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Waifu claiming thread. Previous:>>712240250 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 209
Thread images: 151
Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Rory-sama claimed
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Stuff like MGS, Okami and Shadow of the colossus, I might get to some PS3 games too. I'm really excited for Persona 5 coming to PS3 right now.
Aesthetic meme shit?
Explosions in the Sky are pretty good. I really like Remember me as a Time of Day.
The Ride never ends.
File: Cute Yuuko - 106.jpg (2 MB, 1920x1460) Image search: [Google]
Cute Yuuko - 106.jpg
2 MB, 1920x1460
Yuuko claimed.

>tfw i was waiting for 150 with the bread ready to be baked

As long as you're not hurting anyone else and it makes you happier to think certain things, fuck it, right?
Get any benefits?
How do people react to you?

Getting tired? Me too.
Nice talking to you though, man.

Never played any of those, but I've only heard good things. Had an Xbox, so I played a lot of Halo.
I didn't know that's what I was listening to, Youtube shuffled to that for me just now.
Absolutely cozy.
I don't know, I know she could never love me back. Seems a waste.
Not alot. After i serve six years I'll get some money for college.
People are indifferent to me if they even notice me. Being so average and quiet I blend in to the background easy.

Yeah it's not sleep, but music soothes me.
What if the ride breaks?

I dindu nuffin.
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The Ride never ends.
An actual anon did this.

>Better shitposter
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I have never played any of the halo games (nigga you crazy?! I can't afford an Xbox!), but I've heard mostly good things. For some of them at least.
I've never listened to any vaporwave, so I can't be a judge.
It is.
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No you didnt.
The manga is pretty lewd. Hardy did make Leleis boobs bigger as a thank you.
That is true
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Cute Yuuko - 67.jpg
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To people who are willing to believe whatever makes them happy, it's nice.
Hopefully it's worth it. How often are the drills?

The lore is pretty great, recent games have been trash since a new developer is making them now.
It's an acquired taste, it's pretty chill.
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Syndra [110].jpg
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Because Hardy overate and moved the fat to a place that she knew was Itamis preference.
>Rory had the personality Itami liked, but the body is wrong and the age put him off
>Tuka had the body but is a shit
>Lelei is the smile he wants to protect, but as a little sister
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Lets Nightcap Rory!

>rolling between 1 and 09
>anything over 12 is an instant fail
>10 is also now a failure
>07 gives you free reign - you may choose one of the drinks or two of a random
>rerolls allowed and encouraged
Dubs - you choose the drink
Trips - two drinks. Mix and match.
Quads - one of all. Just fuck my life up.
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I can't delude myself like that. I want truth but something is in the way.
It's not worth it. Between 2 and 4 days a month, 2 weeks out of the summer.
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初音ミク – 1890.png
426 KB, 900x900
I approve this.
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1 MB, 1024x1448
what are you doing up so late?
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Syndra [106].jpg
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Roll for nothing
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Roll. Quads are out so here are trips.
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Syndra [181].jpg
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Syndra [30].jpg
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Ohayo 4.png
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I am checking those 7s.

GG, Itami is forever alone.

GIB 7!
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Ohayo 1.png
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Go back to sleep, Syndra.
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Syndra [212].jpg
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God dammit.
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Here goes.
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Cute Yuuko - 77.jpg
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Good tastes.

I'm usually up around this time, I think.
Probably going to be sleeping soon.
What are you doing up?

Ah, I see. I hope you find what you're looking for.
Why'd you enlist?
I really like Boards of Canada, even if I haven't really listened to much of their stuff. And I wouldn't really call it acquired, it's just what I like.

What good is approval though?

What drinks are there to choose from?
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Syndra [159].png
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God dammit toy.
But i just woke up.
This is why 3d is shit
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not sure how I managed it but I accidentally slept most of the day and then spent the rest of it playing the new pokemon. only been on my computer for a couple hours now, if even that.
but you usually go to bed like...I dunno...actually I'm just realizing that yeah, this might be a likely time for you to be awake in the morning. what time is it for you?
Go back to sleep, you're too pure for this world.

Dream of Jihad and Cheap russian imports.
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Doubt I will, I'm going to die sad and alone. Hopefully sooner than later.

I don't know. I really dont. I don't fucking know, just kill me fam.
I thought you didn't come here anymore
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why no dva
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I haven't been here in over a month I think. I come and go as I please anywhere online. I'm just that cool.
I think I'll just leave the rolling for others next time.
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初音ミク – 1824.png
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Not the Yuuko you're thinking of.

It can strengthen a relationship I guess, other than that, nothing really.
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that would also explain it. you could have told me earlier, baka.
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Better than Syndras nothing.
A scotch whiskey, formerly two, a tequila, Japanese whiskey, Australian whiskey, Korean whiskey, New Zealand whiskey, a generic rum, a smoked rum and a bourbon. All 40%, but 2 are 43%.
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初音ミク – 1974LR.jpg
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My brain isn't really fast at functioning, sorry.
What brings you here?
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Syndra [62].jpg
1 MB, 3000x3280
But i also have things to do and boats to get.
>Better than Syndras nothing.
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dunno. I frequently have no idea why I do things that I do.
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Fuck it, roll
Whatever burns the most rory.
Well should I consider myself approved?
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Upset Yuuko - 23.jpg
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Oh, you're thinking of the wrong Yuuko.
Sorry. He went to bed a few hours ago.

Same. It could be sooner if you're put into some active duty, if that's possible.

I'm pretty tired now, I think I'll go to bed.
See you in a few hours, friend.
A lot better than nothing.
We had a winner. Read the rules.
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no worries. nice to meet you.
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Cute Yuuko - 23.jpg
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Goodnight, everyone.
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No waifu ass but dubs for an hero is always nice.
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sleep tight.
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Goddamnit if I don't get my dubs I'm going to kill myself.
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go to bed.
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Rules don't say anything about one winner.
Whatever burns the most for >>712257655

Rolling again
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I'm not even tired and I have a new phone to dick around with.
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yeah but it's so late.
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I'm gunna turn off the lights and hope I die in my sleep. Night.
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sleep tight.
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初音ミク – 1861.png
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Gotta go.


Did you ever go to a room like kitchen or bathroom and forget what you wanted to do there when you arrive?

Sure thing, but it's just mine.
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killing self anyway brb
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sometimes, yeah. see you later.
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WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the More-government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a Monday night at 12:00 a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other pictures on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. apparently, if you copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes you will have the best day of your life tomorrow.You will either get kissed or asked out, if you break this chain u will see a little dead girls
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Who are you even
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if you're asking that then I've mistook you for someone else.
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Don't be sad. I'm a much better Spike

at drinking
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Amateur Only good stuff :)
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dubs and i eat the net waifus ass
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Syndra [256].png
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Good morning.
What a gif.
its an animated iamge
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Alice (353).jpg
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Oh thanks.

What a cute
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gimme dat money its caturday bitches
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Alice (18).jpg
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How are you today?
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Bored, did nothing.

How about you?
I'm afraid there's been a Spike in poverty.
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I forgot that life is is good because it has me in it.
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Alice (Not 235).jpg
245 KB, 481x837
Just woke up. Gonna die around in bed for an undetermined amount of time
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Is so*
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Chen is good.

Sounds good, I do that at night, so right now.
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Okay, I'm back
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Alice (792).jpg
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Thinking about getting up now actually. Kept waking up every hour or so for the past 4. >>712264926
Welcome back person
That's the warmest welcome I've gotten all day
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cum at me m8.png
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Why wasn't the chicken able to cross the road?
I'm shit at getting out of bed.
>wake up at 10am
>check clock
>'10 more minutes'
>wake up at 2pm
Because it was disabled.
I was going to say that it's dad abandoned it at the young but impressionable age of 8 permanently emotionally scarring the chicken that it had no motivation or intention of continuing to cross the 'road' that is life, so it fucking killed itself.
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tiny evil.png
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Where have you been? Did you get stuck in an orange juice bath or something?
I claim Mothra.

Fear me.
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TomoyoKanzaki {101}.jpg
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That's a pretty good answer though.
Life just sorta caught up to me and i lost interest in posting here.
no u

>posting through steam browser so images might be quite random
File: Alice (29).png (2 MB, 1240x1800) Image search: [Google]
Alice (29).png
2 MB, 1240x1800
Is this Rei?
I'm not, because I generally can't wait to get out of it
Another option was:
Because they force feed chickens and they are too large to move without intervention
Yep, that is indeed Rei.
And so is her... and her... and her too... and that other one as well.
Yeah, I can't complain. Sleeping always sucks one way or the other, either can't get enough or can't get out of it.
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What if it just preferred to stay on the 1 side of the road?
What, is it some sort of faggot?
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6 foot robot fists old man.png
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It be mifra.jpg
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yes mi.

You can't read that shit.
And if you can you need a hobby.
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I know that feel. I had to post a picture of Rem's legs and it took about five tries before success
At least i don't have to play windowed like with some games. Don't you have filenames to make picking easier?
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I usually post on phone now, but when I did do computer, it was always "rem(insert number)"

As for you, I guess you know what everything is
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Alice 24.jpg
73 KB, 600x599
I couldn't tell in the first picture :(
It is also not refreshing, so barely worth doing at all.
It's not for the insanity that comes if you don't sleep, I wouldn't do it
That's a lame chicken then
More legs

Everyone post legs
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初音ミク – 540.jpg
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Still can't see the panties.jpg
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I still have a bit of trouble with finding images in steam. There's some images in my Jenny folder that don't have names or are too vague.
That's why i prefer the canonical answer of "Because it was disabled".
>very few jenny leg art
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Syndra [177].jpg
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Kyouko (188).jpg
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I always feel like shit waking up. I would rather be able to take like one hour naps 4 times a day.

I don't got legs to share...
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Alice (181).jpg
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>9/10, more focused on the feet but still nice
Disabled in what way though? Not every disability would prevent it from crossing the street
>7/10, kind of cyborgy
>yes I realise Jenny is a robot
>9/10 bordering on lewd
>10/10 , Kyouko legs a best
That's how I intend to live if I ever get a NEET life
>truly a fate worse than death
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It kinda bugs me too that you aren't allowed to have a spray of 2 MB or higher.
i don't know. The song only says it was disabled.
>Nothing wrong with cyborg legs
Sprays? You mean like in Tf2?
File: gghghghghhug y.png (1 MB, 1600x877) Image search: [Google]
gghghghghhug y.png
1 MB, 1600x877
This is probably the only legs pic
Tagged wrong person
Oh? I don't really see how she doesn't look like Rei in that pic
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Tokyo Ghoul Yomo 24.jpg
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dress 6.jpg
1 MB, 1300x1400
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Hell yeah. You play?
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Truly, this is what hell is.

No waifu, no legs, no hugs.
From time to time. I mostly play OW though.
>tfw my spray folder mostly consists of smug anime faces or Jenny
>i always salute it before a match starts
>Do this for good luck every match
I once messed up Sushi like that. It was also a assessment in my food class.
Make onigiri you scrub. Shit's cray.
I once messed up a sandwich in class
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We don't get a huge amount of horse fuckers here.
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Last horse claimer we got was banned I'm pretty sure. Pretty nice guy too.
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It's funny how that rule gets enforced more often than the flooding rule.
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Hello Beep Boop. Been a while.
Still no orange juice?
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I would like some orange juice right now..
A gas of jews?
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Alice (147).jpg
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That too.
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I got some vitamin c tablets. Nice orange taste.

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Profile 3.jpg
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I will just make fresh orange juice, easy as hell, you just need a juicer or whatever you call those things and some oranges. I will get a kilo and make some juice. Yeah I should do that. See you in a bit.
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Alice (22).jpg
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Hello 幸
It was okay. Not really the kind of thing I listen to.

If I'm going for instrumentals, I generally listen to classical
Are you just waking up?
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It's not that I can't. I'm just tired, lazy, and a bit sick. So some pills and water and off to sleep hopefully.
The cello part is fun as.
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Avilio (1).png
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Oh well, have a good sleep then. Hope you get better.
File: Alice (14).png (676 KB, 1000x675) Image search: [Google]
Alice (14).png
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Why are you still awake? What's keeping you awake?
Cello legit makes me jizz
Were you up really late?
i was up untill like 6am
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Will try.

A few reasons. Major one being I just got home half an hour ago.
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Alice (317) copy.jpg
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Fokn wot? Why were you out so late?
because i am the real king
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cutie with apron.jpg
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Double bass > cello
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Alice (505).jpg
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But real autists go to sleep at a reasonable time
I am inclined to disagree. The cello produces a much richer sound that sends tingles down my spine
If you're a god at double bass, maybe. If you aren't this guy, cello is better.
It's fun, too
Wow someone other than me is a Rei fag
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Work! Surely you can't have forgotten that!
real kings don't, false king
I thought you finished a while ago
w/e Sacho
She's too pure for earthly desires like those of sexual nature.
now make me poutine fgt
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Good morning all!
Good afternoon
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Nope. About an hour ago now.
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250 KB, 800x1135
You seem happy. Special day?
Why would I do that? I'm not going to eat anything for the next 8 hours
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93 KB, 1400x1000
It's my birthday. Someone wish me a happy birthday.
Which Tomoko is this
The only one that uses NS
Did you die on the highway?

Are you currently kill?
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104 KB, 300x300



Oh nothing


It's not afternoon
why not?
false kings need to eat bb
happy birthday you piece of shit who never erps with me
hap birfdey :^D

how it feel 2 be 15 finaly :^3?
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It is in England
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U wot.jpg
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We are talking to a ghost. This is Occultic;Nine all over again.
Eh, I'm not gay but I don't hate people who are.


Feh. That was only 12 years ago.
I'm still not sure which that is
Real kings don't, which is why I'm not
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Yes. Boo!
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You might have brain issues.
Happy 10th birthday then ::: ^ D
how many english did it take to change a lightbulb?
but bb how are you going to be a king without eating anything?
why is your timezone australia
and also in the wrong format
it should be DD/MM/YYYY
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It's usually that you come in here saying some shit about our waifus. Guess that's different
with a piggyback from america
I thought this was already established?
Because I don't need to

It isn't, and I can't be arsed to change it
Go to sleep

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