Offensive YLYL
It is offensive because he was smiling. How dare this fool...
Oranje in ons Neerlandsche vlag ja?
I don't like to be rude, but I can never understand why people such as him even bother to participate in something like this. As if he can do anything towards anyone from his kicks and punches...
>wat is de prinsenvlag
if you dont like to be rude you in the wrong place nigga.
It's like a bag of flour that somebody had accidentally locked a raccoon inside of.
An angry raccoon.
what is this making fun of? i dont get it...
underated comment, mild chuckle
I didn't laugh until you pointed that out...
Wonder over yonder ended without dealing with Lord Dominator
Nee maar leg het ff uit want het slaat gewoon helemaal nergens op
k thx will have to check it out
Hoe kankerdom ben je
kankerwanka fok bled amkanta?
trips nice
Screenshotting memes on Facebook.
nice dubs negro
Check 'em
Better luck next time you nigger.
Dude that pallas cat is doing an impression of your mom.
you rqpe midgets
why is he saying bip
his look, like he was smoking the damn melon
Have you ever done something remarkable in your life? 99% of the people don't, like you and this poor freak.
How does that gets a black belt in anything?
tbh i cant really laugh about stuff like the video. i just feel sorry for dudes like him
There's a reason it's called arts. Most people who praction this stuff do it for spiritual reasons.
It's called pity
do you want to be the heartless bastard that tells him no? i sure as fuck don't. Man can have whatever belt he asks for, i won't see a grown-ish man cry
this made me laugh more than i thought
I wonder if that jump roundhouse kick hurts his balls when he does it
I see nothing wrong with this equation
Lost. Clinton-big.
Fucking kill yourself
i practiced martial arts all my life (not as sport but as a proper martial art) and even thoug it's funny to see i believe that alloweing people like him to compete or anything is pointless, they can't be judged and they can't fight (and combat is the basis of martial arts so...) damn it could even be considered insulting to the art itself.
Well, he could do it for spiritual reasons tho', then it would be perfect, no problem with that, but if that's the case there are much better ways, in martial arts the spiritual development is achieved largely in combat or training
yeah. i'd give her a cuddle
hurr i imply that i would rape a little girl to make other people believe i am edgy while i'm just a lonely neckbeard who is ashamed to go out of the door IRL
Its maybe cute but hot ?
never watched that show but some dude used to request things of that character in draw threads. Why is it called LORD dominator but looks like a lady?
She will be hot*
Very yummy
this, i mean i would not rape her but i do find her arousing
No wonder they're so broke all the time. You are supposed to use it to buy food you fucking apes, not eat it AS food.
Youre the guy in a group who tells bad jokes. Thats why no one ever laughs or loves you anon.
damn man youre life must be on such a higher tier than his
Ahh my sides
so much bs
what kind of martial arts? no matter if you take kung fu or karte or judo, the first thing TRADIONALLY would be to make spiritual improvements. first you have to be on a certain level with you mind before you start any actual combat training.
just because in the west they don't give a shit, because they wanna see results asap and they view martial arts more as form of self defense instead of self improvement, doesn't mean that has anything to do with martial arts as it was mean.
I bet you unironically own a kimono and katana
Daily reminder starting a thread on /pol/ with pic related gets you permabanned.
Ask /pol/.
so just barely then?
they're all making fun of one black guy that actually ate money in a video. They're basically spoofing him.
brevity is the soul of wit. You should have stopped after the first sentence.
yeah sure. and i post in claim your waifu thread.
check out how long you have to stay in a buddhist temple, before they teach you any martial art. don't be suprised if it is like 2 years.
you perception of reality is maybe not reality.
But the important thing is that you've managed to use this handicapped fellow to make yourself feel better. Congratulations.
Early on Lord Dominator was this huge magma dude in spiky armor robes. After a season or two the protagonist-antagonist zapped Dom's helmet off, and lo and behold..
T'was a hot green chick.
REEEEEEEE is the same in English as in whatever language you're speaking?
You speak truth, but the improvement in martial arts, like it or not, is not achieved by tardspasms and quick punches or kicks. The way of learning, and mastering said art is by the understanding and perfecting of the flow of energy, thought and movement (which translates to punches and kicks)
I have mixed feelings about this image
>Being a retard
>Insult people
>Walk away immediately not allowing them to retort
What a faggot
thats legal in Australia
>implying he has balls
>maths teacher
holy fuck this was entertaining
Can't he land wrong and pop his nuts or something?
She was pretty fuckable even into her 50's. I bet she could knot cherry stems with her colon.
Funny, until you realise his life is better then yours.
>A Pepe a Day Keeps the Cancer Away
True dat
I wouldn't mind me some loli Hillary
You know those lolis from rich families get up to some crazy shit too
Fuck off ctr
well, there goes my sides
Kek couldn't have said they were on a walk or something. First graders always go on walks.
I don't get it
>tumblr nose
Inderdaad want ze komen er helaas gewoon doorheen.
It's dutch. I read dutch once, but i've lost most of it so i can barely understand what they are talking about. I think it might be about the flag not using the right colours or something.
now I realize something is terribly wrong with me, because I laughed a long time at this. fuck you /b
You can't even spell. I have serious doubts about your fighting prowess.
Fakest shit get it outta here
It is an art installation. Does that really count as fake if it is not trying to look real?
NL is a kingdom not a republic
My dick is erect.
Captain obvious comes to save the day once more
No, age of consent is 16 but this doesn't apply to teachers and people in positions of authority.
Also: as if two 17 year olds stop fucking in america until they're both 18. kek
i've got just the thing ;)
Mr. Hall is that you? It's Will from h.s. badminton
Most likely cp, judging by the responses.
I thankfully didnt see it, so i cant be sure.
america will finally be great again
separate it into small pieces first
what if its green-ish
this is cancer
Maybe because you spammed it nonstop?
It's important to donate to the Ronald McDonald House because they do good work and the McDonald's corporation gives practically nothing to their namesake charity.
Someone just said
>But seriously. She's kind of hot.
its like women in the workplace or blacks in school
>its a joke
kek mexican little shit
It was a crying child with the caption "You can cry all you want"
"But it won't make you unraped"
That's probably the only time that unfunny shit has gotten any sort of a positive reaction out of me
Yep, that's because they cry all the time.
Get the fuck out normie
this one might be too edgy for some of you
"Many states have Romeo and Juliet laws to protect a consensual sexual relationship between an adult and a minor, but only if the couple is within three years of each other and over the age of 14."
nice edges dude, really funny!
the image does not bother me, but the fact you just post it to be some edgy 15 year old faggot really gets me. just fuck off to 9fag or reddit you faggot.
ip chek'd ;)
m8 ur better be ready you sick fuck.
Pedo Murderer spainish crew m8
>I laughed at smth bad, something is wrong with me
GTFO, normie
ooooooooooooo xd
my sides
would giggle again
Not even mad
ayy hol up
*smacks lips
is that be sum wowdamelm
You dastardly nigger, you just stole these from a thread a few hours ago.
Holy shit i lost
Fuck, is this for real?
I'm most reluctantly happy.
>Fun is at max
>Got a good night's sleep
tok pek
sup mah nigga
*smacks lips*
that be a nice lookin wowdamelm
*collects welfare*
where da white wimmin at?
You know what... good for this fucking guy! First time seeing the actual video- have laughed at the gif many times, but I'll give this fucker some respect for giving it a shot! The roundhouse kick was awesome.
Listening to Hungarian Rhapsody while watching this is oddly relaxing
jesus i was glad my tooth stopped hurting. thanks for no side and tooth hurting again.q
Where do you fags find filenames on WebM's?
when did the whole watermelon/black thing start?
I was expecting pictures of welfare offices.
he must be part of some campus police force
mind you 'tards' (no offense) can actually be quite strong and intimidating when they start raging so he probably does quite well on the job
Osiffer downs! I weepeet Osiffer downs!
Fix it.
the WoW legion special edition 'Skinless chicken' mount
Pussy <3's Weiner
>>712150178 if he carries the 1 he is good to go
> mfw watermelon season is here
Fuck me, I am a transnigger, just realized.
gettin that bacon
Glad to live in an actual aryan country where blonde girls hate niggers and want them dead like any other non-cucked white person.
Juurghen huurgen pass the jerggins
the 23rd pol fusiliers
dat website
Who this bitches? Nah man, they would also take black cock by the meter.
>would molest
I hopw this isn't supposed to be a self defense class. I just can't see a mugger looking at this guy and thinking, "this guy's life is obviously great. I'm gonna rob him."
that's a 2 bagger. One for her and one for me. and turn the lights out
no kidding
How can u keep a straight face?
what country/?
>My FB fap
U S and A
South Africa
Are you fucking retarded? The OP specifically stated this is an offensive ylyl thread. Wtf did you expect?
It's the only way he can hold his pants up.
He looks like a pedophile.
>sides on orbit right now
the vid is boring, but lost so hard to the filename
got me
He cant even wear his belt around his waist. Lol
>kite not kike
as a teacher, I can tell you that it's not. There are laws in every developed country that protects students from "abuses of power" from teachers. In other words, even if you're a high school teacher and your student is 19, you're still not allowed to date/bang them.
I laughed a little...
It's over with hatred, thus, (no?)
Is this your first YLYL?
>no donkey kong country music
learn to english
Shall not go for win, go to love and lose it your way : a great open mind shall lose because he found truth true outside... And lost in front of himself...
You're not allowed to date them as your teacher, but there's no rules about two adults fucking outside the framework of the shcool or work system.
It's don't ask don't tell. It's only to avoid bad publicity. The schools and colleges don't give a fuck about people having consensual sex with each other. They care about bad headlines.
>that bandwagon
r u from funnyjunk?
To anyone who thinks this thread is bad; once upon a time this thread would have literally been pics of gore and baby corpses getting raped, ask an old fag they can confirm. /b/ used to actually have no rules. Someday it will be an educational tool for primary schoolers.
Witness ME!
>but there's no rules about two adults fucking outside the framework of the shcool or work system.
If you're currently a teacher in a class they have, or at a school they attend, you're legally not allowed to fuck them. Simple as that.
You have a "position of power" over them, they can "look up to you" etc etc which is why those laws exist; to protect them from abuses.
Not true
it'd be better with KFC commercial muzak in background
the fuck?
dat filename
>inb4 this a cringey thread?
fuckin got me
why the dude is porking the pig (like former minister Cameron)?
please explain how that's funny?
it's not even offensive
But kan you really OD on POTASSIUM!!
It's some boys club shit, son. Let me tell you.
If you know any offshore drill workers you can ask them about this to confirm, but in a lot of places there's this old cultural bullshit called "hazing" which originally was built to destroy weak links in the group.
I don't know about spraypaint like this, but offshore they do that with pipe dope. It's like this greasy sludge that's used to seal pipes, and they swap a big sloppy slather of it all over your ass as a joke or "initiation" or "hazing" in a lot of places.
Honestly? I think it's closet faggot bullshit for some really depressed gayfags.
16x2 is 32 you moon cricket.
it's like watching a shitty wind up toy jump around.
hes a blackbelt in partial arts
nice dubs.
Wow, that's some fucked up shit. Thanks anon, for the education there.
underrated post
Rise of the silver surfer
no nigger attached to the burning cross
I am disappoint
>There's a reason it's called arts. Most people who praction this stuff do it for spiritual reasons.
Accept for anger controll i think? And maybe socializing?
i agree!
>sees unfunny post
>via 9fag
>Please be a troll
fucking kek
Snoop Dogg when he was 2
what's that bizarre ballsack-shaped egg near his poo hole?
that "hazing" also happened some times until 1980's in Cantieri Metallurgici Italiani SpA, as a treatment for informer faggots and gay dudes -- the dicks were painted as well.
Those notes end up in your wallet
in the form of negro shit
yoooo mesforum my nigga waddup
Iain Dowie, what a handsome fucker