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God tier games thread

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 289
Thread images: 130
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God tier games thread
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>Anything Call of Duty

Kill yourself
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CoD 4 was sick and you know it
You know recently I realised why 4chan and other shitty websites started to praise the original modern warfare, the game came out on 2007, when you 11/12 years claimed to have fucked my mom, now you are old enough 18 to shit post about a crap game on any website legally, go fuck a duck cock whore with you shit their game.
You're really young. When I was 20, PS1 was just announced.
Obviously you joined the bandwagon after COD4
Shooters without gun physics are shit as I said before and I will say it again you casual shitter

Kill Yourself
PS anyone who praises it, their mothers gonna die if they don't bump this thread and prove how much a shithole the game is.
I was in college in 2007
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>pic related
War Frogs
Your 19, well done you mathematical Cuck. You just proved my point.
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I second this

Also Skyrim
nothing like
>grenade launcher at start, run and get 4 kills shooting over the map
>camping in a house with claymores and G launcher
>unlimited ammo using one man army
>helicopter and cover
>on a shitty team for domination
>wait until other team is at 199
>nuke and win game very last second

ah fuck, the good old days.
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That's MW2
Lol calling cod a god tier game. Just die please no one will care not even your mom. Fucking faggot piece of shit i really hope you develop some form of cancer, and be it the most rarest form with the most painful treatment possible. I hope that you live for six months receiving terrible chemo and radiation treatment and still do not survive. On your final days of living i hope to be there, watching over you as i slowly steal your dying breaths and on your last minutes of living i will begin to furiously masterbate cum on your pathetic, dying, faggot, sinewy, cancered face. Fucking faggot

who played this?
No kill yourself faggot.

Call of Duty sucks dick now but anything before MW2 was good.
yup, best COD imo.. minus not having zombies, still the best
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this is the best world war game ever made
Payday 2
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Get on my level
This. This is just beautiful, it brings a tear to my eye.
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Was good when it came out. Now it's just full of hackers, it's tedious, too much DLC, devs not keeping promises.
How has this not been posted?
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My nigga.
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I remember picking this up when it was being considered "dead" then out of focking nowhere it got so much traffic... It was amazing.
>on the ps2
This. Fuck yes.
I never got into Ace Combat 5... 4 was a lot better.
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Ace Combat 4
maybe he played it on steam
so edgy.
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4 Is god tier too, I just liked that 5 had more missions

Mobius 1 is such a better name than gay ass "Blaze".
While not god tier, this was so much fun
game was my shit back in elementary school
>Normalfag spotted

It was quite fun tbh
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can you hear it?>played the shit out of this back in 2005
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Bully. Name a comfier game. Spoiler.
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Mah niggas

COD4 was a good ass game
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ewww the normies in this thread
first M rated game I ever played
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Keep up the assault
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I'm so old.
COD 4 was only good because it was the first, literally all of the Call of Duty games are fucking COD4 with different maps and guns, after I realized what was going on after WaW I stopped buying COD because it got old, eventually I just stopped playing video games because the EA monopoly has fucked everything good in my opinion. I hate spending money to play the game after I already spent money to buy it.

Why would you like that? The same thing over and over in a different order every single time?
I - It makes me worry about you anon.
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I don´t see you "quality thread" sir.
>not posting the turbo tournament edition
fucking casual
How the fuck no one posted this yet
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I liked the first one a lot more.
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Because it's ass?
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Dark Souls 1 was by and far the best of the series all around and the sequels have never recaptured it.
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I feel like a kid saying this but goddamn it i loved LBP2
true but ds2 was the first one i played and became my favorite
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Why hasn't anyone mention this amazing game
oh shit these were underrated.
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Black ops is the best
Shit same
I used to make Planes and shit
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pls kill yourself
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This right here.
Black ops was one of the last good Call of Duty games
underrated post
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ah, the good old days where you had some sense of freedom on how you customized your class
What's with all these newfags in here posting shit tier games?
Demon's Souls is this the best in the expanded franchise. It's before they started putting training wheels on for newfags.
This. So much fucking this. Dear God more people needed to play this game.
Fuck the person that decided to take out dual wielding for future Halos
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Fuck the person who decided to cut the development time of Halo 2 just so it could meet the release date. Should've completed the damn game.
Say what you will about COD's multiplayer (It's the same shit) but Zombies is still creative as fuck and really fun.
Zombies in Spaceland is beautiful. I mean, fucking Pee Wee Herman shouting MAX AMMO? That alone makes it great.
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This is unrelated to godtier games

Does anyone know a good psp emulator? I used pspc and it runs like absolute dogshit. Its a shitty laptop, but i can run other emulators okay (dolphin)

>Pic related god tier
this. need more 8-bits ITT
tbh most emulators for psp are shit and you're better off buying a psp they're like super cheap and you can just hack the games onto it which is super easy my 9 year old self did it
>good game
>juggernaut perk
Pick one
Go to sleep Callum
>inb4 macfag
I know OpenEMU works great for PSP on Mac if you happen to have one
>Juggernaut perk
What the fuck are you talking about?
I own a psp with cfw, shits just on the other side of the world. And the odds of me finding a psp in this 3rd world hellhole is slim to nil
DS1 best story
DS2 best pvp
DS3 best gameplay
my nigga
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my fav fallout. couldnt get into the the previous ones. 4 was decent but lacked something
Im a pc man, but thanks for the input
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loved the witcher, so many hours of gameplay, fun story, combat kinda boring at times but i loved the world, and fighting monsters on my
own time to earn some casherines
>Waaaah my girlfriend doent like that im a bitch. Waaaah im sad.
>Snake comes on screen, then leaves mid sentence
>Waaaah escort missions

You fucked up, mgs3 is the only mgs that is truly godtier
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I prefer harvest moon
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I hope someone played this gem
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Get ready, I'm about to drop the bombshell!!!

We love Katamari.
Overhyped af
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Mah nigga.
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I doubt anyone has played this, but It was amazing
Heck yes!!!! One of the best Spider-Man games ever made to this day
Best in the series.
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This was the shit
Weaboo faggot
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that game pissed me off because I couldn't touch the ground. played it all the time at a daycare tho
>Vice City

That radio is what makes it better than 4.

>Band of Brothers: Hells Highway

The writing put that game over the top. The tutorial level being PTSD? But you don't find out your character is crazy till later? Fuck. I played that game just to find out what was happening next.
I fucking loved this franchise...i had all the copys
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For me it was
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Gave me malaria
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by far the best pokemon game
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man this was my childhood
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I played Sniper just so I could see this god-tier armor set
God tier for sure
Best part was when you had to murder all your friends
You must be joking, that game really failed
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Countless hours on this game as a kid. One of the best ever.
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I played this game for hundreds of hours with my Dad when I was a kid - back when he was willing to play games. He's too old now, so I just play it for nostalgia.
mine too
By far, best one
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mah nigga
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my nigger
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Where'd Spider-wuss go? Spider-wuuuuss...come out and play....
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Child detected

boi you my nigger
>i remember having my moveset and fatalities for mr nutpunch hand written for me by a kid in school
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All of them
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Mortal Kombat + Shaq = bae
gen 3 best gen
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fuck all ye niggers

wario is your queen
LBP 2 was great but the community levels pages were a total fucking disaster, mortal kombat levels and other stolen levels were flooding them and actual good creators were having a hard time to get the attention they deserved, LBP 1 on the other hand was 10/10, it's not even that old (2007 I think?) but I kinda have nostalgia, spent so many hours on it and met tons of cool people, I do have LBP 3 on ps4 but I barely played it, I just can't be bothered with PS plus I guess
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>i remember having my moveset and fatalities for mr nutpunch hand written for me by a kid in school

Yea, fuck pictures 4chan
Aside from the fact that Mega Man looks like a total homo on the box art, this really is a god tier game. The gameplay is amazing and the music is fucking sublime.
Fuck this fucking pointless shit game I wasted so much of my young life playing this horrible crap game only to pick it up 20 years later and realize it was so bad
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>One of if not the best.
Morrowind is top tier mate, on equal level of skyrim
Underage b&
>This is unrelated to godtier games
>Does anyone know a good psp emulator? I used pspc and it runs like absolute dogshit. Its a shitty laptop, but i can run other emulators okay (dolphin)
>>Pic related god tier
So much fucking yes. Best game soundtrack ever, no other opinions valid.
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I'm surprised they do not mention max payne
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cant be the only one to have played this
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I feel you
10.000 hours spend here
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The survival mode in multiplayer was hilarious.
Underage fuck off
Man i'm going to play the shit out of skyrim special edition when skse is out
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Best multiplayer on xbox live back in the day. Ranked games and dicking around in customs games... Probably spent a month of my life gettin high and playing this online back in highschool
>implying Lego Star Wars wasn't also GOAT
Well anon, this first part was unrelated to the games, but i felt the need to ask

The second part was me not being a total fuckboy and contributing. Unless you mean you have a problem with skullgirls
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Anybody know a good ps2 emulator

Fuck yes! One of the best RTS games made.
Kek, best game in the series tbqh fam
My nigga!
Life is strange
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I bet you are one of those people who hate popular things just so you can say you're different.
I didn't mean to quote your shit. I was just trying to tell that 12 year old to fuck off
Would be a god tier game if the endings was affected by any previous actions.

Still had me crying though
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So happy Part II just got announced I played this game 10 times, got the platinum trophy sunk hundreds of hours in the multiplayer. I really loved everything about this game.
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Beat the shit out of it with my high school best friend.

Not the greatest game but in typical fashion couldn't stop once we started
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Ah, i see. Sorry
Freddy the fish was the shit when I was a little kid. The only one I liked was the one where u find the missing kelp seeds. I bought this emulater for my nephew in the apple store a cpl moths back. Just watchin him play it was nostaligic as fuck
Diddy Kongs quest
This. Galaxy 1 is one of the most amazing gaming experiences I've ever had. Galaxy 2 is better in terms of overall gameplay and variety, but it just doesn't compare to the first game in terms of experience.
No idea, i really like the first one
One of my favorite childhood games!
If you didn't play sof2 or cs you're a Fucking kid
lol no bethesda is one of not the most overrated developers out there, their games are so fucking buggy, not to mention the terribly outdated engine

>b-b-but muh horsecocks mods!!!
LOL not to mention that the "Creation Engine" is based on engine that came out in 1991.
I've played through super mario 64 way too many times, never gets old
100% agreed!
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4 sucked ass.
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Loved this game, dissapointed in how short it was compared to N64 and NGC.
dark souls 3 was shit in literally every way
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Guys who think Do you think it will be the argentine 4chan?

ps: In voxed, proxies are prohibited, except for the proxies of some South American countries (argentina, brasil, uruguay, peru, etc.)

ps:I'm using a translator, I'm sorry
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this, i hope bethesda doesn't fuck up elder scrolls 6
fuck,Wanted to create a new post, shit nigga
DS2 was great in its own right, but doesn't compare to the original. Also, the final boss was a massive disappointment.
Dlc bosses made up for that though
yeah because the devs from ds1 made all the dlcs
Actually the engine used for age of empires one and two, to add injury to insult
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Still playing the shit out of this game. I have installed it on every computer I have ever owned.
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I will fight anyone to the death who was young enough to play this and didn't love it. Damn that game was wonderful.
Like skyrim is literally running code that this
Runs, and I don't mean to insult Age Of Empires here, it's just a terrible engine choice for a game like skyrim/Morrowind/oblivion/fallout 3/fallout 4/fallout new Vegas, like why even use an engine which is so shit at the type of use you want.
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BB = DeS > DS3

DS and DS2 are up in the air but worse than those 3

I got it on steam a few months ago, Loved it on the 360.

Its shit, it was always shit and I was too blind to see it.
It is certainly out-dated.
I second this
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I like this one better than DS.
last cinematic driven solo player "open world" game I played
It was a good one, but still made me realize how much I fucking hate that entire genre
pic related
i played the shit out of it like 15 years ago or something

i really liked call of duty, until it was all about future stuff, like remote controlled robots and drones, and fucking space ships and stuff... if i play a ego shooter, i want a guy with a gun, and not fucking jetpacks, lasers and stealth magic and stuff, i mean Halo was ok, but if i play call of duty, it should be a guy with a gun on earth...

is rainbow6 siege any good?
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Tropico 4
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When you know they'll fuck it up just like they did with fallout
God tier confirmied
Because its bad. Seriously, it was like a shittier TF2. Its like it didnt even try.
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Definitely the best pokemon generation and best game. It had so much to do with a good story, and a ton of fun pokemon to catch.
The settlement building mechanic from Fallout 4 is not going anywhere, so expect to spend a lot of time building your house/village/town/whatever. They'll roll in all the gimmicky shit from the Fallout 4 DLCs too as part of the base game and make a big deal about how they've "improved" these features and meanwhile everything else will suffer just like in Fallout 4.
See I liked that they were remakes, but every single time i have played it, by the time I get to claire, my team is underleveled. That is after fighting every single fucking trainer in the game before then, I end up sitting on a team that is 5-10 levels lower than her pokemon, and it gets worse when I get to the elite 4.
Enemy reinforcements are dwindling
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incredibly underrated
kek, just bought it a week ago and played it for like 30 minutes...
is it really that good?
should i finish it?
For me a big part of the issue with Fallout 4 for me was it really looked no different from New Vegas. It looks like they didnt change the graphics at ALL. Yet it was on a new generational console. And then we get into the actual game and it just wasnt that great, but I actually kinda liked the settlement idea.
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Meh, if you want a good COD story pick up the first and second MW. World at war was decent but nothing to write home about imo.
Same here, anon. Modded Skyrim is my shit
This game is life.
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Spent hours of my childhood playing this mother fucker.
It isnt in the god tier thread for nothing

I found DS1 was actually more difficult than DeS

However, this may be because I played DeS before DS1
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>DS3 best gameplay

I've played all the Souls games except DS3 - in what way does it have the best gameplay?
the second one sure, but the first was solid. Didn't even know about it until like a week before it came out or so
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I've been playing this since I was a kid and I still play it regularly to this day. It has amazing graphics, sound effects, bosses, enemies, weapons, player character, etc.
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my negro
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