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Draw Thread >Take or give request >Interact or rolepla

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 313
Thread images: 113
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570 KB, 1500x1500
Draw Thread
>Take or give request
>Interact or roleplay with others
>Threadly reminder that you can always git more gud
>Don't be afraid to try a request yourself
>New Drawfriends are ALWAYS desired

TOOLS: (PaintTool SAI, ¥5400, nearly all drawfags use it) (Clip Studio Paint Pro, $49.99, also sorta popular) (MediaBang Paint, Freeware) (Krita, Freeware) (Firealpaca, Freeware)

RESOURCES: (Learn to Draw) (Loomis)
If you don't know where to start, start with 'Fun With A Pencil'. Loomis is a meme for a reason.


TABLET: (List of Tablets)
Intuos Draw/Art (formerly Bamboo) is fairly cheap and solid ($64/$79 USD Amazon)
Ask a Drawfriend

Previous Thread:
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42 KB, 558x564
>Gonna ask again
Oi, any colorfags on
i have a requesto
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fresh thread, lets start it out with some god given gifts!

you're welcome, love from Kermit
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maxresdefault (3).jpg
15 KB, 184x184

Oh shit I didnt know people actually gave up their anonimity here
the one labeled catfox is actually soup
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MF Yots_Azrealm.jpg
88 KB, 1000x1000
If you're taking requests:

Draw Yotsuba wearing an MF DOOM mask, if you haven't already done so before

Please and thank you. God bless
File: RoboticJizu.png (505 KB, 1500x1500) Image search: [Google]
505 KB, 1500x1500
here you go, anon
>show butt
Ill try to but butt butts, anon
Personally, I like the thigh high socks, but chokers are kinda weird
aaaand more lewd requests
Fuck you piece of shit. You better draw my amphibian self wearing a trench coat and creeping on a lonely nig strolling down a dark alleyway with the shadows of my goons dancing on the walls.
hi taking requests
cute bot thanks
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File: aren't i a snazzy frog.jpg (359 KB, 1750x2500) Image search: [Google]
aren't i a snazzy frog.jpg
359 KB, 1750x2500
better do it before the frog knuckles come storming down your chin's door
Cute robit

What's it do juzu
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369 KB, 603x900
Could you draw this fox plz
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19 KB, 217x320
plz JUST draw this, it would be greatly appreciated, btw, hello all! :DDDD
whats that thing under the skirt
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282 KB, 2108x1054
Draw KERMSTAR (Kermit + Keemstar in one fabulous vessel).
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I haven't seen a fail like this thread since I watched a paraplegic try to put on a wrist-watch.
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What's up, any requests?
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62 KB, 500x500
Fionna request done. Any more requests?
Draw Kermit boning Fiona in her pussy hole.
File: enjoyin' the banjo all night.jpg (13 KB, 236x314) Image search: [Google]
enjoyin' the banjo all night.jpg
13 KB, 236x314
requesting that you cease livin'
Requesting you draw a tiger playing golf in the woods.
i wish i had something to request but other than repeat things i got nothing im low on inspiration tonight
File: GenusPorcosGoblinoidChart001.jpg (679 KB, 1543x1561) Image search: [Google]
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Still working on addingGoblin.

quick question, is there any info I should add? is this interesting to anyone?

Should I add HobGoblin, HobOrc, HobTroll or Hobdrow next
Why would he try to put on a wrist watch with his feet
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Pink and tan girl for guy.
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Super big frankie edit for all who want it.
Instead of fapping to a small picture.
this. this so much.

Wracking my brain atm for something fresh.
Nice Fionna Avvi
nice nice, i really like it, thanks!
Draw the girl in the top right?
Shit attempt at spam. You wanna shut these threads down not shit talk
thats my issue all the time
File: nye.png (227 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
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np m8
wew lad who are you
also draw your character in a huge fuckin wig
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Could you draw a girl with long straight white hair in some sort of fancy cocktail dress, with a tattoo similar to pic on the back of her hand?
dont feed
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The Horror.png
157 KB, 700x700
hello thread hows it going?
i'm not spamming, you illiterate mortal. i'm spewing factitions in this general vicinity and educating you filth bi-pedals as to how I'm the superior species and ascension plane

i'm great

i don't need food, i'm a god
slow and dumb people are here
Pretty good. You got anything of you fencing?
You're a fucking puppet with a hand up your ass.
You're nothing.
Not much
How's life doorman
File: meer45.png (16 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
16 KB, 500x500
Do an anthro goat pls.
Can be nsfw if you'd like but preferred with clothes, try to make him appear masculine if possible.
I request you spread your butt and show me your holes
File: little frog cowboy, haha.jpg (5 KB, 183x275) Image search: [Google]
little frog cowboy, haha.jpg
5 KB, 183x275
i'm an all powerful god with a multitude of limbs, there's no hand up my ass you uneducated mortal

I'm everything and nothing, the alpha and the ofroga
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no but i can make that dream a reality.

you must be talking about me anon.

its well, no complaints coming from me
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153 KB, 666x666
If Mundy doesnt see this I'lll make sure he does
What's good?
You're a puppet named kermit the frog.
That's about it.
You can't even speak without the hand up your ass.
>i can make that a reality

Could you do it, pls?
File: Dead_kermit.jpg (116 KB, 750x500) Image search: [Google]
116 KB, 750x500
These are fucking autistic as shit, could you stop?
circlejerk central
I'm an egyptian god whom name cannot be pronounced by mortal tongues

you can't even speak without oxygen, you pathetic mortal.
Do HobGoblin
>you must be talking about me anon.
no you are wonderful and shush
Kermit's off his meds again.
He thinks he's a god again.
>can't speak without oxygen mean breathe, don't you?
Nice to hear. Can't complain too much as well

May I make A request- a haunted suit of armor drinking milk
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Requesting Hinata with light purple lipstick giving a blowjob
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taking requests
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y-yeah...I seen it...
heyy bby girl. how about you wear a poncho?
hello tiny avatar,
draw bob marley as a wizard
Masculine anthro goat pls

Get a full body shot if you can, but head is okay.
Hi milk.

Move farther away and do something interesting please
File: Kermit.png (83 KB, 900x900) Image search: [Google]
83 KB, 900x900
Just for you
Anyone got a small request?
Requesting you draw a tiny box.
>new fetish for ponchos

Explain pls.
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The hood, milord.
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can you draw a full body pic of this mane
( ◉◞౪◟◉)
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Requesting you mid pounce.
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Yeah sorry for taking so long with the request. My hot date decided to bail on me. So I guess Ill just fuck his sister instead.

>>Galaxy rider's pomp is as big as his ego

Mundy have you finally RETURNED

Requesting you as your favorite marsupial

pounce on what? I don't usually pounce.
requesting a hardboiled cop/alpha businessman turned into a magical girl
are the kermits finally gone?

oooooohhhhff ...


you want me to leave

(be right back)
Hey Ryu
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Good evening, threads.
( ◔౪◔)
( ´З`)=3

I can go all night pal
dont ask that they'll come back
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Simple SFW requests?
Thanks Ryu. :D

I love me some dragon girls.
If you want. I mean be Like super far away in the distance and juggle or something
it wont let me post another face the system says its spam so i guess i cant go all night unlike you
>pounce on what
A pillow.

Or a nice bed.
Hey tri

How ya feeling tonight
a ciggerette smoking a melon
Heya trigote.
or a person
but nice trips
Thanks for doing my goat famalam
a melon smoking a cigarette
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You sound like my therapist
That looks really cool! Who made it?
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Did somebody say poncho fetish?
File: Guillaume Singelin.jpg (375 KB, 700x576) Image search: [Google]
Guillaume Singelin.jpg
375 KB, 700x576
Guillaume Singelin. That girl is from a comic coming out next year I think called PTSD
And thanks for the drawing it's real cool!
Heya gote
/r/ing two blindfolded dental hygienists trying to make a circle on an Etch A Sketch
show your pretty butthole
Yes ofc, also Cian can you draw Clint with a poncho, lewd if u want but Im busy rite now
File: Crim.png (58 KB, 900x900) Image search: [Google]
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Heyo thread, what's up?

But yeah, now that you mention it, requesting you pounce on an anon
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7 KB, 1000x1000
I'll pass on this for now.

Here you go.

Pass, can't do it justice.
File: cian.png (59 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
59 KB, 800x800
I just did this yesterday!

Uh sorry, who's Clint?
>poncho fetish

File: mundy.png (137 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
137 KB, 800x800
I have absolutely no clue.
meant for milk but I am still gonna save this.
yes I am

now give tiddee and show butt
thank you, cutie.
My dick
but you can't tell

because panchos
wow GAY
Show me that big ol knot
I need this character blown up by a plasma grenade so the armor is destroyed, maybe missing a limb, being sexually assaulted by an enemy combatant.
Who else here wishes they were dead? Just me?
Thanks for making it open too.

Draw name pls?
your arm looks like a cactus or hairy bandages
draw yourself with sherlock hound
>My dick but you can't tell
Thank you senpai
File: Avvi.png (5 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
5 KB, 500x500
Not doing lewds, sorry.

Thank you.

Sorry, I'm not drawing furry.

Hey Trigoat.

The world's tiniest box.
what about a tiny cute little spider?
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714 KB, 1920x1080
/r/ Draw the suggested search on my google image plz
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115 KB, 900x900

Life's too good to waste like that
why was a screencap necessary
File: Trigoat.jpg (53 KB, 575x575) Image search: [Google]
53 KB, 575x575
Hey there, anons. Long time no see.

Pretty good, though I'm sure that'll change.

Ah, Hey Crim, Avvi.
What're you two up two?
Cuz i wan on another thread
OR here, thanks I love it!
Whats your drawname so I can label it?
File: fencing.png (52 KB, 700x700) Image search: [Google]
52 KB, 700x700
Hello milk!

Sure ill do that next

Thank you very much anon it means a lot

here you go i hope this works
I hope you feel good for a long while C:
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8 KB, 500x500

Not much. Doing requests and stuff.
Ellamentalist lux magma form sexy shit plz
>Thank you very much
it is no problem! keep up the great work!
Give him a funny little hat
File: BWAHMSHYELLTUHNITE.png (15 KB, 500x720) Image search: [Google]
15 KB, 500x720
I go by Sterling on here. Presenting the Nancy Grace/"Why is my kid on the bench"!
Awesome! I'll have to check it out!
File: meh.png (497 KB, 1500x1500) Image search: [Google]
497 KB, 1500x1500
Sorry for the late replies.
No problem, anon!
>What's it do juzu
First of, thank you, anon!
Second, what?
Third, it's Jizu, not Juzu
Holy crap, that box is tiny
This is pretty good.

Fuck off underaged
Its real cute! I love it :D
Name's Xxy

Sorry for the quick pop in, I'll be back in a bit to take some bigger requests.
Requesting mundy's hardon getting stepped on by ryu
File: bed.png (170 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
170 KB, 1000x1000
I win (*ゝω・)ノ

>I'll have to check it out!
yeah they have a really interesting art style
I go by BasedViva everywhere else, but I was given the name Yotsubro around here in draw threads
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9 KB, 500x500

File: Crim.png (95 KB, 900x900) Image search: [Google]
95 KB, 900x900
Well everyone knows now Mundy.


Been alright, haven't been very mobile since I messed my foot up but it's gettin' better by the day. I'm absolutely estatic you're doing well Tri, hope it stays.
yeah you do x_x congrats
also you look like /co/ winnie in that drawing
File: Aby.png (127 KB, 666x666) Image search: [Google]
127 KB, 666x666
Hey gote, hey Xxy, hey crimo I'm Raq c: nice to meet you
Show him your cock
alright thanks, and thanks again for the pic its real cute
Thanks :D
God bless
Where's my butt?
It was a Simple mistake. You really gonna bust my chops for that.
Hello hello Raq, how are you?
I don't have an avatar, sorry about that.
did you check under your lap
You're so awesome Avvi! :)
check my mouth
File: NudeFrankieDrawtread.png (66 KB, 1600x1600) Image search: [Google]
66 KB, 1600x1600
Someone use this for the next thread.
I guess slime rapist is not on tonight which is fine cause im too tired to avatarfag
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62 KB, 666x666
I'm guessing you're Xxy right?
I'm pretty fine but I just loosened a glass with my shoulder and then it fucking exploded to pieces in the main bathroom at my mom's c:
Oh forgot to add the question
How are you?
Don't think like that man. Just keep having a good time
File: Sleeping.png (133 KB, 1080x1045) Image search: [Google]
133 KB, 1080x1045
*snoring noises*
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220 KB, 800x800
all g ya cute
File: MILK KNIGHT.png (58 KB, 700x700) Image search: [Google]
58 KB, 700x700
here you go anon, if only i can be so grossly filled with calcium...
im dissapointed. maybe slimo will be here tomorrow around noon my time.
File: 427563.jpg (1 MB, 1045x1602) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1045x1602
Requesting Rukia in this outfit with a Luxio in her lap
im just gonna sleep at my desk
Requesting mundy as your favorite anime character.
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58 KB, 575x575
Thanks, you all.
Kind of hard to unstick negativity, but it can happen.

Great. Having fun drawing or just killing time?
Either way, good on you.

Nice to meet you, Raq.
HAAAA!!!!!! Top kek, well played anon, well played.

Kek, that's lewd anon.
OMG who is this cute girl
I am Xxy, yep.
Ouch. Hope everything is good.
Im doing fine, although currently quite ill
File: butt.png (545 KB, 1500x1500) Image search: [Google]
545 KB, 1500x1500
ze butt is here
I had to, mayn.
Slime is always with you
When did you lose your virginity and was it to a waifu pillow?
Requesting you as a dragongirl
File: cian.png (56 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
56 KB, 800x800
fuck I'm slow

soon...ponchos will RULE THE WORLD

no u feg
you know you want this knot

Aw ye
Can you do her getting fucked through her underwear and wearing stripped lingere clothing?
File: Crim.png (127 KB, 900x900) Image search: [Google]
127 KB, 900x900
Ey Raq


Hey you deserve a break from the negativity now and again!

Cian x mundy
Could anyone give me a little backstory on Xxy?
I wanna kiss the snoot
Then have him knot my mouth~
>draws torso connected to two footballs with a furry head pasted on
File: size mater.png (157 KB, 666x666) Image search: [Google]
size mater.png
157 KB, 666x666
Yeah use my Caspermom as the thumbnail
I'm fucking relieved I didnt cut the baby's eye out or something
Who's that behind you?
Ill like Aids or wha
Ey you drew Aby, (bathtub anon)
Dont steal my Mundy
Back in 2006 with some chick with weird crossed eyes and a borderline unibrow

She was thick, tho
We're square but I wanna request hugs
Yeah I lazed out on that one pretty bad. I just get scared of the thread leaving me behind and then end up rushing out something
neat neat neat neat neat neat neat
I need Clint in a poncho asap
im glad thats being used
I came to threads.
I started drawing
And I currently dont have an avatar
Thats about it.
Youre also free to ask me directly all your questions.
>was thicc
All that matters
File: Huzzu wha.png (380 KB, 1080x1920) Image search: [Google]
Huzzu wha.png
380 KB, 1080x1920
*snort* HUH!? Wha? W-where's my horse?

Okay, have fun.

I hope not.

The last thing I need is to be hunted by an omni-present slime rapist or whatev.
>tfw no one took my request
Can I see one of your past deliveries?

Not the box, though.
Iz bootiful butt.
File: Fix.png (29 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
29 KB, 1000x1000
Yeah, here you go.
>100+ posts to go
oh better shit a drawing out FAST!
File: bunny for Xxy.png (62 KB, 666x666) Image search: [Google]
bunny for Xxy.png
62 KB, 666x666
You *need* an avatar, like, T H I S
But maybe not t h i s, like, you can do it yourself c:
posts no face
I don't know the attention spans of requesters. If I take too long they might get bored waiting and leave.

Besides, why should I bust my ass working an hour to make the perfect drawing every time on /b/? I do plenty for myself and others outside of thread that I take that sort of time on
Post more of your deliveries.
8/8 b8
hmm. You're pretty good.

I'm getting an urge to see moar so i can better judge.
File: DragonGirl.png (36 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
36 KB, 1000x1000
What a cute bunny. I'll give that a draw and a shot in a little bit. Thank you

Okay, here.
>gives excuse for shitty drawing
>bad excuse
>better try a different excuse
>just as bad
keep em coming
Thanks anon.
Here's another one here
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74 KB, 900x500
>Besides, why should I bust my ass working an hour to make the perfect drawing every time on /b/?

i mean
you could be better known as someone who actually puts effort here
quality over quantity
I try <3
File: Crim.png (112 KB, 900x900) Image search: [Google]
112 KB, 900x900
Hope I didn't botch it too much

So long as your havin' fun.
File: WildDog.png (10 KB, 497x417) Image search: [Google]
10 KB, 497x417
And here's one last one for now. The rest I'll put into an imgur if you'd like to see them, I don't want to waste thread limit on reposting.
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108 KB, 900x600
not to say you're bad as you are, but just that you could be better

i think a solid third of the volume of drawfag porn i've started saving in the past week alone came from you
upload all your deliveries to imgur and link here please
File: this.jpg (538 KB, 1600x684) Image search: [Google]
538 KB, 1600x684
draw something
pic semi related
Says the shit lord himself youre as bad ehg except don't fight any one and no one respects you
File: Geng.png (256 KB, 600x800) Image search: [Google]
256 KB, 600x800
Gonna have to watch tutorials if I ever wanna use this
And figure out a way to make the UI
Ok. You're definitely quality.

You don't need to put them into an imgur, im satisfied now.

Thanks for offering, though.
Requesting boop pls.
I think I deleted a few my accident but these are the ones I still have. One or two was made before I got my tablet.
Thanks anon, means a lot!
Here's the imgur for the both of you anyway.
File: politics.png (126 KB, 666x666) Image search: [Google]
126 KB, 666x666
Ok, I'll be back in a bit, one of you, mundy geng crim cian or xxy draw the raccoon in a poncho while I go get some Cereal for dinner

>>711184542 Clip isn't hard for me, just use the pencil tool and darker pencil set your pressure and ""WALA"" (Voilá)
request close up face
File: Durgens.png (1 MB, 1500x1500) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1500x1500
durgen jizu
no, sir anon.
hug is coming right up!
theres always a slime within all of us
danke you, anon
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127 KB, 900x600
>don't fight any one
that's actually because
>no one respects you

i'm in a constant flux in that regard, and obviously i'd like to stay on the upside
but at the end of the day, none of this matters. i'm still putting out content for free because i love y'all

ofc it just pains me to roleplay the same scenarios with anons over and over again, but when i become alright with it, everyone's happy.
How about no fucking, just like a pin up in stripped lingere?
why dont you do lewds?
lewds draw in a bigger crowd.
That sounds kinda gay jizu

Also not a bad durgen
Lewds are a pain in the ass and repetitive, some would even say boring. It helps with anatomy and secondary character proportions, yes, but it's terrible tedious after you draw one lewd that everyone seems to only want lewds after.
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60 KB, 500x500
By the way, what's wrong in someone who almost always (re)posts avatar scribbles encouraging more artists to put quality into their work?
Since that's what seemed to get you riled up.
File: Geng.png (294 KB, 2065x1074) Image search: [Google]
294 KB, 2065x1074
Why is everything so huge!
File: Too tired for this shit.png (390 KB, 1080x1920) Image search: [Google]
Too tired for this shit.png
390 KB, 1080x1920
Like an inner slime?
Nah, that's just weird.

Okay, I really need to get some shut eye.
If anybody sees Gloo, give her this.
File: meerpose1.png (176 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
176 KB, 500x500
Still taking requests. Sorry, had to run an errand
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194 KB, 832x618
that sounds disgusting my dude.
my asian loli gf in high school, she was 18 i was 17, i still cut myself thinking about her.
Give into the peer pressure! LEWDS I SAY!!!!
I'll agree with you in this respect. Low quality art spammed by people who are respected and have been here longer encourages newfags to do the same. I will disagree that you are in flux at least at the moment in terms of respect from others. I think it's been a while since there were anyone really cared one way or the other about you.
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Hope this suffices.
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66 KB, 800x800

Oh so you're here to just shit on me and never be satisfied and not help me improve with meaningful critique. Alright then

...I don't even know how to respond to this
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4 KB, 769x641
No lewds
I can respect that
That's really good, thanks a lot!
File: wtf.png (597 KB, 2732x770) Image search: [Google]
597 KB, 2732x770
What the fuck did you do that's not at all What I see
Whats the most sexual you will go?
Is she? Shit. Rough life dude
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File: Crim.png (95 KB, 900x900) Image search: [Google]
95 KB, 900x900
Who eats cereal for dinner anymore?
Go back to fucking kokomo faggot
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169 KB, 640x640
My hand at thic girls
>its my fault you post poor quality art
uh ok care to try once more?
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31 KB, 500x500

a sensual brush of the elbow.

Honestly, yeah it brings you more revenue for requests, yeah, but if it's shit you just don't wanna do it's going to be half assed and hated, and sometimes some of the shit that gets posted on here makes it's way in to portfolios.

And depending on the company or demographic, you don't want your portfolio to be 75% lewd.
fuck, thats some good shit boi
can you at least try to lick it
I'm retarded.
How about you wet in a white shirt?
Its not lewd you cant see anything
please draw a lewd girl with a apple for a head and a pretty face
Needs to be chubbier
File: pop.png (119 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
119 KB, 500x500
LICK the ELBOW? I don't even wanna lick a popsicle.

Why would I be in a wet white tshirt?




requesting anon feeding you a burrito
I request that you draw me some sleeping catgirls snuggling in a sleeping bag
The "joke" is it's impossible to lick your elbow
File: Geng.png (72 KB, 600x800) Image search: [Google]
72 KB, 600x800
No idea! It launched like this!
If I had to guess, I bet it thinks it is being used like a touch screen application where you'd use your fingers and that is why everything is so huge.

WHY it is doing that, I dunno
Still trying to find some kind of setting
You had to wear something light, and everyone knows white reflects heat and light more than black shirts do, and because you were outside in summer having a water balloon fight, and got absolutely soaked, your shirt is drenched
requesting you as a girl
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671 KB, 1500x1500
alright, alright, anon. This I can do!
what anon said.
I did do some lewds before, but they're really forced
*sweating profusely*
>sounds kinda gay
im sorry anon, what does?
the slime thing?
I mean, if you open up your stomach, theres a sexy slime waiting for you to ravage it.
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69 KB, 666x666
Who can afford Architecture studies anymore? :c
I could become a cop, I've really always wanted to be a Swat member since I saw them using procedure.

Also Clint's really buff looking in that drawing *hot*
Looks good!, do you have a drawname?
requesting to see you in some form of formal clothing/dress or something of the sort.
Art blog?
>Needs to be chubbier
I agree, working up to it

okay go to window, then workspace and choose comic, then from window you disable most of the things that bother you, also press tab
don't do lewds, do cheesy romantic shit instead
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57 KB, 800x800
can you do spooky requests?
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53 KB, 800x800
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84 KB, 666x666
Clint in a motherfucking poncho, and if u can you should make a lewd one too
Draw a dog with bird wings eating a baked potato
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51 KB, 666x666
taking requests

sorry ! had the munchies & my S pen keEPS DRAGGING WHEN I TRY TO DRAW HHHHHH

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Spooks sound fun
So you're telling me to disembowel myself and make sweet love to any goo I find

That's pretty hot
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174 KB, 1920x1040
Preferences, then uncheck this or make it default/small and restart the program
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106 KB, 800x800
how cute
Sherlock hound....I think.
>you want this knot
>this smol knot
step it up, boy.
pls someone tell me this is going to be done some day
Mundy is actually a girl
Mundy you responded to me twice again :D
Also you suddenly turned to sonic boom
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93 KB, 900x900
I'd screen cap your display settings so you know how to restore it back then play around till you find something you like. But I'm sure you'll figure it out.

I've done this a lot before.

I unno. Probably not trash doggos.
>Looks good!, do you have a drawname?

>Art blog?
Need to update it some point
i would like to request a tall lanky potato sack rag doll like guy. think sort of jack skeleton build but with no neck and a more egg-shaped head. Button eyes and a stitched smiley mouth.

that something you might be interested in?
File: GenusPorcosGoblinoidChart001.jpg (892 KB, 1984x1573) Image search: [Google]
892 KB, 1984x1573
Added Goblin, HobGoblin is up next

what should I add now?
HobOrc, HobTroll or Hobdrow
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20 KB, 530x884
These threads are incredibly fucking gay. Just a notch above fur. Anyways here's a trace I did.
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Maybe gay.png
450 KB, 1900x1600
I have -really messy- evidence to counter your claim
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46 KB, 800x800
jesus what's with all the size queens lately smh

besides, you know me; it'd just be for show...
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69 KB, 800x800
Sounds doable, I'll do my best
in window>workspace register
These people turned me into a gay raccoon not me
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