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When is it OK to hit a woman? Protip: everytime. Webm very much

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
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Thread replies: 168
Thread images: 22
File: She fucken asked for it .webm (1 MB, 720x404) Image search: [Google]
She fucken asked for it .webm
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When is it OK to hit a woman? Protip: everytime. Webm very much related, she really asked for it, watch all 56 seconds.
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Falcon punch.gif
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Bonus, girl making sexy spiderdance.
cunt deserved it
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Rekt and kekd
>not naming file johnny_cage.gif
virgin detected
how can she slap?
You really are full retard, you know that, don't you?
Time to leave.
Love how they gently handed her down to another Chad so she could go peacefully on her way.
That's an ideal way to handle that situation. She was waving a weapon around.
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if you straight punch a girl like this youre just a pussy bitch. even if shes hitting you

this is how you do it. you dont punch them violently in the face, you get control of them. good self defense grabbing the chair and using its range as a weapon
Fuck outta here, it's 2016. Feminism is a thing now. If a woman hits you, you hit her right the fuck back. Equal treatment for everyone.
Last I checked women applied for the whole equality thing. You want to hit a motherfucker you are going to get hit.
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fuck off neckbeards. no girl is ever getting close to you so dont even worry about it
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Ideally, I think this is the route one should go about it.

Gif related
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>Implying there is ever a wrong time to hit a woman
It's ok but you're a total fucking pussy if you can't just restrain her and rape her without punching
>Hit someone back if they hit you
Stop trying to fit in newfriend.
Clearly you've never been in school. Even thirdwave feminists think it's okay to hit a woman under the right circumstances.
Me AND my wife firmly believe in equality though. Which means when it comes down to it of she hits you equal rights means she gets got the same.
Yeah haha a little girl brushed past me while I was walking down the street so I kicked her teeth in and gave her a little taste of equality! This is what real men do!
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Hitting a girl is no different then if you 6'4 300 lbs and you fight a guy who's 5'8 150 lbs. You're still a pussy for beating someone if you're immensely stronger than them, whether it's a man or a woman.
>this is how you do it.
I didn't notice the guy having access to a chair in the first video, nor some friends to her the lady off a balcony that doesn't exist.

> You're a pussy bitch if you punch a girl
> You should grab a chair and use it as a weapon

Are you even conscious right now?
>That file name.
That does not look like a woman who asks for anything. She *demanded* to be hit.
Punching a girl with a closed fist is retarded and you're not a man if you do. Men are a lot stronger than women, you might as well be punching a kid. What's the accomplishment? You knocked out someone who is significantly weaker than you. Good job, you're finally a man!
There's nothing like a bit of false equivalence.
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Alpha confirmed.
Pfft, took him 5 hits to knock her down. What a pussy.
This dudes a fuckin shit stain. I'm all for men defending themself against cunts who think they can punch you and spit on you and get away with it because of their pussy pass. But one good slap would've done it. The asshole goes all tyson on her. It looks like he wanted her to keep going so he could just unload. fuck him.
double standard, always blame them men even if they are the victim of abuse. kill yourself faggot
You get nothing what so ever out of it. They however get taught a valuable lesson: that being an out of control, violent shit doesn't pass without any consequences. One should never initiate violence but the idea that women should be immune from it is retarded.
She hit him with 12 or so tiny demoralizing slap punches and he clocked her and knocked her to the ground. The guy's a pussy but I hope he feels like a real big man doing that to somebody smaller. He was standing and just absorbing her punches basically pissing her off further. If he grabbed her by her arms nobody would have got hit.
I'm not blaming the man you fucking idiot. It's unnecessary to punch a girl with a closed fist. You act as if girls even go within 50 feet of you anyways. You shouldn't worry about anything.
dudes wasted

This was supposed to be for
good impact but doesn't leave a fist mark! Brilliant! like smacking someone with a big summer sausage!
When did I say that women should be immune to violence? If she's slapping you and you continue to get into her face, and she keeps slapping you, there's obviously something wrong. Just walk away. And if you absolutely need to hit her for some reason, just slap her back.
fuck that, ive been in an abusive relationship, bitch would over react and emotionally and physically abuse me, i only stayed because of the kid. only time i ever hit her was because she hit our son with a hot iron because he spilled his juice box on the floor. i still lost custody and now have assault on my record. people who are willing to put their so through a barrage of hits no matter how weak, are guaranteed to be abusive partners. dude was pushed to his limit. i do not condone his behavior but ill never defend a scumbag bitch like that
Its not about feeling like a man. Its about being pushed to the edge, human beings have tempers. You don't know if that happened earlier. What if shes been hitting him the whole relationship? Its not justifiable but its understandable
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all that hitting a girl in the face does is prove youre a wimp who cant restrain her. literally, you could hit her stomach and knock the aind out of her. hit her leg and make her collapse. if you go for face, youre a pussy

didnt need to hit her in the face retard. he was too much of a bitch to restrain her, he took his neckbeard enotional problems out on her

are you retarded? he didnt violently hit her with the chair dipshit, he used it as a blunt blow to force her to the ground. punches are a lot more violent

women arent as strong as men dumbfuck. a punch from a man and women are 2 separate things

i dont really care what feminists think. going for face shows youre a pussy

i dont care what you believe. if you cant control yourself to take charge of the situation using restraint instead of violence, youre a bitch. simple as.

fuck off all you triggered fruitcakes. the only thing that should be hitting your girls face is a thick black dong

Not really so.... all her slaps added up, would be a total of five os so punches. Basic maths......
b-but m-m-my equality!!1!1!
kill yourself faggot the only one triggered here is you.
lil bitch literally clicked every comment he disagreed to make a cuck comment

This thread is about equality. Feminists want that, right? Equality? "I can do anything a man can do... only better!" That's the mantra, yes?
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>punch a girl in the stomach- don't realize she's pregnant, kill baby...a-at least I didn't hit her in the face
>punch stomach, fuck up her organs and seriously fuck someone up

pro tip: there's a reason why body-shots are a thing in boxing- because they can disable, kill, or seriously injure you. Beyond that, most people are stupid and would hit kidneys/bladder, which is illegal because these spots can SERIOUSLY fuck you up

There's no punching/kicking in the legs/stomach, you're ending a fight. You're not going to treat these assholes like butterflies and not go for their perfect beautiful little face.

>replies with a cuck image

You don't need much more than a punch to the leg or arm to stop a woman. For the last time, we are a lot stronger than women. A woman punching you is a lot different than a man punching you, is it not? I'm not saying you can't punch her, I'm just saying that it's completely unnecessary. And it is. It's like a kid slapping you, you grab the kid by his arm and slap the shit out of it. You take control of the situation and restrain them. You don't punch the kid in his face 4 times.
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fuck off manlet

if you hit a girl you dont rear back and unleash all force your neckbear bibgo wing arms can muster. you use controlled force you apply the right anount of hurt.

>he thinks he can punch hard enough to kill a ferus
>he thinks he can punch hard enough to damage an organ
kek'd at your noodlearms you 5'7 weirdo

girls are dumbasses, one kick to their thigh and theyre down. and if you arent a manlet, you can just tackle them and hold them down. maybe punch their leg and give them a charlie horse

>punch leg or arm

Are you gonna crouch down and punch her in the leg? Have you ever done this in a real fight? Pro tip, you're gonna get kicked in the fucking face.


That's not gonna stop anyone. That's going to escalate the situation into a full on fight.
sorry but abusive girls turn me on so much, dominate them with my dick.

cucks need not apply
>enraging someone 'a lot stronger' than you.

The stupid tart deserves it.
And if she keeps attacking you, restrain her and use your superior strength to take control of the situation. But no, the only solution is punching her in the face with a closed fist. You're obviously going to win. You have weight, height, reach, and strength on her. A woman slapping you isn't okay and she needs to know that, but there are other ways besides going all out and knocking her out in the street.

>jumping through hoops in a fight against another (((equal))) sex so as to not enrage cucks

I'm not a degenerate like you, I don't have all day to deal with snotty little cunts. I'm not flailing around asking a little princess to stop and restrain her and hurrr durr durr she's getting the same treatment as everyone else.

If a manlet with absolutely no muscle started shit with me am I supposed to do the same thing? Wrestle him around like a faggot and restrain him because he's weaker than me?

Fuck off, cuck.
This. Women wanted equality. They bitched, whined, marched, donated, and organized for it.

Well, equality is getting punched in the fucking jaw in precisely the same situation as a man. Welcome.
Kek, bitch pushed too far.

No. There really fucking aren't. They're emotionally imbalanced enough to the point that only physical pain is going to make them think twice about doing that stupid shit again. If you show that you're not going to hit them, they're going to keep going and going and going because you've shown them there's no real consequences for their actions. The age of chivalry is over and too many woman are slow in realizing this fact.
You don't talk to women, I understand that. You're not a man for hitting a woman. It just shows how much of a pussy you are that you have to resort to laying out someone significantly smaller and weaker than you. You're probably the type of weak faggot who abuses their pets to make them feel superior. Little do you know that it only makes you look like a weak, pathetic excuse of a man.
why do you bring height into the discussion on an anonymous internet board? Your first insult was to call him a manlet when you don't even know who he is, or if he's even a he.

tl;dr you're a retard, come up with better insults.
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More women being beated?
Women should be arrested when they try to assault someone.

These are a lot of assumptions based solely on how I'd react to a woman assaulting me. You're incapable of reasoning and properly arguing, I get that. You're a cuck and a liberal. I have nothing against you kiddy.
Act like a man get treated like a man
Spotted the pinko-fag!
Never said they shouldn't.
>You're a cuck and a liberal
This website is 18+ and I hope you know that.
Then how come they don't? And what's to stop them from assaulting someone a second time?
Putting that bitch in her place and letting her know that she isn't going to get away with hitting you. She needs to learn. And no, I don't mean punching her in the face multiple times and knocking her out. There are other ways to stop a fight, especially when your opponent is a lot weaker than you.
You're a pussy for not having the guts to hit a woman. You're too fucking afraid of what people will think of you, to the point where you'll take abuse from someone just because they have a vagina.
I laugh at you, you pathetic excuse of a man.
Ok, so how do you "put that bitch in her place" without knocking her out?
word on the street is that you are cuck! I say they are right! If you are retarded enough to not recognize that your actions have reactions and throw yourself as an autist at the obvious bigger player you deserve to be destroyed for your retardedness. You have to pay for your stupidy nothing personal kid
Because most every woman knows all they need to do is cry a little bit and make a fuss about how their being mistreated due to their gender. Then all these feminist organizations break out their signs and get on the march to vindicate a woman who for all intents and purposes should have criminal charges brought up against her. If our government won't make these bitches learn, it's up to us.

Equals rights? Equals lefts.
You clearly haven't been listening to anything I've been saying.
You outweigh her and are a lot stronger than her. Figure it out. It's not rocket science.
No one should. He's right. Which was obvious to everyone, even you, once you started the stupid bullshit, "oh, I bet you kick puppies" nonsense.

Your argument is garbage.

I'm probably older than you kiddy
>Figure it out.
Hit her.
Now tell me what you'd do.
Did you not read the post you replied to?
And what does this teach the woman? She can strike another human being all she wants and all she'll suffer is a confining bear hug. Then what? You let her go and she keeps swinging because your male strength has driven her to mindless anger, as she's been shown just how meek and helpless she is against the target of her anger.
You sure aren't acting like it.
Nah, I outweigh her and I'm stronger than her. But I'm pretty stupid, so help me out here buddy... how do I "put her in her place" so that she stops assaulting people?
rumor has it she went home and masturbated to the thought of being gangbanged by them
I was using that as an example you retard. He's the type of guy who thinks he's hot shit because he can beat the fuck out of someone a lot smaller than him. I've gotten into fights before. It's not fun to fight someone smaller than you, because it's easy and there's absolutely no point to it. You lose more than you gain.
That's literally 90 percent of 4chan.. insecure women hating manlets. Don't expect support here.. they will gang up on you and call you a white knight because you don't believe in hitting tiny women.
God, now you just sound like an edgy faggot.
>not fun to fight someone smaller than you
It's never fun to fight, you fucking faggot. It just makes it easier and quicker if you're against someone smaller than yourself.
I jerked off to this when she was hitting him
You can easily restrain her. If she keeps going, slap her. There's no need to use brute force when dealing with someone significantly weaker than you. Or you can go all out and knock her out. It just seems to me as if you're compensating for something.
He's right you know. About the lack of support part.

Now why don't both of you faggots get back to lurking.
>hitting tiny women.
So it's okay to hit tall women?
>le overcompensating
>small penis bro? XDDD
I also never said you shouldn't hit women. I said don't use excessive force when dealing with them. But these disgusting neckbeards call me a cuck and a liberal because I don't hit women with closed fists. These guys are fucking pathetic.
Sometimes a slap is more than enough to stun and woman and make her think again.

Sometimes all it does is drive them into a deeper fury.

Best thing to do is /always/ handle this sort of shit on a case by case basis.
should've just subdued her.
hitting a woman - not a very manly thing to do.
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Feminism 2016
>" I want the same rights as men "
Well okay, that's fine.
>" I want to punch them like they punch us "
Then we should have the fucking right to knock your ass out.
>inb4 you're a pussy bitch if you punch them in the face
Guess what faggot, we're all human beings and it doesn't matter what you look like, what gender you are, what race you are, etc, you're still going to get punched right back. Everyone gets the option to have self defense, so I'm not afraid to knock a bitch out no matter if she's a girl or a boy.

Lastly, sometimes a bitch needs to learn her lesson.
Sounds like you're a beta pussy, human beings are human beings. I would fucking drop kick a midget for punching my knees, I don't care how small you are if you're worried about being overwhelmed then don't start shit with someone bigger than you, i'd drag my sack over your face and the bitch you're defending too pussy boy
Haha nice one!
Story behind photo?
Yet hitting a man is a womanly thing to do?

I trust you can see the bullshit double standard here.
Well thing is, you restrain her, then what? You just stay there for hours on end until they tap out? Clearly the one who hasn't dealt with any women here is you, believe me, they won't stop because you "restrain them", they'll just keep going, and going, you are right in that you don't need to knock her out, but giving her a good punch in the face is a good solution, it shows that you will react to her actions.
>should of subdued her
>hitting a woman-not a very manly thing to do.
found the cuck white knight
Where are you getting this double standard bullshit argument for? You're a little bitch. Abuse isn't okay either way. Hitting a man isn't a "womanly thing to do". It's stupid and it's wrong. Same thing for the other way around.
raped & murdered lel. her killer was so lucky to hit that fine piece of pussy.
I don't think any of us have any reason to worry. This is Trump's America now. Soon we'll be able to grab 'em by the pussy and give 'em a body slam.
>if she keeps going, slap her
Seems like you missed that part, buddy.
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I have only tried being violent towards a woman once, but damnit did I try not to be
>she pushes me
>'please dont push me'
>she slaps me
>'stop, please'
>she hits me
>tell her I'll hit back if she as much as touches me again
>she hits me
>okay last chance
>she hits me
>knock her in the face
>she starts crying and screaming
>her friend asks me why I would do that, she's only a girl
>my face
and if she continues beyond that?
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Never said that actually, i think you replied to the wrong post
Wife means having someone to fight you when a woman gets stupid, single guys get hurt all the time trying not to hit women that deserve it badly. I just pepper spray everything that moves now, shit is great for ending a confrontation without sending some 120 pound college kid to jail for getting hit by drunk cunt and leaving bruised on her arms trying to get away. Thank god for video cameras being everywhere.
I'd suggest forming a full thought before posting anything on his board again, faggot.
People who say hitting a girl is pussy, has never been with a girl. Let alone had a girl trying to instigate you into hitting them
See, that's the shit... how does restraining her "put her in her place". Oh no, if I beat someone they will hug me.. then what? Also, you've never done it with a crazy bitch I can tell. They start clawing at your stomach and scratching the shit out of you. But more importantly again, how does restraining someone "teach them a lesson". They're going to assault you once, get restrained, calm down. Then next time they've got nothing stopping them from assaulting you again and repeating the cycle of abuse.
Only argument SJWs have is
>youre a pussy
>youre not a man
It's fun how SJWs are the ones most opposed to equality
I was talking about my post, the one you replied to.
>if she keeps going, slap her
You missed that part of my post didn't you?
>and if she continues beyond that?
You missed that part of my post didn't you?
I'm not against hitting a man or a woman in self defence. But that guy just stood there and let her hit himself. And by the time she calmed down, then he decides to hit her. And that's what pussies like you do.

> should HAVE subdued her
not "of". You might wanna go to school, white trash cunt.
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Prove it.
Keep slapping the bitch. What I'm saying is that there's no need for brute force to handle a woman and teach her a lesson. A few slaps should do the trick.
I'm pretty certain that guy told her to stop while she was hitting him
>a parade of slaps
>not bruce force
I get it. You, personally, decide the perfect amount of violence approved.
In this case. Slaps.
Guess I'll try to adress this part in this one then, yeah a good slap could work too, though that sometimes even that isn't enough, i tried that once, and it just made things a lot worse, practically to the point that my life was at risk, so there is that. If anyone wants to hear the story, just say so.
And what's that style of self-defence called?
A slap isn't the same as a closed fist, you ignorant fuck. If you can't tell the difference between a fucking haymaker and a slap, you might be retarded.
This is for you

Anyone that attacks you has the potential to do serious harm and protecting yourself from that harm trumps any made up vision of honor or rules of fighting or chivalry or whatever BS excuse you give for telling people they must submit to being attacked. Also, retreating and not defending yourself encourages that aggressive bullying behavior, a known fact to anyone over the age of 5.

You're fucking simple.
So you're basically a minimum level of force to diffuse the situation type of guy?
If the situation requires a minimum level of force to diffuse, yes.
Once during sex my wife slapped me which I absolutely hate. I told her to stop and she did it again. Insta boner kill. But instead of using our yellow light word, I threatened to hit her back. She slapped again so I gave her a little baby slap.

She looked shocked but slapped me again. So I hit her harder. This continued to escalate until we were beating the shit out of each other. Then we came.

We've never repeated it but it was the most intense, fucked up sex we've ever had.
>her friend asks me why I would do that, she's only a girl
I've also tried this before, but I only shoved the girl in my case.
HUUUUGE justice boner
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What is the minimum level of force required to diffuse a situation like this?
That force is called thrust.
You'll need to engage your hips to generate the thrust required for penetration.
>crazy bitch
found your problem.

there is no fucking winning when dealing with an unstable person.
do not fuck her, do not get romantically involved and at the first sign they are unstable enough to do shit like fucking claw at your stomach like a animal? Fucking. Leave.
it's not your job to fix psychologically/emotionally fucked women. Leave them the fuck alone they'll ruin their own lives and the lives of anyone they latch on.

The only solution is to remove yourself from that situation entirely. Punching them in the face is not going to fix it.
>Punching them in the face is not going to fix it.

Punching them in the face is going to satisfy me.
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Leaving them alone is also not going to fix this.
If this is really a crazy person you wouldn't know the first time you meet with her. She can be a nice person and seem completely normal. Just mild issues. But once she's attached to you, she'll most likely track you down.

The Police is the only thing that can put a temporary fix on crazy bitchs
Too many virgins arguing, not enough webms

Shit thread
I violently assault all human life if it suits my wants.

You are the triggered fruitcake.
"Wahhh some guy on the same 'neckbeard' website*I* go to doesnt subscribe to my arbitrary moral code! Waaahhh"
its always OK OP
You know whats more satisfying?
Not stooping to their level. Leave the situation with your sanity and dignity in tact. And no assault charges on your record.
We got to kill heaps of kids with aks in DRC. I sleep fine at night.

Tell me more about your righteous combat doctrine.
In most cases, it will. They'll just find one of these other dumb fucks to latch onto and get them pregnant.

But yes, it happens. You get involved with a chick not knowing she's crazy but I'm saying when you start to see the crazy come out, it's time to pack your bags.
You seem to be under some delusion that we only want to disable them...
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I've been in those kinds of situation before. I got spit in the face simply for walking past some people. A fucking teenage gang of 14 year olds thinking they're hot shit.
Kicked me, spit me in the face, punched me.
I am still angry that I didn't punched them and played the higher game by calling the local security
>now that I've defended a random woman on the internet I only need another 11 before I get my first kiss
>A woman punching you is a lot different than a man punching you, is it not
So does this mean I have to hold back if a really skinny boy starts hitting me too?

I'm /fit/ so most people are a lot weaker than me. Is this your way of forcing anybody who is more powerful than you to submit to your rules as a coping mechanism for your weakness?

Where's the limit?
Any animal knows to mark their territory and tell people to get the fuck out of their personal space.

But humans aren't allowed to act naturally because feminism got you by the balls.
To the stupid fucks that say restrain her, how long do you restrain them for? Looks like you're just going to be trading an assault charge for a kidnapping charge. Especially if she screaming shit like "rape" or "help me"... 9 times out of 10 the public is going to take the side of the woman, even more so if you're just sitting there hugging her when she doesn't want to be hugged.

> Tl;dr you're fucked either way you handle it... White knights and ass holes alike
Their biggest insult, is to compare you to them.
There's got to be more webms than just those 3.
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edgy virgin detected.
Pic related. You are a bitch.
underrated post.
Gentlemen of straya
Daily reminder that nobody wants to fuck you, you pathetic beta faggot. Please die.
you call them triggered fruitcakes, yet you're the only one here who is pissed off he KO'ed that bitch
I did this once with a friend's gf. What a cheating piece of shit
hahaha that was fucking awesome
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Referring to yourself ?
Have you taken the brown pill yet, mateys?

it's a tough pill to swallow! The brown pill was founded in 1999 by Sir Reginald Brownpill.

Forget red and blue pills, brown pills are the way of the future.

Video related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking!

Swallow the brown pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin /pol/ maymays, this one is the readl deal.
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