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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>714168615 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 230
Thread images: 152
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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I want to fucking die
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Autists miss Sachii.
post hibiki
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this place is fucking cancer i love you all
hol up
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yo anyone else miss having friends lol ? 1 !
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Welcome home.
No, I never had friends Yuno
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hey whered you get that photo of me?
Sachi was my friend Yuno
I miss Sachi Yuno
>newfags don't even know what the extra at the top right means
>newfaggs actually agreed to add ponyfagg
lmaoint at ur life
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claiming successful businesswoman and astounding fashion connoisseur
now that you're back, soon i would imagine
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uhm try again sweetie
fuck you konata you nigger
post lewds
good someone who actually knows better
/waifu/ went to shit will all these newfaggs

good, waifu is shit
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im with her you fucking mexico
Oh this made me kek.

That my good sir is an old meme. I raise my glass to you.
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well memed sir i make rage comics daily and post them to facebook and all my friends like them im 34 years old
Awesome. The world needs more people like you.
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shit boat
That girl is naked
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well i know what i what for Christmas
Nigger calling the kettle black smfh
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what's up moogs (I think)
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Well you are a nigger.
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Happy Karen 25.png
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Hello hello, my dude. How's it hanging
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Wake the fuck up, homeboi

>not even best pony
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Alice 24.jpg
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Can you akbar me
everyone knows that Welsh ponies am best
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well i mean I'm white but i love the ass like a nigger

nothing much what about you
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How's it going, dude

Just hanging around playing a shit card game, long day at college.
I got all my assignments finished for this week, I've never felt this way before, I'm free for most of the week.
9/11 was a disgusting act and now you're joking about it thats disgusting too soon

stupid flanders
you remember me?
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I'm a plane
Dude it has been over ten years. Don't you know the rules?
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You're the guy that posts lewds of people's waifus, right? Course I remember you. What's up?
I died in afghanistan for you ingrates
My mother served in the SS
It has been over 15 years. Kids born in 2001 are going through puberty and having sex before you.
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We are all virgins here.
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Cheering Karen 27.jpg
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I miss you Karen-chan
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what card game?
we should try to play or watch something sometime this week
yes, and ceiling. you?
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Wouldn't you know it, there's a ceiling over here too.

We gotta like, pick something to watch first, though

But I'm right here, desu.
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I would say k-on but I just finished season 1 again like 2 days ago
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We have a lot in common.
whats with the mouth?
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Confused Karen 14.png
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That's honestly what I was thinking
I'm watching some feelsy anime called plastic memories, I've only seen a single episode, we could hop on that.
I don't really wanna do kinmoza season 2, I'm making a big folder out of it later.

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Chibi Karen 3.png
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I'm down to fuck.
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I'm down. Wednesday is ideal because I get out of school at 11:45 that day.
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Alice (155).jpg
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But you were gone for so long bby. Sachi left me and you were gone too. I only had like 4 bbys left
Hey man
Could you hook me up with some of that 267 of yours?
I'll pay any price.
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Any price?
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yo i'm a basic bitch and kyouya is my niggie 4 life
Maybe not literally any price
But I really need it
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Cheering Karen 30.jpg
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Wednesday is pretty good for me too, ask around if anyone wants to join us.

Yeah, just annoyingly long days, finals are coming up, gotta put in work, anything new with you?

Slow internet made the shock from that very minimal.
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just give him the 267 syndra
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How did class go
>>714191854 (cute)
that's the shit
thanks fam
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Now pay
how tho?
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Go read a book or something.
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Not sure, we should probably figure it out.
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well what do you want?
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I can't remember any. How about 35?
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Are you the Rei I met a bit ago?
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>reads books
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>can't read
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>not choosing 69
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has more than one lich reaction
Yes. I was wondering where you were.
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Alice (317).jpg
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Just starting class. I'm not having a very good day though so I probably won't pay attention much
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Public bathrooms suck
post more best girls ( male)
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I've been busy, desu. Nice to see you again, how's it going?

What happened?
>take a massive ogre shit in public bathroom
>don't flush

Eh heh heh heh heh.

Master troll.
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That feels like a too high of a price.
is that a glory hole reference ?
It's surviable.
Why do you people talk so much?
Slow, have you done anything yet?
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>forgets how to greentext
>saying that on a waifu thread
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That sounds hard.
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If you could define "you people" then I should be able to give you some kind of answer.
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Don't worry, my father taught me how, it's all in the wrist.
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My brain is being a shit today and making me feel ill
The people here. I can't help but think this is just an endless smalltalk thread.
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Lol so funny xD
It's so dumb

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i'm kyouya anon again and my waifu is misa bc she's stupid and easy to manipulate and also can murder p much anyone at will and i'm a bitter cunt so that's a+ in my book
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My medication if ready I just need to go get it
Haven't done much yet
how fucked up are you ?
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Distressed Karen 25.png
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Well, the smalltalk is just like in real life, no? Oftentimes it leads to making friends if the tastes or opinions click well. The smalltalk is just probing. Sometimes a bigger discussion might come out of it, sometimes not. I guess it's all down to luck and to who's reading what.

Booooo, you should do your best to focus though. Studies>everything. You can talk to us later.
Maybe take a pill or something?

Barry what are you doing
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Agitated Karen 3.png
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Oh boy, just do the drill or whatever and check back here when you're done.
wait fuck who's barry

i'm a newfag i can't handle this kind of pressure

i'm just a self-hating woman who drinks peach vess and collects 80s toys
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Happy Karen 135.jpg
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What's peach vess?
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Alice (599).jpg
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I'm already outside, and I have no idea if it's a drill. Usually they send an email if it's a drill
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Chibi Karen 19.png
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What are you doing? Run back into the fire, this was your chance.

it's a peach-flavored sida by the brand vess! it's widely available at us gas stations and the like. i really love it and it's great fuel for binge-watching absurd retro hentai
Teachers are required to being students out, it would be to much a hassle
I don't know. I don't usually talk to people that much.
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Cheering Karen 19.png
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I like peach, which hentais do you watch? Why do you watch hentai and not anime?

So you just standing around right now? Booooo
Just topple and fake a heart attack for fun
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A Cute Stats.png
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I prefer orange flavored Topo Sabores, it's a p gud soda and it's cheap as hell.
nope I'm retarded
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Determined Karen 30.jpg
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Well I think I do, desu. That's usually the point of smalltalk, just getting to know other people without too much of an awakward commitment. That and pure entertainment.
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Alice (854).jpg
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It's over now, so just waiting for class to start again so I can half pay attention
i like to watch the shitty ones for free on hentaihaven. there are good ones on that site, but i can never binge watch good anime lol. i do watch regular anime but i only binge watch cringey ones. my favorite hentai rn is probably euphoria bc i love guro and i just troll around on free sites so i have limited knowledge
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Confused Karen 11.jpg
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Euphoria is really good, I like your taste. But why don't you watch what you consider good anime? Why only the cringey or bad ones?
Do you have a name I can call you?

What class is it?
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Nina is best girl.
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Weird Style.jpg
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Literally who
Remember, it's all about KNAWLEDGE!

I don't get it. I'm not cut out for that.
What can be entertaining about smalltalk?
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Determined Karen 27.jpg
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Hm hm. You use to pass the time, it's an activity, but at the same time there's always potential for it to turn into something greater. Some people just like knowing about others, a good amount of the time it's humorous, too.
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Nina doesn't talk to Jews.
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Alice (929).jpg
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It's a semi conductors course. And I can feel a cold sore coming in, because why the fuck not. Stress is fun
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>Some people just like knowing about others
Dancing the line between nosy and well meaning.
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Confused Karen 13.jpg
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I never cross it. Ever.
Other people might doubt, but I don't.
Regardless, when it comes to smalltalk, people like knowing about others usually because it's interesting to them.

Aw, hopefully it doesn't set in. Just do your best on the course and then go home and get some rest.
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alice With Bunny.png
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It probably will. There's supposedly some medication I can get from a pharmacist to prevent it from getting huge and infectious.
Rest is something I can't do. Naps fuck me up and relaxing is difficult
What smalltalk do you usually do?
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Idea Karen 18.jpg
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It's not a planned thing or a conscious decision, it's just what I come here for. Usually whatever is on my mind or the person's mind. If I just want to make a friend or get to know a closed off person, I ask questions to maybe bring up a topic they enjoy talking about.
For example, what characteristics of Rei do you like the most? You said before that you're similar because you're autistic, but surely there's something else to it, right?

Meh, let's hope not anyway. You should grab that medication at some point.
Just stay awake then, grab some rest when it's night time and sleep lots.
The difficulty is getting to the pharmacy. I don't really want to bother anyone to being me there
And sleep is not very refreshing sadly. I need to find something that makes me sleep well
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Back, brought back best pokemon team
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Smug Smile.jpg
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There's only two good Pokémon in that lineup
would fug/10
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Radio/Video is fun to play
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Which ones though?
Prove that you are not a newfag.
Who is the most hated anon?
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I mostly enjoy that about her. But I would be able to interact with her consequence free. Without any of my usual insecurities.
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Worst threads on /b/. Y'all are part of the faggy cancer on this board.
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You still doing fine?
you're a mom
fuck off back to legag child
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This gu
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Beach Friends.jpg
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Fluffy and Aggron, Totodile is decent too though.
Super cute gif
Fuck off back to your cartoon wife you lonely virgin
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>I don't know where I am
go read the faq fuckboi
and go back to your social media bullshit
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its called 4chan , you are the one that has to go back
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Pretty sure I saw a wild Karen somewhere around here.
How does it feel to probably be older than me and still have never even felt a vagina? Kek you have a cartoon wife Bc you're ugly and fat as duck
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Tired Karen 19.jpg
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Heading to bed, night.

I think you should go anyway, a few moments of discomfort for others for your serenity is worth it, I think. You should really go.
Grab some pills for that, too. You're going to do badly on your studies if you're in this bad of a shape.

hey man look at me rockin out

Well there you go, if I had time I'd ask you what you'd do with her, this gives me an idea of what you'd like to do with other "normal" people. Then I'd ask you why you're unable to do that and in that way I'd learn a bit more about people sharing your illness. Smalltalk that's interesting to both sides can often lead to a good bit of knowledge or potential friendship.

Anyone even bothering to give you attention is a newfag, myself included.
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初音ミク – 986.jpg
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Sweet dreams.
I'll try on both of those things. Sorry to bother you

Sleep well Karen-chan
Super cute gun
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10/10 you sure told us son
but is not as posting on a thread you dislike and being so new its actually silly
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I like flaafy more than ampharos, same goes for totodile
I was contemplating if I should have normal charizard or hid mega
Also luxray is best electric Pokemon
Sleep well

a name? call me lenin. i'm not lenin, but i am russian, so close enough, yes?

i do watch good anime, but i don't binge watch anything i enjoy, really. i never normally binge watch so when i do it's because i'm in a weird mood, so i usually watch something that disgusts me.

some good anime i like are death note, welcome to the nhk, lucky star, geaven's lost property, ouran highschool host club, and because my foreigner is showing, hetalia. i don't really like hetalia the show thaaaat much, but the concept makes me giddy so i love it anyway.
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so insecure you post on /waifu/ about your great life
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>being so outrageously autistic that you think how long someone has been on a website holds any form of value
Whew, I bet you're fun at parties
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I wouldn't call it an illness. Just a condition.
I'll see you about.
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Well I skipped my class today I think I just need some time alone
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im on the radio
>Implying he goes to party's
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I don't think that was such a good idea, but ok. Have you gotten your meds yet?
True, he's clearly a sad man child who even sees a problem with social media. Possibly because he's too ugly for that Kek
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I'm going now too.
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>posts on a thread he dislikes
>tries to argue using his high horse
>not autistic
and you'll be here tomorrow doing the same thing while we continue with our fun
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When will normies learn
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初音ミク – 2105.jpg
1 MB, 1000x1550
Punk has never attracted me too much but I won't let a tag keep me away. I'll check that in a while, looks like an interesting project.

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They're ready I just have to go down the street I'm going sometime today
I just didn't want to deal with people today it's best I just stay in bed
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you are worse than a doll you are a pet. comparable to a goldfish

what is Kek?
lol in an autistic way

i think the troll person is a white man from the midwestern region of the united states. am i correct? (i've met men in this area and they're nearly all scum)

i tried to sign my post lol i'm lenin
Kek is love, kek is life
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How is your day?
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I just woke up, its raining and I have to leave for work in about 15 minutes.
Could be worse.
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Yuuki (21).jpg
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I'd love rain to come to my town. It's so relaxing. Work sucks though.
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You Know Gasai (9).gif
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Yuuki (191).jpg
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You Know Gasai (50).gif
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Just got home from school, watching some youtube.

Lucky phaggot, I have work in 1 hour and 28 minutes.. Just watching anime for now

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