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s/fur the waters and testing them

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 265
Thread images: 151
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s/fur the waters and testing them
have a bump

but I gotta get to bed now
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goodnight and sleep well
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Your stash sucks, looks like a bunch of fucked up potato shapes with tits. I can't fucking stop laughing at that face. Loving prop 64 btw.
Furries with clothes on them look much sexier.
>dude weed lmao
retarded druggie
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I voted for Trump.
Stupid double nigger.
I chose to not vote for anyone.
Why is it always this exact fucking picture.
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Or bump with tits you fucking lop.
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I see we went out of our way to find some more lame shit to post. Good job.
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Its like a leap through MS paint history or some shit.
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Guys i need source of this
I am cold guys, pls. Need more fur for the winter!
Perhaps you should cuddle a bunny.
That would help quite a bit.
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Sounds like you need some fluffy doggos to cuddle with.
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Bunnies are good for cuddling.
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your all retarded.
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I still don't know why my mom and dad agreed to be on that show. At least John C. Reilly was pretty cool off camera.
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yo where my bisexual bros at?
Why does it matter?

KYS faggot.
Well, bunny and a mink.
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fox based reaction image.jpg
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oh hey, you guys are still up.
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We should move fur threads to trash
Why there is bigger file limit
To be even more of a spineless faggets then we currently are?
First we move to trash, then some muslim fagget refuge will take your fukkin bed.
Fuck off. We are here to die.
What's so bad about trash
It's literally called trash.
Not the point.
me to
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Goth Sloth.png
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Is YouTube slow for anyone else? Every other website is working fine for me.
Surely the LGBTQRX+-/* community couldn't be flooding the servers THAT badly
Never underestimate the faggets.
Bunni are for eating.
Doge are for cuddling.
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tarrant mobile intro.jpg
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What a boring day in uni today,
save me
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Why are you there?
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I would but I'm in the same boat.
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I'm at work, reading work related news and furposting.
oh shit this was the artist I remember looking at a lot back in the day
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When was the day?
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Greetings Mer Cobalt.
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>pussy are for eating
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because I need a degree
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Why do you need a degree?
to not get stuck in actually shitty job.
>in a shitty job
phone autocorrected wrong
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Oh.. I've always had really good jobs.
And no highschool education.
can you give me an example, what you call good might be hell for others.
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Construction, wherehouse forklift driver, welder, currently a rocket surgeon. I build things that enable the US and it's military allies to destroy anything it chooses to destroy.
Easy work, pays well, good hours.
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But, I understand most modern kids just want to sit on their ass in front of a computer screen and get paid to do as little as possible.
see, I would never do those jobs, maybe only welder.

not because I want to do as little as possible, but because my field of interests is different
Depends on the career path they want to go into, my job ensure that people can do what you say but rarely involves sitting around and not doing a lot.
But I'm still making shedloads of money with no education and no schooling debt.
I have a great house and property, several race cars I race weekly in the summer, my horses and dogs.

I'm telling ya, you modern kids are too obsessed with computers.
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The slow pace is the result of the quality control and structured build process.
Some days I'm actually busy all day. Some days I'm not.
Same can be said for most jobs, though the manual labour jobs like construction etc. will generally keep you busy all day.
computers have nothing to do with this.
I just want a job I love to do,
and also right now without a degree you can only get shit tier under paid jobs
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Also, just because I bump the thread with a pic every 5-10 min doesn't mean I'm not actively working my job.
I will often open my phone, post a pic and put it away again.
>right now without a degree you can only get shit tier under paid jobs

That's what I mean though, that's not at all true.
but it is, I've searched for a job, a lot of my old friends are still searching, and the few of them that have a job are either working with a relative or getting paid next to nothing.
I don't have a degree, but I still make $35k a year. Then again, in my line of work it's a combination of what you know and who you know.
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You don't have to believe me I guess but I make minimum 80k per year plus do medical, dental, vision care, pluss 401k, pluss pension.
And I literally have no highschool education.
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job availability changes from nation to nation, I believe that that's true, but also you have to believe me when I say that there are people with degrees here that can't find a good job because no one is hiring and if a company offer you a job it's usually only as a training and they fire you after some months of under paid working.
Finding a job is hard. But not impossible.
When I want a particular job I don't take no for an answer.
i don't know how you do it, but you can't just go to a place and demand a job
Sure you can.
Well not demand really, but convince them that you would be someone they want to hire.
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that might be possible only if they are hiring, and that's not happening here,
and even if they are, they want people with "experience".
Works even if they aren't hiring, and with no experience.
If you really want the job you can get it.
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it won't work because no one would even listen.
more and more people are being fired everyday, companies are closing.
there are no money to pay employers and you expect then to hire you?
you are kind of right though, there's someone willing to "hire" you, but illegally and with like 1/3 or less of the paycheck.
OK so what I guess I don't understand then if things are that bad, how would you ever expect to work there?
Why is that even a goal then?
Why go in debt for an education that will be meaningless?
first of all, here we don't go in debt for education.
second education is never meaningless,
third when I'll finish uni it might be different, if it's not then I'll just search outside of my country
also forgot to say that in my field jobs are more available because you can choose between a lot of specialisation.
Make up your mind...
Either there are jobs or there are not.
I say you can get a job of its what you want and you tell you can't because there are no jobs to get.
Now you say there are...
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there are job if you have a certain type of education, there aren't jobs in other fields or without education.
I don't believe education is required for a job.
it's required for some and not required for others

KYS faggots.
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Morning, also, this thread's been active for nearly 10 hours. Jesus Christ!
More like,anons be active and inactive back and forth.
same as us.
I'm nearly always here, just don't post much.
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I can see, first time we've met?
Not much, playing Overwatch and trying to hit GM before season 2 ends.
hi chrom.
Probably, I'm a very good lurker, I've been perfecting it for almost 2 years.
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Not bad.


Welcome back.
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Watersports please? All you have here on even a dropbox, need to fill a folder... would never like it in real life unless its through panties but damn its sexy.
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I like her.
I come back after a couple of minutes and only a few posts :( feelsbad
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Maybe you should post more.
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TESV 2016-04-24 03-57-10-62.png
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Needs more ASS!
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this thread still here?!
Nearly 11 hours and counting. amazing.
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welcome back sunshine,how are you?
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feeling a little disoriented

probably because I woke up less than 10 minutes ago
good morning trips.
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I Wanna Be A Cute Bunny Girl.png
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>posts scalie
never understood that
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'fur' is faster to type than "anthropomorphic animal general"

scale is fine here
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Long live the thread.
Indeed, such a feat I've never seen before in s/fur.
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Haven't seen you what?
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I haven't seen an s/fur thread last this long.
Oh, some do.
Some have been much longer.
we've had threads go for days
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fuck it i'll hit the image llimit.
How long?

When? Before they reduced the limits?
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The last long one I remember was a few years ago, 4chan was halted for almost a whole day. No one could post but threads were still up. One of those threads was a s/fur, and it ended up staying alive for a few days.

There have been others too, but I don't know all the details.

well i reached my image limit, see you folks next thread
Damn, but it's still impressive these threads last long nowadays.

It is very impressive
threads like these are rare
I don't remember, Alex and 8bit would be the ones to ask about that.
Yeah, last time I've seen any thread last this long was 6 months ago.

Ok, I'll ask Alex if he gets on, not sure if I want to ask 8bit given how doesn't have much of a liking to me.
I would still ask 8bit. He keeps track of these kinds of things and is always happy to share, no matter how much he may hate you.
Ok, I will then. Thanks.
Needs more pee!
>renamon stare.gif
I don't know that he hates you.
We'll, maybe. I don't know anything about you and him.
He can be cranky sometimes but he's a decent guy.
Ok, understandable.
why you think he hate you?
I guess because I associate myself with Dash, maybe that's the reason.
8 hate dash?
I don't know, I just know they don't get along at times.
I wouldn't say hate, but I've seen friction between the two.
i have to come here more often...
no you don't.
This is all trivial bullshit. You don't need to involve yourself unless you want to.
i always never talk or involve in anything im the most silent of s/fur
and that's not a bad thing
the last night was a shit of thread,everyone talk of politic stuff
Tell me about it, hell, even the g/avatarfag thread got hit by the anarchist.
yeah that'll happen
that kind of shit always pops up now and then. Just ruins it for everyone.
i don't even know what the fuck was goin on.
It's good, showtimes it's the best choice to ignore some of the bullshit that happens here.
like I said
Oh well, since no new thread is popping up, I'll get back to playing FC3: Blood Dragon. It's free on XBL. Later, guys.
bye twitch see you later.
Thread replies: 265
Thread images: 151

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