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This was over an hour ago. Should I be suspicious?

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 191
Thread images: 40
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This was over an hour ago. Should I be suspicious?
Who is this Jason btw?
why, do you think she is sucking his dick or something?

OP, you really are a cuck
Yes you should. That she jumped to that conclusion, and said those exact words, means that she has a guilty conscience and is, in fact, sucking his dick.
why would she tell you that she was going to jason's if she was going there to cheat on you
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>"What, you think I'm sucking his dick or something ?"

Hahaha she's not even bothering with a lie.
Shes sucking dick
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>Literally going to suck Jason's dick then telling you

You fucking cuck
Being obvious is the best way to make it seem like nothing is going on.
You're getting cucked OP
I think she's sucking his dick or something.
Yeah she said "Help him out with some stuff" lol
To attempt to trick op, so that he doesn't think anything is up. Op you should be suspicious, I would look into it more personally before confronting her however. But judging by her response she definitely seems to be hiding something.
>should i be suspicious
not at all, cuck
Fucks sake OP you are getting cucked. Get mean, kick some head in, inject coke in your dick, try and see how well Jason can describe the taste of your wife's pussy when her severed head is lying on the floor next to him with a double barrel shotgun between his teeth
that smell bad OP
the smell of a juicy cock bigger that yours in her throat.
Just saying ... dump the bitch.
Wish you all the best.

Jason is wiping his cock on your wifes face right now
At the very least, amirite? >>713640756
Also this. Should we be worried?

And what's cuck life like?
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'gotta help Jason with his dick not getting sucked issue.
This anon knows what's up. Stand up for your shit op. If she cheats she's an even bigger faggot than you, and that's saying something.
Cucked. Get out while you can.
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'some stuff' isn't vague at all... /endsarcasm

Why wouldn't she tell you why she was going there? Obviously it was for something specific.
Hire a P.I. and get proof before you file the divorce.

FUCK those alimony payments, nurguh!
jason here, im the guy banging ops wife
He just asked her to help him out with some stuff.
She's having kinky sex with him m8.
This is why I only date virtual girls
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Not cucked if he doesn't know about it/approve it.
except that's obviously false, hence this thread
OP.. one time my gf went to my best friends house to "watch a movie" because they are friends as well. He is the one who introduced me to her. I trusted her like the fool I was, yet couldn't help to be a bit suspicious. I asked her what they did the next day, and she begin crying and said they cuddled and he gave her a back massage but that was all that happened. I got super mad and started accusing her of doing more? She said, "what do you think i sucked his dick?" I just let it go, and had faith in her since she denied doing anything more. Turns out, about 3 months later, she admitted to sucking his dick. Lesson learned
OP did she call you yet
Be suspicious. If she's there for more than an hour then confront her.
She is certainly sucking his dick. And now, you'll get blamed for it because you made her feel like you didn't trust her. Women will use any type of logic to suck forbidden dick. Just don't kiss her on the mouth till all the sperm die, and continue fucking her. You won't find a better woman - and its better than your hand.
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Welp, going through her Ipad, I found some pics she never sent me. Should I put some heat on her?
The fact she had that snarky response when you asked what he needed help with and still didnt tell you means she either doesnt give a fuck about you, is sucking his dick, or both

The fact you let the topic go means youre a cuck. If you know how to get to his house go there right now
Hahah OPs getting cucked
If that's really her, she's definitely sucking Jason's dick, OP...
if you are OP, then you are hilariously ignorant
post them on her facebook wall
Yes. End this hoe
Post more pls
If this is real its over.


I would start moving your joint checking out cash into an account in your name.

Slowly start selling off things like gold coins and jewelry and other items that might not be noticed for a while.

If you are living in an apartment start looking for another one for you.

Get out now. She is playing you for a fool.
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Lick her pussy when shes back and taste jasonAnd then kill her
What are the other pics she never sent?
>Find pics that she never sent him
>Post pic on /b/
Anon's brain
What if it was unimportant? Why does she need to state exactly whats going on? autism detected
Oh, the faceless ones are the giveaway. Like >>713640939 said, wish you the best. I'm sorry bro. I don't know about you, but even the paranoia would drive me insane.
Why would she have a screen shot of her self from Snapchat though?
Women have secret nonsexual relationships sometimes.
your girl is a slam pig. Jason aint fuckin her because he already handed her off to his boyz. Choo Choo get on the train
I sense this is fake.

Or it's bait

Because any adult with a healthy relationship would. End of story. faggot detected
Are you 12? There's no such thing you fucking dildo
Post her nudes OP
Buddy, I'm a guy named Jason and I'll tell you right now if I had a pretty chicken like her in my house I'd be taking her somewhere very soon to bone, sorry man. These hoes ain't loyal.
Thanks for confirming your age.
She told you exactly what she's doing.

I'm not your buddy, Pal.
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I'm not your pal, guy.

>>Women have secret nonsexual relationships sometimes

Not if they have a sane boyfriend. If they're looking at marriage ever, fuck no, you don't.
why make this thread op? why do you like to put yourself thru this weird fake fantasy of being a man with a wife whos cheating on him? end your life.
I'm not your guy, friend.
WASTED ;))))
I'm not your friend, buddy.
many states are no fault, and someone cheating does not mean that there will be no alimony. Alimony is support, and not something that can be taken away as a "punishment"
I'm not your buddy, fag
Scenario 1: they are planning a suprise party for your birthday

Scenario 2: you are cucked

Scenario 3: this is fake and OP is a faggot
This is a snap shot of a snapchat. It ould have had to have been recieved. This thread is fake. kill yourself OP anyways cuck.

Anyone who did not realize this is an autist.
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I'm not sure people realize how perfect your picture choice was.
Scenario 4: you are all alone in the universe and reality is an illusion
some stuff is a horrible thing to say to your s/o. it literally means i don't want to tell you. What is that oh its just some stuff... said the guy hiding his porn.
is there some context for this photo?
dude if you are supporting her financially she is obviously lying so she doesn't lose her support. you know she would flip her shit if you said you were going to Jeni's house to "help" her with something....
I'm not sure there is any context that can ever explain this photo
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Your wife is sucking jasons dick. (pic related)
Bridget the Midget did a lot of thing for money at this time in her life. I just want to marry her and provide for her. We can have a quaint little house and a small family.
You should help Jenny with that missing dick from her mouth.
She's probably been bouncing on his cock for an hour.

When she gets home, check her pussy for swelling. No reason for her to not text you while she is at some guys house.
this bitch is a bad liar
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Looks like that's over
You should stop posting cuck threads
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Not even remotely believable.
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OP's WIFE.jpg
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At least you know she is just sucking jasons dick. she could be laying on the floor while he sits on her face with her lips wrapped around his asshole sucking it like a thick milkshake.
If that's real send it to her mom, OP.
OP do you own a gun?
so fucked up, how could someone doing something like that to their husband
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I am serious though.

I'm personally in a swinger relationship. If my wife goes out and plays without out me, when she comes home her pussy is swollen.

If she is cheating on him this isn't some loving romantic, candlelight romp. She is getting her pussy pounded, doing things she doesn't do with him.

Check the pussy dude.
Eat balls
They couldn't. It's fake as fuck.
kek looks like the wife made it to the thread
black dude named jason? nahhh
Named jason, is nigger?
Fake and gay.

Black guys aren't named Jason.
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chad is now JASON
obvious fake
Fake as fuck! But if it were real, you'd have perfect evidence to show infidelity.
Scenario 5: Your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don't respond to this post.

You're a cuck. LMFAO She'll be home after you've finished jerking off and making her dinner. Make sure you head over to Jason's so he can fuck your ass for a bit too.


>getting cucked by a black dude named Jason

Weak. It could have at least been a Devonte or a Tyrone or a Deangelo

this seems like a shitty attempt to recreate this thread a while ago.
Why is the image not complete? Looks like someone used paint on it. Fake and gay fuck off
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Also just to cover herself now. What if OP were to find out she were at Jason's house from a thirdparty source? Things become blatant then.
Do you respond yourself you piece of shit 12 year old beta faggot. I bet you reply to all chain mails you get in the mail.

Get that Nigerians prince cock out of your ass and wipe the cum away from your face with the massive stack of cash he gave you.
itt: people falling for a fake

Looks like a dildo to me OP
why is this such a common perception
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Aaaaaaaannnnnnnnd we have a winner!
The fucking picture on the bottom has an eraser make on the left side you dumb fucks
Also The double spacing gives it away. Oh and chicks usually don't use correct punctuation.
Just for clarity, this is not her.

This thread is gay and OP is fake
>we can have a small family
>small family

lost it
> modified: 11 November 2016
>This is a snap shot of a snapchat. It ould have had to have been recieved. This thread is fake.
asshole see above
lol u cant even photoshop a decent text bubble
corners of the picture arent smooth like the normal text bubbles
pls kys
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Who names their wive's contact, ICE: Wife?

Here's that (you) ya ordered.
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OP.. you've come on here for a second opinion. Reason being you know it sounds fishy as fuck, also she's a smart one.. jokes about sucking his dick to show you how bizarre the thought would be... yet when asked what she was doing beforehand all she could muster was "some stuff" as an excuse to go.

Ah, OP. I feel bad for you man. I've been cheated on before, and she's showing clear signs of a cheater. Dump her, move on.. it will be hard, like Jason's dick wololo, all joking aside it will be tough but needs to happen.
whoop whoop
Fake and gay. Look at how shitty that pic bubble is.
Daquan has her back bent over the sofa as we speak.
every thread is bait
How does it feel to get cucked by a nigger?
But how do you dump someone who doesn't exist?
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at least we know now that both Jason and Op are niggers
She could be helping him with a personal issue that he wants to keep a secret. Like some emotional damage or something.
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Right under the nose is the best place to hide
Why does the photo have a speech bubble?
That shit was cash
jason bourne?
I'm not too worried about it. I've been fucking both of her little sisters on the side.
>Implying you're either the dog or baby.
>baby = underage & ban
>dog = low IQ
no you haven't
Leave her
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I know this is fake or old but im so happy i got to see this
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OP here she sent this to

Apparently jasons friend cane round for a mandingo sesh
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sure is nope here
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>watch a movie
Lol, it's almosf like you lied to yourself.
>watch a movie
>best friend who's male
I love you retarded cunts.
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It literally says bang bros right there, nice try newfag.
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It literally says bang bros right there nice try newfag
There has never been a better URL grab

The context is that a black guy dressed like a clown is getting his dick sucked by a midget while a grown man in a diaper watches with his and the clown's family
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cuck IMG_1275.jpg
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OP just got a snapchat from her.
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>not calling jason directly to ask what he needs your wifes help with.
Nop fake as fuck kek.
tell her you dont believe her. infact, insist that shes lying to you.
what a bitch, post that shit everywhere
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i think OP might be crying
Send it to everyone she knows. Then post here.
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this whole thread was b8
ive only still stuck around for more nudes. whats going on OP, you gonna deliver or what? tired of waiting on you.
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Discovered on Omegle

This girl wants to get rated.

At 10k followers she'll do a nude selfie.

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You stupid fucking redditors need to get out of my board.
Fucking Jason
Dude "we cuddled, nothing more"
Are you fucking retarded ? No shit she had sucked his dick
crosspost from a failed thread
>black guy named Jason
Next time at least use a authentic nigname when making a thread for your cuck fantasy.
Here, try: Darquan, leelo, Deshawn, nogboy or Raheem next time
thats so fake lol
I'm not your fag, mate
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Pic related btw
I'm not your mate, nigger
It's literally from a thread from earlier today. Dumbass
Don't you put that shit on me man.
oh god stop I'm dieing this shit is too good, nvm go on fucking choice topkek meme lordy lou
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Thread images: 40

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