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Drawthread: Stop being vanilla on /b/ edition

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 360
Thread images: 125
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Drawthread: Stop being vanilla on /b/ edition
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Requesting Rukia doing something cute or cool with any pokemon in this album
Pokemon refs:
Rukia refs:
Its like you domt want us to go there.
Its like you put on an aura of snarkiness and a contrarian attitude on 4chan so your statement means literally nothing.
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so is everyone dead?
need drawfags in the server
>says the guy whos spamming his shit link
>shit poisting left right and center
Naw babe. Naw
its late night/early morning in the us
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Requesting her licking cum off her hands
Any artists willing to draw weird stuff

And I mean actual weird stuff so Phox need not apply.
Why do you need draw fags?
>trying this hard
i dont want retards like you in my server. im just arguing with you because you're fun to watch sperg out, also calls attention to the server. whiny piss babies like yourself would get muted 5 seconds after you joined.
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Requesting Timothy the Band Dinosaur™™ being swallowed up by a tuba in a similar manner to the image on the right.
>implying i would join that shit stain.
You do know what shitposting is right?
because drawfags=fun/drama/memes

also, getting a 30 year old nigger and his fat mexican wife in my server would be funny as hell.
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new meme dream.png
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Requesting this OC
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Requesting someone draw a sweating nervous cia agent under this text old draw tread style

>can find this thread still up on /x...pretty meme worthy...only edit i made was attaching 2 screenshots, this is the order the posts went didnt even cut aout any in between posts
>implying anyone cares
Well this thread is off to a terrible start once again
Requesting Greninja trying to shove Prism Tower up its fat butt
>implying you dont
Not sure if this is just another spam request thats posted every thread like the drowning looneytoons but..WHY or HOW the flying fuck would want this??
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EHG is not going to join it.

don't call me babe

i mean it IS 3 fucking AM here
Good. Learn it. Understand it. Dont eat so much of it.
Well fine. Fuck ya then.
>implying i just dont need raw numbers in the server, so any person joining means a bit to me in the smallest most insignificant way possible
also, ill say again, poking you with a stick and watching you sperg is fun
>still doesnt understand what shitposting is and how effortless it is.
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Well, I'm here finishing a request from two days ago.
But everyone seems ambivalent to my presence because I take too long on my mediocre deliveries.
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It's dead and terrible.
Mundy do you draw weird fetishes?
Fuck off tubafag
Good god do you draw with your eyes closed? Cant even tell where the face is...your terrible anon! More practice needed b4 you post that cancer in here

If you're taking requests:

Draw an a ntelope head butting a jeep through a tree.

With you in it.
>tfw im advertising, just trying to draw attention to myself by shitposting
6am here and just waking up to go to work
i wish you a good night
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Your server sucks.
It's boring.
The name of it is cancer.

fucking cringe
but you joined tho? i made it like, 4 days ago
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moar please
sucks less than your mom does dick tbh famalamarino
Talking to a text post.
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You taking requests?

If yes can you draw a squid and a nails hanging out? It mine and a buddies animal nockname weve had sonce 8th grade (like 5 years now)
seriously. Do you not sleep or is there multiple people always requesting this shit?
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Wrost discord
I want my money back
I am not even the tubafag.
you didnt pay
Been here long enough to know that its Banq or someone trying to be edgy by posting their request.

50/50 shot.
>tfw no one likes your shitty discord

get back in the tuba
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Yeah I joined that one, it's more fun than the meme warriors one
A squid and a snail*****
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fuck banq's art was so good i want her to come back i wish i could draw like that fuck me

mundy your entire character is a weird fetish just do it hoe
>discord discord discord
waaah dicord waah
>tfw 60+ memebers in 3 days, with 10 of them being active
i mean, thats 10 solid people. you wanna go ahead and tell me how meaningful your life is?
that pic sux anon you can do better, her anatomy is all off
shut the fuck up and post more porn.
If you want Banq's attention just type in "Banq". Big enough of an attention whore to Ctrl+F every thread.
well obv, that other one has been around for almost a year, i made mine less than a week ago
I'm glad that you're ruining the drawthreads because they're garbage but you're also garbage
Copious amounts of poo
Will be drawn by who?
Choosing salty instead of the many other flavors...
Wow 10 whole people. You must be a proud little dildo. Your mom must be so prous of what youve amounted to.
just one
>No horse cock
Why even bother wasting my time?
fight fire with fire

>Thinking that having 10 people joining a discord is meningfull to your life

Tells me how much youve accomplished kek
If you think "truth" means "salty", whatever dude.
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You mom will die tonight on her sleep if you don't save this pix and post it in a YLYL today
Here is my list of good drawfags:
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Yoshi Request Redux.png
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>this angery
fucking kek you're such a loser fam
i bet you have less active people at your funeral.
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See. Your discord is so bad i want money for joining it
Pay me
maybe you should advertise somewhere else
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get back in the tuba
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reaching out to the community.png
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Can't sleep. Take more drugs suicide, or draw? You get vote.
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I don't know what the squid looks like soz fam
You dont even know how to properly advertise my dawg. This battle of yours was lost looong ago.
trying to get a job, going to college for a double major in accounting and fine arts, writing 6 books, straight a's in my first year of college without studying, and coordinating with my cousin who is a real estate agent. i mean, you asked. not even trying to toot my own horn.
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laughed wholeheartedly

this one looks promising

yea ok but..........thats /b/ quality u kno like they probbably werent even TRYING u kno

i'm so fucking tired.
Get trips and artist may make any request you want, that's what I've heard.
amazing, furry, do you want enough to buy a dragon dildo or a new fursuit for your next convention?
>captcha: street sale
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Thank you anon...dont know what to give you so i will give you one of my rarest pepes
Draw. Draw weird fetishes.
i want people from discord, i advertise on discord. i want people from steam, i advertise on steam. i want people from 4chan, i advertise on 4chan. simple.
> they probbably werent even TRYING
keep telling yourself that and you're gonna do great things
That will get you no where and no long time members. Like i said. You dont know shit about advertising.
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>your entire character is a weird fetish
What did she mean by this

I don't know what things are but okay
that's against the rules you gotta pay for advertising bud
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How about i nutted in your hole, mr.Tuba
Enough to buy XL one would be nice.
and? i started 5 days ago, ofc i dont have my shit together. i just need one good advisor and my member count is going through the roof faster than you're coming out of the closet my dude. suh
Draw Greninja shoving Prism Tower up it's plump butt
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>trying to get a job
>going to college

Either 1: your full of shit
2: hows poorfag community college going slut?
Or 3: you think your parents are happy that you cant even pay for your own college and that they have to pay your way
not on 4chan :^)
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Projekti - Drawing 5384863132.png
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join my server and get to level 10 then we'll talk. can you settle for the exclusive "dildo magisword" role for now?
Its hilarious how you thonk your such hot shit with 10 whole people in 5 days. Thats a fucking awful track record.
global 11.Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.
draw lewd tubavore dinos, you made him actually attractive
people throw around words like "autistic" and "sperging" alot on 4chan, but you are a prime example of when it should actually be used
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lets just ignore discordfag until they go away

besides drawfags have their own discords

why would they join a shittier one?
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ok shower and then sleepy time bye assholes
>Either 1: your full of shit
>ure lying LOLE
>2: hows poorfag community college going slut?
nup, uni
>3. you think your parents are happy that you cant even pay for your own college and that they have to pay your way
you wanna go ahead and tell me how you're ANY better than this? also, i pay for books, she pays for classes.
lets just report the discord fag until he gets banned*

offer still stands, if that dogfag talking
Hey Cal, up for lewd request?
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Bad Ear.png
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Sup, Nords?
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Its pretty dead in here without that fag
drawfags have their own discords? where?
Its...Its...A masterpiece! Absolutely stunning work bro.
pls no
>drawfags have their own discords
If they actually did these "draw"threads would stop being made.
Gotcha on the 3rd one didnt i?

Also you asked so ill tell you how im better than you leaching off your parents.

For starters, im not waisting a major in fine arts, im taking astrophysics...

And guess what? I was smart enough to not be a lazy ass and get 2 jobs to pay my way and not be a bitch about it.

In case you want to know how i knew what position you were in, i know people at my college in the same position as your ass and guess who they ask for advice?
>drawfags have their own discords? where?
i mean, if you give me a couple links to drawfag discords, ill fuck off, way easier to advertise on the platform you want people to be on.
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How about pay me in US dollar and remove autistic useless gadgets in your discord and make it more clean
He is qt
>why would they join a shittier one?

Wait. Does this mean "shit tier" or is this the comparative form of the word "shit"?
yeah we have like multiple discord groups to dead ass avoid anons and shitpost privately
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40 Keks.png
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dam fam, you came out the fucking darkness ready for this argument, unless you're baiting
>And guess what? I was smart enough to not be a lazy ass and get 2 jobs to pay my way and not be a bitch about it.
and guess what? everyone isnt you? i currently live im bumfuck mississippi with less than 3 dollars to my name atm, barely managing to buy my books, still tryna get out there, you probably never had to try an honest day in your life, everything was handed to you, you live in an upper middle class family, sit down nerd.
>In case you want to know how i knew what position you were in, i know people at my college in the same position as your ass and guess who they ask for advice?
who knows, you're still a stuck up prick.
Nigga he should be blowing you
He got the training
i dont want furries in my server
More rimming! Different angles and deeper
all drawfags are furries
if ehg is a furry then he is the exception
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>big gay request warning
john cena wearing asgore's armor in his signature position
Face it bro. Not even reverse psychology will make up for your shit advertising skills.
>why would they join a shittier one?

Wait. Does this mean "shit tier" or is this the comparative form of the word "shit"?
requesting anything furry
ive never taken any advertising classes or read anything about advertsing in my life. all i know is that if you tell people about the thing you're selling, and you give them enough reasons to do it, they will come, unless they are stuck up fucks like on 4 chan, but thats the thrill of it, because you get to insult them and emtionally wear them down, then they begrudgingly accept and end up liking it anyway
>why would they join a shittier one?

Wait. Does this mean "shit tier" or is this the comparative form of the word "shit"?
Prime example of just how little you really know.
>why would they join a shittier one?

Wait. Does this mean "shit tier" or is this the comparative form of the word shit?
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Tired Pepe.jpg
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Really? "Anything"? Because I somehow doubt that.
Man your really easy to get worked up arent cha?
refer back to my previous statement, you put on an air of snarkiness, you automatically reject everything because it makes you feel better about yourself, and you put on a contrarian attitude in the toxic atmosphere of 4chan, your words mean nothing, mine do.
>unless they are stuck up fucks like on 4 chan
4chan is humanity uncensored, if you can't sell you stuff here, the public won't buy it either. They might fake an interest to be polite, but that's only to be pleasant.
Tl;dr that shit my nigguh.
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Look anon, i can go ahead and roast your "little poor ol me" ass that thinks anyone that worked harder than them and got a better result "has it easy" for hours till i start to feel bad about it, but instead ill just go back to the original topic now that i rekt your ass

Stop spamming your shitty discord.

>side notes:
>middle upper class, had everything handed to me
>KEK good one, thats not how it works when you work lazy ass
>and the answer was me
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>not want to lube him up then fuck him mercilessly
what are you, gay?
I don't want to be in shit discord
Rimming is a hawt
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My hand slipped
>eye cnat read
kys my man
>captcha: college
nope, mostly degenerates and autistic retards go on here, if you actually, unironically, seriously compare this place to the gen. pop you need to destroy yourself with a chainsaw.
what is "cha"?

we do not have this in the Republic of India.
You have to be the easiest target ive ever dicked with. ive put almost no effort in to make you flip out and "derail" almost 2 threads now. Enjoy the rest of your retars free evening my drawfriends. Ill leave the baby alone now.
fuck that twink band dino's ass then
I can't even read these posts, my eyes are broken
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>Look anon, i can go ahead and roast your "little poor ol me" ass that thinks anyone that worked harder than them and got a better result "has it easy"
i dont think that. but you assume so, because you are projecting.
>Stop spamming your shitty discord.
make me you wet pussy.
>KEK good one, thats not how it works when you work lazy ass
i do work.
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It indeed is hawt
>dicked with
and, how have you been dicking with me? please. tell me how you baited/trolled me in anyway possible.
damn you're stupid
I legit lold
Plow him. That band dork had it coming.
You did it Mundy! Thank you. :)

(I was kinda hoping that he wouldn't be macro but beggars can't be chosers)
>cant answer
guess i win
>guess i win
'most retarded anon 2016'
Too bad thats not me you silly willy
what do you win?
not a single user
not a single argument
>cnat anser ure question because ur dum LOLE REKT
kys, you brainless pussy.
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Whoops fuck forgot the other pattern thing on its leg

Tbh it wasn't gnna be macro but it just seemed empty otherwise
i mean, you're free to answer for him, since hes too stupid to.

>inb4 baited
>kys, you brainless pussy
You should consider taking your own advcice
actually, 3 people, one of whom is a drawfag. and the threads are dead as shit right now.
Naw comr on man. He clearly wins my respect and admiration for...Y'know....Something.
>>cnat anser ure question because ur dum LOLE REKT
the fuck am I reading
moonman poster>discordfag
>no u
amazing comeback famalamadingdong
>implying there ever alive at this time
thats what you sound like
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Bert Reaction.gif
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>Tbh it wasn't gonna be macro
Mundy you're killing me.

>but it just seemed empty otherwise
Perhaps, maybe it could have had a few helicopters or flying Pokemon or something. I honestly wouldn't have minded. the buildings in the background that would have been obscure by the macro version would have sufficed.
>inb4 baited
Look guys! Hes slowly learning our ways and traditions!
i used to come here a year ago and there were 24/7 thread with atleast 15+ active posters, and atleast 4-7 drawfags out of that
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Quick one
gtg now
>Correction grammar on /b/
yeah....your clearly new here.
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>3 people
but that's what you're saying
Yeah. its called times change nig nog.
thats the thing, i dont give a damn if you're
>omg im so kewl i cna lie to peeple on teh internetz im soe samrt!!!!!11! sekrit clubh0use!!111!!one!!
iim just trying to get numbers on my server, and ive alread got 3 people in, so ive already succeeded.
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>i do work
You just said you didnt and that you were "trying to get a job" right here.

>i dont think that
Then why did you assume that i "never had to try an honest day in my life, everything was handed to [me], [i] live in a middle upper class family"

Aslo to add on to that note
>you think or at least type that everything is handed to me
Says the disappointment that gets his parents to pay his way for're in no position to say i get shit handed to me kek

Anon just stop posting your shitty cancer and i wont have to keep "wrecking you in the chat"
and? all i needed was 1 to succeed.
nobody wants you around
and thats what you sound like.
Never go full retard anon
that's... pathetic, I'm sorry this is what you do with your time anon
>>713459019 was a quote from you
That sure is a shit discord.
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Thanks anon, this guy must really want his feelings hurt cause he aint taking the hint that no one likes him in this thread
I think he gets off to it honestly
no prob. I've seen quite a few beefs and flame wars in my day, and I'd say you handled this properly.
>hi I'm an awful person that nobody likes
>join my discord so you can talk to me
see the problem?
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>i do work
i dont count odd and ends/mowing lawns to be an actual job.
>Says the disappointment that gets his parents to pay his way for're in no position to say i get shit handed to me kek

Anon just stop posting your shitty cancer and i wont have to keep "wrecking you in the chat"
>has to point out the fact the he wrecked me
oh yeah, i was supposed to know that. you wrecked me. ouch. anyway, first of all, ya borin. you fucking suck. you've never had to work for anything in your life you autistic little spastic retard. second of all. kill ya self. ya life is like watching fucking grey paint dry on the walls of a small, dilapidated home that no one will ever look at and be like "hey, thats a funny, interesting, respectable house". third of all, if i catch you on the fucking side walk, im going to ask you for a friendly game of smash melee. 3 stock. fox only. no items. final destination. then we'll really see who has the last laugh.
Ey phox. How's it going?
stop spamming
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Just report him for advertising. He'll be taken care of eventually.
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I used to work here mods are literally asleep
if he gets a ban it'll be 1-3 days
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>tfw you know this information and thats the only reason you're doing this right now
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Oh im sorry your right. Better let the threads continue to be a shit storm.
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actually, yes
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Its about damn time someone with a real brain showed up.
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Pretty good, actually. I finally got a Destiny Knot in Sun and I'm ready to build a new team of Pokemon. I'm starting with Slowbro this time.
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cant draw
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I would rub that handsome doge's ears.
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i have 2 doge's
>I finally got a Destiny Knot
>Destiny Knot

Wait, what?

Kinda missed what you were saying there. Got distracted.
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chapelle no.gif
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Requesting you draw a tall tree in a forest.
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No lives matter.jpg
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Aight cool. Thats 2 threads turned to shit. Id day a job well done. I'll see you nigguh tomorrow to see if i cant ruin a few more. I leave the rest to you discordtard.
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Kiss me, you sexy fool.
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>Massive eggs
MMMmmy fetish.
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It's used for breeding, you silly goose.
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Spammer-kun, who are you? I like your taste in saved images.
Holy fuck your pathetic, good job trying to lighten it up with that horid joke at the end...but im not letting up on your ass until you accept that you're a burden on not only this thread, but on your parents.

>youve never had to work for anything in your life...
How many times can one man be this retarded before hurting themselves? Gonna say it again and gonna keep saying it till you get it:
How do you think you're in the position to say i dont work for what ive got when i have 2 jobs and majoring in astrophysics while you have no real job, have your parents paying for you, and decided "fine arts" was the best choice?

Let me guess, you thought it would be fun and relatively easy, or maybe you have a friend that convinced you that it was an easy class so you too the easy route.... so now you're butthurt that i have it better than you right now cause i actually took the smarter approach instead of being lazy.

Also you're butthurt is showing with those wild assumptions and random comebacks about dry paint...running out of material?
>tfw you discord post while listening to this song on repeat
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>Destiny knot
What the fuck nintendo
I love it.

Sorry about that, I keep getting distracted for some reason.
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a la la foolickum.png
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Welp. Doubt OR is still here. And it turned out horrible.
catgoreman :^)
is a board dedicated to drawthreads
why do we need one on /b/...
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a la la foolickfing redded.png
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Why did the red not show up...
Still here Mundy?
We can all make random ass shit out of our ass to make ourselves look good ON THE INTERNET!

I got 3 jobs, one is an astronaught, one is a rockstar, and the other is a pimp.
Cuz porn?
Because /i/ is fucking dead anon.
transparency? :o
oh yeah im president elect, a superhero, billionaire, and even a deity
This is pretty hot.

Keep going.
> good job trying to lighten it up with that horid joke at the end
ive been "lightened up" the whole time, literally dancing right now
>but im not letting up on your ass until you accept that you're a burden on not only this thread, but on your parents.
ok, i can low key respect the fact that you are literally trying to get on to me about living with my parents, its autistic as hell, but ill take the L for not having my shit not completely together, and the only thing ill say in my defense is that im prob moving out before im 22
>Let me guess, you thought it would be fun and relatively easy, or maybe you have a friend that convinced you that it was an easy class so you too the easy route.... so now you're butthurt that i have it better than you right now cause i actually took the smarter approach instead of being lazy.
you're completely right, im not ready for college, i was actually at a very depressed point in my life for a long time, and im trying to break out of that, but yeah you're right, only thing is i convinced myself i needed to go to college right out of highschool
>Also you're butthurt is showing with those wild assumptions and random comebacks about dry paint...running out of material?
its called a joke, "lighten" up
I guess. Doesn't make it any better or whatnot. Just something to do for a couple dozen minutes until the sun rises.
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Magic n shit.png
91 KB, 800x800
Fucking magical, right?
wtf too green
>28 posters
>293 steps further away from god
>no breaks
>no escape
Fucking damn it Donald.
Get off /b/
Hello friends, back from my break.
T-thanks anon.
Except im not, wnat details? School? Both jobs names? My Professors name? You can look them up faggot...

Not sure if your the discord spammer but if you are, dont talk shot about proof if you havent given any, whats wrong is it too had to believe that someone is actually trying and calling you out on you lazyness?
You fucking like that don't you, you slut?
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>until the sun rises

I'm gonna have tacos for breakfast I think
I only have one, but he is bae.
Well, if you stop like that, I'm not going to like it, Anon.
And you are...........?
That sounds wonderful.
my thoughts exactly. the only ones i recognized on this thread were mundy and ruby
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oh i dont use discord but thank you
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Already forgotten feels bad man well I'll be taking reqs or whatever.
it's onion head, the pinis version.
ahh thats alright, thanks
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Ill lighten up when you stop with the discord cancer

Remember when i said i can keep going till i feel bad? Well seeing as i got every one of my insults spot on with your reality, i feel bad that i rekt you spot on

so im gonna enjoy this burnt down thread and in return i expect you to be mature amd stop posting your cancer discord.
>I got to college for astrophysics
>Spells multiple words wrong even with auto-correct and spell correct

>don't talk shot about proof
But in this entire argument you haven't.
>someone is actually trying and calling you out on you lazyness?
>still not the original dude. Was just calling you on your shit
Believing that someone is lazy? Sure.
You having two jobs, AND college for a masters in astrophysics, now THAT'S something I can call bullshit on all day.
>Let me show you at all this info I can pull up off google

Yeah, I go to Yale, My professors name is Ian Shapiro, and my two jobs are Apple, and Microsoft.
You can totally tell I work there because I just gave you all that info.

You fucking suck at arguing anon. Maybe you should take Debate as your major
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>it's onion head
oh you flatter me~

any quick requestos?
It's laziness.
Draw you crying like the little bitch you are
rule number 1. the autistic shitposting DOES NOT STOP
rule number 2. the danzing DOES NOT STOP
chill back there man, you got some of em on, just the ones about college, which was the only thing you were talking about anyway if you're enjoying the burnt down thread, why havent you lightened up?
Requesting a buizel nuzzling it's trainer.
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yup it sure is
Holy shit anon ive never seen someone get rekt into submission like that

moonman poster you may be the greatest enternet warrior ive seen on /b/ do you hapen ta be an oldfag cause i can only amagine someone with experience of an oldfag to be that good at flamewars
kill yourself you freak
yeah i knew he was prob lying, but hes trying so hard ya know?
Requesting you draw a bird lady.
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1 MB, 160x160
Talk to me friends, what's got you all worked up?
>any quick requestos?
Draw a dog girl with the biggest butt you can imagine
Honestly? Way to much to fucking type. You donkey raping shit eater.
discordfag reported for spamming his link.

the internet police will deal with you soon enough.
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they seem equally autistic to me, this whole thread is an embarrassment to society
>rekt into submission
i knew he was lying, and i just wanted to follow through just incase he does major in astrophysics. i know hes probably baiting, but im looking for people with life skills here, and if he is nothing like what he is pretending to be righ tnow, hes the real one that has lost tbh.
no u xd
Its ok i got time. Your parents arguing again? I know puberty is a bit rough but you can talk to me about it.
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You make fun of it. But in realitly my bro recently died. We used to do this kinda shit all the time.. really the only way to remeber him for me.
Nice. Thank you.
Lol, premium cringe.

that's what I was saying before. it's impressive tbh.
This is pin posting under anon, isn't it?
ha except I'm not kidding
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aint me fren
If it's not too much to ask for can we see her from the front too?
There we go I just wanted some honest emotion my dude. Sorry about your bro I have one myself and I'd feel like dying if I lost him.
maybe next time
i gotta get goin
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clank clank madafaka
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No it's the lizard looking guy I'm not very well known though. I wish I could draw like pin though she is adorable.
That's pretty amazing.

Can I request this bird sitting with an anon, with both enjoying glasses of champagne?
Yeah thats prettt much my next step. Suicide or copious amounts of drugs to forget i ever had a bro.
Alright what proof can i post then? Pics of my college that i took myself? Cause at this point it seems like even if i did provide proof, you would call bull shit somehow...

>not the original discord anon
Then why are you interrupting my attempts at getting his cancer off this thread?

>assuming i have spell check on or anything other than auto capitalize on
>being a "garamur notsi" on b

Sit the fuck down and get the fuck out, soory its hard for you to believe that someone on here is actually succeeding with hard work on here

Not an oldfag by oldfag standards...been here since 08 or 09 so "oldfag" by new b standards yes i guess... but its not experience thats winning me this "flame war" its intelligence the fact that discord guy isnt the smartest person in this thread (probably not even in the top 10)
Okay. Thanks again.
need drawfags in my server (last time)
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just finished mah routine

how are ya boiis??
>last time
You have failed me my nigguh
Kill yourself
How old was he if you don't mind me asking?
Hard. I mean erect! I mean....Hey there dude guy
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fucking kek.png
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Thread replies: 360
Thread images: 125

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