fat h8- this one's for you ;) my nubian friend
How do fat people dry off after a shower
I absolutely love riddles
Shii you want a pic of mah junk and shii. You gay af.
awyeah boy, thanks for rezing the thread
you really don't have to be naked I'm sure half of /b/ would think that's too extreme. and I think your pic would fit into this thread perfectly.
How the fuck do fat people live with themselves? Or how do they even let it happen? And fuck off with you genetics in advance, your fridge filled with crisps and coke isn't genetics.
I was a little chubby in the past and I felt like shit about it, now i'm in a lot better shape and have a little bit of stomach fat and even that bothers me, how the fuck you can carry around all that shit and not spend every waking moment trying to kill yourself is beyond me.
I'm fat and I live with myself just fine. I have really bad knees so I can't be as active. :(
are you gone my nubian brother?
Have you tried swimming?
It's really cold where I am. pretty self conscious of my pepperoni nips too
When I see people like that, I don't even get angry. I just feel worried and scared for their physical health.
But then again I'm an eurofag. Probably would have despised them if I lived in america and had to look at them each and everyday.
did we offend all the fatties on /b/?
This bitch!
it just Burns the calories right off
Get in line ladies for your next teddy bear fat fucks
Once you start swimming your body will get hot enough that you won't really feel the cold. The hardest part is the first dive. If you make a promise to yourself to swim for 20 minutes - then you can see how you feel afterwards in terms of temperature. If you're fat your internal temperature won't dip anywhere dangerous in 20 minutes unless you live in the Arctic.
Shes done well. Good for her.
Stop making excuses you waste of sperm. Do something or die.
Your knees will benefit from you losing weight and you won't need replacements later on in life, and join a YMCA go to an indoor pool.
You're just making excuses.
I wish my nubian friend showed up. :( </3
good 4 her tho.
I guess you're right. I can't even fuck my girlfriend anymore.
I don't need this
trick question, they don't shower
getting thiccer
typical fat person making excuses
same girl as OPs pic
trip at Tchernobyl's consequence
Any fat fucks want to come out of hiding?
I don't know what these webms are but there are a few fat hate ones, just gonna post them since they are all cringey
I bet your fat as hell too.
My gawd
Man like, I'm 130 and 5'5 for a woman and I literally do almost nothing to keep myself this way. I eat like a horse (vegetarian because I'm tinfoil-hat about hormones in meat so that might help) and barely exercise. I go for walks about every second day but that's nothing, just 3-8 km in the park. I don't do sports or work out or diet. I drink like a fucking cod and smoked enough green to eat three helpings of homemade stirfry last night. It's not fucking hard to not be huge. I do it by accident.
Pic related, it's me.
1 - 8 are sexy
Then she just looks sick and pasty
i was. now im fit as hell
Mad models are doing it now, they're just gonna keep growing until everyone is a fat fuck. It makes me sick.
I like em in the middle row there tho
You know you're fat when your feet becomes hoves.
I think that is all the fat hate I have, how about some fucked up food?
before and after stats
Look at all those genetics on the table.
Is this satire?
>3 bananas with skin
nope, its tumblr
>tfw a picture of a fatty doesn't fit size limit
Well ok. Was not fat as hell but in direction to there.
171 85kg with big beer belly. now 65kg athletic.
I bet that's super healthy because fish is protein
You don't look fat but you also don't look entirely fit either. I'd recommend either gaining weight or joining a sport. If you get fatter you'll appeal to some peoples fetishes, and if you tone your body more your body would definitely have more sex appeal. Right now you look teetering on the edge of below average body for 20-25 year olds.
Looks like how a cartoon character looks after they eat a bunch of coins or some shit.
looking for some transformation pics. Inspire these fat motherfuckers.
Oh my gosh, i remember seeing this chick a while ago, what's her name? Is she purposely putting on so much weight?
Why are you shitting on someone who is trying to better themselves.
She's probably doing more for her life than you are with yours.
didn't know they had internet in the Shire
>Yet still smoking.
Fucking degenerate landwhale.
eww, tattoos.
Boner killed and destroyed and incinerated.
Really doesn't look like she is getting bigger after the first row to me. Just different lighting and settings.
lovely hippo
why even be that fucking fat In the first place? just an attention whore trying to respond rewards before crossing the finish line
I seriously can't understand this kind of body type. Like, you can be fat, but the rolls on these people are beyond my comprehension. What does it really take to have such fucked up features to the point where you have two guts and fat hooves for feet?
Mass effect is it's child. I can see a fuckton of mass being effected by that.
Hate to break it to her, but being fat is pretty normal in the US.
The hair alone shows she doesn't take care of herself. PASS
the comfort of mothers coddling
That's impressive though, even more so cause if her size.
but she didn't tell me how to "work" her phat ass
Metabolism plays a part, my brother eats nothing but crap yet he is still on the skinny side.
That said with minimal effort you can stay in shape regardless.
I nearly chocked on the banana i was eating!
The unmitigated disaster that is the American woman pretty much heralded the rise of the traps.
but that pic clearly shows a clean body.
she even went as far as shaving her legs.
Whatever helps you sleep at night faggot. Go drink some tea. And wait three years to get those janked up teeth of yours fixed.
can you guess the Halloween costume?
I think it's retarded to make a point out of height, but still funny.
Please, sir, can I have the source?
Is that the same as OPs pic? Not a body suit? That thing is real?! Is there a medical condition that can do that?
I think you don't understand. We hate fat fucks who do nothing about it and sometimes even pride themselves on their filthy unhealthy body. They use fatshaming as an excuse to be pathetic and do absolutely jackshit about their condition, all the while shitting on people who are actually in good condition and saying that these healthy people have been brainwashed by society. This woman is actually doing something about herself and when you think this is worth shaming someone for, then you are a part of the problem as well.
Fuck you you cunt, she's doing great.
People that say metabolism are in the right direction but the wrong word. Metabolism only really accounts for plus or minus 200 calories. The real difference is how active they are and their diet, as well as age. Teenagers can normally eat a lot more and not gain weight because they are growing. People that eat heaps during lunch but skip breakfast and only have a small dinner are more likely to shock their work mates with how much they eat but stay heaps skinny. Also some people just generally expend more energy in their day-to-day activities due to how much they walk to places or spend stressing out on things. I'm heaps tall and still technically a teenager so it's an effort for me to gain weight.
Holy shit I've never noticed that before on this pic, can't stand to look at it for more than a second, but now you've pointed it out. Holy fuck how do people think that is acceptable/healthy?!
i wouldn't call it acceptable. i'd say it's not uncommon but you'd be hard pressed to find anyone with a rational mind who would call that acceptable.
This bitch could keep the lamps in my village burning for a whole winter.
Maybe your bad knees are the result of your overweight and not the cause.
Nothing wrong with the chick in the pic. She's cute.
That's the fucking UK you dipshit, also heard of Brexit?
I have no trouble getting laid, believe me. Honestly, working out and toneing up is something I want to try to do. I have pretty good endurance, just very little definition or upper body strength. I was just posting to say that it's not hard to stay at a moderate body weight. I honestly do not understand how people can get so overweight. I don't think I could if I tried.
Two out of every three Americans are considered to be overweight or obese, it doesn't matter if it's acceptable or not, it's just the norm.
i'm so glad trump won
Yeah of course. I just thought I'd point out where you can improve just in case you thought you were set for life. Always gotta be working to improve yourself, yknow? Best of luck to you
hurr durr...
typical sympathizer. I'm sure in your book it's OK to stop and take pictures at the first mile of a marathon because hey you participated and that's all that matters. She should be fucking ashamed to show off that heinous body. and you sicken me.
This makes me sad because if she was thin she'd be really hot.
You're a chick, ofcourse you have no trouble getting laid.
>stop coke
>not even once
Just like Fat Reagan
Nobody said she stopped when she took the picture. You can take a selfie while overlapping someone and keep going from there
Very proud of the responses to this post lol. Good ppl lol.
i remember when the left was about helping workers
>tfw 5'10 and only 130 pounds
I plan on gaining fat and eventually muscle mass but i had recent back surgery. Shit sucks
What in the name of all that is holy is fucking GRAY ACE sexuality? I'm not a native english speaker.
if she were truly wanting to change she'd be ashamed of what she is. that's the difference between the people who reach the goal and gain it back in a few years and the ones who maintain
yes, this is the message i was trying to convey. the picture says the word "acceptable".
I'm not a sympathizer at all, if she stops there and goes to a macdonalds right after that she's a fat fuck that can go kill herself. That doesn't take away that she started down a path that might better her life, and if she perseveres she might just achieve something in her life. If people laugh at others who try to better themselves then they are pathetic, it's not even rational, that's just being a cunt for the sake of being a cunt.
>friend of stormfront
fat stormfags
I think it would be beneficial to everyone to be supportive of those trying to make a change and realizing they have a problem.
A big problem is that fat people are too embarrassed to go out and workout, go to the gym, go to the pool, fear of being judged.
If you see some fat person going to the gym, appreciate that these people are out there trying to lose weight, don't be a fucking asshole about it as you have no idea who this person is and how they ended up there, what matters is that they are there, overcoming their fears because they really want to change and they may be big, but you're a way bigger piece of shit if you get in the way of that.
Thanks man, have a nice day.
Me too. Need a new classical marxist political movement, or otherwise diminish this identity politics nonsense.
The only identity that matters is class identity.
congratulations you're still fat.
Whatever the fuck the little snowflake has decided it to mean this week.
Next week, it will mean something completely different and you will be a bigot for not knowing that.
>repeating digits observed
also, judging by the size of this guy's double chin he is probably at 200kg +
Yeah, but getting laid with decent, attractive men and women on a regular basis is a little different than just takeing home drunk guy home from the bar. Not that it really matters, I just prefer fuck buddies to one night stands.
Thanks for clearing that up.
Jesus Christ her genetics!
i would not go this far
but we need politicans that stand in for the needs of the small people so they can discuss with other partys and find middle ground
not faggots that want to fag because they are so modern and progressive and can show off their progresiveness on social media
she actually isn't too bad
this shit pisses me off
Do not even try to understand it, man. They literally invent new terminology for the sole purpose of shaming those who cannot possibly know it.
You would have as much luck trying to translate into English some Jesus freak's "speaking in tongues". It is gibberish to begin with and therefore impossible.
Seems she's pretty aware of that, and working on it.
Aslong as you look average you have no trouble getting any kind of guy, just minimal effort in makeup and clothing and you're there.
She's overtaking everybody on the couch though. I can understand shaming those that don't see their problem or don't try to fix it - but why the fuck shame anybody fixing it?
Only idiots let themselves get fat and only idiots applaud them for losing the weight they put on in the first place.
Would you thank a guy who robbed you and gave half the stuff back?
I'm still waiting for the day where my plane ticket doesn't cost as much as for someone twice my size.
If I have to pay for every extra KG im bringing in my bag, saving a 100kg bodyweight doesn't get taken into consideration? Fucking bullshit.
you wanted to say 1-4 right?
because I'm just a little asshole;)
how do you know its a girl?
This, fat fuckers should be taxed for air flights.
All I have, friend.
its a korean advertisment.
I'm kinda amazed how you spotted that teeny weeny cig in his fat landwhale hand
tall 5'6 346lbs here
Women want to be with me, men want to be me. Stay mad.
I wear makeup maybe twice a year when I get reallllllllly bored. I don't think (again, this is my opinion) that it's attractive, and I haven't had any issues with men over my lack of makeup- in fact most seem to prefer no makeup. Shit's hard to wash off anyway and I just don't have time for it. But I also don't shave my legs for the same reason and have never had anyone whom I wanted to sleep with mind in the slightest. All these beauty standards and really the only thing you need to do to be pretty is shower and not be a fat fuck. A decent personally and since of humor helps as well.
I don't hate fat people because as a mega-skelly, i too know what it feels like to be too lazy to work out
Yeah I fucking hate race mixing too
I'm not fat I'm just genetically immune to exercise.
Jesus how do people get as fat as that.
It's not like Dems encouraged this level of mental retardation, if anything this comes from lack of education, and white trash always votes for republicunts.
Trump won't do shit about it, but I'd love to see him remove welfare to the white trash who elected him
>we need politicans that stand in for the needs of the small people
Problem with this is that you can either support the working class globally, which requires a complete economic rethink, or locally, which is in practice just moving exploitation of workers abroad, out of sight.
Social democracies like in northern Europe are a little better, (or used to be... hello neo-liberalism) but they still require the capitalist to pay taxes, which they avoid by using tax havens etc. I don't blame them, capitalists do what capitalists do. It is the system that needs to change.
>already lost 65 pounds
at least she's trying you fucking sperglord
Stench of McDonalds fills the room
attention whore, look at the people in this thread and say that you're fat again
Depends on how good you look, I prefer no make-up aswell if they can get away with it, but for some it really won't hurt, and im talking just a bit of powder and whatnot, not the tacky, 2kg of makeup, fake eyelashes, barbiedoll getup.
And shaven legs have always been a women thing anyways, never heard any guy talk about it, and if it's just fuck buddies I cant imagine it suddenly becoming relevant.
I am fat. But not even close to this blobs. I got fat very slowly. One little bit every week and now a have a big belly. That I cant loose. I am on a diet, but getting thin is hard after the 40s.
I never notice when my gf forgets to shave her legs. Most white girls can get away with it because their hair is quite blond - but there are definitely some I know that need to shave their legs or it will look unnatractive.
Are you fucking retarded?
Read the fucking post if you can even see past the rolls of cheek fat above your seven chins.
Maybe a bit of trim or whatever, but not that it needs to be silky smooth 7 days a week.
I liked it when my gf shaved her legs, but the stubble is worse than just some hair.
Aslong as you just keep shit in check it shouldn't be an issue.
just how do you get that fat. How do you allow yourself to get to this point.
You have to actually try to be this fat. On purpose.
Being overweight and being aware of it is something else than being massively obese to a point where you can't do anything anymore and are on the brink of dead constantly.
brilliant lol
Could have been it it wasn't some faggot who posted some edgy shit so he could screenshot it himself and post it on the internet because that's what cool kids do.
Man, Boogie really does look better with a beard
that's age not cellulite.
I'm looking for the pic of a fat woman with extremely fat wrists. She seems to be in the audience of a TV show. Does anyone have it ?
No. Only idiots don't let themselves get fat. A lot of the times it's parents over feeding their kids. And it just sticks with them for life and they get stuck in a circle.
Only losers will bash people who are trying to get their life in order.
I was a lazy fuck for nearly a year, only ate chips, drank beer and generally living unhealthy. And I just recently hit 90kg (metric best system) with 1,86m height. Granted at one pointt I had 54kg ssame height, but holy shit HOW DO YOU BECOME A WHALE LIKE THIS!
I've only met a few cases where the parents aren't fatties.
I was fat in my teens too. Was about 14 when I started to change that, not even dieting just made it a habit to do mundane stuff as energyfull/tiring as possible
what maniac keeps crisps in the fridge?
Fair point, probably just easy access as the fridge is the only thing they can reach without having to move.
I had never thought of that before but I applaud your message.
I have heard of a few fatties crying because they had to pay for the second seat they occupy though so I guess that's a start
Ive been on a constant diet for my entire life, and have been going to the gym since i was 12, and ive always envied you guys with fast-ass metabolisms, you got it good
i hate the fact that when i go and have dinner with my friends they eat like pigs and gain nothing, with absolutely 0 activity, while i wake up in the morning with 2 pounds more...
sofa in the kitchen?
I think there is some airline somewhere that does that, some kind of tropical island where a lot of people are obese, they make their customers pay by weight I believe, Samoa maybe.
Seems nothing but fair to me, if you weight 150kg and I weigh 75kg, and I have to pay a good amount just to take 20kg with me, then why can you take another 75kg without having to pay for it, or why do I have to pay for 75kg I don't bring ,depending on what the prices are base on.
Probably a fridge next to the bed.
Commending dump of hate/shame
You have a shit metabolism because you do nothing but diet. Excercise to increase it.
Moar dump!
The way the body distributes fat is the edgiest art of all
With a forklift probably.
It's like you could pull them out of it, like a suit.
That looks like a fatsuit
Heap-big Apache detected
What about this
Imagine having literal oven-mitts for feet/hands made out of fat
Ya Ali Madad
Some OC fat hate
theyre bad because you`re a fat cunt, you fat cunt
I feel so bad for this guy. Like he had a eating disorder and he couldn't help it and i think he's dead now actually.
>inb4 moralfag
bullet through the eyesocket for these fat fucks
Well done to her. You are a tosser
She eats 2 whole loaves of bread on top of those sandwiches?
He kind of looks like my bed's pillow.
> Literal flesh pillow, only good for being baked in the oven so my sides can be rendered.
am I beach body ready?
thank fuck he is dead
Isnt that Jiggle Caliente from RuPauls drag race? You cant take the piss outta Jiggly
Best part is, she's more than likely on the dole. I couldn't eat two hole loaves in 2 weeks let alone a day
You don't have the insulation or buouyancy to compete with this
looks like this fat lard
Dump ending due to a lack of (you's)
Bitch didn't drop the cupcake
thats why you wash the clothes you bought before wearing them
Ive never seen more than two ass cheeks on one person before
how about now?
"I can show you the world... "
someone should murder that disgusting thing
*these bitches
Once you see the frog face it cannot be unseen.
That cant be from just eating and being lazy.
Odd, I'm not having any problem at all.
Seems like there is more going on there than just fat.
most likely involves heart failure and peripheral edema
theres no shame in that, she lost a ton and is still aiming to lose a lot more.
gtfo faggot
>Your knees will benefit from you losing weight
My Dad noticed that his knees were starting to age out on him. His doctor told him that, when he decided it was time, he would need to get5 knee replacement surgery.
Instead,, Dad got a cane, and leaned on it until his knee didn't hurt any more. He then did the same thing with the cane resting on a scale instead of the floor, and noted how much weight the scale said was resting on the cane -- then lost that much weight so his knees would stop hurting. He was able to put off knee replacement for about a decade that way.
Her glands are X-box hueg.
His is died
Is that a brussel sprout or broccoli? If the former, I can understand her reaction
I would think that sexuality would not be something that comes up often enough that it needs to nail down too precisely.
That is likely the result of really sagging skin following massive weight loss.
So, let you imagination chew on the implications of THAT for a moment.
Theres a big difference between a reaction of "ew I dont like this. I need to calmly spit it out" and gagging from almost eating it like a fucking 5 year old.
any other info on her?
Bump, I am genuinely interested. Also, how do they have sex, if they even can?
god damn what the fuck happened to james gandolfini
I was going to make the joke about whether she meant allistic or aurtistic, but I had to look up what allistic means. And now I know that she definitely meant autistic.
Made me laugh
Be fair -- peanut butter and mayonnaise are essential for a banana sandwich.
fucking nasty, she's still gross AF. Fucking hippo get liposuction instead of trying to work off all that disgusting fat, her fat ass will be dead from diabetes long before she looks even some what fuckable.
Probably doggystyle
33 pounds?! Fair play to her. No hate here.
Oh shit, my Gran used to make "congealed salads" all the damn time.
Protip: Vegetables in Jello is not as great an idea as it sounds
Damn -- now I miss her...,
Not sure what the point of your story is.
She is fucking trying at least.
MY sides, this cannot be real
>>Yet still smoking.
I doubt the smoking will significantly shorten his life, might as well enjoy himself.
Only upside is that it looks more interesting as some plain fucking leaves on your plate.
Poor bitch. Those genetics. Poor whale. Raped my Ronald McDonald at the tender age of all of her life. Poor planet :/
Still not asking for it.
This is fat, but by no means as severe by most things in this thread, this still allows you to have a normal life and not require a crane to get out of bed.
But still insane.
They don't, blubber is self cleaning at that size, kinda like a sloths hide.
>that's just being a cunt for the sake of being a cunt.
Hi. welcome to /b/, I hope you enjoy your time with us.
Here, have a dank meme.
my grandma who is skinny as fuck said this used to be a big thing to do in the 70's and earlier
it's more of a taste sensibility thing like all the jello dinner molds of the 50's
the phillipines have fried chicken and a bit of spaghetti as like a common meal
This isn't even served in america it's an asian thing.
the idea is since an icon of another era who was famous for her perfect face and bleach blonde hair and slutty actions then all basic bitches who also have cellulite are basically her
thats like saying all dudes with arms and legs are practically michael jordan or wayne gretsky
the whole fat acceptance became because frustrated people fucked with fat people to begin with. if that hadn't been the case, there would be no fat acceptance social groups. it became out of fat people's urge to not bee seen as subhumans. nobody wants to be seen as subhuman.
>hurr durr they could just eat less and we wouldn't have this problem
what if someone wants to be fat? do you honestly think that fat people get laid or have a rich social life? they don't, because they are seen as subhumans. you try to sugarcoat your frustration fueled hatred with how concerned you are about their health, while you honestly don't give a flying fuck about it. the only emotion you feel is hatred due to your own life being shitty, again, due to something that you can work on.
>hurr durr, you say all this because you're a fat loser and you come up with excuses to stay fat huuurrr duuurrrr
it's irrelevant. why would you believe me if i said i wasn't? or if i said i was? fat people don't need your acceptance or otherwise. can't you just be indifferent? who hates homosexuals the most? heterosexuals who are not having sex. who hates fat people the most? skinny people who can't gain weight because they don't have a healthy appetite. who hates cancer the most? cancer victims and their families. in order to manifest a frustration there must be one. if you weren't butthurt for some reason you wouldn't be posting this shit here.
for tl/dr people, your hateful comments and fat people's insecurity made this fat acceptance bullshit. by posting about it you're just fueling it more. are you addicted to frustration? because this is what this shit leads to. you're a part of the chain of frustration that stops you all from actually doing something in your life.
The average australian woman.
>It's not like Dems encouraged this level of mental retardation,
I would like to visit the planet you are from, itr sounds interesting. Here on Earth, the Democrats thrive on identity politics that divide people into ever-smaller and more Balkanized groups, and the creation of perceived victim status.
> if anything this comes from lack of education,
Which is why you never see this sort of idiocy on college campuses, right? It's them ignant dirt farmers who insist on "restroom equality" and "safe spaces for trans-Martins."
>and white trash always votes for republicunts
I am sort of doubtful that Trump got a lot of votes from the "I identify as an attack helicopter" crowd.
Rather this than "fat is beautiful"
to be fair bmi is shit
I'm 6'2 and a muscular dude so I hover between 220 and 235 based on my workouts of the last month and how i'm eating
I don't think I've ever broken 15% bodyfat in my life and am usually around 8-10%
Chernobyl plz :( we care for you
Ha, this person is actively making healthy decisions in their life and is proud of their accomplishments! HA!
what a waste
She's got a disgusting blob of a body but she's got some dece tattoos. Probably woulda been some cute alt grill if she didn't move to Twinkie Town
You look good for a slim thicc chick
Also tits or gtfo
unholy abomination
>I think there is some airline somewhere that does that, some kind of tropical island where a lot of people are obese, they make their customers pay by weight I believe, Samoa maybe.
Many very small "Island Hop" airlines often have to weigh passengers -- I know the one that runs from "mainland" Ireland out to the Aran Islands does this, and some others here and there I've used.
It is not so much economic as a safety concern -- the planes are small, and weight distribution within the plane is something that has to be balanced out properly. Seats are assigned with weight distribution in mind, then the luggage stowed in various compartments to trim things off nicely.
What happens to these people when they die? I mean honestly. How do their bodies break down? What is the funeral like? The size of the coffin? How many pallbearers does it take or do they just use a forklift or something?