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OP here from LSD kid thread She keeps waking up for five minute

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OP here from LSD kid thread

She keeps waking up for five minute at a time at a time and keeps just falling back into unconsciousness

I'm so fucking scared I don't know what more to fucking do
what did you do?

also witnessed dubs
take her to a hospital you dumbass
water is going on
keep hearing about LSD kid thread
I heard someone talk about this, fill me in guys
I like where this is going
Let her sleep it off and try to keep her calm and mellow. And FFS keep your shit locked up, ya fucking pissgob.
that looks like deathsgirl on ig
they'll give her a shot in the E.R. that clears that shit right out of her system. how long are you going to sit there and watch her suffer before you man up?
If op isn't i lying faggot kid took 9 hits of lsd.
He had some LSD that looked and tasted like candy corn. The 5 year old girl ate a bunch without knowing it was LSD.
If I think what I think is going on and gave a growing child led, she's fucked for the rest of her life and will never see life the same again, congratulations you fucking idiot
So where are your parents in all this? Also, how long ago did she take the acid and xanax?
just turn on chill music, try to to be chilled and dont look concerned
and then a whole bar xanex to knock her out
LSD is less dangerous than weed. Let her sleep it off and she'll be fine. In the meantime, post some picks of that sleeping beauty
Law fag here. You will be charged, go to prison, and be raped and likely killed.
I'd guess the acid is giving her some fucked dreams that are enough to wake her through THE FULL 2 MG OF XANAX YOU GAVE HER YOU FUCKING RETARD but not enough to keep her up because of the 2 FUCKING MILLIGRAMS OF XANAX
and the ugly people losers that smell like poop think of things and try to say things but try to bother other people that does what ugly people losers do on cartoons cause is ugly and judgmental and smell like poop and try to hurt people the easy way and the ugly people losers smell like poop and try to call people names cause the ugly people get angry but the ugly people losers get angry when other people do it until people catch ugly people losers do some real lame things and we have to get along with ugly people losers that smell like poop and they outnumber everybody and smell like poop and is ugly and is a little pussy and smell like shit and outnumber everybody and is usless but still want to be better then people that is better then then them and the ugly people and uglyp oeple losers run the factoris and the ugly people losers smell like poop and try to be better then everybody but look ugly and pathatic and reiffdogut and smell like poop and is ugly
She sleeps under LSD? Unusual…

you already used xanax, not much else to try, you need to wait. If you notice anything weird about breathing you need to call an ambulance or she could die
Post drugs you have with time stamp faggot, everyone stop falling for this bait until then
LSD may be less physically dangerous... but her mind will be forever altered because of this.
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Just called the FBI!
Sounds like it's time for that gang-bang you've been promising her.
vouch lsd rewires you neurally, good times

take her to a hospital you stupid twat
and the ugly people losers that smell like poop think of things and try to say things but try to bother other people that does what ugly people losers do on cartoons cause is ugly and judgmental and smell like poop and try to hurt people the easy way and the ugly people losers smell like poop and try to call people names cause the ugly people get angry but the ugly people losers get angry when other people do it until people catch ugly people losers do some real lame things and we have to get along with ugly people losers that smell like poop and they outnumber everybody and smell like poop and is ugly and is a little pussy and smell like shit and outnumber everybody and is usless but still want to be better then people that is better then then them and the ugly people and uglyp oeple losers run the factoris and try too hard to know things the ugly way hurting people the ugly way in the ugliest form of hurting people
I hope you go to jail anon
Look, if you're seriously concerned take her to the hospital.
You sure it wasn't an Nbome?
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Posting this here again, where do we stand?
to cock block people and smell like poop and want to beat people so has to hurt me the real ugly way cause is too ugly to know things with there real ugly looks

Absolute bullshit.

Some anon with a passed out sister after a hospital visit is claiming he gave her lsd for attention
>vouch lsd rewires you neurally
Not true. The "wiring" stays the same. The brain receives less sugar.
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thats enough internet for today. this post. this thread.

enough for today
Guess I'll be the one to state the obvious.

Where's the proof? If time stamp has been provided, where's the proof she ate the acid?

OP is a lying underage little shit.

One thing you can't do on lsd is fall asleep.

Do more research before you make a fake shitty thread like this.
This is bait.
just wait it out retard
If OP takes her there, OP goes to jail. Also there is literally nothing the hospital can do to make her stop tripping. I don't think that is a good idea. Considering LSD won't kill her, just let her wear it off.
holy shit hes back. but op she will be fine, just monitor her. Its going to be a long ass time before she comes to.
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she's dying, finish her off

Its possible under heavy doses but I wouldnt say sleep more like knocked out
Leave her be, anon. She'll most likely wake up the next day and be fine.
All these faglords that are saying to take her to the hospital have zero fucking experience with LSD or probably any drugs for that matter. All you can do is let her ride it out there is NOTHING that can reverse her trip. if you take her to the hospital at most theyd give her a low dose of benzos to calm her throughout the ride. thats ALL they do at the hospital for LSD is give you benzos
so the kid wakes up and winds up being a little slow. So what? Nothing that can be traced back to OP. I did, however just realize op GAVE XANAX TO A FUCKING FIVE YEAR OLD THAT SHIT IS BASICALLY HEROINE LITE OP YOU DUMB FAGGOT
>LSD is less dangerous than weed.

kek, think so?
People are actually that stupid
The hospital won't call the cops or anything. That's none of their business. If you live with your parent and they don't know about your drug use you will probably get into trouble but honestly take the fucking kid to the hospital. This is so stupid I don't know why you can't just stop being a bitch about it.
The amount of baited newfags in this thread is fucking unreal.
In the last thread like 5 people posted links to laws that let OP get off scot-free in this kind of situation. He'll probably be fine, but the kid's parents will flip shit on OP.

LSD messes with the transmitters by mimicking serotinin. It has nothing to do with sugar, rewiring, or anything like that. Once your body breaks it down it's gone. The only permanent effects are psychological, not neurological.
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Lol, funny idea. 2/10 did read.
read this fags (samefagging)
She will be fine. Check my digits for comfort...
She will be enlightened to the truths of this world.

There's actually nothing a hospital can do for her. She'll be fine in 24 hours if she doesn't harm herself. The LD50 for lsd is incredibly high.
They do call the cops for underage cases

was given 2 MG xanax

Fuck you and your gay god
Real LSD doesn't exist.. good luck finding out which research chemicals have been ingested.
No at least a 3-4/10, more interesting then the average troll
Orange juice (or any vitamin c) can reduce the 'strength' of the trip and make it more bearable, but you're right - she's in it til the end.
xanny knocked her out
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He's right honestly
oh man
Kek smite you!
Welp, you just cooked yourself a mindfucked drug slave, grats.
lol I have about 500ug in my room right now. You don't know what you are talking about boy.

yeah, this.
and the ugly people losers that smell like poop think of things and try to say things but try to bother other people that does what ugly people losers do on cartoons cause is ugly and judgmental and smell like poop and try to hurt people the easy way and the ugly people losers smell like poop and try to call people names cause the ugly people get angry but the ugly people losers get angry when other people do it until people catch ugly people losers do some real lame things and we have to get along with ugly people losers that smell like poop and they outnumber everybody and smell like poop and is ugly and is a little pussy and smell like shit and outnumber everybody and is usless but still want to be better then people that is better then then them and the ugly people and uglyp oeple losers run the factoris and while the ugly people losers and ugly people that smell like poop make us suffer on earth we wait until we go to the sald store and the ugly people losers smell like shit
takes a crane to get her out

Probably not. Kids are too young to even know the questions, much less seek the answers.
Omg I was just wondering about this kek
Take her to a fucking hospital....

It does. It's rare, but it's not mythical, it does exist.
Xannax dumbass
and the ugly people losers that smell like poop think of things and try to say things but try to bother other people that does what ugly people losers do on cartoons cause is ugly and judgmental and smell like poop and try to hurt people the easy way and the ugly people losers smell like poop and try to call people names cause the ugly people get angry but the ugly people losers get angry when other people do it until people catch ugly people losers do some real lame things and we have to get along with ugly people losers that smell like poop and they outnumber everybody and smell like poop and is ugly and is a little pussy and smell like shit and outnumber everybody and is usless but still want to be better then people that is better then then them and the ugly people and uglyp oeple losers run the factoris and the ugly people losers are so pathatic has to hurt me the ugly way so it is hard for me to live
More photos of child please. Need to see her face and stuff to diagnose. I'm a doctor ;)
OP take her to the hospital but just leave her on the curb. Or leave her in a firetruck. There are ways around this, idiot
and the ugly people losers that smell like poop think of things and try to say things but try to bother other people that does what ugly people losers do on cartoons cause is ugly and judgmental and smell like poop and try to hurt people the easy way and the ugly people losers smell like poop and try to call people names cause the ugly people get angry but the ugly people losers get angry when other people do it until people catch ugly people losers do some real lame things and we have to get along with ugly people losers that smell like poop and they outnumber everybody and smell like poop and is ugly and is a little pussy and smell like shit and outnumber everybody and is usless but still want to be better then people that is better then then them and the ugly people and uglyp oeple losers run the factoris cause the ugly people losers is too ugly to hurt me with looks so has to hurt me the ugly way to be better then me cause is ugly and smell like poop like ugly people losers and ugly bitch
I seconds this. am also doctor
it doesnt exist OP is a liar
"Massive doses require supportive care, which may include endotracheal intubation or respiratory support.[60] Overdose has been recorded at 1,000 to 7,000μg per 100ml & 2.1 to 26 ng per ml in serum concentrations of the tartrate salt form. It is recommended that high blood pressure, tachycardia (rapid heart-beat), and hyperthermia, if present, are treated symptomatically, and that low blood pressure is treated initially with fluids and then with pressors if necessary. Intravenous administration of anticoagulants, vasodilators, and sympatholytics may be useful with massive doses."
Lol it's not real lsd.
She will be fine. Let her sleep it off.
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OP, paramedic here. I don't believe your story but just in case I honestly feel I have an obligation to do something here.

1) Gimme a timestamp

2) Get a flashlight and open her/his eye, take a pic of how dilated his/her eye is WITH and WITHOUT the light shining in.

How much lsd? how much xanax? you know you're going to hell for this right?
tippest toppest. i feel really bad for the kid but this is a helluva story.

If this isn't fake, tell us where the fuck your parents are.

ProTip - You can't cuz this is fake.
Here's a fun little question for you. What is Lsd? How many types of Lsd are there?
He gave her a whole xanie bar after she took the acid hoping she'd sleep through it
Her eye will already be all the way dilated
let her sleep. if the acid was legit she will be fine. xanax will knock you out ofc. if you go to the hospital ur both fucked
thread happened, unsure if kid is actually on drugs though. Could be just sleeping/pretending to sleep
9 doses of lsd
2 MG xanax
Not OP but that's all I know
Anyone have an archive, or preferably screen caps of the first thread?
post more pics
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Put your dick in her mouth
why tf is she wearing a st. judes tshirt. does she have a condition you're not telling us about op? you didn't drug a hospital patient did you?

Are you retarded? Do you understand chemistry?
if she's falling asleep on LSD you have a major fucking problem. You don't sleep on LSD. I've seen someone take 13 hits once and they were UP for 2-3 days.
I doubt any of this is true but in case it is: Man up and get her to the hospital asap.
You missed the first thread m8
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9 doses on candy corn. 2mg Xanex
If you refuse to take her to a hospital, at least do this for her sake. Please, op?
Yep you don't know what you're talking about.
>Trying to prove real acid exists
>1P-LSD on tabs

Kek not real acid
How exactly did this girl get the candy corn lsd?
So then enlighten me asshole. You're adding nothing to disprove my comments.
the dumbass gave her xanax after
If this isn't bait (and it may well be):
>implying 1P LSD doesn't metabolize into LSD in the body
There were a couple timestamps in the last thread, not the guy you're arguing with.
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You wankers don't you know fuck-all..

If you take her to the hospital, THEY will give her an injection to 'speed' up the trip so 10hr trip=1 hr trip, to get it over and done....


'Nose Ointment!'.
no one has linked the old thread.

OP has not provided proof that this is real. Here's my guess: it's gake and fay
As a professional doctor take her to the hospital now. She could have permanent character damage
God your so stupid
You should lurk more faggot
Then let's hear what you have to say? Probably nothing you ain't pulled off google. You're probably in possession of 500ug random chems
rolling for An Hero with dick still inside her
Lock arms around her and scream
whats that mark? if it says /b/ and u wrote it and this is real then i swear to fucking god op ur a disgusting human being
call 911 and get off the computer
Time stamps don't prove she ate anything. Time stamps don't prove she's fucked up. I want pics of her pupils AT LEAST.
2 off
Hold my beer I'm gonna go eat 300$ of LSD and make the hospital condense my 3 day long trip into a couple hours. That shit sounds intense as fuck.
what , are you , five?
You're a fucking faggot lurk more

It's more fun if he doesn't.
I doubt OP will deliver.
hey idiots calm down she'll be fine. The LSD will speed up her heart rate but the xanax will lower it.
Literally nothing is happening to her right now except maybe for some trippy dreams. No need for a hospital
thread was deleted by mods a few hours ago. Don't think it'll pop up on the archive that fast.
Its not really even rare. you just have to know where you are getting your drugs.I can buy a crystal gram of pure LSD for 15g's. Not everything is RC's faggot
>not getting the reference
Says this apparent chemist/dea agent/drug kingpin.
git gud and put your dick inside of her
This. It will cure her retardation
op an heros nude next to girl after cumming on own face
>character damage

You're actually that stupid
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Well thats bullshit .... I've done 3-4 Hundred tripe during the 80's-90's, and I have definitely fell asleep during one trip...

Woke up seriously phased...but IT can be done....

'Nose Ointment!'.
Uppers and downers are not a good mix
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So yeah I have been watching this thread all day. You know what you are doing wrong. I have contacted the my local police department and made available the data I have collected.
Get off /b/. We don't want or need soft shit like you.
You can't seriously be this stupid.
How much of a newfag you are is unbelievable lurk more dumb ass
Holy shit Top kek
they dont give benzos for a lsd tri fuckwad they give you strong antipsychotics
please provide proof that this is real
possibly /b it said LSD in last thread
>"lol no. look at the cool sheet of paper!"

no body makes LSD anymore. not when you can get some gookfuckered chemical for a tenth of the price.

take her to the god damn hospital. if anything happens to her after this episode your gonna get extra fucked for being a scared pussy now.
they dont give you antipsychotics unless youre flipping out. the kids sleeping, she wouldnt get an antipsychotic.
They negate eachothers' effects. Try smoking weed then taking adderal and you'll see what I mean
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Trust me , I am a very experienced 'tripper', the injection I describe is on fun whatsoever....

'Nose Ointment!'.
what? weed and adderall don't work together? I always feel the adderall overlapping the weed.

Enjoy heart palpitations, faggot.
They can also stop your heart. My friend took e and an opioid and needed to go to the hospital
Ur scary fullashit. Proof or you're a fucking faggot. Eat shit and die -there are maybe 50 in the world that can say that and you're not one.
ive had speed and ket at the same time and they did anything but cancel each other out

I would want to stand the fuck up and run then lie back into the couch and melt within the space of three seconds
sharpie in pooper
shes fucked and you know it
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I have no idea what I am talking about really but couldn't it be fairly easy to manufacture yourself? afaik it was accidentalied by some jackass who got some splash on himself or something and started tripping balls on his cycle ride home and was like "oh shit I randomly made a trippy drug"
nice dubs
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Just read through this thread you fucking faggot
You know what you get when you mix hot and cold water? Lukewarm. The end result is the same as before the water was heated/cooled. It's the same principle with drugs. They both equal each other out and you won't really feel effects from either. learn2chemistry faggot
It's not really an upper. They give people in for a mental breakdown/on psychedelics benzos at the hospital, it's the only thing they can do.
yup, she's dying. she overdosed. call ambulance now, or enjoy prison for murder.
He was a chemist trying to create a new compound, he knew what he was doing but not the the extent of what it was yet.
Benzodiazepines are what the hospital would give her. I'd say OP made the right choice.
dumbass probably didn't take enough e lol
you obviously know nothing about supply and demand
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I'm this fag

Quite clearly a troll thread. OP you had me a little scared there. 6/10. Hahaha. I'll be lurking just in case.
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But what do her feet smell like?
so much autism it hurts
Anyone with screenshots from old thread to calm down this faggot.
You can od on lsd
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Thats a seriously shit station mate....

'Nose Ointment!'.
You're a moron because the anti-psychotic you're thinking of that they MIGHT give to a person who is having hallucinations/delusions in the hospital is haldol. and you can't give that to a child, one. two, it doesn't work if you're on fcking acid.
I passed by an earlier thread. I still think this is fake but, for kicks, if this is real and you haven't already called emergency services you will never be able to make the claim at this point that this was an accident. This will be seen as either a deliberate dosing or criminal negligence.

Anyone claiming that a hospital can't do anything for the safety of someone overdosing on any narcotic needs to look into getting their 9 years of medical school and residency placement refunded.
nice water m8
You should prepare for jail for the next 25 years for child abuse and attempted manslaughter. You're truly fuck if this is real. Also lsd is detectable through hair follicle test.
you are dumb as fuck

lsd-25 and 1p-lsd are 2 different compounds

1p-lsd is an analog

Sounds like shitty e-juice tbh m8
Yes they call the cops.
It's called Mandatory Reporting
But did your heart stop? No. Did you have any physiological effects? No. I said she'd have some trippy dreams but she wouldn't die, which is pretty similar to what you described
You heard the man OP

Gotta shave this bitch from head to toe
Scar on her face looks like a staple gun
even weed at that Young age can fuck you up
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if trips put your dick inside of her and deliver pics.
Where the fuck is OP? Need updates.
Check out lil' Johnny, P.I. here.
What do you want, buddy? You gonna get the toddler a drug test?
It doesn't matter if it's real or not. Those who believe, believe; the rest of us are here for the keks. What are you here for? Enjoyin' yourself making your brilliant little posts?
Cockslap her face
sure I will provide proof to some fucking tard on 4chan of how i can buy a felony amount of LSD.

But even If I couldnt get it from people I know personally, I have also seen crystal grams advertised on onion sites for 16.5-20G's. so fuck off faggot
If singles you are a faggot
In Sweden, arabs start smoking weed at the age of 9. Maybe that's why they are so stupid
This. They are most definitely mandated reporters for a fucking 5 year old.
Orange juice intensifies the trip you fucking retard
fucking retard
>attempted manslaughter
is this bait? There is no such thing as attempted manslaughter.

Manslaughter is an action you are responsible for that lead to someone else's death when harm or death to that person can not reasonably be said to be the goal of the action.

Negligence, including negligent homicide, is the harm or death of a person visited on them by your deliberate inaction, e.g. knowing someone is over dosing and failing to render assistance.

The only question is if they will push for a harsher sentence by implying the drugging was deliberate.
If I hear about this on the news I am giving the logs to the news
yeah good luck finding them again if you go to hospital
youre dumb if you think you cant give a child haldol for 1 and 2 if she was freakig out having a bad trip the 1st course of action is antiphychotics
So he was trying to make a trippy drug? Is it fairly easy to make yourself? Random dickheads cook meth in their garages so couldn't you make LSD as well? Or is it a totally different kettle of fish?

Like I said I have no fucking clue what I am on about really, I'm just here for the lulz.
Was in the first thread. Dropping back by to remind OP what a pussy piece of shit he is for not just taking her to the hospital and admitting his fuck up, where the doctors likely wouldn't have even called cops and even if they did most states have OD immunity laws.
nice dubs but check out my trips
nah thats acid sent from CA to MI
whoa shit. witnessed satanic trips
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Usually have to goto school for bio-engineering. Some people do LSA with morning glory seeds, but that shit will make you vomit, and not be as good as the real shit
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