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Can anyone give me a plausible, logical and educated reason why

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Can anyone give me a plausible, logical and educated reason why Trump shouldn't be the 45th president of the United States?
I certainly can't.
It is against Satan's will
Fuck hillary
There is none. The only excuse by the mentally handicapped lefties is that he's [insert anything ending with -ist]
check'd. the trips have spoken
His Five Point Plan for Ethics Reform
no, rest of the world has been waiting for your downfall long enough
kill your country, vote trump

Trump can't win. Why bother thinking about it?

That's bad?
You should elaborate.
I already voted for Trump, and it's for the better

Because corrupt is better than insane.
He won't accept if Hillary wins because he's a massive manchild
Insane is better that corrupt and insane, for argument's sake
No because you right wing cucks don't listen to reason
How is he insane?

See I asked for a plausible, logical and educated reason. You're kind of lacking on that now
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the USA collapsing under the most incompetent president ever seen on this planet will be the biggest joke of our time.
I'm just so excited to see it happen.
Fucked more if Hillary
How about being dumb enough to lie on tape and then lie about lying on TAPE?

How about impossible wall and impossible economic plan?

How about a history of failed everything?
>I asked for a plausible, logical and educated reason

You're on /b/, dimwit.

And poor impulse control is prototypical of any kind of organic brain damage. See The Executive Brain by Elkhonon Goldberg. Trump isn't all there.
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>history of failed everything
You need to get off of CNN bud. Trump supporters started the "Lock Her Up" chant. Half the country thinks she belongs in Jail. Do you REALLY think people are going to let her stay in if she wins? She symbolizes corruption, and when a Government becomes corrupt, it is the people's duty to remove the Government's Right to Govern.
Because he believes that climate change is not real, despite overwhelming scientific evidence stating that it is real.
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Which one of his sons would he appoint to be president for when he dies: Uday or Qusay?

still better than being a corrupt criminal
Ah. Trump response. Ignoring anything they don't like to fling shit the other way.

And they think it's a defense.
"Vaccines cause autism"

- Donald J Trump
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Donald Trump is corrupt and a criminal. He is to go on trial in November for fraud.
Because he's not running for president of student council, he's running for President of the United States. The closest thing there is to King of the World.
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>compulsive liar
The mouth-breather.
Actually he had a pretty comprehensive medical exam and it all came back saying he's in good health. But now I'm surmising you don't have a plausible, logical or educated reason to not vote for him because you're insecure and broken from the leftist breast milk of lies you've been fed your entire life. I hope the world turns for you my friend, and I hope you see things for how they really are. Our government is corrupt and we are headed for totalitarianism if Hillary wins. You'll remember my words
I dont understand why clinton isnt in jail yet. Or at least disqualified.

They can't.
trump asked some dude to be in charge of his foreign & domestic policy

so its clear hes simply going to be the face of the president

what you should be asking is he going to be able to choose right person to do his job for him
Why on earth did Americans choose Donald/ Hillary over Ted/Bernie?

You've only got yourselves to blame for this shit.
Because the FBI is so inept they haven't found anything concrete to drag her in with.

All they have to do is ask /b, of course.
Welcome to the conversation
clinton gave weapons to saudi arabia and quatar in exchance for millions for her foundation.
i mean, could trump possibly done something worse?

and then there's this:

hillary voters get real. trump may be an asshole, but hillary is just worse
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Because he believes that climate change is not real, despite overwhelming scientific evidence stating that it is real.
bc you can't put people in jail just bc you don't like them

this isn't nigeria
People are ready to go to war over this election and you think it's a joke? This isn't a fucking joke Anon. People won't accept this if she's elected. I know we come to 4chan to dick around but some of us are actually scared here. If we get a criminal as president, there will be a revolution. If Trump's elected, we get black people riots for a weekend.
Hillary worships satan
>The closest thing there is to King of the World.
and that's the part he is going to change
he'll ruin the economy making the US unimportant globally
you'll have walls and guns and no one will even try to come into your soon to be third world shithole anymore
>You'll remember my words

I'll remember them because your tears of feckless rage at LOSE LOSE LOSE on Wednesday morning are going to be delicious.
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>clinton gave weapons to saudi arabia and quatar in exchance for millions for her foundation.

Ronald Reagan sold weapons to Iran to finance Nazis in South America. Somehow conservatives still thing he's dope. So what's your problem?
He will only use the power to enrich himself. He won't give a shit about anyone else, least the people who are voting for him.
the majority of the world believes in god despite massive amounts of evidence that god doesnt exist
I'm tallkiing about all the deals and private payoffs she made. that shit's illegal as hell.
No, there won't be. You pansy ass bitches are gonna go back to the internet and bitch for four years because you know you can't do shit. You'd get droned or just run down by an MRAP.
He's an egomaniac who can't tolerate being disliked/ made fun of/ losing.

He's already made an alibi for losing the election, so even he knows it will happen. If it does, then it'll be evident that he defeated himself.
Just like the lake Vostok ice cores they found in Antarctica which provides data saying that CO2 levels 50,000 years ago were orders of magnitude higher than they are now?

Nobody denies "climate change", what is questionable is the lie that humans had anything to do with it
>just discovering arms dealing
>in the country that is the biggest arms dealer in the world
>and makes most of its money on that shit
>and whose policies are made to drum up business on behalf of its customers

welcome to politics circa 1982 retard

I did not sell weapons to err ahhh umm I do not recall at this time, I do not recall, I do not recall, repeat 100x. Worked for Reagan, works for Hitlery.

Karmas a bitch faggots.
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You think he'd pass one of his own drug tests?
the majority of your acquaintances think you're a boorish twat despite your delusions to the contrary
I won't accept Hillary
No. Trump is going to win by a landslide
A president choosing to believe in God, however, would not have nearly as much of a negative impact on our planet as a president who chooses not to believe in climate change.
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>conveniently ignoring the DNC flat out fucking over Bernie and nominating Hillary instead, all but ignoring him and saying 'nah, lol'.

this isn't exactly the will of the people at work here

seriously dude...
So 50% of America is just a bunch of Pussies huh? Funny, i thought that was the Liberals. If anyone would go to war over a Corrupt President, It would be the Republicans.
>lake Vostok ice cores
>orders of magnitude higher

Uh, no, not at all. There's a stable 100 k-year cycle topping out just about 300 ppm CO2, and we're well above that now.

If you want to science, at least don't outright lie about the data.
So all the money he has isn't good enough? You don't think he's doing this because he loves his country and everyone in it?
He's an empty suit. He has not once demonstrated that he has the knowledge, experience, common sense or temperament to do a good job.

He lets people on Twitter get him riled up, how could he possibly handle stronger world leaders like Putin?

The best case scenario in a Trump presidency is that with a Republican majority in the senate and house that he'd be, as someone mentioned before, nothing more than a rubber stamp while they all made the decisions. That's the *best* case; giving power to a group of people so addle minded that they overrode a Presidential veto recently, and then when they realized it was a bad idea complaining that President Obama had done nothing to stop them.

What a mess of a country.
my problem is giving weapons to islamic regimes.
if reagan has done that, i would critisize it as well.

the flood of migrants that come to europe (i am agerman) was also caused by hillary supporting isis groups with millions and weapons and interfering everywhere in the middle east. trump wants to stop that madness
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hillary sent classified emails to chelsea and chelsea doesnt have a cleaaaaaaaaaaaaaarance. lol
He's too childish to be an effective president. When asked what his policies are he automatically changes the question so he can say something about defeating Hillary or isis or both. To be fair Hillary does much of the same. The office of the President is being contested mainly by two childish, power-hungry, old people who will just use the presidential office to become more powerful
All aboard the Trump train. toot toot.
You clearly have no hindsight when your head is that deep into your ass. Might be smart to listen for once instead of shit talking.
if there truly was enough support for Bernie then he would've won.
But nope, dems wanted Hillary instead.

Can't even comprehend how stupid the republicans are for selecting trump instead of ted. Suddenly Mitt Romney doesn't seem so bad now.
reality isn't /b

Hillarys big drop in popularity was a drop from 67% chance of winning to 66%.

Want to win an election? Don't nominate someone less likable than the least liked candidate in recorded election history.

All the money he has? He is a failed business man, his businesses are failing left and right. He lost a billion dollars in one year ffs. Why do you think he's not releasing his tax returns?

Do you think he would be running if he was actually a successful business man?
Trump is anti-worker unions.
I work in a trade union that will suffer should he be elected.

Also, chris christie as AG will fuck all the legal pot progress we are making.

For those 2 reasons, I am out.
We dont give a shit what you think anymore. You think you are going to change anyones mind? Fuck off and get used to your next president Trump.
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That man has a really creepy relation to his daugther.

Here he talks about him and his daughter sharing their love for sex:
Sorry, siding with our republican congressman and voting hillary this time. you fucked up, GOP
You clearly don't understand why people like Trump. We know he's an asshole. He symbolizes the American's Anger for their own Government. People want an Outsider more than a Predetermined Politician
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>believing this
holy mothefucking lol

trumps wins, the US are done for
Thats not what I heard.
But I haven't been to Antarctica, so I didn't have access to the original data.

As far as the whole "climate change" scam goes I'd look up Freeman Dyson (the theroretical physicist) and his lomg years he spend on "climate change" and his analytical conclusions. Not to mention the fact that the sun is the only reason we have a "climate" to begin with and any minor fluctuations or output differences has huge implications on earth

Keep spending money and votes on a total scam
>if reagan has done that

How young are you?
He isn't hilary.
can you blame him? she's hot
the only thing that's funny will be watching your country burn to the ground.

How many protests?
How many riots?
How many deaths?

Can't wait myself.
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He will dividide the american society, a nation's strenght is based on its citizens ability to tolerate and cooperate each other and the possibility for every individual to unleash its potential in a free society, not on some identitarian bullshits or a powerful elite.

He will ruin america by trying to send back all the illegals to mexico (think about the costs in transports of a such operation, the mobilization of numerous services such as police, municipal services and customs who will not be able to pursue their usual activities, the destabilization of numerous firms employing illegals, the relative shortage of workforce, ...)

The world would assist to crying brutalized, broken mexicans sent by force to a third world country. All the medias in the world would report massive violation of the human rights in the so-called "most powerful democracy in the world". So why rulers like Putin and Assad or any despote has to be condemned for the violence they use. His election will also make the whole rest of the world less stable and democratic, and will turn more violent and authoritarian.

These pictures and videos would ternish the image of the United States in the World

Protectionnism is also never a beneficable option : because american consumers would spend more on buying the nation-make products or paying the taxs, they would have less money to spend elsewhere and so some other sectors would enter in difficulty. Also, if the deciders of the countries targeted by american protectionnism are as stupid than Trump they will take retorsion mesures, which, all while being non-beneficial to their owns economies, still would be bad for american exports. Eventually, the USA turning toward protectionnism is the start of a period of global recession : since all the people in the world would think free-trade is a dumb policy equivalent to let the stranger firms replace their national owns, protectionnism would propagate.
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He failed?

Get on his website. No, not the campaign website, the Trump resorts and properties website.

Failed my ass
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Reality disagrees with you
>the US are done for
Either retard or nigger detected
as i said i am german.
i don't know what every american president has done, as i'm sure you dont know either about our kanzlers
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whats wrong with enjoying sex? are you ashamed? you sound like a brainwashed faggot
>Thats not what I heard

Go look at the data. It's not hard. I had the occasion to dig up some of the real data a few months back. I'm not inclined to be an alarmist, normally, but we are already well out of the climate cycle of the last half-million years. it's unknown territory, baby.
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Lots of reason. Our USA way of life will be ruined!!!

No more cheap products from China
You'll be wearing the shame shirt for weeks like in Europe
No more cheap food
No more free food, cell phone, housing
You'll actually have to work
Working conditions regulations will change in favor of owners not employees
Employee abuse
Get a job mentality
Dangerous drugs imported
Lower healthcare
Get a job mentality
Pay more get less (eaten trump hotel food)
China will is fucked.
He will make women lose weight and be hot. FACT
Trump belongs on tv
There's already been talk for weeks among the party brass about how to lay the groundwork for impeachment on day 1. The GOP wants the election, the house, the senate, the executive, the legislative and the judicial seats, but they do not want Trump in the way, and one option is just to wait until the first thing he tries to do, pick him apart, and immediately move to impeach.

Lynched by your own party... ouch.
Still, better deal than Kennedy got.
>Can anyone give me a plausible, logical and educated reason why Trump shouldn't be the 45th president of the United States?

His foreign policy is shit.

1) He suggested that countries like Saudia-Arabia, South-Korea and Japan should be allowed to have nukes without any form of interference.

2) He is threatening to pull the US out of NATO. This will seriously weaken Europe's leverage against Russia, and we saw how the reckless Putin will stop at nothing to get his will (Invasion of Ukraine). Putin is currently mobilising along Russia's borders, and Trump seems to be busy being flattered by Putin rather than being hard on him like he should. Also, the lack of Trump's transparency and the alleged ties to economic incentives in Russia is worrying at best.

3) Trump wants to pull out of the UN, effectively killing any influence the US have on China and Russia as one of five permanent members UNSC.

4) His "US first" policy on everything related to trade and insistence that he can bully other countries into giving the US a better deal is not only infeasible, it actually may plunge the US into various trade wars and make it fall victim of boycotts.

5) His lack of understanding of rules of war makes him unfit as commander in chief. Allegedly, he sincerely asked his councillors why the US couldn't just use or at least threaten to use nukes, and he has multiple times suggested that the US military should target civilians and other non-combatants.

I have plenty of other arguments that go on other aspects of his policies too, but you asked for one so you got one.
Trump can be the president of /b/ but nothing else
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>can you blame him? she's hot

She is not. She has that weird Slav face and his half Slovenian. That already disqualifies her.


>What's wrong about sitting next to your daughter and talking about how you both share the love for sex

Pedo much?
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Because trump is dumb and unqualified, he's racist and hates women. He's not a good businessperson, CNN told me so. Msnbc says Hillary is going to win, and he's guilty of treason for paying Russian hackers to hack the United States. He's going to ruin everything, and if he's president, that means he can just BUILD a wall, wasting money and not keeping anyone out. He's too unstable and will lead us into WWIII.
>>What's wrong about sitting next to your daughter and talking about how you both share the love for sex
>Pedo much?

what exactly is pedo about that?
Oh I know.
You clearly don't understand how small of a percentage of the voting public is on board for this.

And boss nigger, I am one of those your last sentence refers to.
If Hillary wins we'll have a civil war and WW3 simultaneously. Pick one
Yes, he failed. The latest news is that the Trump Tower in Toronto is in receivership because he can't run a business. Most of the things he has ever tried have gone bankrupt. Successful businessmen don't lose a fucking billion dollars in a year.

His "business" practices include systematically not paying his subcontractors, effectively stealing from the little guy. It's exactly what he's going to do as a president, screw and steal from the little guys.
all she has to do is get in so trump doesnt, its fine if she goes to jail after that
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what hell are you doing on /b then? You probably into traps and anime bullshit then faggot.
i can't tell who's posting what man

Millenials, please enjoy, for your reading pleasure:


Look it up. Watch Reagan on trial. Good times.
hes qualified. american citizen over 35. Thats all you need commie.
most accurate thing about this election
Must be born American too, so King George can't just run for president and get elected.
How about considering the fact that he wants businesses to have more of an advantage with a 3 tier tax bracket system instead of whatever else and MAYBE one of the reasons he is trying to be president is to put an end to government overreach when it comes to taxes?
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>what hell are you doing on /b then? You probably into traps and anime bullshit then faggot.

You apparently mistaking >>>/b/ for >>>/pol/ faggot. How about you fuck the fuck >>>/out/. It's shitlords like you that have ruined this place in the last 8 years.
I was actually going to call you out for a second.

Donald Trump [...] has no record of public service and no qualifications for public office. His affect is that of an infomercial huckster; he traffics in conspiracy theories and racist invective; he is appallingly sexist; he is erratic, secretive, and xenophobic; he expresses admiration for authoritarian rulers, and evinces authoritarian tendencies himself. He is easily goaded, a poor quality for someone seeking control of America’s nuclear arsenal. He is an enemy of fact-based discourse; he is ignorant of, and indifferent to, the Constitution; he appears not to read
i like the regulation part. if you want a new regulation you have to get rid of 2 other ones.
The constitution is a living breathing document.
>implying you have been here that long

He has advisors
Government overreach when it comes to taxes? That's just empty an empty bullshit phrase repeated by simpletons. He's running because he's a failed businessman and figured out he could ride the hate train to power and wealth, while screwing over the very people supporting him (which is what he does in business too).
He is a 70 year old man who wears baseball caps and managed to lose billions while running a casino. He is literally the worst human being on the planet
/b was never good. Newfag detected.
He's proven himself incapable of managing education.

Look no further than Trump University.
>he is appallingly sexist

I never got this, and this is coming from someone who not only has nothing against women's rights, but supports Trump.
wow, you broke the case scoop. When can i see you on t.v. since you know more than anyone else?
He might go to jail. The Trump University fraud trial is coming up in november or december iirc.
The sky is not falling.
Everything is going according to plan.
Just sit back, settle down, shut the fuck up, and enjoy the show.
So what have you done on tier with what Trump has done so far and why do you think he would be a failed president any worse than Obama or Hillary?
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Hillary lost, the shills are scrambling for any kind of relevance.
Now that he's running for president?

Okay. Not good enough
Ask Donald Trump what he thinks is his daughter's greatest asset, and he will answer -- despite her career as a successful business woman -- her looks.
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>>implying you have been here that long

One of the things I saved of /b/ back then.

There was that time he said he could get away with grabbing women by the pussy because he's a star. There's that time he said he could walk-in on teen miss universe contestants because he's the owner and just "inspecting the goods." (and indeed contestants later confirmed that he did this while they were dressing) There was that time he called breastfeeding "disgusting." There was that time he said that rape was a natural effect of having women in the military. Frankly I could go on and on with examples of his sexism.
Plenty of people know this. Trump has been the joke in the business community since I was in business school in early 2000s.
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>strawman response.
thanks for proving my point. Lets talk though.

The reason Trump has any shred of popularity, besides the typical dipshit racists or something that dont like brown people, is because people are pissed off at the status quo.

Hillary represents the status quo, whereas Trump is a human molatav cocktail that is being thrown at the establishment. People are tired of paying 2x as much in health insurance per month as they do for their mortgage. They're angry that their wage increases are barely (if at all) above inflation (1.5) or core inflation (2.2) while they see the recovery to go the minority of people in supervisory positions (up to @4% growth) and above, especially once you start getting into the elites.

Now, lets ask, 'how many protests, riots, deaths?' will come out of this.

I answer your question with my own question. Maybe this is for the better? These last 10 - 15 years have been a catalyst, this is just the people revolting against the status quo, because they want change. They wanted change with Obama, we got more of the same (or worse?).

Hillary represents keeping everything the way it is. People are tired of the status quo and seem to have woken up that they are being fed a narrative.

>tldr: angry sheeple woke up and are throwing a human molatav cocktail at washington

Rather the usa collapse then thermonuclear war with russia.
would rather have pence as president than that annoying wind bag kaine.
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>She traffics in conspiracy theories and racist invective; She is appallingly sexist; She is erratic, secretive, ...

OP said Trump, why you post Clinton?
What have I done? I'm not running for the president you idiot. Obama was quite successful as a president. And it says a lot about Trump that even Hillary fucking Clinton would be an infinitely better president than him.
So basically you just want a pathetic protest vote.

Keep dreaming.
No sensible country votes for old men who wear baseball caps. Voting for someone who wears baseball caps to be class president is unacceptable after they reach the age of 11
Fucked up 18th century voting system.

He could get the majority of the votes and still loose. That shit belongs in Mugabe tier """democracies"""
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If you're basing your vote off of logic and information and you aren't voting Clinton then there's just nothin' I can do fo ya mang
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Well OP you sure do know how to chum for CTR.
so what? he's probably right
I know Republicans who vote Trump solely because he will make tax cuts that directly benefit them and who laughs at how easily lower class workers are lured into thinking that they don't already benefit greatly from existing tax cuts and they will most likely not experience any noticeable difference because tax cuts benefit those that actually have money, not those that don't.
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>actually believes that the wikileaks are legit

1. Russians hacked the DNC
2. Russian hackers altered the content of the emails in order to be more effective at influencing the election.
3. Russian hackers turned said emails over to Assange
4. Assange leaked them out
5. Useful idiots believe that this leaked information is somehow real.
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I certainly don't. Although I'm for sure certain skill Stein would contribute loads more
This is a new movement and we're winning

I'm sorry, when was it that Clinton said that vaccines cause autism or that global warming is a hoax invented by the Chinese, that there is no drought in California, that Obama was born in Kenya, or that the election is rigged?

Yeah, ok, you can shut up now.
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Shill Star Trek is more Clinton style, Trump can pod-race.
To all the women supporting Trump.

Imagine some 60something year old pervert walked up to you and "just grabbed you by the pussy", then insisted it was ok because he is "a star".

You will never convince women that Trump is better using logic.
She's more successful in business than him and her brothers. But then Trump gave her away to some jew, and now she's stuck in the kitchen raising little good jews and Trump is getting good goy points.
No, because there are no logical and educated reasons why he shouldn't be the next president.
Trump 2016, let the great triggering of our age commence.
we have had 8 years of faggot marriage, illegals everywhere, kissing foreign countries asses and the rise of isis. You liberals are done. Get used to pay back for the next 4 years. hahahaaha
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Why is the media reporting that Clinton is losing her lead?

Recent polls show her losing ground, that's why.

She destroyed Trump in the debates but since then the media has turned its attention to the FBI re-opening the investigation into her Emails. It hasn't been good for her.
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>its only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything

Let the new age of enlightenment begin!
>2. Russian hackers altered the content of the emails in order to be more effective at influencing the election.


why were so many people in the dmc and clinton support fired/retired because of the emails, when their content is untrue?
>kissing foreign countries asses and the rise of isis.
Lol milennials are too young to remember how Bush&Cheney kissed Saudi's ass for oil and got cucked when Saudies crashed a bunch of planes.
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>People are tired of the status quo and seem to have woken up that they are being fed a narrative.

Yeah, this is completely true, but it doesn't mean Trump will win. He's an extremely poor candidate, even if he's speaking to a real political desire. He's a bullshit artist, a cheat, and a pandering liar. He's just not sincere about doing anything about it. But he was the only Republican candidate who spoke to it at all.

Now Sanders completely underestimated this sentiment. If he hadn't, it's likely he could have won. He started too late, as a protest candidacy that turned real.

The best thing about Trump is that we'll get candidates who address these issues and who are neither completely corrupt nor completely incompetent.
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>oh look guise i can make a map!
>Can anyone give me a plausible, logical and educated reason why Trump shouldn't be the 45th president of the United States?

Hillary loves the Jews more than he does.
Putin wants him to be president. This isn't because Trump is good for the USA, is it?

Basically if the Russkis think it's a good idea, we're prob fucked.
have you seen his hair cut? !!?
Yeah she lost a whole 2% of her advantage.

But sure, get your hopes up.
>claims to be christfag
>clearly not christfag
>if not christfag, then not republican
>wtf am I reading
17 US-based intelligence agencies along with 12 intelligence agencies abroad all agree.
Because people are realizing what voting in a future inmate isn't a good idea, you can't run the country from inside a prison cell.
You couldn't win a bowel movement
She also said she didn't know that the emails marked classified, with a graphical indicator (an actual red flag) were classified.

>logical and educated reason why Trump shouldn't be the 45th president of the United States
Because ideally the electoral college would be disbanded, gerrymandering should be stopped, and the two party system should be broken down along political lines to form many smaller parties that could potentially lead in coalition similar to the system in place in Germany, even the UK to a lesser extent. When votes are close and there is no clear winner by say 10% support margin it shouldn't go all one way or the other. This could happen if there was enough centralised support among representatives but since that's never going to happen because it means its harder for them to be corrupt / maintain their elected positions...

In the absence of the total reform of the entire election process... no reason whatsoever.
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jack nicholson omg.jpg
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Do you actually believe I made that map, dip?
he has balls
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"Losing" her lead is an exaggeration. She is still in a considerable lead, and is very likely to win the election.

However, her lead is not as strong as it was two weeks ago, when it was OVERWHELMINGLY likely she would win the election.

But most likely, she will still win, and we will get to watch a sad snifflebox trumpkin make the greatest non-concession speech in US history!
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because oversampling a bunch of niggers, young SJWs and mexicans made it look like a "ermagawddddd double digits bb 12 point lead" and made it look really bad that they are manipulating shit that hard.

having a smaller lead, or even negative, you're going to be more likely to get people to go out and vote vs 'shit, it's a blow out. I dont really need to then because she's so far ahead'
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>Obama was quite successful as a president

Eight years of Tee times at public expense is not a success in my book.
>Educated/logical reason
Your response does not qualify, thanks for trying though.


Clinton news network. biased as fuck
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what's that 69 doing in there.
Dubs means the last 2 digits are the same.
We need to get rid of common core

Captcha - Waffles


>she isn't underage
>pedo when you meant incest

>actual numbers are biased as fuck

What does that even mean you fucking mong?
Russians are counter rigging the election. They want Clinton to win.
1) Putin appears to support Trump
2) Putin knows that US will not elect Trump if Russia thinks it is a good idea
3) US elects Clinton
4) Plays into Putin's plan all along
with that logic you can say "Obama and the mass media want Hillary to be president. This isnt because shes good for the usa it it? Basically if the government and the democrat controlled media thinks its a good idea, we're probably fucked"
uh huh. Thats why michigan, colorado, florida, new mexico are all toss ups now.
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>Obama was successful
>Doubled the USA's debt
How do you manage to work your keyboard Sir?
You can't just ignore the illegal shit people have done just because you like them
This isn't Nigeria
(Nice pick of a nigger country to be uncivilized by they. How tolerant of you)
Hitler did nothing wrong
So I don't see how this is valid at all
CNN said yesterday that clinton doesnt have the electoral votes now to win.
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You're gonna need it

Russians are doing fuck all and laughing their cocks off at the stupid fat americunts that believe the hillbitch

Actual num era...
Bre exit pols said stay was up 10 points.

Leave won so well see.
I think fucked either way, to be honest, but Trump is so fucking repugnant, just can't vote for him.
If doubling your debt is being unsuccessful, then what is losing all your money and all your shareholders money on a silly casino?
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Mainly because the man simply does not have the knowledge, experience, or temperament to run a country.

Trump says, as he usually accuses Clinton of, "a lot of words, but they're just words".
>The wall
>The immigration stuff
>allying with russia over Isis while ignoring Syria
>His tax plans
Basically all of his policies are highly uninformed and unrealistic.

They're like solar roads. They sound nice to people, but if you actually think of everything that goes into them, you realize it's impossible or would not work the way he claims it would.

At most, his experience helps him with handling trade, but even that is on a totally different scale between a corporate exchange and a political exchange.

Meanwhile, his off the cuff statements and his inability to handle himself without people literally putting "Stay on topic" in his speeches is a testement to how he can NOT handle a political discussion.
He is too easily trolled.
Yeah and now you can buy a car in Britain for $5
That's cute. You think the president decides the budget?
Why are you shifting the goal post? How the fuck is presenting poll numbers being biased in Hillary's favour?
Pence as vp


His position on Climate change is saddening
Latinafag here

I start a bricklaying course next week

Wish me luck amigos
What is it? It's fucking up the countries economy by trillions and the other is a personal business loss where shareholders are aware of the risk and voluntarily buy shares.
These things do not equate, you're retarded.
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historically, the market performance in the three months leading up to a Presidential Election has displayed an uncanny ability to forecast who will win the White House… the incumbent party or the challenger. Since 1928, there have been 22 Presidential Elections. In 14 of them, the S&P 500 climbed during the three months preceding election day. The incumbent President or party won in 12 of those 14 instances. However, in 7 of the 8 elections where the S&P 500 fell over that three month period, the incumbent party lost.

There are only three exceptions to this correlation: 1956, 1968, and 1980. Statistically, the market has an 86.4% success rate in forecasting the election!

the S&P is down like 5% over the past couple months. say hello to super president trump.

>tldr bad economy, other side wins. good economy, your side wins. we've had a bad economy
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>No sensible country votes for old men who wear baseball caps

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CTR is real amigos, here is proof.
I think he screamed "change", then sat on his ass while debt piled up.
His entire presidency has been a detriment to this country, he as contributed nothing and got to live a life of luxury on the tax payers dime for it.
>where shareholders are aware of the risk and voluntarily buy shares.
You know he rushed to stock market so his share holders would take the fall instead of him, right?

There are plenty of people who think Trump scammed them of money.
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>Correcting the record about correcting the record
bravo anon
Without bringing up the competition?
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>he's a good businessman and knows how to seal the deal, Trump will make america great again because he is a successful businessman
>private business is nothing like running a country, Trump will make america great again despite his failures as a businessman

Which is it, you shifty jew?
So you admit you're ignorant of what has been going on for the past 8 years?
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Cool Hand Luke.gif
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>tfw I delete everything off of my phone every day, including browsing history, because my girlfriend keeps wanting to see what I'm doing

>I don't even do anything wrong, but my private servers are what I want to keep private

>she doesn't know where the folder locker is on my computer that I keep 30 different collections of naked photos and sex acts from 30 different women I've been with. Plus many nudes I've traded with people for other coworkers.

>tfw I keep them as trophies and not as a method of emotional infidelity.
>getting cockblocked by republicans in congress
>"sat on his ass"

Do you live under a rock or something?
He's a nutcase that shouldn't be anywhere near the nuclear launch codes.
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I can't got to wikileaks anyway. (pic related) ISP must have blocked it.
If Trump wins and he doesn't nuke Mexico, the Middle East and China, I'm going to get fucking pissed.

The only reason I'm voting for Trump is because he can actually do it. But I'm starting to suspect that he's going to pussy out and get us all cucked.
You make a hilariously false equivalence and I point it out, either show me how I'm wrong or fuck off with your bullshit.
The world will have the launch codes if she is president
Answer >>710641819 instead you shifty jew.
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Smash that share button if you are up family. If people know that CTR exists, the shilling becomes ineffective.
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>1. Russians hacked the DNC2. Russian hackers altered the content of the emails in order to be more effective at influencing the election.3. Russian hackers turned said emails over to Assange4. Assange leaked them out5. Useful idiots believe that this leaked information is somehow real

So you are finally admitting how badly Obama/Clinton have ground down our nations defenses, with their pointless war, after pointless war?

We are now vulnerable to manipulation by shit-tier nations?

Thanks Obama/Clinton!
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Oh shit nigger
if your in the u.s.a. it's illegal, that's why. obama banned it due to the classified information.
Nice strawman, I made no such claims about his business prowess and it being vital to his presidency, you shifty faggot.
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Ohio farmers express themselves.jpg
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>You will never convince women that Trump is better using logic

If that were true anon, then why are you trying to confuse voters with "it's the Russians" BS?
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>he thinks the president's success is determined only by the debt

Maybe this is why so many dumbasses listen to Trump.
Shit is FAR better overall for the US than it was 8 years ago.
Maybe it was caused by Obama, or maybe it was caused by THE WHOLE FUCKING GOVERNMENT WORKING ON SHIT.

This is the retarded oversimplification.
A country is not JUST it's debt, and the President isn't THE DECIDER or anything like that.
>B-but muh executive order
That shit only gets you so far. it doesn't mean you can fucking "MAGA" like idiots like to chant.

If Trump is elected, what's actually going to happen is jack shit, because Congress.
If Hillary is elected, what's actually going to happen is jack shit, because Congress.

Politics is more than a fucking hat you faggots.
he already has.. Clinton cant technically be President any more.. watch what happens Monday morning.
you're autistic if you think that, kill yourself

inb4 "emails!!!!!!!1!!"
>implying those claims aren't repeatedly touted over and over again in support of trump

Go cry about muh ss-s-strawman fagboy, you just got rekt
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putin laughed about this the other day and said something along the effect of "lol, how am I going to influence american elections. what are they, a banana republic?"
So you admit you've conjured of imaginary pros to his 8 years of presidency?
See, I can do it too anon.

he'll out jew the jews so we aren't israels bitch anymore.
You do realize that just by trying, your attempt gets logged don't you?
>Sat on his ass
>Videos of him sitting his ass
>Evidence of ass sitting
>He sat on his ass for 8 years

Do you live in "Obama world", an imaginary place of hope and 'change'?
Trump did a U-turn on Israel and promised them milk and honey.

I mean, the fucking cuck gave away his daughter to the fucking degenerates.
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>why were so many people in the dmc and clinton support fired/retired because of the emails, when their content is untrue?

Ah, the narrative they prefer is "stepped back" firing is a Donald term. kek.
You're not very smart are you? You might not agree with his contributions like Obama care, but saying he did nothing just shows you have no clue what has been going on and are just parroting the braindead Trump propaganda you read online.
If you can't stop deflecting, I'm going to ignore you.
Okay, I lol'd.

You win, I'm defeated.
>I can't actually answer that so I'm going to ignore you and pretend it's your fault

tripple kek
Thanks anon, that one works.
>Lazy nigger gets elected
>Does lazy nigger things
>Anon tries to justify lazy nigger
>"Muh Obamer tho!"
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Momentum is not favoring the lying shrew.
Can somone shut the fuck up about the election for 5 FUCKNG MINUTES?
Rekt? You're literally playing out the definition of strawmanning someone.
"Look at that thing he didn't say! I defeated it! I rekt him!"
I made no such claim so they are irrelevant against me, you're retard and you've 'rekt' your self dummy.
Because regardless of his selling himself as an "outsider" he's become just another politician. That and the whole inciting violence thing - consciously or not, way too many bullet, bomb, 2nd amendment, incarceration and censorship comments to make me comfy with him. Btw, former republican here - now independent. Republican party really went to shit.
Actually, it's civil damages for rape. He raped a 13 year old girl.
Oh, your so super smart anon, you so clever and wise, do tell of the wonders that happened during Obamas 8 year presidency!
>Awaits in total anticipation and amazement
He didnt say it. He typed it out.
Because there isn't too much room to throw buttmad fits when it comes to international politics.
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no veritas.jpg
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No project veritas either.....
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Also, it's because he is a white male, right guys? Also, he is just like Hitler, right guys? He should tip his fedora and allow the lady to be president first, right guys? Guys?
No one is actually voting for him. No one is actually voting for Hillary either
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Denies climate change, vaccination, risks of fracking, wind power, ebola virus, 'eco-friendly' technology, 'grabs' vaginas, basically denies science and is shockingly ignorant on many issues. Debate me.
Against globalism and free market
that is in December
hes going on trial for fraud this month
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Also, because black lives matter and not white male lives, right guys?
You're not missing a thing! Every video O'Keefe has ever made has been debunked. He had had to pay 100K restitution for defaming an ACORN employee. He was arrested for phone tampering of a US Senator and failed to produce any legit evidence of wrong doing time and time again.

The only crime O'Keefe is known for is is own when he was prosecuted for one of his stunts.

He can't even hang up a phone right.
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<Too damn real, it is like trying to talk a walk
behind 101 Dalmatian's in here, shitty and wee-wee'ed up.
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How can you criticise Obama, when your a white male?
He will make 4chin great again.

Really, the new ads suck.
>Intelligence organizations speculate it might be the Russians
>Source: Hillary and multiple media sources
the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.

In other words, they don't have any evidence and are basing their accusation off nothing. It's just like when Clinton said the Russian's "hacked" the DNC. It's purely speculation.

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Also, Trump is a white male, right guys? You forgot to list that one, anon, right guys?
I can't believe that there are so many people supporting Hillary. Trumps not a great option but how could one ever support an insane, corrupt future inmate over an asshole? Even Trump winning and failing and causing reelections by 2019 is a better scenario that having Hillary and her insane puppeteers behind the wheel.
Those charges were dropped. Y'know. Because they were fake.
He followed the law which was set in place by Bill Clinton to protect their own money and that of their rich friends.
right, our economy is in shambles and the banks basically own us, but we should probably focus on shit like ebola, that effects virtually nobody.
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>How the fuck is presenting poll numbers being biased in Hillary's favour?

Anon, calm down, take a breath, here have a sip of truth. Leaked Podesta emails goes into
explicit detail to "or media" on how to oversample so pro-Clinton results come out every time. We call it "cheating." Like when you get the questions before a debate? Like that.
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The source is that Donald Trump is a mysogyny st white male, right guys?
Oh my god... You're right! How many lashings must I take in the town square to be absolved of my criminal whiteness?
>insane, corrupt future inmate
Alright faggot, I'll bite.

Corrupt, certainly
Future Inmate, possibly
Insane, explain please cause saying someone is both corrupt and insane does not add up.
Is she some corrupt fuck that is playing the system, or is she some insane clown who doesn't know what she's doing?
She can't be both.
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It's not a hoke, but it's not that serious either. Just defer to minorities or females when possible. You need to realise that you come from a position of white privelge.
There's technically no evidence that god doesn't exist, just no evidence that he does
sure bro
>So 50% of America is just a bunch of Pussies huh?
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Also, O'Keefe is probably a white male, right guys?
>getting cockblocked by republicans in congress

<real presidents don't let that happen to them.
Compromise they do, get shit done too.

Obama was a sour ideologue who likes to lecture, bait and taunt folks, and then wonders why they oppose him.
Dumb fool. Clinton's more of the same.
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He's green like us....
>the actual election
Pic one.

How is it cheating?
Rekt AND butthurt, lol
He doesn't have any political experience. That may not be a good enough reason for you, but it is reasonable. Business experience doesn't necessarily translate to political experience.
>wonders why they oppose him
They opposed him because he was a fucking nigger. Are you saying they didn't oppose him because he was a fucking nigger? Are you some liberal nigger lover?
His economic reform plans are hilariously bad and have been proven to more than double the nation's debt, hes condoned giving Saudi Arabia, a country that supports isis, nuclear weapons, tax benefits to the rich is a bad idea (see: doubling the nation's debt), he has a private email server for communicating with russian banks and the kremlin (although he keeps denying it) and is committing possible treason as we speak, he has a history of awful business moves (re: trump university, trump steaks, starting a mortgage company right before the housing market crash, a retarded amount of bankrupcy filings and irs audits)
2 years of House and Senate majority...... nothing done...... "HUR: Republicans fault".
hillary's career dies monday.
come and see.
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Really? You leftist scum were sure into wikileaks when it was hammering the Bush's. What changed, huh? Besides, y'know, who, Assange was aiming at.
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12 years old AND autistic. lol
he has a history for being known for an idiot and no political experience. So why all the sudden is now known for being a political genius now? I don't think he's racist or sexist (even though theres tapes online admitting being a rapist which is more proof than Bill Clintons case) i just think he's an idiot. Though hillarys worse...
He shouldn't be the 45th president, because he should be the 44th president.
>2 out of 8 years
In those two years he cut the unemployment rates drastically, although Trump fags will have you believe that when they say that the unemployment rate is 5% it's ACCTHSUALLY 41% because of Trump's arithmetic skills.
And yet you keep responding and coming back for more.
>what is a filibuster

dumb ass

>women imagine if you asked to see your man's phone and he grabbed you by the pussy
Shut the fuck up europoor this doesn't concern you.
Honestly, it's kind of hard to walk away from kicking a moron when he keeps saying stupid shit, it kind of feels like justice.
If you're so convinced shes hiding something why don't you just read the emails. I mean, they're leaked, so you can now. Instead of bitching that she hid them and "there must be something incriminating", read the fucking emails, come back, and then reveal your fucking findings. And it has to be seriously incriminating too, every politician does "shady shit", it has to be something youd get mad at trump for. Either do that or shut the fuck up about the emails.
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Logic is lost, watching the MSM melt down will be choice. They got down into the swamp with Clinton and Obama.
He fits in pretty well on /b/
And /b/ can't run a country
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