For fuck's sake, where's the Caturday Thread?
On 9gag. Fuck off.
You must be new here
fucking niggers bro. nigger my trigger
fuck you, you fucking piece of shit fuck, you do fucking realize this fucking thread is on fucking /b/ every fucking saturday right you fuck? if you dont fucking like it just fucking fuck off the fucking thread
I like the celebrities w/cats, pls keep it up
>he visits 9gag
Kill yourself, right now.
fuck off edgy newfag
frank zappa fuck yeah
keith moon, what a loss. If you get a chance, watch the video of 'Who are you' just for the drum part
I like the celebs
caturday will now be replaced with Trumpurday
holly shit she looked 60 at 27 drugs are bad kids!
be kind to animals, or some person much more evil than you will do evil things to you.
> Take it from me
I love the implication to this photo
That's it.
Forgot i had this folder : )
Man wish my cat was still alive,his eyes perfectly matched his fur and he was cute as
oops. one more.
Trump is president
/b/ needs more cats
>thanks amercidumfuckistan
>first world nation?
>my sides
My baby, Theia. :)
Totally digging the musician/cat motif! Carry on!
It's still Saturday here, fucktard.
Kill yourself, stop referring to every fucking post, and don't leave a note
> fucking neckbeard newfag brony troll
A real beauty
pictured: be with you in a minute
based tom waits
go drink you cat's piss
and your opinion does not matter, nor does murica fall into any time line because you all a bunch of fucking retards
Which one is deed?
nope still few hours in yesterday you attention whoring faggot.
What about president Trump? Is he cat or dog person or just trumpperson?
I think this is Mary Eliz Winstead
Thank you, anon. :D
Is that your lovable ball of fluff?
No, I just collect pics of cats and porn.
Oh, okay. Also, check'd.
u wat mate
>and porn
lmfao... pizza face, you should try deleting the porn and get a real cat
Agreed, dat boys' butt is so hurt he won't stand for a week
> trolls a caturday thread, or tried to
why he did that
murica does not count as a country, its an organization
Japanese chef cooks his cool cat a nice meal:
My best bro
no wonder africa is riddled with sickness, they kill all the cats that fight off disease
Your point is moot.
>mine cat
>that awkward moment when your horny and decide to fuck your cat instead
anyone else feel the same?
um... let me correct you there sissyboi, cats that eat rats aren't clean, so they actually bring part of that disease in your home.
secondly, God is the one who cure diseases
hey cutie
No. It's okay to take a break from porn & games for a bit
The idiots suspect nothing!
porn is for faggots and jews
and you can only take a break from games if you have finished Deus Ex on Realistic mode
I just deleeted my webms, but i had a cool webm that showed a cat jumping up for a little mouse about 5 feet
this was on yahoo the other day. This is real, the mp4 the cat has corresponding teeth on the bottom
It's more like a meme that got completely out of hand
Do you mean this one?
I have never thought of this, holy shit anon thank you
My old cat once caught a bird in mid flight. Just jumped in the air like a freaking basketball player going for a dunk and that little bird was fucked. It was freaking awesome.
Best think was that our cat was deaf so he was an inside cat and at the time he was in his cat harness in our backyard just chilling when some cocky birds started fly-by-teasing him.
Deaf or not still a cute predator I guess.
i love this fucking threads!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love 'em. The stripper who lived next door moved away and left her cat. It just sat on my porch in the snow with a puzzled look on its face.
I gave it a home in my garage, kept it warm and safe and fed for the rest of its life. That whore.
Tommy and the Cat
Owner w/too much time
Every fucking day brother
Don't get me started on reaction shots
Mommy go boom!
Since my cat is napping on my lap, and I can't reach the light, I'll tell y'all her story.
>my dad works at a paper mill
>he helps out with a cat relocating program there
Idk why cats go to the mill, they just do
>so my dad goes up to the barn, where the rest of the cats go
>when my dad was dropping a cat off, he sees a kitten
>it was a black kitten, like 3-4 weeks old
>it would have no chance of living at this barn bc it was so small and young
>he takes it home to me and my family
>once she came home, we found out that it was a girl
>we called her Midnight, we didn't know any other black cat names
She is now like 3 years old in human years.
You better keep this one
fuck that looks exactly like my cat down to the white patch below half his nose
cant stop laughing
Bare minimum response
>Summer Breeze
Thx, i hated that one I posted.
I live near gp and my cats were dropped on the road as kittens and i found em.
Youre not in ptown are ya?
I Fight you!
How do these get done theyre beautiful
Cat yeah
>we didn't know any other black cat names
comedy gold right here
His dad was Vulcan ambassador.
Can someone remove that filthy ningen from this photo. This is caturday
This cats like... somethin... is fuckin.... going on... fuckin.. something.
Great thread OP. Good going buttfucking all the haters.
Looks like Hedonismbot: I apologize for Nothing!
What's even funnier is that my family lives near a town where black people make up the majority of it.
a propos buttfucking. are you still sore?
Error: Max limit of 150 image replies has been reached.
one hugs, one fights
i don't follow.
why didn't you call her shaniqua then?
Idk where or what "P'town" is, but I'm probably sure that it's not near the Louisiana-Texas border
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It would been harder if we even train her with that name.
I forget the name of the photoshop plugin, but I used the rodilius part of g'mic plugin in gimp.
There's g'mic online, too, but I've never tried it.
Fucking hell, my grammar lessons from elementary are really paying off.
it's a sign, that /b/ is no the same
go back to your fucking eva already fucking shinji
japanese shit.
Thanks. Reactivated a synapse there.
Is that Jonah Hill?