Cringe thread
that is an asian coke party for ya.
I'd tap that hard.
Shit never knew that, this is more like a feels thread
like her ?
Jesus Christ this country
That's a lot of Coke heads
GILF looks very good, got more?
yes what like?
no coke, pepsi
That was a joke right?
Anyone got more of the sexy gilf?
yes request?
God has abandoned us.
Has a point tho...
Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
HER suckling her tits!
just hsve her tits want?
Dumping the good shit from my folder, prepare yourselves lads.
is that a walking stick I see hiding behind Dyel's 8th stomach?
this must have been ironic. No one would be that dumb
I've always wondered if these things are fabricated, or legit ripped off OKC. Like the suit guy who's browsin the chon.
God I hope tumblrinas never reproduce.
>IKR right
I am cringing and enraged at the same time.
>George is power
>George is fear
The bats didn't have to be in the bell tower, did they?
that's pretty damn alpha
we really need a war. life has gotten too easy here.
>Implying these people would even join.
Dear god
It's true, animals get confused about their gender all the time. That's why you get girl dogs humping and boy dogs doing the opposite
grown man... beard and everything. pretending to have a cartoon horse as a girlfriend. can you imagine men of 100 years ago seeing this and not stomping the shit out of him?
You didn't need to highlight anything on that mage. Fucking hell, when's the nuke coming?
fucking cokeheads
>Agender version 1
So now there can be multiple versions of a single 'gender identity'. Please shoot me.
He is batshit crazy and needs serious mental help.
Grandma has nice tits
Maria Sveland (born 1974) is an author and journalist from Sweden, best known for the 2007 book Bitterfittan (a Swedish compound noun and could be translated as either Bittercunt or The Bitter Cunt or less literally Bitterbitch or The Bitter Bitch). The book criticises the institutionalised nuclear family from a radical feminist perspective, pointing out issues such as women's unpaid domestic labour, sexual violence, and the disproportional male/female use of parental leave.
>unpaid domestic labor
They don't have to. We use the cover of war to round them up.
The entire Democratic voting base in a nutshell
i hope she kills herself
whomever did that should be shot
idubbbz : the early years
want moar?
I like the way you think.
there has to be some criminal element to this. Replacing someone's meds has got to be illegal
It is just as horrific even when the woman does it
>Six figures
>Treat me like a princess
This actually pisses me off. This fat cunt needs to get over herself, jesus christ man. I'm surprised there were people even willing to email her.
what is with that bowl cut and the glasses?
What can ya say, lad likes his memes
dangit bobby
You realize this is satire from a guy who's making fun of otherkin tards, right?
And don't give me your shitty 'muh Poe's law'. Being too stupid to recognize sarcasm is on you for being stupid.
so is that true about the batshit hing?
Top kek
Shit like this is why I browse Craigslist. What a delusional fuck.
that kid is what, probably 20 now, and probably getting mad pussy with the money his parents have
Hey, I've banged a lot of fat chicks, but this one is going out of her(?) way to be unattractive. She's disgusting. Prettier my ass.
that dude on the left is barely holding onto his lunch
What is that.
Good, this bitch only deserves filthy nigger cock anyway.
and you bring that to the judge and have your support payments lowered
a gif in which two fat women take food away from an underweight woman
the difference in their weight seems to imply this is not an uncommon occurrence
This is cringe thread not feels faggot
This is fucking hilarious, even more so if real.
Congrats OP, your faggot ass got brutally trolled.
>pony cum jar project
Fucking why
YLYL: Cringe edition
More please
Wtf is this
It was a lust penis.
why, what the fuck is wrong with camping?
This bitch replaced her mothers medicine with some BS pills. Isn't tampering with someone's prescription a federal offense in most states if not all?!
george aka shooter-at-large
>>tfw when domestic violence is actually highest among lesbian couples
Now thats something...
idk how i feel about this, yea it's pretty bad, but if it gets younger teens to get interested in reading and learning about Shakespeare than have at it.
>alameda, ca
oh god, he lives within 5 miles of me
I hope she dies from severe vaginitis.
Women trying to make excuses for why they're too lazy to do jobs like these.
She doesn'5 have boobs
How ?!
why did this make me laugh
Whatever happened to just being an 'animal lover'?
seen before, but only just realised this kids surname is venables. That's enough to make people hate him in the uk even without this shit
Then I guess I reverse-rape all the time lmao
Yes, i agree.
be arsed watchin all that mate
Got some fresh tumblr OC cringe
He's gonna grow up to a queer
Hahaha! Alpha as fuck
GTFO U piece of faggot shit, I hope your family gets gang raped by niggers with aids and murdered.
I'd fuck the girl
Or a school knifeman.
>missing obvious satire.
Seriously, OP?
If parents were legally allowed to beat their children again I'd bet none of this cringe would exist. Also no multi gender bullshit either.
i'm a transtoiletkin and i object to the abuse of my fellow toilet in that pic!
which one
God dam it how did I know this bitch was gonna shit herself before the gif even started
the picture u posted OP was obviously a joke shithead idk whats so cringey about it
the multi-gender bullshit wouldn't exist because people would be forced to repress their emotions insted of expressing them.
not exactly emotionally healthy
OK well thanks for fucking ruining one of my favourite games on the Gamecube. Not sure why I watched the entire thing though...
whelp that's enough internet today
The origin.
Annnnd that's the last of it. I need to recover from the mental trauma I received from digging this shit up.
Younger teens can wait and read the real thing in shcool. These books are the opposite of educational.
I might now have brain cancer, but at least I don't have prostate cancer
The tat is actually nicely done. Why the artist didn't stop him from regretting life is beyond me. Maybe money i guess.
I thought the term "batshit insane" came from how guano collectors used to get fucked in the head from parasites and shit.
This is actually how women think, men should work hard and give them good things just for existing, parasites
Isn't that the really skinny qt that makes weird fetish porn with really really obese women?
>not exactly emotionally healthy
Yea maybe. But a solution to that, send the boys to war to get all that anger out. And have the girls drink their sorrows away. It worked in the 40s and 50s
I'm triggered.
What happened to ever just being 'severely mentally retarded'?
Aw come on. That's actually normal for an 8-year old kid.
Every time I see this, I pray that it was fake.
i swear i just saw this bitch in another thread. Why you did you not post it in it?
You should go kill him.
Amen, here's to the next war.
Yep. These ungrateful fucking skanks need to be taught a lesson for once in their worthless lives.
Damn this one really just bums me out.
>you were a lust penis
This is fake as fuck
Absolute qt, wish she didn't make such weird porn though
not me just posted it now. Mt Dad and her take pics all the time I steal them and fap
I'm gonna be honest. If I had a rubber I'd probably do it. If not I'd at least take a blowjob.
>gender fluid
>identifies as she/her
So... it's just a regular girl?
Fuck. That. Shit. She probably has a million different STD's, so no thank you.
her gunt is going necrotic
before world war 2 sure. since ww2 the military has been working on psychological techniques that make people much more effective at killing without remorse. which is a good trait in a soldier, and a terrible one in a vet trying to reintegrate into society
I know there's always been weirdos but I'm wondering if all those tin foil hat nutjobs are right about our modern foods affecting our genetics and increasing the amount of autismos. Idk just a thought
Wow....i dont knkw why but i wached until the also weird...and bad drawing...and wrong...very wrong...
As soon as I saw the plastic I knew where it was heading. Why did I keep watching. Why.
>>Implying these people would even join.
that wasn't the implication i was making. i was implying that a really good would induce enough suffering in the general population that this feminism/multi-gender/transhomo bullshit would evaporate while they struggle to merely stay alive.
he would love bloody pussy if he wasn't a faggot
Its funny all the real hardcore feminists are all the unfuckables of society.
Sounds kind of like S&M, but I'm not sure.
most positive response ive seen to this image. just wanna say i hate this faggy kid and everything he stands for
Blowjob with a rubber then.
This forever, this is why I regret the internet having been invented.
but you should find them attractive, they have their winning personality to overcome their physical unattractiveness.
God have mercy on that kids soul
They're clearly weak minded to let themselves get this disgusting.
eat some jimson weed
Me too, lets cringe and get mad by the fireplace.
Just another day on Facebook.
reminds me of the last time i went to the frozen yogurt place, but I had fruit on mine
Yeah I've seen this before and I want to believe it's fake but I've seen that other one from here where she bitches about her mom cooking bacon so I think this may be real. Like another anon said, there has to have been criminal charges. Not just a shitty daughter but a shitty human being. I think I'd be okay with killing her for the good of the race, and I'm not even violent
>the joke
>your head
>tfw the patriarchy designs cars to thin-rape healthy, body-positive women
I lost harder than any other cringe thread Ive ever lurked before.
love that redhead.
>in most states
this isn't even a feminist
this is a gainer, she hates fatties as much as anyone but that's exactly why she is one
nice post haha
bitch, just close your eyes
what am i looking at here?
>mfw 8 year makes better oc than me
it was pretty good tho even if it's a joke haha
holy shit wtf?
haha,, classic Denny.
As a black guy, I pass
Lol i told my gf to post a bappy 2015th bday world status on her fb as a joke.
She got flooded with rage posts.
imagine if you got her pregnant. you can't run out on them because black fathers lol but you certainly can't stay with her. you'd have to nuke the whole state, there'd be no other way forward for any of you.
Got a name or a link? I'm surprised I've never seen this on efukt. Not my fetish, but it's intriguing.
God damn it, this seems like a perfectly normal family and a nice dinner. At least it looks like the father still has the normal son
Seems like a deal tbh.
glad someone shut her up
Lil kid playing Fnaf 2 on Steam