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/b/ have any of you cheated before ? how did you stop ? i was

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/b/ have any of you cheated before ? how did you stop ? i was i the secrets thread yesterday and they convinced me i should put a a stop on the cheating i do on my bf. i love him an,d the sex is good. i just wanted it to be a 1 time thing because my bf is grossed out by the idea of anal. now the guy i did it with uses me when he wants. i've wanted to stop but if he pushes me agaisnt the wall of bend me over my mind shuts down, how do i stop /b/ .?
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We haven't even had sex with one person let alone two.
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you fucking whore
i know, i'm a bad person, but i really want to stop.
You and your partner are just incompatible deal with it or move on.
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I had a difficult time comprehending this paragraph.
Shoot yourself with a 12 gauge. If you even cared about him, you wouldnt be doing it in the first place. Tell him and face what you deserve
Youre wasting his time thinking he has the love of his life. But youre just lustful young and dont know what you want. Please for the love of God set him free already. You dont love him enough to not do something that would hurt him if he knew.
have you ever had sex with your bf while you still had cum in your ass from tthe other guy ?
lol "my mind shuts down" isn't a fucking excuse.

hehe. Fucking excuse, see what I did there? Take responsibility for your actions, slut.
** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY LE PELICAN! *** post this in 3 threads or you will be killed

Badly written cringe fantasy fagboy.

Buy a dildo for like $15 and shove it up your ass.
if you really loved him you would not have done it in the first place
Good, I have nothing to live for.

Fuck your pelican.
i know it's a really stupid excuse. i have every intention of saying no, but i get turned on with how he treats me, he doesn't ask, and i let him. i DO really care for my bf so i want to stop this.

kinda embarrassing.. but yeah i gess

100% Accuracy
i know it's stupid but i asked him to try it alot of times but it grosses him out. it was dumb but i just wanted to try it once
Then fucking break up with him you stupid bitch
you dont care about him. You just are scared of losing this nice routine and him taking care of you. Once hes gone youll feel alone because he was actually a partner. So you use him and your fucking chad to get best of both worlds. Get over it, let him go.
First way to stop is to admit it's wrong, second step is to cut all ties with the guy you're using to cheat. 3rd step is have an honest look at the price of shit you are and understand you have hurt them whether they know it or not. Last step is to accept that you are grateful for them and will do what you need to do to make things work. If you feel like you'll cheat again just break up with him and tell him the bad you have done. You'll have his scorn and you'll know deep inside you did the right thing. -former cheater
Hate to burst ur bubble but thats a toucan
i want to sop seeing the OTHER guy, i don't have any feelings for him, i just don't know how to say no when he comes on to me.

look i totally know i fucked up, but i'm not asking if i should break up, i'm asking HOW do i stop cheating ? there have to be some people on /b/ who quit cheating ?
>>712300993 >>712300870
>i just don't know how to say no when he comes on to me.

Just say no you slut, its not that fucking hard. Either dump the dude or stop cheating.
thank you for not trolling, i've been trying but the hard thing is, the guy is a good friend of his... well.. not that good of a friend i guess seeing what he's doing but you get the point. so cutting him out of my life is really hard.
Its called dont fucking be around him. If you cant control yourself then dont even bother dating anyone. If I were your bf you'd be out the door and your sister would be in
fuck that's one lucky guy. so he only ever does anal with you ?
how about just stop meeting the guy you dumb cunt and if he doesn't let you tell bf to deal with him and if he breaks with you well... don't you deserve it?
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Maybe I should try that next time.
Anyway, you're a fucking shithead. Just let him go.
i already explained that he's a friend of my bf, aperantly not a good one, but he's still someone that he hangs out with alot so it's impossible to avoid him without telling my bf
Tits or GTFO.
Fucking scum if the earth, can't even comprehend why people bother to cheat. A complete betrayal of trust and love. Eat a shotgun
Then for you fucking his friend already know the answer. Come clean about it so he knows who his real friends are, and you should just leave him. It's a lesson learning kind of thing. You shat where you eat. If you care about your boyfriend, come 100% clean and do not make him feel like it's his fault. Tell him how you're sorry and break it off. So that way he can heal and you can get rid of the guilt. Until you're honest with him and yourself you will grow to hate yourself more daily
better let him keep fucking your asshole then you stupid fucking cunt. If knock your bitches ass out and you'd have to prove it now court worthless whore. Maybe even rape you just to scar you for life
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>asking 4chan
How the fuck are we supposed to stop YOU from doing something that you actually like doing? Regardless of what we say you wont stop. This post is just you using us as an outlet so that you dont fell so guilty.

If you really want to make things right tell this bf that you "really like" the truth. ie, tell him why you cheated. If he forgives you, you both may be able to either work this out or move on.
People cheat, it's natural for the fact we aren't a species that use to stay together forever. Marriage and current times have forced that. The reason to cheat is to get things you aren't getting from your current relationship. I know it doesn't make it better, but that's why it happens. -former cheater
yes, only anal, no vaginal, no blowjobs.

i'm not sure what you're saying it's a really weird sentence but no i don't want to keep this up.
Seeing as this is a thread about it, post a picture of your ass.

>If you really want to make things right tell this bf that you "really like" the truth. ie, tell him why you cheated. If he forgives you, you both may be able to either work this out or move on.
I'd say this.
Show tits or gtfo.
If it feel good, why stop ?

Your "bf" doesn't have to know.
You're clearly untrustworthy. You're a dumbass for cheating to begin with and so is he for sucking at mate guarding. Cut your wrists slut, also tits or GTFO
this is bait
sure thing bitch... anyway that's kinda funny to think about how'd that got started did you just straight tell him hey anon you're cute here's my filthy smell asshole cmon stick the d or baww anon my bf doesn't want to fuck me in the shitbox rofl
it feels amazing. but it makes me feel so guitly afterwards and with good reason, i know what i'm doing is wrong, i don't want to treat him like this.
found my wife by cheating on my ex who cheated on me with her cousin.
do you just lack all fucking foresight or what? did it not occur to you that cheating on him with a friend and then trying to cut the friend off might result in retaliation from the friend?
If you can't simply say no, then you're autistic
All those fucking moralfag.
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>hey babe, let me kiss your knee
no... ? he's a good friend of my bf and i talked to him about the fact that my bf didn't want to try it. if maybe he knew of a way to convince him since he has known him for longer than i have. he joked that if i was so willing maybe he could "sacrifice" himself for the cause. it stuck in my mind and i couldn't stop thinking about it, eventually i let him do it.
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move to another city? dont meet him again? get a new phone number? i think he dont come at youre home so change ur phone number first and if ur friend asks ur phone just broke
>no bite on inner thigh

Shit graph>>712300294
I bet your boyfriends a cuck. Ask him if he wants to have a MMF threesome and fuck the cheating guy one last time. Then its like he would never get upset because he agreed to have a threesome. Then you win and the cheating is swept under the rug without breaking his heart. Or if he doesnt agree say you want to try something new.
i can't just cut him out of my life, he's my bf's friend as explained here >>712301146
and here>>712301340
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Hi op,

i cheated last year on my gf of two years, and the least i could do for her was break up before i continued fucking the fling even more or return to not doing so but still being single

stop being a cunt
i don't think he has any desire to be a cuck, and i don't really want him to be either. the mmf threesome might be better than cheating in him though. but he's not very adventurous at all so i don't think he'd want it
this shits gonna solve itself sooner or later when he'll start to notice your fracturing asshole dumb slut. anyway you don't even deserve to spit on you let alone relationship with caring bf
don't listen to these moral fags, i'd love to have a girl like you around me.i've been looking for a new fucksleeve
I fuck 2 girls who have "bf".

One is a student working part time doing night audit in a hotel 2 days/week.

When I'm bored and I know she's working, I just go fuck her ass in the hotel toilets. It's usually really quick, no talk, grab her by the hair at the front desk and lead her to the toilet, bend her, spit and fuck her ass.

Yes, it hurt (first), yes there's sometime poo, yes she crave it.
>i want to take it in the ass
>cheats on bf with his friend
>want to get out
>oh shit now i can't because it's his friend!

this is how stupid you are.
Never hurts to try and ask him to try something new. Who know he might be into it. I bet hes not telling you everything. Or you can let him fuck another women on the side a couple of times then both end the cheating relationships and start over
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Yeah if it's not just another subliminal porn advertisement then it's an actual girl (or guy) who gets turned on by hearing what a shithead he/she is.

If it is a girl then we need to establish TITS OR GTFO

Tits or get the fuck out of here, you stupid whore
holy shit
Also whos the better sex the cheater or boyfriend? Whos got the bigger wang?
that's kind of how his friends acts when he fucks me. he doesn't ask me anything and pretty much just uses me even if my bf isn't far away. it makes me feel so dirty and turned on, i just can't get myself to resist.

i'm not a fucksleeve

i only wanted it to be a 1 time thing.

i mean, maybe, but i really doubt he'd be into it.

it's been going on a while and he hasn't noticed anything yet
u r a fucking cunt fuck u, if i had a girlfriend like u ohhhhh fuck i would make u preggo, than changemyname shavemyhead and then burn ur fucking house u twat
tits or get the fuck out
Then allow him to go on a date and hook up with anothwr women and just say your into it. If you dont want to loose your boyfriend (which you will by telling him you cheated) then allow him to fuck another women to sweep it under the rug or have a mmf threesome to sweep it under the rug. Either choice might suck but if you dont want to loose him then those might be your only options
I hope he catches you and toutures the fuck out of you then kills you. You are scum. Do the world a favor and eat a bottle of asprine you pathetic excuse for a human.
it's hard to say my bf really isn't bad in bed, alot of it's in my head. his friend only does anal with me, at worst he just prodded my pussy a few times because he wanted to hear me say that i only want it in my ass. i don't always cum from it, but i just get so turned on with how he treats me, it makes me feel dirty so that's often enoguh to make it amazing anyway. ans i guess my bf is smaller. but that does't have aything to do with it i think.
Bait thread.
If not... finish with him immediately.
You don't deserve him you piece of shit.
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If bf is smaller than it would have to be a cuck thing or he might get jealous of a mmf. Is he unconfident of his body?
itt: no one realizes op is a guy
yup. in the end, no regrets.
>that's kind of how his friends acts when he fucks me. he doesn't ask me anything and pretty much just uses me even if my bf isn't far away. it makes me feel so dirty and turned on, i just can't get myself to resist.

So, why stop ?

Those 2 girls are stuck with their "bf". They know each others since school, their families knows each others, been dating for more than 5y, one was even virgin and the guy is her first bf.

You know what ? They swallow, beg me to destroy their asses, let me slap them, spit on their faces, rough facefuck them but they only do vanilla shit with their "bf".

One even never swallowed her own bf.

And they are more than happy like that.
no, he's pretty confident about it. would he really care that his friend is bigger ? it doesn't have to be a cuck thing at all.
I've cheated lots of times, haven't stopped yet.
>>>712299791 (OP)
>** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY LE PELICAN! *** post this in 3 threads or you will be killed
You said bf, show tits or quit being a gay
>>>>712299791 (OP)
>>** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY LE PELICAN! *** post this in 3 threads or you will be killed
I had a seven year affair with a woman who gave me the most incredible sex I've ever had. She finished it when she finally realised that I was never going to leave my wife. I do miss the sex but not her fucking moods.
>how do i stop /b/ .?

By killing yourself, you're everything wrong with the world. Worthless whore.
you said he just uses you, so aren't you just a fucksleeve to him then ? i don't blame him at all, i'd love a tight ass to use as a cumdump at a moments notice. if i knew where you lived, i guarantee you'd take my cock too
>>>712303893 (You)
>>>>>712299791 (OP)
>>>** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY LE PELICAN! *** post this in 3 threads or you will be killed
He might. He might not. Its hard to say. Now let him fuck a chick a few times or suggest MMF. Honestly you might loose your bf but thats on your head for not knowing how to say no
>>>712303977 (You)
>>>>712303893 (You)
>>>>>>712299791 (OP)
>>>>** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY LE PELICAN! *** post this in 3 threads or you will be killed
** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY LE PELICAN! *** post this in 3 threads or you will be killed
Obvious bait. You're looking for someone to feed into you giving us a story or the thought of you being girl probably just for attention. Obvious rule -> Tits or gtfo.

Before anyone tries to argue the rule and act like I'm pushing her out of the community why don't you re-read her question and take into consideration that "she" is a complete retard. Either stop cheating and admit to your boyfriend what you did and never see this person again or leave your boyfriend and be stuck as a fuck toy for this other guy who probably just cares to do nothing but have sex with you.
Blow your brains out, filthy degenerate scum
>>>712303977 (You)
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>** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY LE PELICAN! *** post this in 3 threads or you will be killed
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Tits or gtfo
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Who cares if it's real or not ? We might never know and I don't care if it's a guy larping.
but i DO want to stop.

no i would not. this is just 1 guy and it's the first time i've ever cheated, it's not like i'm looking for strangers to make it even worse.

i could try suggesting it to him but i doubt he'll go for it. but i will bring it up, thank you for not trolling
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>>>>>>>>>>>712299791 (OP)
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putting this much work into being pathetic.
I let my gf fuck other giys if she likes but i get to fuck other girls. Shits great honestly ut sex is meaningless to me and her. Its just something we do when were horny. One day when we mature more and stop being young we will stop and only fuck eachother. Until then im enjoying the ride.
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you're a true slampiggy OP, you get off on being used. i"d love to see you get caught with his friends cock balls deep up your ass. how would he react knowing the girl he loves is his friends cumdumpster ?
You say no and stop doing it?

If you don't want to stop, then break up with bf and put him out of his misery. It's only fair.
How would it feel if you also caught him cheating on you, possibly while he's fucking the other girl in ways you couldn't have imagined?

Well, you probably wouldn't care, because you are a self-centered cumslut that's literally only good for breeding.
i try, i really do. i know how stupid it sounds, before i got into this mess i never would've beieve someone saying this either.

i'm not either of those thing. i've never done this before, it's very unlike me. i'd just die if he walked in on us...

of course i'd care, but... the way things are now i couldn't be mad i guess. would be very hypocritical . i know i'm being a bad person right now, but i'm trying to quit it. i'm not a cumslut
Eerrrmmm just cut off all contact? What the fuck, if you have no feelings for him, it shouldn't be that hard. If you value the feeling of getting pounded in the ass, over the feeling of not cheating, you're a bit fucked in the head. Seriously, it's not that hard you cumdumpster.
>he doesn't ask me anything and pretty much just uses me even if my bf isn't far away

so... what's the closest he's been while you were being used as a cum reciptical by his friend?
You have the life every man wants. I love you anon.
You're actually kind of a cumslut, your behavior doesn't say otherwise.
No, you absolutely ARE a cumulus

5/10 for making me reply
i can't. he's a friend of my bf, i can't cut him out of my life without telling him.

in the bathroom stall while my bf was in the bar. there were alot of friends there so he didn't notice when he pulled me into the bathroom. he was also kind of drunk, i was the sober driver that evening.

fuck you
How about i fuck you then tell your boyfriend so itll be easier
Ease up for your partner's sake and just send him this thread. You don't deserve him.

I'm not going to get into lenghts of what kind of bad person you are (because you are), but if you think you can just stop without consequences, you are wrong. You either go fair & square and let him cheat on you as many times as you did on him, or you quit the whole relationship and let him heal.

But no, your relationship isnt going to be the same, ever. You bitches think your actions can go unpunished. Well, in case it will go unpunished, I will gladly wish you anal prolapse.
Holy shit, then you, and your boyfriend's "friend", are terrible people for doing it behind dude's back. Fuck. You guys are scum. Seriously. :/
hell. you fuck her, i'll record her getting her tight ass railed. , jerk off during and plaster her face after you've filled her up. will be hard to lie about it after that
>telling him
shit nigga this isnt a fuckin court of law, pleading guilty isnt gonna help anything.

I've cheated and been cheated on, when you come to realize that human sexuality cant be contained by the equation 1+1 then you can live life without the possessive greed and anxiety
i know.. i know i'm a bad person, i do want to stay with him i at all possible, i wanted advice on how to stop.

i would never let myself get recorded during... that. let alone have 2 guys do stuff to me. this is the FIRST time i've ever been in this situation, it's not something i do out of habit
Then what's the actual point of relationships?
I buttfuck hookers because my girlfriend hates anal and I'm just looking to fuck, not start another relationship.

I don't plan to ever stop. Hired two sisters once. I don't even know how to explain how awesome that was.
good it works for you i guess. but i do feel really bad about it. i don't want to keep doing it.
You fucked up op. Im sorry to say but you dont deserve a real man. Honestly, you really dont. Once a cheater always a cheater. Tell your boyfriend. You have too. If he cheated on you wouldnt you want too know? Unless youre a heartless bitch. I bet your boy toy boyfriend buys you everything and treats you right and this is want you do. Fuck his best friend because youre a whore who cant say no. The fuck is your problem? No guy deserves this. Girls like you turn guys gay for a reason. No bitch is loyal. Fucking whore. Tell him for fuck sakes.
I have a question, OP. Who initiated it the very first time? You mentioned that you only wanted it to be a one time deal, so does that mean you found out this friend liked anal sex and initiated it yourself?
i have a feeling you'd let anyone up your ass within half an hour if they knew how to push your buttons.
Op I actually have a bigger dick than your boyfriend i bet you and ill fuck you right. How about we fuck and we get the other guy to record it and we can send it too him. Im not a neck beard.
So stop. It's dick, not heroin. You start feeling crazy, watch some porn and Pound your ass with a toy until it passes.
Ill leave you trembling in joy and soaking wet. One time thing.
The point is comfort bruh, knowing youll have someone to crawl into bed with after 8 hours of work.

Im not sayin Im right I just ditched that awhile ago. I gotta a few girls that I love, and its easier to be friends with chicks after you guys stop feeling for eachother without the whole gf thing
i did. after my bf told me no again. i talked to his friend to maybe know if he knew how to convince him since he's known him longer than i have. he joked and sad he was willing to sacrifice himself if i wanted to trit so bad. it stuck in my head for a while and i took him up on it. every time after he initiated

it's alot harder than you make it sound. i HAVE TRIED

no i would not.

i'm not looking for more people to have sex with me. i hate the fact that i get off on being used. i want to STOP this
Eh, you might just be a slut. Nothing wrong with that, but you and your boyfriend probably aren't that compatible if you need to let strangers fuck your ass to be happy.

Find another guy who'll either fuck your ass or who is willing to share you.
Look, my only advice without reiterating that both you and your boyfriend's "friend" are shit, is that you need to tell him, him being the dude you're cheating on your boyfriend with, that you won't talk or communicate with him anymore because you want to quit this shit, because you want to be as much of a respectful girlfriend as you can be at this point, and quit cheating. Tell him to quit coming onto you, and in you (giggity), and no more further contact, because that's seriously the only way I see you quitting cheating with him. If he says no or whines, tell him tough shit, if you really want to quit, that's what you have to do.
And if he decides to tell your boyfriend, then I'm sorry, those are the consequences of your actions. Despite me saying you and your boyfriend's friend are scum, I do hope for the best regardless of what you've done femanon, because it seems you don't want to lose your boyfriend despite your chosen infidelity.

Id bend you over and use you. Would you like to be tied up? I have silk rope, itll be fun and ill bend you over and slowly put it in you so you feel the full length and thickness. Oh youll definetly scream and moan. I can use you and carress you slowly.

If this is even true, do you really think your bf doesn't suspect anything? Absolutely no change in your behaviour? I bet he does, and i bet its killing him. YOU are doing this to him. He deserves so much better then you.
How does he initiate it? You need to figure out exactly how he triggers your buttons, and lock them the fuck up, i.e. don't be in a situation where he'll be able to push you into being his anal slave.

That is if you REALLY want to stop. The more I read from you this isn't just a kink, it's your fetish. If that's how it is, then you need to find a way to get your boyfriend into it or you may just as well leave him. There's a huge difference between kink and fetish.
You alredy did it once why not a second time thatll be even bettr than both those losers. All the dubs dont lie lady.
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this must be real turn on for you then, right OP ?
Can't changes your spots. Break up with him and let him have a life. You owe other people that much decency, strangers included let alone loved ones.
Leave your boyfriend. If he cant satisfy all of your needs then find someone who can/will. There's 8 billion people on this Earth.
greentext about how you initiated please
so you initiated anal sex with someone else but still don't think you're a cheating cumslut? kek
She said nothing of the sort. She's admitted several times that she's doing something bad and that she's cheating.

I can be the big bull for you and we can have your cuck boyfriend watch how a real man pleases a women. It might hurt at first but i promise youll soon be a size queen afterwards.
>i'm not a cumslut
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>>>>>>>>>>>>712299791 (OP) (OP)
>>>>>>>>>>** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY LE PELICAN! *** post this in 3 threads or you will be killed
Who cares what you do. Everyone is for entertainment anyways. Worst youll just have keyboard warriors after you. Just use them.
So people who murder people say "I know its bad i just need to stop" unbecome murders because of their acknowledgment?
You're getting hung up on semantics.
Stupid. Your impatience ruined a potentially good thing. He may have come around to it eventually, you threw what you had with him away. It's not fair to cuckold the guy, cut him loose.
please stop.

this isn't what the thread is for.

he's very dominant when he initiates. sometimes he shows up at out door when my bf is at work and starts feeling up me up and telling me what he's going to do. he doesn't ask me anything, he bends me over or makes me stand against the wall and just does what he wants. i know it's so fucking wrong but it makes me so hot. he makes me say things, how i only want anal... or calls me names i guess

i'm not looking for a bull. so give up.

i DID admit that i'm cheating and doing something wrong, i'm just saying i'm not the names they call me
Nice straw man, fuck face.
is that you kat?
This is your best bet. You should let this bull fuck you silly infront of your boyfriend.
Sorry, girl. You either get your boyfriend to step up the game or leave him. This definitely sounds like your fetish, something you need to feel fulfilled sexually.
i'm cheating on him, not cuckolding him. and i don' think he'd ever come around to it, i had been asking over the course of a year.

no, that would not be my best bet. the thought alone terrifies me, i don't want him to go through that

but you dont care what he goes through already?
Hey baby when you and your boy toy break up and you need a big bull to fuck ill be here. Ill screen shot this convo to show you its me baby. Ill show you some real sex honey. Ill make you my toy
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you didn't answer me though. does it turn you on ? is this how he uses you ?
1) I think you're an anon baiting all these fucks
2) If you are not baiting, then what you have to do is decide if anal is more important to you than your bf sex or the physical aspect of the relationship more important to you than the emotional?
3) If you say physical > emotional you should probably not be any future relationships and just stick to hooking up
So why even open the fucking door you collosal retard? your words say you want to stop but your actions show nothing even remotely resembling it. you know EXACTLY what the guy is gonna do when he shows up yet you still open the door and say you don't want it.
But do you like the idea of a bull fucking you?
You shouldn't have asked him. You should've demanded it from him, judging from how important it was to you.
His friend is fucking you and getting off on the fact your cheating, sounds like your cucking him just without telling him.
You don't understand how a fetish works, vanilla boy.
But his friend is going to want to do it eventually, and kinda already is. No doubt he's dropping hints to you bf, you just ruined his life. Average 20 woman thread?
i really don't think he knows. but i want to quit so he doesn't HAVE to go through with it.

what does it matter ? i want to quit cheating on my bf, not think about what his friend does.

it doesn't always happen like that. he's someone that i see alot because he's a good friend of my bf, i don't always ave a door to lock.

i like the idea of anal, alot. not the bull

i'm not getting off on the fact that i'm cheating. i feel guilty
You're having sex with another person behind his back, Isn't that the definition of a true cuckold?
I cheated in star craft before. Made me terrible at the game and reliant on cheap strats...never again...
sexy girls!!
why would his friend want to cuck him ? i think he's already happy with what he's doing right now.

no, it's not, that's cheating, as far as i know if it's cucking both parties are aware that it's happening.
>good friend of my bf
No he's not. The right thing to do here is obvious. Tell your boyfriend, save him from his shit friend and bad girlfriend. You just don't want to do it.
both you and the dude are getting off on it, you already admitted it. You need to end it with the bf, and make sure his "friend" is no longer his friend as well. Because once your gone his friend will just keep trying to fuck his gf's, thats what you did to your bf.
Let this bull do anal with you and record it. Maybe you too could skype and you could show him your ass.
I agree with this.
>** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY LE PELICAN! *** post this in 3 threads or you will be killed
But it still happens like that from time to time and you still let him. Besides how the fuck do you get 'raped' (i'm using this term very light here) when your boyfriend is near. That means your in a space alone with that friend often enough to consequently cheat.
You know you're doing this don't even try to deny it.
>cuckold - the husband of an adulteress, often regarded as an object of derision.

Not married so yeah
>>** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY LE PELICAN! *** post this in 3 threads or you will be killed
>>░▐█▀▄▀▄▄penises with buttsecks░░░░░░░▌░░░░▄███████▄

You are just going in circles how you are so sorry, everything is SO HARD and his dick is meth and irresistable. This entire thread is either bullshit or you doing mental gymnastics to justify yourself, either way its not worth it.
u cant
cus ur a whore
shame on you
tell him u cunt
I fucked my gf's older sister behind her back for about a year. We did everything together
Because it's fun....
this chicks name is kat, i know her facebook, you guys want?
no i haven't ? i never once said that i got off of the idea of cheating. i do NOT, i get off on the anal and.. how he treats me i guess, not the cheating.

no, please stop asking. i'm asking how to STOP not how to make it worse or to make me think about it

i already explained that >>712305522
no it's not ?
Since your boyfriend is going to dump you can we see your ass? Then you should sleep with a giant cocked man to fill the holes in your heart and your ass and any other holes that need to be filled. Do you get off to the idea of have a gaint cock in your ass and one in your pussy at the same time? How about two in the ass at once?
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why don't you want to think about how he uses your tight ass as his fleshlight, how he treats you like the fucktoy you are. also , would you let a black guy use your anal cumcump ?
you don't explain shit, you just get dragged of and there's absolutely NOTHING you can do?
You can't think about trying to avoind being in a situation where he can do that?
He can consequently drag you off without people noticing or showing up at your house?
Take your fucking responsibility, you're letting him do this, you make no effort to stop it.
Are you a female or a male OP?
Kat Malloy. Check her out shes hot.
Seems to me that you just get off to the dominating feeling of having a cock in your ass. It's clearly something you NEED. Tell your man that's what you need. Stop talking to his friend. The end.
It's quite clear that you can't stop. So either tell the boyfriend about it and end the relationship (the right, self sacrificing, thing to do) or keep cheating on him (the shitty, self serving, thing to do). The boyfriend deserves a better friend and a girlfriend who does the right thing even if it won't benefit her.
Honestly you're a horrible person. Shoot yourself and then the guy you're cheating with you stupid bitch. No matter how much of a horrible person he is, even if he's literally Satan himself, you don't deserve him. End your life you fuck.
ohh, and stop lying, you are a piece of shit for cheating, kill yourself whore.
So its fine if the dude gets off on the fact that he's cucking his friend because you don't admit to feeling that way. Your coping out, and the very reason so many guys on here act the way they do. You claim to love your bf while FUCKING HIS BEST FRIEND CONSTANTLY BEHIND HIS BACK.
That bull seems like he will give you everything you desire. Skype him and pretend that hes about to fuck your tight asshole with his big dick. Pretend that you can feel it in your stomach and how youd be crying and moaning for more and for him to go deeper and deeper.
This. Well put. I tried telling her this earlier in the thread, but she somehow missed those posts.
So then you have thought about cucking your bf, why lie?
Bull here. Babygirl i know you wanna se this long dick and see how it feels. You know your boys gonna leave you anyways. Ill bend you over and show you a real man boo.
please don't. why the hell do you think i don't want to think about it ? i want to STOP seeing him, i don't want to do this to my boyfriend.


i guess it's a big part of it. when i'm with my boyfriend it's very different, he's gentle and more conservative. he's really good, but less intense

i do NOT want to cuck him
there is no way to stop until you lose the relationship you are cheating on, in your heart you will always know you cheated and are living a lie, you need at end the relationship you are in and vow in your soul should anyone ever want you again you will honor and respect the bond you are in and not cheat, don't contact old flings, no"innocent flirting" anything you would not do right in front of your beloved is cheating, no texts, no facebook messages no anything that you are not proud to have as your burden to carry
Baby girl is a dude...
>** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY LE PELICAN! *** post this in 3 threads or you will be killed
>i'm not a cumslut
youve said that you let a friend of your boyfriend fuck you in the ass whenever he wants to. explain how this does not make you a cumslut.
Because I'm a dude
Then your getting off on cheating, you really need to tell your bf. Because it will only get worse for him, what happens if his friend gets you pregnant? or a std? You gonna fuck your bf if you know you have syphilis or hiv? You admit you have had thoughts of cucking him, and that he's a better person than your worth.
Can we see what you look like. Picture and timestamp. You dont have to be naked, i just want to see you
All you homos are on here feeding some faggot's ego about lying about getting fucked up the ass...lmao
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why hasnt this obvious gay bait 404ed
Notice she/he gets real quiet about whether shim is dude or not...otherwise it's blab blab blab!!! Smh
no i have NOT have thoughts about cucking him, i have not ONCE said that in this thread nor that i get off on cheating. i repeatedly said i like how he fucking uses me... how he makes me feel dirty. i do NOT like the cheating aspect of it. ffs and he cannot get me pregnant he ONLY has anal sex with me.

that makes me a cheater, a bad girlfriend and person, i'm not out looking for cum at all.
>how he makes me feel dirty
Why do you feel dirty?
Dude...outta here. I see a 404 coming real soon like...
You haven't given your boyfriend the chance to be intense in the bed (or outside of it). You keep saying that you asked him for buttsex for almost a year before cheating on him over it, but you should have demanded it from him before cheating. Anal and being dominated is obviously important enough for you to risk ruining the relationship over, so why wasn't it an ultimatum rather than something you politely asked for?
Her name is Kat Malloy. Its her facebook as well, she has a child with that man and shes letting his best friend fuck her up the ass on the side, i've seen them do it.
>that makes me a cheater, a bad girlfriend and person
cumslut, fucksleeve, asswhore, fuckmeat, buttslut, all are just names that tell you that you are below a woman getting fucked by a dog every day: she isn't doing anything morally wrong, she's just disgusting. you're worse than disgusting.

but you know that, and get off on it.
Listen. I'm going to make this *very* simple for you.
You stop fucking the other dude. If you remotely give a shit about your bf then you'll tell the guy to fuck off and that he was a mistake. If you succumb to being turned on, you are thinking with your vagina and do not deserve a bf in the slightest. A partner is someone who you are *comitted* to. This is a two way fucking Street.
If you want to lose weight, you stop eating. If you want to stop cheating, you stop fucking anyone other than the guy you're meant to. THIS ISN'T DIFFICULT
You feel dirty becuase your cheating, how is that not obvious? Your getting off on the pain it WILL cause, not what it is already causing your ass. And you admit the guy does whatever he wants to you, he'll creampie you soon. And you ignore the part about telling your bf if you get a std from his friend, so if he gets one its his fault for sleeping with you?
>he wouldn't come around
>one year
fuck off you retarded teenage whore
I honestly don't think she gets off on being a cheating bitch. She just found her fetish and now she can't be sexually fulfilled without that aspect. She shouldn't be with someone who can't deliver on that fetish.
since most people aren't helpfull, here my opinion. we booth know you kinda fucked up. but we all do once in a while. you really should tell your bf. and i think you should ask your selfe if you re ready for a relation. if not, dont get one and admit it to your selfe. you can fuck around as much as you want, but be honest about it
Show us your ass hole. You're already a whole, what difference does it make?
i don't know, anal is still kinda taboo i guess. it makes me feel used more than when i have vaginal sex.

i HAVE i've asked for anal for a year, i've asked for rougher sex and he just is NOT into it. i can't fucking make him.

that's not me, we're not married and don't have children,

don' call me that.

i've said this time and time again it's NOT the cheating. i fucking WISH i wasn't cheating, i wouldn't be in this mess if my bf wanted to do anal with me.
yeah, I have a VAC ban
>** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY LE PELICAN! *** post this in 3 threads or you will be killed
you aren't girlfriend material. just leave him and be slut and get aids and die.

all good guys have a zero chance policy for cheating.

so you wanted anal? explain to him that its such a big deal to you that you're willing to completely throw your relationship away for it. if he doesn't fuck your ass then he's gonna leave you instantly.
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but WE want you to think about it, get you nice and horny for the next time you see your bull. i'll be happy to know that in a few hours or maybe a day you'll be face down ass up with a cock balls deep inside your anus.
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OP is man

Then how about you do something instead of just feeling sorry for yourself but you cant help it oh god please fuck my ass
Hey OP.

Don't listen to all the haters around here. Here are a few advices :

>If you ever cheat, do it with someone unknown to him AND to you.
It's difficult, but it's 100 time way more safe.

>Talking about safeness, safe-sex isn't an option. Never.
You don't want a stranger's kid. Or a STD. And how would you explain this to people ? Make it clear beforehand.

>Don't meet the same guy for more than 2 months.
Two months is the amount of time to build real links. It's scientifically prooved. If you break-up before two months, you'll quickly forget the guy. If it's longer than that, you'll probably never forget him.

>If the sex isn't good, break with him. If he implies he wants more, break with him. If you feel like you're losing control, break-up with him.
You want to control the situation. And the situation you want is to have a living sex-toy.

>Never talk about him to anybody. Not your BFF, not your sister, nor your mother. Nobody.
Because nobody should know. And if you can give him a false name,, a false occupation, a false ID, that's even better.

>Once you break-up, never contact him again. Erase his number and all contacts. Block him as much as possible. The best would even be to erase your contacts from his phone.
To make things clear and to avoid temptation.

These are some basic rules you should follow. Ho, and one last thing :

Tits or GTFO
Ya you would, you shouldnt have been flirting with his best friend then. Also what happens if you new master gives you a std to pass onto your bf, gonna tell him then?
There is nothing bad about your desires. You just need to find one guy who fulfills all or else make it clear to everyone involved that you need more than any one has to offer.
>i can't fucking make him.
But you can cheat? Look, you chose to cheat rather do the right thing and leave him. Not being dominated and buttfucked was a deal breaker for you. Realize that and get a fucking boyfriend that you don't need to cheat on.
you're either 17 or genuinely retarded.
if you want to stop cheating, you can. unless you're implying to be addicted to being shafted by his friend in which case you should break up and get fucked in the bum some more.

idgaf about your boyfriend but you're a worthless cheating cumrag
Who said women are weak minded
You have a domination fetish and are turned on by taboo. Truth is, you won't quit. Your bf isn't fulfilling you sexually. Making love and fucking are two different things. If you feel bad, come clean to the bf. Tell him and tell him why. If you don't want to wreck his friendship, then tell him that you want an open relationship if he can't do some of these things for you.
yes... ? how is that complicated. i can't make someone do something they don't want, i didn't have to force his friend to do it. it's not the same at all.

again it was only supposed to be a one time thing.

stop, just stop.
you already cucked him

you already cheated.

if he dumps you instantly upon finding out he'd be in the right and you'd be getting whats coming to you
>no pics or proof whatsoever
>236 replies

The fact that a good 70 of those replies are Le Pelican don't save you from being a bunch of dumbfucks. I miss /b/.
still the best episode of rip her up.
>And the situation you want is to have a living sex-toy.
No. She's said it multiple times now... she wants to BE the living sex toy.
>it was only supposed to be a one time thing
doesn't matter. you're less than dirt you filthy, disgusting waste of genes
holy shit she cheated on him with his friend.

dude a real girlfriend would tell her boyfriend when his friend is hitting on her
Who the fuck said it was the same?! I said that you should find another boyfriend that can fulfill your newly discovered fetish (domination and anal).
One time thing that's happened how many more times? Just tell your bf, HE DESERVES TO KNOW. Of course he could be so beta that it breaks him and he just lets it keep happening while he dies inside. Good job.
you really are worse than a dog-fucker. let that roll around your head for a while.
You see this, this right here is why I will happily die alone.

3DPD, not even once.
congrats OP, you're the worst kind of human
piss off, nobody deserve to know anything. Everyone is allowed to keep secrets, fortunately.

Especially if the secret is "I love you, but I really, really want to take a cock up the ass."
>muh feminism
fuck off you autist
i was the one who wanted to try it the first time. he's initiated every time after.

i fucking hate saying this but.. now we got that out of the way i do NOT get off on the cheating.

i have not in ANY way cucked him, he doesn't know, he's never seen it, i hate the fact that i'm cheating.
then fucking stop doing it you absolute fucking imbecile.
It's not being feminist.

You can admit you want to take one up the ass too. Here, everybody is so friendly and kind and respectful. And it's anonymous, after all...

Just spit it out, faggot

What things does he make you say? I think that is a portal to the answer.

How do you feel when he is taking you? Describe in-depth please
you'll grow up to be one of those 50 y/o single mums who wonder why they can't get quality men.
ffs I really hope you don't procreate
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glad you admitted you wantto be a living sex toy. so is it kinda like this when he presses your face against the wall and makes you his living fleshlight ?
I love you, but your 3 inches just wont do. sorry for fucking tyrone on your birthday two years ago and every day since
i've tried. i really have.

i don't really want to get into it too much... he likes it when he makes me ask him to use my ass... if i can feel him stretch me. it makes me cfeel used, cheap and dirty. it's messed up but it turns me on.

again, please stop.
As a fleshsleeve you don't deserve a bf.
So find a boyfriend who's willing, or maybe even want, to use you as a sex toy. A man can be gentle outside the bedroom and dominate the hell out of you in the sack. Both you and your current boyfriend will be better off without each other. It may not be want you want to hear, but the sooner you realize this the better.
WTF are you talking about ?
Tell him that you got fucked in the ass by one of the people who he considered to be his friend. Imagine how that will go down. Now do it, confront it, stop being a pussy, and grow a pair. If he forgives you, you should honestly walk the west coast from North to south barefoot carrying 30kg rocks on your back. When you have completed the task, with bloodied feet and a fucked back, you will have absolved yourself of your wrongdoings. If you don't want to do something similar in a walk of atonement sort of style, you do not give a shit. You are not deserving of someone who commits themself to you. You will never be ready to have a partner if you are not willing to say "you know what, I really want to fuck that guy, but I have a boyfriend, and he is worth more than a mere orgasm"
If he doesn't forgive you, this is to be expected. You are not worthy of having a relationship. You learned your boundaries, and must suffer consequences
no, you haven't tried. it's not fucking meth or heroin. there are no words to describe what little you are worth as a human
fuck off you retarded post-millenial spastic

>>>** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY LE PELICAN! *** post this in 3 threads or you will be killed

>>>** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY LE PELICAN! *** post this in 3 threads or you will be killed

>>>** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY LE PELICAN! *** post this in 3 threads or you will be killed

How does it physically feel compared to vaginal?

Are you able to orgasm from anal penetration?
I agree with your two first sentences. The rest is blatant hyperbole and just shows how little you understand about fetishes and the human psyche in relation to them.
you're lacking basic self control. you can't be older than 15 mentally. you shouldn't burden anyone with yourself you selfish, vile creature

what a filthy fucking cumdumpster
Tell him the truth and leave him.
i know we might not be the best match. and it's something i will try to look for next but i don't want to leave this relationship yet while i still have these feeling for him.


please don't call me that. i KNOW i'm a bad person.

hard to explain, less pleasant tbh, alof ot it's in my mind, but yes i can orgasm from it but it doesn't happen that often, but when i do it's amazing.
Short and to the point, I approve. I've been trying to tell her why she needs to end it but maybe I've been putting too much effort into it.
Tell him the truth and leave him.
I'm just going to keep repeating it now.
I have fetishes. my ex girlfriend wasn't willing to practice them and I still didn't cheat on her while playing the victim because I have control over myself, respect for other people and I'm not fucking 12.

I wasn't satisfied and ended the relationship sooner than later, but I didn't stoop to those levels.

anyone who's mentally stronger than a fifthgrader in the girls locker room is able to do just what I did. I'm nowhere near a rare or special case.
You are the worst. Cheating on your SO is such a fucking cunt move.
you're nothing more than a sack of meat made for cum. why should anyone call you differently. it's not like you'd be treated with respect if you yourself can't even respect the person closest to you, you despicable cumdumpster
Which one is that?

Have you used that kind of language with your boyfriend in bed? Not asking him to be rough, but in the act saying to him what you need, to be degraded, or taken anally?
>I love him

If you did you wouldn't have done it in the first place, tell the fucking dude it's over and that you're much happier with your bf or the other way around, because cheating is fucking disgusting,
>autist mode activated
You heard that from a person who used to stab animals for fun because he thought he was a doctor
joanna (or johanna, dont remember) bach
Have you talked to the guy fucking you in the ass about how you dont want to cheat on your boyfriend?
I was going to reply to this 'dumb slut' who is totally a fat neckbeard living out a latant homosexual fantasy by pretending to be a women and getting off on all of this.

But after he/she ignored your reply, which is the best and most succinct in the entire thread, I gave up this for bait.
>but i don't want to leave this relationship yet while i still have these feeling for him.
You're a lost cause. I cared for a while but you just showed me how it just boils down to selfishness. You don't want to break up, despite the good it would do him. Hell, it would even benefit you in the long run, once you find someone more sexually compatible, but nah... instant gratification wins again. You'd rather keep him locked up in this horrible trainwreck of a relationship than release him, because now you can get what you want from his friend.
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