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New Fluffy thread, "because fuck normies" edition

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 226
Thread images: 151
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New Fluffy thread, "because fuck normies" edition
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Fluffy game that apparently is still slowly being updated over time
/pol/ in a nutshell
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Posting before the mandatory

I don't get these threads

What is the appeal to this

Are you guys autistic.
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I suppose anyone here could be called autistic, yes, but there are those of us like the sociopaths among us

They are socially competent enough to be "normal" but have a dark side, be it murder, rape, or, in this case, fluffy abuse

Either way we were all drawn here for some reason, and many are here because something made them stay

Maybe you'll find that something and stay a bit
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fucking BEAUTIFUL 10/10
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I shouldn't laugh at this one, but damn...
never ceases to crack me up
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That one touched my heart :)
That one touched MY heart

Thanks anon, that made me feel better
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Does anyone has pic of fluffy enfing slpper?
Seen a while ago and forgot to save
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Here you go
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the true cancer of /b/
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What would you do in this situation?
This.....was........awsome......more fluffy enlightenment .
You mean trap, faggot?
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post russian hugboxers stuff. he was good at trolling people

>use my intellect to bluff the shit out of fluffies
>preach them about the wonders of skettiland, use it to my advantage like a fluffy Pope.
>definitely try sleeping in a fluffpile, they look comfy.

But most of all I would avoid humans even if it meant going hungry. It's better to go without food for three days than risk encountering an abuser, or even a well-meaning activist that would take me to a shelter.
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I have thought about making a fluffy game too, but I have just dozens of ideas and no coding skills.
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Does anybody has the continuation of this?
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I've seen so many of these fluffy facts, "while animals do this, for some arbitrary reason things are different in fluffies in a way that is horrifying, painful, or deadly to them".

I remember one story had that euthanasia was difficult, and had a 50% chance of instead melting the fluffy and giving it visions of hell before it finally died. *yawn*
I'm drawn because I think fluffies are cute. But for some reason they're often surrounded by amazingly stupid or obnoxious humans.

I know what you mean. Fluffies aren't good at survival, but adding arbitrary downsides to them is just too unbelieveable and contrived.
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This thread, it's so... So...
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yeah why not
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As someone who works with cement alot youre looking at...6...7 inches of cement there tops.

Also cement isn't like quick sand.
Add in the fact that there's a wire mesh about 3 inches down you'll only get slightly damn fluffy legs and depending on how frail they're skin is MAYBE chemical burn if they don't wash off.
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I'm a producer for FluffTV and I'm looking for a pitch to a new FluffTV show. Shill me into your idea and I'll draw a lengthy comic about it
a show between mares to see wich one is bestest mummah-and the other has her babies killed
Also, you could tell them before it starts, so they know that if they ain't good enough, the babies would die

What Do Mommies And Daddies Do?

A show where fluffies wonder why their owners can't always play with them, and where the fluffies are put through a miniature version of their working days to learn a valuable lesson in how grateful they should be. Episodes include fluffies doing simplified versions of tasks such as office work (put yellow papers in yellow bin and green papers in the green bin) and delivery work (wearing a tiny uniform and pulling a tiny cart), and in the end the fluffies tell about how hard their day was and how much they love their owners for doing it for them.
Where smarty foals have to go through everyday life as a "big fluffy" in a fluff sized world
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I have time for another sketch or two. What shall I draw? Keep it relatively simple, plox.

A human shaves fluffies balls bare before putting him outdoors in winter.
a show where two mares eat the other one's foals fast in order to save her own foals from being processed each time the other mare finish eating one foal, and viceversa. Hopefully will ended in a draw...

Assuming it's something that would be made for the fluffies, I'd suggest an audience participation ball game: Fluffies on the screen ask the viewer to have a ball at ready so they can play with them. After a little filler to give the viewers time to get their ball, the fluffy says that whoever pushes the ball the best is the winner, and as they say "GO", a music starts and fluffies on the screen start pushing the ball around around. After a minute or two of that the music ends and a fluffy on screen congratulates the viewers for how well they did and tells that they're winners, and reminds them to be good fluffies and always listen to their owners.
>posts this unironically

A fluffy dressed in doll clothing, complaining about the tight pants squeezing his no-noes.
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I really love the very concept of flufftv. There really needs to be more of it!
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Love it. Cheap pets are bound to end up in bad homes like this one, even if the owners don't mean to abuse them.
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Are you fucking kidding me?

Fluffy threads are the BEST PART of /b/! Go back to your bananas and dick rate threads faggot
I don't understand why i enjoy watching this.
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nuuuuuut this shit is bad fow anons
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Be god of fluffies. Find a human bitch with a fluffy fetish.

>Nu du noffin' wong
Dindu nuffin
Indian caste system in a nutshell
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Just thought of a new idea:

Owner offers fluffy some whipped cream from a can like in the picture. The fluffy puts its mouth around the piping tube, but the pressurized cream shooting into the fluffies mouth and out its nose surprises both of them.
the furries finally here
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you again faggot?

Long time no see
That is exactly my way of thinking for homo's. Fucking disgusting mentally flawed humans.
just show us your feets
OHHHHH FUCK YEAAAAAHHHH i live this shit im totally jizzing rainbows at revenge stuff. Like the abused by smarties being human level abusive to the smarty back ohohohohho fuck them up they are useless to your species you are the strong you will grow the race to be glorious. Go forth mate. And have your young CONQOUR THE WORL HUEHUEHUHHUEHUEHUEHEHEHEH
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Here ya go
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shit yeah now am truely diamonds
>spammer spends his time on threads he doesn't like, wasting hours of his own time
>fluffy fans spend their time on threads they like until the spammer causes them to make a new thread, spending less than a minute of their time.

It would be sad if his own choice wasn't it's own punishment.
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It's fun
Oh yeah fucking awesome im so emotionally horny for deserved torture
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Alas, this is the end of my spammunition...

Too bad i deleted my old 4chan folder.
And some angry workers seeing some stupid creatures ruining their work. Sounds like an abuse story about to begin.
We need a new thread.
How is it fun? The only people clicking on your images are people interested in seeing it.
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We'll make one when this hits the bump limit.

I'm not in it for the reactions, i'm in it because i just like shitting these cancerous threads up. At least that way they're good for something.
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to the wall you go >:(
A good fluffy show. The show starts with a bunch of fluffys doing stuff like playing and shitting and everytime one does something wrong it is punished. The last one gets skettis while the rest is suffering.
>cancerous threads
>said the bestiality fan
>has lung cancer
>gives self brain cancer to make things better
Whats the bump limit for /b/? Can't remember if it's the same for all boards.
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This only work if in the end only crying pillowfluffs are watching.
Theae threads never have enough fluffy on fluffy rape
"I'm gonna prove you're all fags but sucking on three dicks at once."
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Trump doesn't support fluffy abuse anon
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Oh great, more spammo!

if they spoke spanish he would
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This literally makes me sick to my stomach
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al muro que vas >:(
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I never understood the appeal of this meme
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I'm on the verge of snapping my own neck
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And obnoxious, stupid fluffies.
They're pretty skilled at abuse and bullying themselves as well.

And killing themselves off out of sheer stupidity.
But, you aren't. That's the point we tried to make.

>implying i'm willing to listen to reason
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are the faggots spamming us again? Are we going to need to enact global rule 10 again if they keep it up?
keep it rolling, i need to open them

Yes and yes.
So your a retard? Not listening to reason isnt being brave and manly. It is by definition illogical and i had sex with your mother last night
I came here for a fluffy thread, not a YLYL


Who wants to be a man when you can be a machine?
image limit hit. fuck
Dem double trips doe
I need to see fluffies getting more special huggies from their owners
So, is anyone making a new thread or shall I?
Implying? It is obvious you have a mental problem. I'm just trying to help you out.
Like a PSA?

The potential for that is absolutely evident.
I want to make a fluffy comic where some humans but a bungee cord laundry basket catapult in a park. They put spaghetti in it, and when a feral herd enters the basket, they release it and the fluffies splat on someone's car.
Thread replies: 226
Thread images: 151

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