IF Trump really makes America great again, will that change the opinion? And will that prove once and for all that what the people want, ain't always what the mainstream wants?
Yes too bad he is a shitty leader and will fail
he didnt get into office yet, you dont know that you fucking dipshit, how dumb must you be?
Either way, the other side will deny deny deny.
Source: It's happened many times before.
Turns out people don't care if you lie.
more bombs will make america great again
you're 100% underage
also samefag with phone dynamic ip
>IF Trump really makes America great again
How the hell would you even measure whether America is "great again"? Who decides what's great?
If he's able to make the economy grow 5% a year, send a man to Mars, reduce crime rates by 50%, cut the federal debt in half, defeats ISIS and turns Syria and Iraq into well-functioning free democracies, reduce taxes and make the American Dream possible again for the young generation, then yes, I will accept that he made America great again.
But he won't. America won't be much different in 4 years than what it is now.
He has already backtracked on so many things he will be shit but it will be funny to see him fuck everything up
^Pretty much this
You don't do that by saying in an interview "Goldman Sachs destroyed the economy" and then appointing one of their employees to your cabinet as a treasurer.
>great again
When was America ever great?
Native Americans living in stone age, dying from hunger and killing eachother
British colonies, everyone starving, fighting injuns, stealing their land, everyone is raping and scamming eachother
Slavery, no voting rights for most, America is basically a third world dictatorship
Civil war
Jim Crow laws
Vietnam war, failing war on drugs, Watergate
Country greatly in debt, mass incarceration, war on drugs still failing, NSA spies on own citizens, healthcare system broken, America losing its power in the world to China, Washington couldn't be more corrupt, jobs disappear to Mexico and Asia
I think so.
The mainstream media is dying in my opinion. People will laugh at the idea of "cable news" some day. They're so corrupt and so dishonest at this point that every word out of their mouth drives away another viewer. Meanwhile alternative news sources, despite massive attack by the mainstream media and the government, are growing.
Unfortunately, the brainwashing runs deep. Especially in places like Commiefornia but it's nationwide thanks to the Center for American Progress which is funded by Herb Sandler, Bill and Melinda Gates, and the UAE. They're brainwashing college kids in an attempt to make them weak willed cowardly fuckhead globalists, luckily, most people reject it on a genetic level and it like the main stream media ie fake news is failing.
The guy he choose was literally in charge of selling shitty mortgages that were a major part on the crash
I think you need to take your post to tumblr or reddit. Or maybe just kys.
Post world war 2 to your defined "1975" period as well as after we recovered from that and had most of the world's wealth all the way up to 9/11 and the Bush years when things went to shit again.
>How the hell would you even measure whether America is "great again"?
When the non-white population is drastically reduced. The rest will follow.
So much underage cancer, that even a simple, hypothetical question cannot be answered without going for the emotional comfort blanket.
You're a retard if you think globalism is bad. It is the only way to progress as a species, and it is inevitable. Those who resist globalism are doomed.
If you think America was "great" in the 2 decades after WW2 you're either a confederate racist or you have no sense of history and civil rights.
kek, I hope you're not serious
t. Jewmax Goldstein
* 8 years
You're calling for ethnic cleansing? LITERALLY HITLER
Are you me?
There's more racism today from the left than was common in the 60s.
Hitler? That faggot couldn't even finish the job. We're going to Make America White Again.
Last chance to skip town Tyronedeshauna, those welfare checks are thing of the past.
Yeah, no.
nationalism is on the rise everywhere you look. The EU failed thanks to bleeding hearts letting millions of people into Europe who think it's ok to kill gays and people who insult Muhammad.
No that's not Islamaphobic, talk to these people. They are religious zealots whose morality does not mesh well with ours.
Ben? Is that you Ben?
Sure. As a white, last time I tried to vote, a police officer set loose a dog on me and waterhosed me. I'm forced to sit in the back of the bus and 20% of the white population is in prison. 99% of all people in power are non-whites. Whites live in neighborhoods with little or no public services like public transport or even a decent electricity, gas and water supply.
Sure, there's more racism today from the left than in the 1960s.
>Make America Great Again
That's just a slogan, advertising to make you buy something and you all bought it. It's the same thing when you read on a food product label where it says "sugar free" on the packaging, but it's being deceptive because it still has a shitload of carbohydrates which digest into glucose, sugar, so it indeed does have sugar. So it's really a lie, just like Trumps lies. Only with Trump, you can't return him and get a refund. So you bought it, no you have to deal with it.
Damn whites must suck maybe we should take stock of ourselves and stop blaming other races for being absolutely useless to civilization. But nah muh white lives mattur
I'm sure that 99% of all Trump voters won't even have a clue what to do in order to "make America great again" if they were put in power as president. They'd probably do retarded shit like abolishing all taxes or invading Canada.
>IF Trump really makes America great again, will that change the opinion? And will that prove once and for all that what the people want, ain't always what the mainstream wants?
America is great now you dumb cunt
then who will work and pay the taxes that sustains the non-white population?
Kind of like 'I'm with her' or 'Change' right yeah totally bro you're definitely not a little anony mouse faggot.
Trumpcucks think posting memes is making America great.
Or we could go to war with Russia like Shillary wanted bro, that's work out well.
>America is great now you dumb cunt
A very small minority of elites' wealth and power are great, that's about it.
>case in point: a memer who thinks he's making America great
Cry baby boy, let's see those libby tears.
Post a meme, that'll show him.
>make america great again
>just added a handful of washington insiders to his cabinet
>giving the NSA, FBI, and CIA unprecedented power
lmao @ ur "life"
100% of the white population is seen as racist and spoiled.
We are told we can't apply for certain jobs.
We are told we have to give our homes up to migrants.
We are targeted by hate crime and it gets hushed up by the government.
When there's a mass shooting, they pray it's a white guy so they can blame us.
When a Somali migrant hacks up 10 college kids with a machete and gets shot by a white cop, the mainstream's first reaction is to say it's white people's fault and that the cop was probably racist.
White kids in school are told they're evil while black kids get cookies and compliments.
When a white little boy in europe gets raped by a migrant, the rapist gets released because "he doesn't understand and had a sexual emergency"
This happens to all white people, who outnumber black people vastly, thereby there's more racism.
That's not even including the bigotry of low expectations towards blacks, arabs, asians, and hispanics.
Being this butthurt
Cry racism, that really worked out for your team bitch.
Whiny bitches will always be whiny bitches.
Saw a post that Trump and Pence convinced Carrier to not leave Indiana for Mexico.
Of course the comments weren't about him saving jobs, they were about "the people of indiana will have to pay for them to stay blah blah"
hillary lost. get over yourself
I need some markers or goals that would mean it's great again.
What will America achieve to consider itself great again?
What's the mission statement and objectives?
Umm, you're not on any team, you retard. Trump is the president not you, you cuck.
Holy shit morons are such bootlicking cucks. I'd be saying the same truth about Hillary if she was elected. Get a reality check.
>America is great now you dumb cunt
You must have low standards for thinking something is "great":
>highest crime rates in Western world
>public debt exceeding total size of economy
>little job/career opportunities for young generation
>jobs disappearing to Mexico
>America's power in the world is only half of what it was in 1945-2000
>lowest life expectancy in developed world, even lower than Cuba and retarded eastern European countries
>obesity epidemic
>highest illiteracy in western world
>largest prison population in the entire world
>wow what a great healthcare system. Twice as expensive as the Dutch system and 10% of the population is not insured?
>press freedom lower than most developed nations
>Washington is deeply corrupt
>prostitution is illegal, unless you film it
? Are you ok ?
Let me fix that for you,
> If he's able to make the economy grow, send a white man to Mars, jail more niggers, kick out 90% of the spics, enslaves the middle east dune coons and take their oil, reduce taxes for whites, and make the American Dream possible again for the whites then yes, I will accept that he made America great again.
I guess we need "Change We Can Believe In" instead?
Get rid of Wiretapping, more college graduates, jobs for veterans, accredited schools, create a secretary of business, shut down Guantanamo bay, bring peace to the middle east, etc. Oh wait, that president failed miserably but the press keeps sucking his dick like it's the last source of sustenance on Earth.
It's outlined on his website dumb ass.
How lazy are you?
100-day plan?
Trump's unprecedented youtube video directly to the American people where he lays out what he wants to accomplish?
So you're just being a contrary little bitch to be a contrary little bitch and aren't on any team, side, or hold certain beliefs that align you with another segment of society, you just want to jerk off and post memes.
I'm fine, it's the zombie population I'm worried about.
well, fill this out and go cry for mommy because meanies on the internet made fun of you for being an underage faggot
You're being a bootlicking shillcuck to be a bootlicking shillcuck.
Maybe he needed to get it out of his system, but he made some points which I agree with.
If you truly believe what you just typed then it's hilarious. What you're saying is more like a conspiracy theory than anything close to the truth.
What america wants is mainstream.
If a majority of people think a certain way then its mainstream even if every tard believes theyre some faggy rebel hero fighting against the evil "mainstream society
I like how you are so unoriginal you just copied my post and inverted it, then added some glitter and pictures of your dads dick then sent it back out into the world thinking you actually matter.
No adult who uses the term "butthurt" can legitimately imply that someone else is a child as an insult without insulting themselves.
I like how you are so unoriginal you just copied my post and inverted it, then added some glitter and pictures of your moms dick then sent it back out into the world thinking you actually matter.
Everything i said is factually correct and in no way influenced by opinion. You can look up any of those claims and find at least one news article backing it up.
Yet blacks are being targeting because they're black and not because they are committing crimes. You can swallow one load, so swallow the other since you're already down there on your knees.
The mainstream isn't what the people want. That's why hillary lost.
>What you're saying is more like a conspiracy theory than anything close to the truth.
Well what is the truth then?
Whites are not oppressed you whiny faggot
hur dur so clever
go watch some anime
America was never great, it's just been the biggest kid on the block for the last century. Every nation is in a constant state of flux. There is no objectively "great" state. You give and you take.
Plus this country is bogged down by fucking race-baiters, bible thumpers, old fucks who should've died decades ago, financial hoarders, dropouts, thugs, people who do whatever their idols tell them to do, fat fucks, distracted geeks, autistic nerds, crybabies, sociopaths, ideologues, and finger sniffers.
The people in charge, as people in charge do, aren't giving up an inch if they can help it and they like things just the way they are. Everything we do is monitored by a government that has more fire power than has ever existed on Earth. Revolutionary groups are too disparate and uncooperative to come together and push for real change. Even our poorest poorfags have access to smart phones and bathroom porn, so they have no reason to get angry enough to do something about injustices.
Our best bet is to keep the coal fires burning and wait it out until the planet tries to swallow us in another ice age, then rebuild everything from scratch and try not to fuck it up as badly the next time.
>blacks are being targeting because they're black
By whom?
Certainly not white people.
By other black people for sure, but there are no white nationalists dragging blacks behind trucks.
theres too many of us, he cant stop us all
Dude follow the conversation. I'm on your side, I was making a point.
>give over a dozen examples of whites being oppressed simply for the color of their skin or their country of origin
>Whites aren't oppressed! My college/the media/black racists which is funded by billionaire globalists told me so!
considering he is leaving all his main policies he might be okay if he keeps it up
My bad, the narrative that blacks are the victims of racism today just really gets me going. There's video after video of black people beating the ever loving shit out of white people,announcing proudly that they're doing it because they're racist while doing it, and still the narrative is "ooooh shame on you white devil".
makes me sick.
Oh really?
>100% of the white population is seen as racist and spoiled.
By who? By a small margin of SJW's and Black Lives Matter-activists, maybe. They are less than 5% of the general population. Remember, Trump got almost half of all votes, and I'm pretty sure most Clinton voters would also agree that not 100% of all whites are spoiled racists.
>We are told we have to give our homes up to migrants
No American who owns a house has ever had to give up his home for a migrant.
>When a Somali migrant hacks up 10 college kids with a machete and gets shot by a white cop, the mainstream's first reaction is to say it's white people's fault and that the cop was probably racist.
The mainstream media's first reaction was to blame ISIS. No one said it's white people's fault.
>White kids in school are told they're evil while black kids get cookies and compliments.
Yeah I remember when I was a kid, every day the teacher told me I was evil and gave the black kids cookies.
What the fuck.
>When a white little boy in europe gets raped by a migrant, the rapist gets released because "he doesn't understand and had a sexual emergency"
Source or it didn't happen
>This happens to all white people, who outnumber black people vastly, thereby there's more racism
Such logic
>That's not even including the bigotry of low expectations towards blacks, arabs, asians, and hispanics.
Now you are accusing whites of being racists yourself. Way to refute your own argument.
Yes, we should form some lynch mobs.
Bye, bye net neutrality.
While screaming world star.
The only thing more ridiculous is the mudslime invasion across Europe.
Dude you posted no proof just how you feel
You faggots whine about how blacks face no racism but cant even find one instance of whites being discriminated
>Iol I'm not going to google that shit, spoon feed me like da tv do.
So let's vote in a guy who will INCREASE the stranglehold that the elites have over public policy. Genius.
Not the one who made the post.
You can look for the case where an immigrant raped a little kid in Austria or something, I believe the judges let him go, didnt follow for updates about it.
you're right they all need to be killed off slowly, perhaps they can train the police force to shoot them by accident until they are weeded out completely.
You seem triggered
Don't forget, the miniscule percentage of white on black shootings are also the work of the White Male Patriarchy spreading false information. $100% of all black people killed are killed by white police officers.
CNN tell me this, and I believe.
>By who? By a small margin of SJW's and Black Lives Matter-activists, maybe. They are less than 5% of the general population. Remember, Trump got almost half of all votes, and I'm pretty sure most Clinton voters would also agree that not 100% of all whites are spoiled racists.
Yet the media paints Trump voters as neo nazis and SJWs infest hollywood and tv programs with their narrative.
>No American who owns a house has ever had to give up his home for a migrant.
Happening in Italy right now.
>The mainstream media's first reaction was to blame ISIS. No one said it's white people's fault.
In the wikileaks they said "oh if only it was a white guy" not verbatim mind you but in no uncertain terms. Also they're questioning whether it wasn't trump voters fault for making Somali's feel unwelcome in the news.
>Yeah I remember when I was a kid, every day the teacher told me I was evil and gave the black kids cookies.
Happening right now in Missouri.
>Source or it didn't happen
>Now you are accusing whites of being racists yourself. Way to refute your own argument.
My argument was that there is more racism today than in 1960's. There is.
Yah but he's going to support Isis in Iran
Who said he was the only one against you's? I hope a race war starts up so I can finally have fun.
You're another white in a red state on welfare leeched off the blue states huh
If they can get away with it. The media is all over them with every shooting that happens.
You seem niggered. Facts don't work on people who worship feelings. You've got a computer in front of you and you're too retarded to learn anything. It does more than show you black dong 24/7.
Im literally black and ive never killed anyone stop being such a faggot
It's going to be a racist-antiracist war
Are you going to fight alongside black supremacists? I doubt it.
What about the mass rape whites are inflicting on themselves? All this talk about niggers murdering eachother but, whites are 30% of the US population and commit 70% of the rapes. Someone must do something
Yeah but for some reason only black people, Mexicans, Jews and Muslims can be blamed for the bad behavior of their kind. Sorry, I didn't make up the rules
prank call this whimpy ginger kid he's a huge hillary supporter that rages when u call hes a rich white pussy who drives a m post results mercedes whos never been in a fight or been laid but thinks hes the hottest shit to walk the earth 3865855382
Haven't even done your first murder yet Jaivon? I guess you're still on your dealing drug and catching std's phase. Don't worry, you'll get that three hots and a cot lifestyle in no time I'm sure.
>IF Trump really makes America great again
He will, don't worry
Nope not a drug dealer either
>for some reason only black people, Mexicans, Jews and Muslims can be blamed for the bad behavior of their kind
Who else is going to be blamed? God you libs are retarded.
gee I wonder who could be behind this post
So can i blame you for every white cousin fucker meth head who does something wrong because you are in the same racial group ?
And that's why whites are blamed too for the slavery and child molestation they commit
President doesn't control the economy
Mars trip is in the private sector
Crime has been decreasing consistently since the 90s
Can't do metric system huh? Wow, you are sad then. Must be tragic to be bad at even being nigger.
deal with it
Forcible rapes by whites in 2012 according to the FBI 9027
Forcible rapes by black in 2012 again according to the FBI 4512.
For the record, whites make up 63% of the country, blacks 12.3%
And 90 percent of all crime is done by men.
Does this make you a femminist ?
How fucking dare you! Wanting your country to succeed on its own is literally Hitler!
You can but the statistics don't add up for you. Racial profiling for minorities is actually accurate.
2013 whites contributed 68.5% to the rape
Who cares about niggers, the whites must stop raping and enslaving themselves by rape
> Only for minorities
>when whites commit the most rapes and crimes in the country
Men commit over 80percent of all crime.
Are you a femminist now ?
The claim was made that white people raping was a major problem rather than black crime.
Not that rape wasn't a bad thing.
That's because there are almost 6x more of us than of black people but they still manage to rape half as often as us. Overachievers I'd say.
Has a lot to do with economic groups too. Poor white vs Poor niggers. You're just so brian washed by the left you refuse to accept the facts.
The usa is 52 percent female why do men commit over 80 percent of all crime
Nice strawman argument. Next.
Don't forget, blacks do more crime than any other race statistically speaking but there are people who say that this is white privilege and clearly black people are found guilty when a white person would not.
They're that crazy.
But not crazy enough to move to a black neighborhood.
As opposed to consensual rape?
The facts that whites are rapists?
How is that a straw man?
Women try to do crime but they can't get anything done. We need to encourage women to do their fair share of criminal activities! More equality for women!
What are the stats on consensual rape?
By making generalizations with other statistics that aren't an accurate comparison at all. Duh retard.
Because men find it harder to trade sex for goods and services.
No but seriously men do commit most organized crime and crimes of passion. We're just geared to take dumb risks, be violent, cold, and selfish.
However, still not a feminist because feminism isn't about worshipping women as perfect beings (theyr'e certainly not, matriarchal societies always fail) it's supposed to be about "equality".
of course modern feminism is just about shitting on men.
As opposed to prostitution and sexual assault
1 out of every 1 female is consensually raped. It truly is an epidemic. Also global warming is real and when everyone dies women will be the most effected.
Last good Republican president was Ronald Reagan. I don't think Trump will be a good president.
Does taxing to pay for welfare programs, for immigrants count as forcing a person out of their home?
The coddling of blacks happens in work places too, blacks are special case retards and whites are expected to perform with a higher degree of quality... by white managers who are fundamentally crony shills whom ignore meritocracy and only wants happy blacks so the quota is finished.
The logic of moar whites = moar racism, is based upon "institutional racism"... aka whites aren't cucks, so they don't know other's culture and are expected to check their privilege by the moment
Why segregate crimes by race when you could segregate them by gender ?
America will never be great....best Korea will see to that.
As long as you continue always being wrong we will be fine.
Women are the real victims of war, fuck the guys who got shot in the stomach and slowly bled to death after watching their friends die. A woman was inconvenienced and had to find a new husband!
Because that's universal.
Crimes by race are something worth paying attention to.
>this post
I am literally shaking, you men need to solve this problem right now.
> ignoring the hitler video about being an anti-racist champion for isreal
Because that's not smart. Also learn the real source of problems with minorities. Gang activity is a big deal in most major cities in America.
Proposed solution: All nations agree to only send women to fight wars.
That way women can slowly bleed to death after watching all their friends die and men will take the burden of finding new wives.
How is gender universal ?
You idiots just want to segregate by race because it looks good to you
We also could segregate by countries but we dont because america would do shitty when compared to the rest of the western world
>what the people want is not always what the mainstream wants
are you actually retarded? You do realize the mainstream is the mainstream because it by definition includes most people.
so the mainstream is what the people wants. What you want must be what the minority wants so OP.... you are a minority.
I agree that gang activity is bad but most blacks aren't in a gang
Gangs are a symptom, not the source. It's the breakdown of the family. 73% of black households are single parent households.
This is the biggest indicator of poverty there is, that's why you have gangs.
Because every race's males commit more crimes than every race's females by a large margin.
You idiot.
Blacks and Mexicans. How many white people are in gang or any gang? Yep. Now fuck off idiot.
> ethno-cultural barriers
seriously, people come from places and carry shit culture with them... occasionally.
Stop being a cucked male feminist for 5 minutes, then realize others exist.
>mainstream is what people want
>infowars is bigger than most mainstream news outlets
>drudge is bigger than them all
If men are more likely than women to be criminals why dont we regulate all men rater than only men by race ?
You can't fix A nigger Dad abandoning his nigglet child and being a dead beat.
What culture im a biracial man does that mean i have to like country music and jazz ?
We live in the postfactual age. Newt Gingrich said that "feelings are facts" and doubled down on it on TV. Every credible scientist on this planet says that Global Warming is happening and that it's gonna be a disaster of unseen dimensions. Most of those scientists say that mankind has an impact on these things. Nobody gives a fuck, half of the fucking country denies it. We pump chemicals into the ground to extract valuable resources, thereby poisoning the earth for generations to come, creating outcomes that are beyond predictability as of yet. Activists who protest against it are "libtard cuck boys". An economic elite pretty much makes a good portion of the laws in the US, yet make themselves untouchable to any repercussions of their criminal wrongdoings. The economic classes are divided in proportions we haven't seen before. Whose fault is it? "Liberals, muslims, immigrants, Obama". Vaccines have been safing lives for generations, have rooted out serious infections and reduced mortality in general, with very little to no side effects. "Vaccines cause autism! We have no proof but we know it! The scientists are lying!". People are eating themselves to their deaths, have incredibly bad diets, yet a growing number of people cover this as a matter of "body positivity", which it is not. Schools still are serving pizza, fries, burgers, because large companies make a profit off of it. Nobody bats an eye.
Even if Trump makes lives better for everyone in this country, a lot of people will deny it. Even if Trump fails miserably and drives the US into the worst crisis since 2008, the right will cling to their tale if free market capitalism, tickle-down-economy and protectionism.
As the saying goes, it has to get worse before it gets better. But looking at this place, I'm really afraid thinking about how much worse it has to get for us to change something.
> shill shilling for shills
It would work because women are all sisterly toward one another. Unlike you disgusting men. We should make it a law that only women can own guns and men should be castrated. Then we will be one step closer to equality!
Let me make this is as simple as I can because I can tell you're being willfully ignorant.
Men always commit more crime than women regardless of race.
by looking at the numbers black people commit the most crime per 100,000 people. several times more common in fact.
I'm not trying to make black people look bad by looking at the numbers and being honest, I'm doing what the government is doing. I'm asking "why are black people doing this so much more"
and the answer is 73% of them come from broken homes which leads to poverty which leads to crime.
IF I may recommend a very good read:
>You idiots just want to segregate by race because it looks good to you
Sorry facts are so racist Jamal.
It's been tried.
Numerous times in numerous cultures. It never works because women don't take chances. They don't do things for "glory" or "ego" which means you get a shit tier society.
it's like playing civ and passing every turn.
1.yes blacks are more likely to commit crimes than whites but as i said before men are 800â„… more likely to commit a violent crime and 600â„… percent more to commit a petty crime.
I am not gonna divide culture for a mullato's complexes, of rejection for being high yellar and not being treated as one-of-the-white-people by whites... just because it hurts to feels, doesn't mean that the two cultures don't exist or have an origin.
Also, those whites you seek to ingratiate with don't owe you participation socially simply because your black dad got into some white guts... to get one over on dah white man, while your mum probably viewed him as lesser than whites and got off to the lowly act in a cathartic way... leading her to treat you as lesser, while indoctrinating you to it as she was the source that taught you 'what is love'...
or something like that
Post here:
No it will work because we will pass laws to make it work. God your dumb.
Ok so how do you propose you fix that?
Obviously men have to exist and castrating them means the death of the species so do you have anything useful to add?
Honestly saying "men commit more crime" by itself is useless. Men also invent more, do better in sports, oh and the sky is blue.
Okay. We can work on those problems. Let's start with blacks though. Get your shit together or you get the rope.
I have never committed a crime so why should i be treated like a criminal because some black guy across the country shot someone / sold drugs
>women are all sisterly toward one another
maybe, if fake friendship and envious behaviour towards one another is 'sisterly' to you
With the pro-life evolution denying gay hating climate change deniers he's lining up for his cabinet. The civil unrest in fatland is going to be crazy.
One term, then he'll retire from politics due to ill health.
People thought 2016 was a shit year. 2017 is going to make it seem like a kid's birthday party
Liberal babies will piss and moan no matter what. That's what they do best
Not gay hating. Anon, be fair.
A closeted gay who presents 'therapy' as a solution to homosexual tendencies is vice, that's all.
That's self hating.
>I have never committed a crime
Relax my negroid, this is an anonymous mongoloid cave painting board. You don't have to put on a clean front here. You're probably on bath salts right now aren't you?
The black community needs to get its shit together. For starters they can stop voting democrat like it's a fucking black tradition. Start your own political party if you have to, but the democratic party thrives on ignorant blacks voting for gibsmedats and putting themselves further into debt and squalor. Focus on rebuilding strong family units, stop protecting and admiring criminals, and get the drug use down to manageable levels.
The Mongol Empire was great, it was built upon mountains of skulls of innocents.
What price greatness?
You sound like a virgin and I hope you feel ashamed enough to accept what I post without looking further into my intentions also your penis is small and if you don't start agreeing with me you are also a faggot (but it's okay if your homosexual, except not in this instance because you disagree). Got it?
Are you sure suggesting that America isn't great? GTFO, Kaepernick.
I cant stop blacks from commuting crimes just like you cant make Cletus from Mississippi get off meth
His campaign is built on the concept that being the equal of other nations is unacceptable, we should consider ourselves greater and find some way to justify the notion.
what trump may not realise is that he really is playing with fire, if there is one thing that history can teach you is that you should never piss off the working average joe, because they are the ones who really keep the country working and running, you would be foolish to ignore that, think of all the old great empires that fell simply because the average joe got fucked over for too long, i think you will find it is a recuring theme throughout human history
Actually you kind of can.
Don't have any kids unless you're married.
That's all you have to do.
If even half of black americans today did that black crime would drop immensely.
I agree and i haven had any spawn but it is not fair that of a 16 year old white kid gets some knocked up its just their fault not the fault of there entire race
Cletus has family that support him and tells him to get off drugs. Kisha does crack cocaine and suck six dicks a night and her mama calls her a strong independent woman who don't need no man.
Maybe next time you have premarital std infested relations with a sheboon you dig deep into your crusty wallet and find enough food stamp residue to buy a whole condom so you don't bring another tar bastard into existence.
You know, little steps to support your community by not being shit.
So your allosed to be a fuck up as lond as your white and cave money ?
Also most Mississippians are whites on welfare not blacks
>it is not fair
Hey, I think he's starting to understand
>16 year old white kid
How about a 14 yr old black kid and she doesn't know who the father is because she's slept with her whole class and the teacher twice.
>>Source or it didn't happen
He wasn't released. The conviction for sexual assault is not in dispute. He will be retried for the rape charges.
>A second trial for the rape is expected to take place next year, but the attacker is likely to remain in custody until then.
Also, not America.
We all get our end of that stick unfortunately. The powers that be have decided to keep the races divided and make us hate each other so we're easier to control.
Just be glad everything you do isn't racist. I can't take a shit without someone thinking I'm doing it in a racist way.
Define great? My America is great. Is the goal for every family to be able to buy tons of shit at Walmart?
>what the people want
>ain't always what the mainstream wants
litterally an antithesis but ok...
https://discord.gg/eW5qHxU join now
Oh lawdy you sure is mad neoow!
Whites make up the majority of the Mississippi population. You think it's impressive that blacks managed to not surpass whites in the state for welfare? Way to set the bar my homey.
If you spent as much time policing other blacks as you do crying about whitey maybe I'd have to start explaining myself about Cletus.
what is truly entertaining is watching my countrymen eat each other alive while sitting back and knowing that the tipping point is near
Yuri said it best "they will know.. when a boot is crashing on their head, then they will know" (paraphrased)
Your kind will soon find themselves crawling back into your holes in shame. But you'll always have a home here, whitey
Popularity doesnt equate to success. Interest in nationalism and globalism rise and fall in a cycle. However, the future is mostly globalism. We are moving to nationalism because conservative's are freaking out. It won't last long
Whatever you need to tell yourself.
Meanwhile the progressive ideals being shoved down our throats have never been more unpopular, main stream media is in a death spiral and is lashing out, and the establishment government is in full damage control mode.
Tell me again how well globalism is doing when the EU crumbles and Europe reclaims it's sovereignty.
You can't convince anyone that the sky is yellow without facts to back it up, it's a lost cause. Doesn't matter how many talking heads shout it from their podiums, it's never ever going to happen.
>conservative's are freaking out.
That's right. You sure have those repubs on the run. They're chimping out and rioting in the streets chanting "That's our President" and getting hit by traffic.