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Your country in one pic. I'll start.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 302
Thread images: 151
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Your country in one pic. I'll start.
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Italy here
cant tell if russia or detroit
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ausfag here
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Feel Street.jpg
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meble przemysłowa.jpg
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>>714527966 This is Russia too.
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sweden reporting in
I know this is polish but what does it say
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Are u muslim?
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whats that? nerve gas?
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This image makes me happy.
Good on you ausfaggot
if only it was indicative of the actual situation, at least where i live
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123 1387.jpg
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hint: it's not in the middle east
Lmao wtf Albert Heijn Euroshopper energy drink, didn't know they were being sold outside of the netherlands too.
France or Britain?
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>God Bless Emperor Trump
kek, google image search says dearborn, michigan
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fucking savage

i hope u die
Dear OP. I have recently been doing a lot of reading into Stalin and the October Revolution. Can you post sauce of your pic? And are there more like it?
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Fellow Canuck eh?, sorry you're such a faggot m8
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good goyim.jpg
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It's a somewhat good life in Israel
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For moses' sake, please tell me that nose is shopped
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Ur srs bru?

Not a USA coup attempt?
I'm sorry you live in the U.K.


>inb4 hurr durr Americans. Staymad
how how how furniture for free
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For the love of Yaweh, please tell me you're not this stupid
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Nope, I'm really this stupid. Deal with it faggot.
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there is no god.jpg
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kościelni psychopaci.jpg
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easy to guess
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Well well well... Is'nt that the famous finnish spurdo sparde?
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give me back my wifes cardigan.jpg
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I wouldn't mind joining you in Israel
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no way dude
i thought the pic related was agent smith
and you are from the matrix
God bless danmark. Lost my virginity to a Danish girl. Why do you guys fuck so much?? I love it
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No fucks given.
That dude probably has a sauna in his house.
Only 25 for Jak Jak Jak?
Sorry faggot Brazil isn't like this. Only hell de Janeiro and Northeast shit.
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>implying br land isn't just one big shit hole
Is that a wombaroo?
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>this guy slaps yo girl's ass
wat do?
>Implying I'm implying

Brazil is a shithole. But shithole is differente than hell. Learn to read.
the niggers of europe
It's the bling that really highlight the attractiveness
try and sell him some meth
throw a baggy of weed on him and call for the police

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Oh the welsh. One of my best mates is a welsh speaker, such a cool language. Would be cool to preserve it but he said it's not really being preserved except in the small villages.
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how did this man not get robbed??
can't you see anon? they literally took the shirt off his back
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South Africa?
>Look how good Germany is compared to shitholes like USA and France!
>Let's appropiate the culture from Austria and other neighbouring countries
Wow. Florida sure has changed.
everyone is the same. no one is really different. everyone loves fitness, and if not, they love nature, and if not, they love getting drunk cause they are outcasts anyway, just like the rest. we all mean the same but with some few adjustments. everyone is neutral. everyone is working but everyone is earning the same. not in money, but in life. if you work hard you get paid more, but when you get paid more, you get taxed higher. the more you earn here, the more they "borrow". if you are rich here, you have the money for vacation an extra time of year, or to live in a neighborhood with people like you. but you will never have a life that is better than anyone in the middle class. not because you're not upper class, but because if everyone is upper class, no one is. it sounds horrible, but then again, we don't go on vacation just because it's "better" there. it's not. or girls are hotter, girls have big tits, guys have all 6-7 inch dicks and we are the whitest country in the world. crime only happens to the truly poor. we go on vacation simply to live like kings for a month or two as our money is worth gold to polish, Spanish or any other European shop keeper. it's the worst place in the world to be rich in cause it doesn't mater if you are or not. you can own 5 different success full companies worth a billion dollars each and you would be no different in the eyes of the majority of people. you would have to go to a different country to truly be rich. nobody has anything to do so they fixate over things like fitness and getting laid a lot. it's a simple life with a lot of treasures but everyone gets them. my parents didn't work for different reasons and lived on welfare. they had me and my lite sister and we lived on welfare since i were 13. we still had the money for me to go to a private school. in any other country i would starve and be taken by child protective services. in a socialistic democratic country, nobody gets special treatment no mater the case.
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images (3).jpg
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Well done, you get a Malema
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How dare you tell me that a nigger is my equal
>hidden for SJW bs
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No picture, but Jews, niggers, and faggots.
When you're the nigger it's your job to rob the others, look how happy he is about his new guccis, I should travel more often
> Netherlands full of niggers
> Have to paint some whites for the sinterklaas ride
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123 767.jpg
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too much sodomy READY.jpg
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This pic is actually really cool, where is it, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus?

Also, what city is that?
Lady in furs cleans up street
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nice b8 img
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Is that china?
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What are you, stupid?
That's Russia
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looks like a german train, but nothing at all like a german train station
not really a riddle if there's multiple flags on it
Papua new guinea?
Marinated kangaroo is so fucking good
Foreign fags have no idea
Tasmania isn't a country
>my dogs eat kangaroo meat

hello from the other siiiide

>of earth
Israel, obviously. where else would they put a microphone up to the sound of thousands of coins.
kek, true - I remember the coin truck being a part of the cash4all referendum campaign tho
Is it a country?!
Is it an island?!
Wait yeah it's also a continent.

>fucking aus

lol no

The meaning is: 'Furniture so cheap it's practically free at 25 Przemysłowa Str.'
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Pretty much this.
post some bosnian pussy pls

make some new friends here nigger
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>not knowing the French revolution began years after the American revolution ended
Poo in loo, is that you?
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They're pretty much the national drink of Finland nowadays. And a source of very overused normie meme.
>Poo in loo
No, its me Ivan
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>Communists with skyscrappers.
Now I've seen everything!
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123 1639.jpg
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Is that a Russian hipster?
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Two hips and some gypsy "babushka"
dearborn, michigan, US
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Do Americans actually believe this?
Trinidad and Tobago reporting in.
fuck that looks nice

too bad theres all those brown people there
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the guy in the end who runs at the fire wtf XD
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scotland here!
I visited Peru last year. Really cool people, amazing landscapes and ruins and stuff.
Their cuisine is a hundred better than Mexican's and it doesn't provoke you diarrhea.

8.5/10 Would visit again
wow dude i live near hyde
mw2 :,)
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how am i a SJW? i only reported on how life is in my country not my political views. people usually don't like niggers or immigrants in general unless they have gained our respect by working for it. niggers live in asylum camps with worse conditions than our prisons. nobody cares about it though. we also have those PC SJW that are actively trying to watch how people behave, but they get shun by people. we are proud of our nation and our race no mater how many people got killed in WW2 because of people that happened to be the same race as us. my country is not part of the EU either, so we are proud of our flag, and our history as savages that raped and plundered the whole of Europe with pagan gods. in any other EU country and america, people would be ashamed of it. people here are not. we are not a part of the PC revolution. some people here are, but they are fat and lonely and has literally no friends.
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a kid rock performance at a country concert last year. 95% of america is exactly this
HAARP confirmed
Guy on left at start who first got burnt teleported! He didnt go into the building watch closely he disappears. And wtf theres a ghost who chased him just before he teleports!
oh no doubt

peru looks nice af

but id never visit as a white American

ill stick to visiting the white nations until the brown people completely take them over
"everybody is equal, wer're all the same"

thats how

fuck off eurocuck enjoy your muslim overlords raping your wives and daughters
and you just happen to be the 5% thats not, right?
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soviet weapon there friendo. here you go. this is a better gun and american.
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>being stupid
thinking the m16 is "better" than the ak47

Ironically I got mugged on Buenos Aires twice despite how much many more white people are living on Argentina.
Peru on the other hand has a lot of cheerful petite brown people and I never felt unsafe at all. I lost my wallet and I never realized until someone gave it back.
>being a faggot

you seem a little bit triggered...
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>id rather be a live faggot than a dead nigger clutching my plastic m16 firing glorified 22's
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a little?
looks like a horny goblin
your English reminds me of a none native Slavic speaker

where you from anon?
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town rapist.jpg
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fuck off calling your shitty see-through lager "bitter"
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you faggots and all your easymode lives
I fucking knew it. Why do you poles like peru so much? It's a goddamn shithole
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again. i didn't say my meanings. i said how my country works you gay shit. this is literally how a socialistic democratic country works. i'm not saying it better, i'm saying that my country is this as a fact. I'm not a eurocuck. my country is actually one of the whitest country in the world and it's getting whiter. nobody is even complaining about it. i guess you're either are a american or Australian. if you are, i know you're have some nigger problems on your own there mate. all those "white wimon wantz black dickz" people if you're american and if you're Australian you have the aboriginals and on top of that, you have the extremely aggressive feminists that literally controls your country. you guys have the biggest SJW problem in the world. free speech is dead in your country. even if you're in america. i feel safe knowing feminism is still a bad word here in my country.
>how does it feel to be cucked by minorities and fat lesbians btw?
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army dogger.jpg
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>id rather be as gay as OP than as gay as you
isn't this partially true?
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no, well, kinda, but not really
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best part about it is the roads
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ja vi elsker dette landet som det stiger frem
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im going to be honest with you faggot

>im not reading your wall of text

what country do you live in where feminism doesnt have a presence in?

I cant think of ONE
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the views not bad though
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download (15).jpg
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Ausfag here
damn, sorry mate, cant you move
im very proud to be %65~ percent norwegian
>mfw you just Lost The Game
Yurop is improving a lot, huh
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do I shmell Luftwaffles.jpg
332 KB, 700x467

Pic related
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pity the city is a fucking ruin
Fellow AUSfag. 2627 here
these are very visually appealing to me
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not really, still child labour everywhere
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I corrected you picture.
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and there is millions on millions of people everywhere you go
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Nah.. and it's shit. Girls are so ugly
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made in america
tested in japan
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Shitty weather. Still on bikes
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many many poor people means many mouths to feed

if you haven't guessed my country yet...
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then you cannot mistake this
Technically you could get a train from Germany to North Korea if they allowed it
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eastern europe, africa
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No wonder you danefags are using bikes all the time. You don't have one fucking hill to climb on those bikes.
not enough. stay out mix breed.
theres a couple of nice ones on there, but i dont know whether its because most are so brutal they look better, the blonde right in the middle is noise tho
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2 MB, 2560x3840

you caught me

tally ho. Tea and crumpets
Las Vegas
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sweden ofc
Legoland Malaysia
lmfao you have no clue what youre talking about

Eastern Euope doesn't have feminism?

Africa doesnt have feminism?

many keks my friends
Yes considering Swedish whites are OFFICIALLY minorities in their own countries now.

And you know how far behind reality the official statistics lag behind.
He falls over fucktard
dont worry, i wont ever move there. and i think i might be more, i forget, i was lowballing it, i know im at least %65 and less than %76
image limit reached

Godspeed Apu

Hope u dont slip on a turd and break your neck in a street and get run over 5000 times, reincarnate as a traffic light /b/ro
>>[email protected] (image limit, so link)

Bottom: interin president Temer, sinking the country into caos, lowest approval rate in the country's history, surrounded by corruption scandals some in the "lava-jato" investigation, awarded yesterday as "man of the year" by a a magazine

Top right: Aécio Neves, lost the elections in 2014, one of the most quoted (11 times) in the "lava-jato" probe, he to is surrounded by corruption scandals, he too isrecieving an award.

Top left: Sérgio Moro, federal judge in charge of the "lava-jato" investigation.

This is Brazil.

thank you come again

You know the white radar domes you get on warships? I think the Indian navy should make theirs look the dome on the Taj Mahal. Sorry I'm high.
Are you ackward as fuck in public, on busses and such? Do shy away from looking at other people? Do you hate talking to strangers?

what in the fuck
Holy Shit Fam what states you in.
Reporting from +604
Fair enough, but if you add them being 18/19 and drunk all the time and fucking in bushes it kinda adds to it.

You don't find that shit in any other country
Noswaith dda

Johnny two-pies over here
no sno tho atm
I can see you provided Teh, Kopi O,Milo and even those vegetarian meat.
so, Scotland?
Your right about millions of people. I would have started shooting people at random about 300 million ago.
Why would there be Cyrillic graffiti in Detroit?

Train looks German and train station looks like Balkans. Belgium?
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