'm not a woman
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you might be. better check again.
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some god tier shit
Get ready to get schooled boys. Professional bartender and spirit consultant here

1. Ciroc is trash tier. It has a heavy citrus note from the citric acid they use to preserve it so there's no point in the grape distillation. You want good vodka there's Absolut Elyx, Belvedere and Ketel one.

Whisk(e)y is subjective. Some bourbons are arguably better than others (woodford reserve double cask is always gonna kick jim bean's ass) and the same goes for any whisk(e)y. Japan makes amazing spirits and scotland no longer controls he market as much so we get more variations (win for consumers)

Kraken is god tier rum (inb4 it's technically a spirit aperitif)

And gin has about 5 different catagories designed for different things. Monkey 47 may be super complex but you're allowed to just like Bombay London Dry if that's your style.

Brandy is shit always has been it's the oldest spirit and it's got so many better alternatives

Agave spirits (tequila or mezcal) are heavenly due to the wide range of flavours you can attain from different styles of distillation and aging. Truly a spirit taking the market by storm

Absinthe is extremely underrated. Good absinthe doesn't make you hallucinate and you don't need to burn or dilute it that's just the bootleg eastern european shit they make

Now go do some research for once
calm down son.........what number?
cringe thread
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has to be lower than like 10 or else its shite
>scotland no longer controls he market as much so we get more variations (win for consumers)
Scottish and agree, japs really are pulling out ahead. We have the established names, but unless the distilleries dont come up with something new, we will lose the lead considerably
The cognac barrel finish actually masks a lot of the flavour. Normal Ron has 57 different tasting notes it's better than this overpriced garbage

>Kraken is god tier rum

Maybe if you like rum flavored candy canes nigga. Drink Mount Gay or Appleton Estate if you want real rum
This guy knows. Got a crate from Costco and had a number 1, drank it last.

you lucky bastard. Cheap, doesn't taste half bad and get's ye fucked fast. All you need isn't it?
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I've had he mount gay black barrel and the xo, I've tried the appleton XO 12 and 21 and I've tried many other rums, kraken is unique and that's why it's god tier. Go have a make a negroni with a tot of kraken instead of the gin and add a dash of fernet brotto as a bitter
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Beer of choice: Miller Lite
But I evenly distribute my drink of choice to Blue Moon Belgian White, Dogfishead 90-Minute IPA, Great Lakes Porter, New Glarus Spotted Cow, and Budweiser.

Who says you have to be a beer snob. I like all beers just depends on what I'm going for.
Anyone here try the teeling small batch? Seems pretty nice
>God tier alcohol

Reminder good god good alcohol is shit tier beverage and everyone knows it. Nobody likes the taste of alcohol and if they say they do I bet I could prove them wrong

People like drinks to feel buzzed/drunk. Nobody drinks for taste. Otherwise liquor companies wouldn't spent money on adding sweet flavors and bars wouldn't have mixers like soda and juice

Also beer idiots you don't mix because your shit is <10% on average alcohol while 90 so % is legit bitters to mask the alcoholic taste

Being a kid is thinking drinking pure liquor is cool

Being an adult is when you know you're drinking for a feeling. Not a flavor
But what about the Rum?! Any real pirates on these seas?
Also only thing is how smooth a drink is. Some liquors are better (smooth. No bad after taste. Etc)

But ask yourself if you'd drink your favorite liquor/drink if you didn't get drunk. I bet 95% would never drink again if you never felt a buzz.

>I drink st8 whizkay m8 it like water. Oh sorry my liver fails and my family thinks I'm dead
Your new is showing. You just haven't found what fits you, lots of different alcoholic drinks out there, go through a few more of them before you come crying that all alcohol tastes bad. You really think there would be that many people so interested in whiskies if they truly didnt like it?
Then explain how a cocktail like a negroni has been celebrated for about 100 years? There's an entire week devoted to it. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean everyone has to hate it you fucking retard
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wew lad
Do you know your rums?
I'm fairly comprehensive on rum, anything you guys wanna know?
maximum overtippage
Only bought mid tier rums, hoping to get some recommendations on some Godly rum.
>Being an adult is when you know you're drinking for a feeling. Not a flavor.

lol you're such an asshat
Ask away mate, I've worked with rum quite a lot i could probably help you out
Ron Zacapa solera
Appleton 21
Kraken black spiced rum
Mount gay black barrel
Bacardi Ocho (8year)
Pyrat rum

These are a few
Mah nigga
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Best thing I ever had was Sailor Jerry, better than Captain IMHO. But I like clear rum too. What's some of your favorites?
That's how you become a pussy -- by drinking french liquors.
Also heres a large collection of white rum for cocktail use. Brugal dry rum and bacardi carta blanca are pretty nice
My local liqour store has that kracken black, may have to pick some up.
Salor jerry is great, much better than captain. I replied to an earlier post with a list of a few nice rums. If you don't wanna break the bank go for Kraken / appleton xo / mount gay black barrel
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dont ever talk about the best, you son of a bitch
My country stopped importing kraken it's one of my favourite rums. As a career bartender it's like losing a son
Sounds great, I'll definitely give one or two a try.
Finally a thread that isn't about traps or anime. I work in this industry and i love it with a passion
Awe damn thats sad. I like Old Overholt for a mixing rye but cant get it without driving 60 miles one way.
Welcome friend, a safe space on the internet, and its booze, gotta love it!
Because mead is wine you fucking dongle.
I work in one of the best bars in my country and so Diagio gave us a few bottles of bulleit rye to use for free. Can't buy it here yet, i really enjoy it

Answer this:
They use old carribean rum barrels which is cool but they do cognac finishes and i don't like that. Ruins the balance of flavours IMHO. It's like Ron Zacapa is great but the XO is finished in cognac for 4 more years and it's not as nice but 4 times as expensive
Never had bulleit rye but ive heard good things. I bought a bottle of Redemption rye a while back, it's meant to be pre-prohibition style to bring back that traditional American rye taste that was somewhat lost over time.
Mein neger! My old man got me some special bottle of Laphroaig 10 that was damn delicious. Last bottle I polished off was an Aberlour Abunadh (cask strength). Good flavor, but you had to put it on the rocks to dilute it.

As for the greater discussion on alcohol, I say drink whatever you want as long as you don't act like a cunt afterward.
Bulleit rye is based on the style of Tom Bulleit's great grandfather's recipe, so technically that's also based off pre-prohabition as well
That last sentence... Pure Truth, lol.
>banned from /pol/
Oh cool.
Evan Williams for life
Things in this country (USA) would be so much better if our motto was simply "Land of the Free just don't be a cunt"
Bruh, its beautiful.
I got a bulleit rye, it's spicy af. Not bad at all but quite strong flavor.
I frickin love it. Imma start making t-shirts.

>based off pre prohabition

>doesnt relize thats just a marketing gimmick to get people to buy overpriced bourbon
I bought some Knob Creek rye once, 50% i believe, it had some burn and was quite oaky, smooth otherwise though, not bad for $35 US.
Is everyone here from the USA? i know a fair deal about an array of spirits and i live in South Africa (yes I'm white) but all you guys seem to care about is bourbon. Don't get me wrong i love bourbon but where's the variety?
Never had Japanese whiskey, is it really that bad or do you denounce anything Japanese because of the neck beards running around with their arms behind their backs?
We were talkin about rum erlier, some guys were discussing beer and cognac too.
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Everything is a marketing scheme today. Most bourbons claim to do small batch whisky but they actually just do 300 batches of 9 barrels each. You want something different make it yourself
I know, i made most of those rum posts but the majority here is bourbon
Wow I didn't think anyone else believed in the numbers thing; I thought it was just a Northern Ireland thing.
Oh, haha, i didnt realize it was you, damn im slow.
Mix that with some brugal anejo and you have a nice combination of flavours
This thread is actually really fun, when i have some time tomorrow I'll make a new one and we can sit down and really discuss this shit, look out for it
im a finn, but bourbon is the shit
with Cherry Pepsi or Dr Pepper it's nice
I'm a peated whisky guy myself
Anyone like Amaretto? straight or to mix? I know it's liquid candy but, damn tasty.
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this god tier beer
it's not the worst shit i've had. I'm just saying it's mediocre whiskey. I wouldn't buy it and if someone gave me some and told me it was $1235167253 I'd still mix it with diet coke.
Good god sir please don't do that ._.
Mix it with some coffee and you have a nice drink
I had some beer with a lot of peat once, it was called Dirty Bastard, and my fuck was that bastard dirty!
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ma nigga
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Got a few gin folks in here too. Myself included.
That's because beer is typically meant to be bitter not smokey
Havent tased one, heard many good things bout it tho, but id go for the aged one.
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Gin's good, with two olives and some un-opened vermouth ;)
I'm a bit of a botanist nut. I like very herbaceous gins
>share ice cold
you dont share it and the novelty of it is that youre so heured that you dont give a fuck the drink room temperature
Yeah, i cand handle a thick Guinness, but this was like licking a mossy oak tree. I did enjoy it's... character to be honest.
the saffron gives the old raj a very distinct taste. makes a fine martini with a lemon twist
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That won't get you anywhere with that low content.
This right here cost about the same and has 14%.
No one likes the taste of alcohol anyway, so why not go for the cheap stuff?
I used to drink beer but when i became a bartender i started drinking a lot more spirits
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surprisingly good vodka from CA here. very very nice.
takes good at 9pm, tastes good at 10am the next morning
Haven't tried it but I'm not a fan of the saffron infused gins i have tried, although they were local craft gins and they're kind of inconsistant
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Plymouth is a good benchmark then. great London dry....and endorsed by the british navy
It's probably one of the better low-end vodkas in the US but Polska Vodka or GTFO friend
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They're cheap for the serving size, not per ounce of alcohol.

If you want bang for your buck, get some pick related. Usually goes for $15-17 at sam's club and some gas stations = ~50 cents a beer. Can't get much cheaper than that outside of Everclear.
We have a bottle in my bar, there's a few gins I've been meaning to try. Sipsmith isn't bad either
I drink lots of different things. I like to change it up. I don't really have a standby, not yet anyhow.
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sadly, I have to agree with you. if it's not polish from potatoes it's really just swill isnt it. i wouldn't call hangar 1 low end at all though.
It's not very hard to put Jack Daniels to shame
I'm a career bartender, i basically try and drink something new every day. I just prefer spirits at this point
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All these bourbon connoisseurs in here and no one mentions the king? shame!
I bet you think it makes you hallucinate
You can run your car off it. Do you need anymore info?
Posts irish whiskey and doesn't mention teeling or yellow spot.....

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Are you 12
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get that swill out of here and enjoy some high quality malt liquor
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>Why do Americans

I'm a shitposter you faggot.

Besides bourbon is the Devils gift to man!
Right, I got really into making cocktails 3 years ago. Still enjoy it and always look for something new.
Presumably to him it means "doesn't come in a plastic jug"
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see: >>714908440
for your bar friend. your patrons will keep coming back
A friend of mine makes it with central african wormwood and aniseed. The levels of wormwood aren't high enough to illicit hallucinations and it's clean, only the hearts so no burning or dilution needed

It's handy having a master distiller for a friend
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I done tried this shit. To give you an idea of how gay it is, I was at a bachelor party where the groom to be passed out in 30 minutes and then me and mah niggas drank his "loopy"
Back to God Tier alcohol. Most expensive thing I ever bought was a 12 year old Glenlivet single malt scotch, was about $45 after taxes.
King of what, white trash that spend every weekend at a shitty sports bar in their welfare town?

Scotch is made for kilt wearing faggots.

Bourbon is made for real men. The kind of men who look like lumberjacks.
My bar probably has a bigger selection of bourbon than any other bar in my country xD we're pretty good on that front, we're busy expanding our scotch. People in South Africa aren't huge on bourbon anyway
It's pretty trash TBH
Corporate piss masquerading as legitimate beer
While the obviously low class hootch has its disparaging qualities, higher class stuff is really all about personal pallet and preference. Really, my opinion is that each has its place an use. If you're going to be a stuck up faggot, this might as well be a how do you like your steak thread.
It was okay, I'm more impressed by a $13 bottle of jim beam. I want to try Johnny Walker Blue label, but IDK about $200 for scotch.
Obvious bait is obvious
That's not a liquor cabinet, there's no gin.
Johnny blue is not worth the cash, even the company that owns it admits it. If you want to drop cash on a nice whiskey go for some nikka coffey grain
Mmm but dat 15
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johnny blue is blended whisky brah. spend the dough on a single malt
Guinness is not a thick beer at all
Dark =/= thick
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The best.
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A godly drink for an actual God.
It's worth it.
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My gf dark and thicc
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it comes in a pretty bottle if that's what you mean...
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