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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>712334664 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 283
Thread images: 151
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Cute Yuuko - 106.jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Yuuko claimed.
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"This story is from about eighty years ago. There lived a boy in the village. He was an incredibly bright child, but had one flaw. As he grew older, this flaw became more and more obvious. He was extremely proud of his intelligence and looked at everything else with disdain. He pretended to accept the teachings in school and from other adults, but the important lessons never really reached his heart. He began to sneer at the foolishness of adults and laugh at the laws of the world. Arrogance sows the seeds of karma. The boy gradually drifted away from his circle of friends. Loneliness became his only companion and confidant. Loneliness is the seedbed of karma. In his solitude, the boy spent a lot of time thinking. He thought about forbidden things and questioned things better left alone. Unclean thoughts cause karma to grow unchecked. The boy unknowingly built up more and more karma, and transformed into something inhuman — a karma demon. Before anyone knew, the village was empty; everyone had fled in fear of the karma demon. It went to live in the forest, but all the animals there disappeared too. As the karma demon walked, the plants around it twisted in all sorts of unimaginable shapes and rotted. All the food it touched instantly turned into lethal poison. The karma demon wandered aimlessly through the dead, deformed forest. Eventually, it came to realize that it shouldn't be living in this world. The karma demon left the darkness of the forest. Before his eyes, he saw it, wreathed in a glittering radiance. He had arrived at a deep lake nestled in the mountains. It walked into the lake, thinking that water as pure as this would surely cleanse him of his karma. But the water surrounding it instantly became dark and murky, and started turning into poison. Karma demons should not exist in this world. It understood that, and quietly disappeared into the bottom of the lake."
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Early bake

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That night, Cass kicked in the door of his room to celebrate, only to find the man on the bed was an NCR soldier whose barracks had been destroyed. He was cute, though, so after having her way with him, she got the hell out, leaving an empty whiskey bottle as a note. As she walked along the Dam in the night, she felt drunk, content, and happy to be alive. Which to her, was the whole point of it all
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heyo yuuko
>just got back from iceskating
>tried hockey skates for the first time
>wibbly wobbly at first but got the hang of it after the first 5 minutes.
>still havent fallen on ice yet.
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>obligatory early bake comment
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Where my nigga go?
Figaro, Figaro

Started buying PC parts today. I bought the wrong fucking SATA cables. 18 inches is way too short for a full ATX build. Now I have to drive 40 minutes tomorrow to get a refund...
I feel stupid.
Hello everyone
>no life
>Juvia claimed
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Oh, that's okay. Try to sleep at a decent time tonight, you.
>unless your timezone is different or something
Anything else planned for the night, besides /waifu/?

who are you quoting :^)

Best bake

I've never been ice skating, that sounds like fun, but difficult.
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toon tali.jpg
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hello juvia
*no compliments as promised*
it's like roller blading if you've ever done that
obligatory cute
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There better not be, I've got my eye on you
Sup nerd
I can't understand a damn thing you said...
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>as long as the lewds eventually come
as that was the deal. I am a man of my word.
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He said "autists enjoy repetition"

As with you

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Yes. Many more smugs in the manga. Almost all of them are alcohol related.
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Hi Juvia, why don't you like compliments?

Sup Tali how's it?

Should I become a commoner in these threads or do you guys want me leave?
I'm not a nerd, how dare you
Also hello
And i don't like them cause they make me blush
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Did you write this Mai? I really enjoyed it.
It would have also helped if my headphones were plugged in all the way.
Drunken smugs
That's some scary shit, yo.
Don't take it personally, I call everyone a nerd.
Literally everyone.
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**resists the urge to comment on lewds
nah just become a regular like the rest of us
I at least enjoy talking to you
also see >>712351719
for how i'm doing
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hey faggots, there's a man here that'd like to interview you all
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No it's from an anime, Shinsekai Yori.
Oh ok. Well its nice to meet you.
Ah that's good. Sounded like it was fun.
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>Should I become a commoner in these threads or do you guys want me leave?
That's your choice.
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fuck you.jpg
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Alright I have no friends outside internet, I probably have depression, I'm socially awkward, I watch anime everyday, I act edgy in facebook and twitter to fill the hole in my heart, I play video games because in the games I can do something nice unlike in real life, I will probably kill myself before my 30s and I have over 3000 hours in league of legends

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Well Rory is s high functioning alcoholic.
fucking weaboos
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Hi Mai, I don't think I have met you yet, how are you?
Well if I am a nuisance than whats the point.
>What is /b/?
Why didn't you choose Kagami?
He isn't taking my waifu. Fuck back off to /a/
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Yui is getting married!
Where the fuck do you think you are? I really hate /b/ for attracting newfags like you.
I know, I'm just kidding around
So what are you up to?
Don't even think about it
It's nice to meet you too.
>I'm finally making new friends
You don't want a social life, i used to have one and it was not great.
Also hello
the worst board on 4chan
I love konata :o
you getting married?
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yeah but we arent going back to that particular rink though
>fucking faggot
so a typical 4chan poster?
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I will definitely check that out, thanks.
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Stick around, the more the merrier. Especially during the quiet hours.
hey now I didn't say i wouldn't think things. I just won't say them aloud.
I have sex with girls and party every day :o

that was just a pasta I found on facebook
most of the waifus are normalfags
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Talk to people you like. Don't talk to people you don't like. Easy.
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whoa there ms lewdy let's try to keep the dress below fingertip length pls
>Should I become a commoner in these threads or do you guys want me leave?
I dunno. You're alright with me, even though you're not the OG Yuibro. Stay if you want.
The only good kind of alcoholic.
Not much. Worked, drove out to Fry's Electronics, bought the wrong PC parts... Yeah... Nothing that great.
The earth is getting married!
nice feet
I actually really like your feet. :3
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Figuratively me without 3000 hours in LoL.
Fine, you?
Don't worry, you will never be able to make /waifu/ any worse.
do you play dota 2? :o

I want to get into it
bb, I'm going to sleep
goodnight sachi :o

*goodnight kiss*
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I mean i'm married, but we are both weeaboos, also we are going to a swinger club tomorrow. so idk if i'm "normal"
nice feet

Why not? Did something happen?

Guess its decided.

Ok. I guess I need to talk to you sometime, as I haven't been able to yet. You seem like a cool lad.

I am honestly surprised there hasn't been a second Yuiposter for the last couple of days.

Preddy gud

Bye sachi
bb im still here
thats false king :o
swinger club? :o
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Fuckin christ, really making a great impression. Forgot pic.
I'm to socially anxious to play online games :o
Goodnight Alice.
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I'm tired
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But I'm going to bed now. Have a good night.
I'll try to talk to you tomorrow if I remember, or whenever you get on the thread again.
there is a smaller rink close by and although the ice isnt as good there isn't a crowd or line for tickets. plus they do the zamboni inbetween skate times instead of in the middle of it.
I know I'm just jesting

you guys have different names :o
just mute your team
go to sleep then ya dingus
don't jest then :o
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Debatable. All depends on your definition of what normal is, and that usually depends on the social norms of cultures etc etc normality does not exist and a long rant nobody wants to read.

Also, I have OCD that stems horrible anxiety problems. Doubt that makes me truely a "normal" person.
Meh. You'd be surprised tbh. K-On! isn't as popular as it used to be, especially with the rise of IM@S and Love Live.
I still do that all the time. Don't worry.
>Reminds me of myself when I used to post Yui on animu way back when
*goodnight kiss*
don't shitpost :o
who is the most normal in threads?

sorry I don't speak spanish...
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Non-whites assimilating into western society is my fetish.
i don't shitpost
what do you think i am? :o
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don't do that
why not cutie? :(
allice :o
alice is a faggot who eats dicks :o
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it's weird
do you think he would eat my dick? :o
what are you, straight? :o
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kind of
i don't know ask him
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pretty much this, it's about your/others' frame of reference on what normal is. I'd consider myself pretty normal, but then again I'm here posting at 1am and looking for some recipes to cook for the upcoming week.

>cyrillic text
As much as I'd like to learn Russian to make travel easier in that part of the world, it just stumps me every time.

No worries, you're good.
next time he gets on :o
I mean, we're still young and able to experiment
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>Zamboni runs during skate times
That's retarded. Good reason to change.

I guess you are right, funny how it still seems so relevant on /a/ and /c/ though. Guess when you look elsewhere though its like K-On wasn't ever there.

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I'm going to sleep
*goddnight hug*
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agreed plus there were a bunch of unattended kids doing rude things. it's just not worth the good ice for all that plus the drive there
Honestly I don't know, and I don't care either.
All it says is fucking bitch in russian (pronounced Sooka blyat)
It's kind of a meme in the Dota 2 and CS:GO community seeing as EU Matchmaking has tons of useless Russian assholes who often refuse to speak English even if they know it.
Every niche fanbase has it's own little niche in the world. Just need to know where to look, I guess.
Even then, K-On was still influential to anime as a whole, kinda like MF Doom and Madlib's influence on rap after the release of Madvillainy. Sure, they may have faded into obscurity a bit, overshadowed by newer bigger things, but the influence is still there if you know what to look for.
I want to hold you dearly :o
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>tfw you will never smell Tomoko's cute little stinky butt
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Anyone listening to some cool music?

Personally listening to some Justice.
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Justice is pretty good.
I'm struggling to keep my eyes open right now.
Good night /waifu/
If Makoto ever gets his ass back on here, tell him Karme misses his cute little butt.

I'll leave you with this.
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Aye aye.

Both of you have nice tastes.
is she naked? :o
Maybe. ;)
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Im sorry.
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Isnt it always?
its 7:30
hold me :o
your boring
it's 12:40am :o
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Its 1:36 am

I guess Yuuko fell asleep too.
where do you live? :o
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I guess. Nothing new ever happens in this thread.


Chen is the cutest girl.


What for?
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2016 - 1.png
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Disconnect and self destruct one
Bullet at a time What's your rush now, everyone will have his day to die
Yeah. I miss Dios pasta.
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A state whose name is a misspelling of the word Misory.


For being boring.

I guess me being here is new. Glad to meet you.

Stop being edgy
Come on, rush now, everyone has its day
very cute
Arizona here :o
>nothing new is happening in this thread
>is currently not doing anything to help this
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So why don't you post pictures to avatarfag? Sorry, just getting to know everyone.

What can he do? His presence is making this a more fun experience for me atleast. Seems all the people I've gotten to talk to are all asleep anyways.
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I miss the old thread, too.
But now, is just a shadow of a memory.
I rarely remember this place still exists.


Is not that fortunate to meet me, because I don't have such a good reputation around here.


Why would I? I never said I want to happen nothing new.

And plase, as you know, posting without a pic just shows how dull you are because you care too much about this thread.

Eeeeeew. Such a boring person.
hold me :o
I have other ways to let people know who I am :o
why is caring about your friends bad? :o
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Nah, I'm not posting a pic. You can go fuck yourself. You're the boring one for posting a picture. Once you post a picture, you basically give up your anonymity and already assume the identiy of your avatar. This makes you a boring and predictable person. Now, I already know who you are and that's personally no fun.. or in your words, BORING.
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Sachi right?

You seem like a cool lad, just a little uptight, buts that's fine.
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Good night waifuuu
Good night, cutie! <5
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Quoting APC Is edgy apparantly.

You do know everything I claim I post some song lyrics, usually in a different language. More often than not its a bomb ass song.
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Calm down, there, you judgemental pal.
You should've learn already that everyone has this discussion in the thread.
Out of nowhere, a mongol like you just appears and cries about avatarfags bla bla bla
Welp, what can you do.. Stay mad about something that happens on your virtual reality, lul. Your opinion doesn't matter.
Get off your high horse.


Well, if you will ask people around, you will find how I am.
Well, no matter what, everyone has its own perspective so you might get multiple answers.
But, sure
yes :o
fuck yeah, The Outsider is a great song.
Discussion? You call what goes on in these threads "Discussion"? And it wasn't out of nowhere, I came here because I saw your ugly mug. You're so lame~. Honestly. When will you learn that stating the obvious isn't more original than anything that goes on in these threads?
You're a dirty avafag who wouldn't understand.
Back to Telegram with you.
A perfect circle is shit. You're 30 and you just hit your rock stage? What a looser.
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I'm going to bed as well.
nice squirl :o
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2016 - 1.jpg
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Thank you, random anon.

They're a great band, not sure why you're being a hipster.
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Come on now guys, can't we have a friendly conversation?

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It's not a squirl, it's a squirrel, and it's not a squirrel either, It's a hamster and his name is nipples.
any pet that isn't a dog or cat is retarded :o
I know who you are
I know who you are as well!
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Reminder to burn avatarfags
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>Back to Telegram with you
>knows about telegram
>calls me an avatarfag
>probably has one aswell

the pot calling the kettle black

You're amusing me that you are assuming that I was in any group of this thead.

I mean, you're so dull, even if you know your opinion doesn't matter, you're still going with it.


Good night
I love you even if you changed your waifu
that's because my name is right there ya dingus :o
there's been like 4 megumin claimers and not one was good :o
oh fuck
im laffin
>Avafag contuining to dig his own grave even further
>continues to throw petty insults that have little to no meaning
-lies about not being part of the 3rd party groups
aussie megumeme was good :o
i think he dead though
>a hispter
Because that's what the Best of music in our thread tought me
Tats anomaly and ginko
They are the only one who listen to good music
You don't know who I am still.
I'm the gingerbread man~
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Fuck, lizards aren't cool anymore.

who are you? :o
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>continuous to throws little insults that has little no meaning.

Well, that's what you did, but the difference in here is that you care too much about proving people that they are wrong, or just fighting on the internet, you know.

Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house.

Bard? Is that you?
I know.
Answered that question earlier, sorry no.
you can't walk a lizard
oh really?
was he the one who posted my dick on my facebook? :o
who is this?
>you care too much about proving people wrong
WRONG, I care about your responses, silly!
Your (Yous) Feed me. I'm not even reading half of the shit you say, because it's so STUPID.

Don't direct your light towards a mirror, pal.!
You got it!
yes :o
/waifu/ was never great
but now is really at it wit's end

I forgot that I have too many fans in this place
My mom yelled at me for that :o
I got you!
What's wrong, buddy? Are you so butt blasted that you stopped posting with your avatar?
My opinion must be very good if it got you to respond this much.
Just so you know, Konata and Sachi are both retards who lack attention, so yoy might consider not giving it to them.
So, you know who I am now?!
But if they lack attention, they must need it
I like giving people what they need
So, I will continue to give them more attention!

It's always sunny in this city!
did kyle see it? :o
hey im not a retard
don't bully me ;-;
That's fine, I have nothing better to do.

>butt blasted
>he posted this


Stop contradicting yourself.
You look really retarded.
Stop caring so much.
people who ever feel the need to use the word avatar here need to consider suicide :o
>he posted this
Wow, you're too autistic to comprehend banter.
I'm sorry.

>Stop Contradicting yourself
That was the point of the post.

Bite me.
im not chen but holy shit that backpeddle
you're laughable
I always knew
which one? :o
do you have the backside to this image?

Cool backpedaling.
Lul, you're really a retard after you've been called out, to say that is banter for damage control

Keep caring, pal.
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Merely pretending
please don't do this
you know, kyle :o
Hey Karme misses your cute little butt

>Keep caring, pal.
I'm not your pal, bud.
Keep trying!
kyle the waifu or kyle my real life friend? :o
fine how about you just move your hands down cutie?
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Yo, so you know who the muffin man is?
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kyle the kyle :o
Totori Get!
Easiest reply of my life.
(You)>(The Bait)
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Damage control.
You're too retarded for any conversation.
When you grow more mature, maybe you will resist to hold an argument with me, but until then you'll just keep losing them.
Also, stop being so boring. I won't give you my so desired attention next time if you continue to be a bad boy.

>says he is not retarded
>just pretending

will you give me attention?
what do I get? :o
aren't you banned?
everyone knows him ya dingus
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>o is just bait guise xd
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Gone. Asleep. Said to tell you that.
its kyle :o
>Hur durr damage control
>You're too retarded for any conversation.
You're too retarded for any intellectual conversation.
You only know how to spout what's already been said multiple times.
And for that, I'm sorry for you.
When you grow more intelligent, maybe you will be able to amuse me with insults I haven't heard a million times
Until then, goodbye! <6

<6 give me more attention, please.

It really is!
Where's the popcorn?
In the end
This thread really is boring
I like you a lot

but please stop
you look sweaty, you should take something off :o
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I don't think so. What did I do?
more boring than klonatas dick :o
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Well now that I accomplished the one thing I stayed up to do. Night. Glad to meet you all.

I tought you liked Chen, you fucking cuck


Stop being so cringe holy shit
my dick isn't boring just small :o
must be a different cutie
calm down
I like everyone ya dingus :o
small is boring :o
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65 KB, 490x535
No. No lewds.

Night, thanks for the message!

Oh, so it was you, the same avatar fag who tries to insult me but keep contradicting himself

You're so pathetic
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16 KB, 215x235
but I'm an anal slut, I don't need a big dick :o
what about cutes? ;-;
would be better with a medium dick :o

You're the biggest fan of Chen, eh?
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I wake up in the morning and I wonder.....
Why everything's the same as it was?
I can't understand, no, I can't understand.
How life goes on the way it does.
that's me
like yours? :o
worst magical girl
File: DUWANG.jpg (54 KB, 600x338) Image search: [Google]
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I wanna snuggle those socks ;-;

and you

Shut the fuck up mami
mine is small
Thank you, goodnight.

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I said stop
show me :o
I don't like you anymore :o
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thread is dead
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File: Upset Yuuko - 35.jpg (163 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Upset Yuuko - 35.jpg
163 KB, 1280x720
>It's already 1 AM
>This thread hasn't hit image limit yet
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5 KB, 223x73
You weren't here for my glory.
It's 2am
ya dingus :o
File: Smug Yuuko - 13.jpg (11 KB, 300x301) Image search: [Google]
Smug Yuuko - 13.jpg
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What glory?

Timezones, you dingus.
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ya dingus :o
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there are people that find this funny and that makes me sad
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heckin' cool.jpg
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you're the true dingus here, my dude
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>Find gun
>Kill self.
>Really works
File: Confused Yuuko - 6.gif (549 KB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
Confused Yuuko - 6.gif
549 KB, 500x281
What did he mean by this?
cherry is the worst fruit

fuck off kid
I'm not a dingus :o
File: Huh.jpg (40 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
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I have no clue.

I guess he wants his cherry popped?
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Cute Yuuko - 67.jpg
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prove it my man
oh wait you're a dingus

that's a bad meme and i don't want to continue this conversation because of it
you don't know who I am

so you're a dingus :o
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What do you guys think of Alice2?
File: You 1.jpg (162 KB, 870x722) Image search: [Google]
You 1.jpg
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You fuck off.
Ah, good. Memes are memes, so whatever.
wow you really told me :o
cute gif
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pic related.
File: Cute Yuuko - 4.png (554 KB, 1280x1280) Image search: [Google]
Cute Yuuko - 4.png
554 KB, 1280x1280
what anime girl are you


But that shit and "Damn Daniel" really makes me want to off myself.

that's bird has a cute bracelet

skeltalposter please
sachi :o
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There's more awful ones out there, but everyone has their likes or dislikes.
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Cute Yuuko - 68.jpg
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still kind of a dingus, cilantro
for the a while I was wondering why yuuko was so friendly but then I realized you were a new one :o
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She's alright.
alright? in what wai?
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Cute Yuuko - 8.jpg
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the other yuuko is pretty friendly too, baka

how have you been, fampai
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In the neutral way.
gib example
I'm fucking freezing at the moment :o

and you?
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I do not hate nor like her.
why do you have pictures of her?
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I thought they were cute, so I saved them.
can you tell me about alice2?
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I don't know very much about Alice2.
Sorry, anonymous!
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MAGA Yuuko Icon.jpg
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Who else here still /smug/?
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Cute Yuuko - 2.jpg
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Gotta marinate the thread for 12 hours in order to get those quality posts flowing.
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1 MB, 4081x2891
She's still adorable.
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Right she is!
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31 KB, 328x365
Best waifu is here.
Worst girl.
File: Cute Yuuko - 55.jpg (192 KB, 800x649) Image search: [Google]
Cute Yuuko - 55.jpg
192 KB, 800x649
Good morning.
So you don't claim her?
Thread replies: 283
Thread images: 151

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