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You've got five seconds to tell me why you're not voting

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 311
Thread images: 65
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You've got five seconds to tell me why you're not voting for Donald Trump.
I'm a Libertarian
he's, like, at least half retarded
I am, though.
Because I have to make sure my girlfriend's son is gonna be OK for the next 4 years. Pic related - the love of my life.
because i'm a brainwashed liberal cuckold
A whole bunch of reasons.
He's completely selfish and literally only cares about what happens to him.
He's not a successful businessman. Every company he's ran has been repossessed by "the banK', and he's made his person fortune by deferring the loss to stock holders and staff and contractors.
He's a pedophile (seriously he has at least two confirmed cases against him now, and more in the future, I'm sure). he rapes children.
He is against anchor babies, but he is ACTUALLY ONE. His mother was an immigrant that married a successful business man to stay in the US.
He promotes racism and hatred.
He's a Puppet for Putin.
But most of all? Because when the media thought that he might win, the stock market took a 500 million dollar hit in a single hour. If he gets elected, it will literally crash our economy (which is already having issues).

Say what you want, but these are simply facts.
I believe cupcakes are the love of her life
I'm a Britbong
not telling you to fuck off but this is not a good place to talk about that.
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State something racists that Donald Trump has said.

Also don't use literally, faggot
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>55,000 times richer than you
Pick one, faggot
Because I get all of my news from CNN, MSNBC and Facebook. I am too lazy and dumb to do my own research into the many times Hillary has committed treason. I would rather focus on the fact that CNN says Donald Trump is a meany. I don't care that Bill Clinton is a proven rapist. I never question the fact that their annual salary is less than $200,000 and yet they have a combined net worth of over $100,000,000. It doesn't concern me that her husband enacted the first assault weapons ban that had no effect on violent crime (except to make it more difficult for law abiding citizens to protect themselves) And the Hillary will likely do the same. I believe that my tax dollars should go to something nice like free housing and food for illegal immigrants. I believe all of the polls CNN is posting saying that Hillary is up 15 points, there is no chance that they are fake and are only being shown to keep people from voting against her. I cannot wait until she lets tens of thousands of Syrian refugees into our country, many of whom hate America and everything it stands for, they will learn to love us. I want to raise taxes on all the rich people because they have so much money! I doubt they will compensate for that by firing tens of thousands of people or just raising their prices. Now please explain why I should vote for the meany pants? Remember....he said some mean things.
I don't want to leave the house.
rich =/= smart
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>inb4 saying no to illegal immigrants is racist
I don't live in America and am not American
This was not five seconds.
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>Then why aren't you a billionaire?
>we must build a firewall
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>he seems to care a whole lot about our country since it's the reason hes running
>self made billionaire fucktard with resorts international
>words =/= pedophillia and proof of him raping kids? i think thats bill...
>its a loophole for the illegals to get in without paper work or background checks
>proof? blacks, latinos, and muslims are voting for him
>oh cause hillary said so?

>inb4 snopes
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/b/ is America and /pol/ is Israel

We are number one Allies, Without one of us all the threads would be bombed. :)
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Get the fuck out of here you kike.
>I had your uncle for lunch

because he's dead
Because I'm in college and don't care. And I don't have a rich dad to toss me millions of bucks on a whim
hillary is worse by far

if trump is elected nothing he wants will ever get through congress so he literally doesnt matter. hillary will cause the world to burn
Oh, I love that image. You do know that all of those companies are subsidies of the businesses that were declared bankrupcy, right?

Of course you didn't. But don't believe me. Check it out.

>he seems to care a whole lot about our country since it's the reason hes running
No, he doesn't. He cares about making himself more famous and rich.

>self made billionaire fucktard with resorts international
LOL, are you serious?
His father made the money, he has LOST BILLIONS of that money due to his chronic mismanagement. If he'd just sat on it, he'd be 10x richer, IIRC.

So yeah, self made my ass.

>words =/= pedophillia and proof of him raping kids? i think thats bill...
LOL.. So that's why he's going to trial in December for rape charges against a girl that was 13 at the time, while "hanging" with a known pedophile.

And there are a couple of other victims that have been coming forward as well.

Now, what about bill? How does that NOT make trump a rapist and pedo?

>its a loophole for the illegals to get in without paper work or background checks
Anchor babies is a myth. Citizenship is granted to all people born in this country. That's been the way since day one. Read the fucking Constitution.

>proof? blacks, latinos, and muslims are voting for him
@realDonaldTrump. Seriously that's all the proof you need. He's made numerous racist comments, repeatedly.
And do you know what the term "uncle tom" means? Race traitor.
These people are voting against their own interest beacuse they are caught up in party politics or in Trump's dogma.
>oh cause hillary said so?
Nah, beacuse he has said that he's friends with Putin, that Russia has intentionally leaked altered documents, and due to private servers set up to communicate with Putin.
take a fucking look at the stock market. If you're unable or unwilling to do so, good for you for being an uneducated, moronic fuck.
Gary Johnson is the best choice for America
I can't because I am
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Access hollywood tape
Talks at a 3rd grade level
Sexual misconduct allegations
Gross disrespect to our voting system
No tax data no transparency
Doesn't understand how foreign policy works
Rants on social media at 3AM
Uses xenophobia to get votes based on fear
Wants to further his business ventures if he's elected
Complicit in fraud with Trump University
Has no concrete plans for policy in any of his speeches and is often vauge and misleading
Lies all the time and the average voter doesn't fact check

Yeah there are a lot of reasons for why I'm not voting for the chubby beligerant bastard
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Your pic says it all. That and his policies are braindead retarded.
>let's go back to trickle-down economics and health insurance denial for pre-existing conditions
Gimme a fuckin break.
top kek.

Sadly Trump is a far superior candidate compared to Gary
>if he cared about himself then he would pocket all the donations like hillary does (hell her foundation donates to her foundation ffs)

>still a billionaire and a successful business man if he wasn't you wouldn't hear of him

>link thats not paid for by democrats?

>no shit thats why illegals do it to become legal citizens without going through govt process

>proof as in a quote and not restating

>if he's friends with putin chances of a war are lower and a better relationship could be made any proof that without a doubt he's a puppet?

>idgaf about stocks
why do people keep calling trump a pedo? also why do people think thats bad?
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Fuck off nigger. No one is going out and voting for third party.
ah the impotent masses are here to whip out their liberal cuckold.
I am voting for Mr Donald ''Make Cliton gape againg'' Trump
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4..3..2..1.. end of thread

"If you repeate a lie often enough it becomes true."
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Trump admitting sexual assault.
Trump charity fraud
Trump calls for nuclear proliferation
Trump calls for national stop and frisk
Trump violates trade embargo with Cuba
Trump sued over Trump U fraud
Trump bribes DA
Trump doesn't pay taxes for 20 years
Trump employs campaign manager involved in illegal corruption with Russia
Trump calls for ban of an entire religion from entering US
Trump lied about support for Iraq War over and over in debate
Trump in court for rape of a minor
Trump unaware of Russia's Crimea occupation
Trump unaware of situation in Syria
Trump penalized for racist housing discrimination
Trump files for bankruptcy 6 times
Trump goes 0-3 in debates by showing scant knowledge of world politics
Trump slams people for being POWs
Trump calls Mexicans rapists
Trump questions judge's integrity because of parent's heritage
Trump deletes emails involved in casino scandal
Trump commits insurance fraud after Florida hurricane
Trump has dozens of assault victims and witnesses come forward with allegations of abuse
Trump attacks former Ms America for being overweight
Trump tweets about sex tapes at 3am
Trump calls for US citizens to be sent to Gitmo
Trump calls for more extreme forms of torture to be used
Trump asks why cant we use our nukes if we have them
Trump calls for offensive bombing attack on sovereign nations because someone gave the middle finger
Trump calls to kill women and children of suspected terrorists
Trump says women should be punished for having abortions
Trump makes fun of disabled people
Trump calls for end of freedom of the press
Trump calls global warming a Chinese hoax
Trump praises Putin and Kim Jong Un's strong leadership
Trump openly admits to not paying his employees during debate
Trump calls Obama an illegitimate non-citizen hundreds of times over 7 years
Trump uses campaign donations to enrich his own businesses
Trump says father of Ted Cruz involved in JFK assassination citing National Enquirer
And fuck off back to /pol/, the gayest board on 4chan next to /lgbt/
A winrar was had.
>>if he's friends with putin chances of a war are lower and a better relationship could be made any proof that without a doubt he's a puppet?
I'd rather see the Earth become a smoking cinder than to see America sucking Putin's micro penis
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Are you mad?
he did not promise free pizza
Because I live in Canada, americunt
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The absolute vacuousness of his speech.

I'm gonna vote for the candidate who appears to think before she speaks, even if she's obviously a fucking vulture.

Admit that you love sucking nigger dick cuck
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He believes that global warming isn't happening even though it's scientifically proven.
I am a felon.
Holy fuck that's powerful
Forgot to mention that she voted against gay marriage though
I'm a progressive liberal.
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>The child rape case against him that's continuing in December.

>Intentionally walking in on Miss TEEN USA contestants dressing room
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You're the guy is always posting

"Are you mad white-boy?" Then posting nigger dick for hours. You do realize that it no longer works as a distraction piece right? We are not going to start a racewar so fuck off.
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Trumps a loony. You don't need to add made up shit to the list because you're stoned off your face. It actually makes him being a loony less believable when you do that..

That's how shills work, stoner. Now you work for Trump. Enjoy your high.
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because he's no loominaty confirmed as hilloly
>also why do people think thats bad?
Never change, /b/.
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Yeah, it's an early draft. Mostly pulled common complaints. I'm gonna refine it and add some primary/sourcing videos. Probably too late to matter, though. Just got bored earlier today.
he isn't actually rich, all of his personal worth was in the trump brand, which he's spent the past 18 months absolutely destroying
Clintion is worth what influence she can sell
That doesn't make any sense. Regardless, even if he's an actual retard he's still rich as fuck.sooooo
>can't actually refute
>quick attack hillary

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She isn't worth anything anymore. The Democratic Party has dropped her like a bag of fucking bricks. There are literally waiting the computer is on fire and getting one way tickets out of the country for November 9. Literally no one wants anything to do with her.
This video will change your life
>His father made the money
>If he'd just sat on it, he'd be 10x richer
What money are you talking about exactly?
His inheritance? You know that his dad died in 99, right?
I disagree with every single stance he has and also fully believe he's being manipulated by the Russians indirectly.
But I am voting for trump.
Because Rand Paul should have been the GOP nominee
Good shit
>>The child rape case against him that's continuing in December.

The one that was started by a producer on Jerry Springer?
Not him but not a thing on that list is false.
I'm voting for Jill Stein.
Because of his supporters. They some of the biggest faggots in America. And they annoy me slightly more than Hillary supports.
No you aren't you filthy kike. No one is dumb enough to vote 3rd party. Not in this election is too much at stake
Have you ever met a Clinton supporter? Dear God talk about faggot tree.
to be honest, both sides are full of faggots. The main factor is that my family are dick hard for Trump, which makes me cringe as fuck
>He's made numerous racist comments, repeatedly.
can you give me a few specific examples?

Your family likes him? Wtf i hate trump now.

Trump's campaign is pointed sharply at stupid people.

u 'avin a giggl m8?

So because your family makes you cringe, Trump supporters are faggots?

You do realize that you're the faggot in this scenario, right?
Because he said he was a terrorist and a pedophile
I wish this election will go on for another few months. it's fun watching you CTR play Russian roulette and chug bleach. I bet you faggots can't wait until November 9Th.
>u 'avin a giggl m8?
no, examples please
Because I'm a mature adult.
Everyone in America is a faggot, let's not kid ourselves
>sandnigger detected
>can't actually refute
>quick laugh at their point
Alah Ackbar
because i love the USA
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>Implying voting will against Trump will kill the movement
I'd prefer my president to be more intelligent than an autistic 4 year old
what the fuck? trump is /b/ the candidate. Vote for the lulz.
Retards don't go to UPENN
His narcissism verges on insanity. It is certainly highly neurotic and interferes with his functioning
I DGAF what the president is worth.
I want, and will vote for who can actually do the fucking job.
And that is not trump.
If you can be baited easier than the trumptards here.....well?
You're not interested in any examples. Anything that would be provided to you would be outright denied or weaseled out of with autistic dictionary arguments about the 'true' meaning of racist. It's happened before, across multiple websites. I'm sure you've got your copypasta ammo ready.

was their point that they agree that trump isn't rich?

what did he mean by this?
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I am pic related
Because I'm not a fucking Russian
Because I understand basic politics and economics.

Many have tried to stump him. The democrats tried to stump him and they wound up tossing their entire party into a dumpster fire.

>The democrats tried to stump him and they wound up tossing their entire party into a dumpster fire.
surely you mean the republicans tried
>Many have tried to stump him. The democrats tried to stump him and they wound up tossing their entire party into a dumpster fire.
latest survey of Florida voters shows 28% of Republicans have already voted for Clinton. That's a historic defection. Obama only got 9% of Republicans in 2008.
>dumpster fire.
pick one
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I don't care or know about mom's citizenship, but absolutely none of these are true

Apparently Kim Kardashian is 100000 times smarter than you then.
>the things written here are artistic works of fiction.
Only a fool would believe this
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>weaseled out
oh the irony

From the era when he was frequently hanging out with a child pimp?


The one with the high profile lawyers and the witness who claims to have procured girls?

Yes, that one.
>surely you mean the republicans tried

I could have said that too. The Republicans got rolled over. The Democrats set themselves on fire.
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he's an inexperienced faggot with bad hair. Along with that he'll be like he is right now and never make any friends.
>my girlfriend's son
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Now tell me how many of those he guided with his own hand?
Both parties tried, they failed. The media tried, it failed. Even if Hillary's rigged system wins, revolution will be afoot. The movement will not be stumped.
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She knows her voters are stupid
i couldn't stand listening to his whining for 4 years.
>owns 515 businesses
I'm not sure calling a limited liability company a business is a good characterization when all they are is separate bank accounts.

You can create as many LLCs as you want, provided you pay the one time filing fee (few hundred dollars, or less, depending on the state).

You can buy followers on twatter, does that make you popular?
Fags like you said that same bs when Obama was running, 8 years later and you did nothing about it.
Americans are basically pussies who talk a lot of shit but never back it up.
> The movement will not be stumped.
you sound like every high school since the 60's
I'm Canadian
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>still dodging the question
>"you're not interested in examples"
Please stop baiting.
*every high school stoner...
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He has better control of his creations than Hillary does with her creation- ISIS
This situation is not in the least comparable to the election of Obama in '08. You'd have to be a fucking retard to go forward with that train of thought.
I don't align myself with any political party, but i don't like either of the republican or democrat clowns this year so my vote goes to gary. i know he hasnt gotten a bat's chance in hell to win, but i hope he can at least get that 5% threshold for federal funding for the next cycle.

This is literally the most overblown thing from this entire "scandal".

Yes, having to act "cool" is stupid.

This is something people would agree on at large.
Try backing up those claims with evidence, shill
You dont read a lot of history do you?
Because voting for Trump isn't actually voting for Trump. It's a vote for Pence.

Trump isn't going to do anything. Just jerk off to his daughter and make outrageous speeches while Mike does all the heavy lifting.

I'm not that into Mike, so it's a no go for me.

Enjoy your DNC funded Jay-Z concert, faggot.
I know, it's hard to deal with things you don't understand. Insults are the best way to deal with ignorance.
You hate Putin because he's alpha as fuck and you're a useless libtard that will mooch of the rest of us for the rest of your fucking transgender beta cuck life. Jealous much? America would be lucky to have a leader like him. Think of all the shit that would get done without the fucking pc libtard agenda fucking things up. Go take your hormone therapy and prepare for your newly minted man made vagina.
>Trump isn't going to do anything.
What makes you think that?
I'm sorry that I'm not dumb enough to get caught up in your Gish Gallop of nonsense.

>The Democrats set themselves on fire.
Is that why they'll take hold of the Senate too?

I think you've been meme'd, senpai

low information millennial poster detected

>still dodging the question
what question am I dodging? are you under the impression that I'm the person that said Trump was racist, etc?

because I'm not, and I have no duty to defend claims I've never made

>her creation- ISIS
ISIS was created in 1999, and took firm hold of Iraq in 2006, how is that Hillary's doing?
Got your shit backwards. Hag clinton is for ww3. She is a serial killer. Death is her favorite thing. She wants to kill us all.
Time to "dust off and nuke the site from orbit"...

Trump's the nuke.
Because i love my country
>liberal cuckold
You really haven't been paying attention
Your calling people "low information millenials" when you have no understanding whatsoever of Hillary's role in the spread of ISIS. Pure faggotry.
underrated and actually true
Autism confirmed.

.05 shekels were deposited into his account.
>Hillary's role in the spread of ISIS
I asked for that and got nothing from you. What am I supposed to do?
It's who I'm voting for
try reading a newspaper from ny in the 90's, or anything, not fox or breight-tard.
The accusation was that she *created* isis. The argument was nor related to the subsequent spread.
I base it on how they both present themselves. Trumps inexperience shows all the time. He has goals and ideals but 0 idea how to implement any of them that isn't fantasy. Mike is pretty much his political translator, and it's inevitably gonna be Mike just taking the reigns because Trumps so contentious nothing he wants to do will get done.

I suspect we'll start seeing Trump taking as many vacation days as Bush back in the day just to get out of Mikes hair
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When faced with serious questions, clueless Trump supporters can only respond by spraying babble and bait into the air.

No wonder they want him. They need a man who does the same.

Crikey! Here they are now!
Gary is a living meme. Had grandpa Ron led the party i would think different about it.
>The accusation was that she *created* isis.
In which case it is demonstrably false.
Voted Johnson. I know he has no chance, but hopefully we can get the libertarian party more funding for next election.
Stawmen, ad hominem, etc
Those aren't arguments son

Why tho? Markets tends towards monopoly in the absence of regulation.
Right. The argument for that is the Obama administration being liberal idealistic faggots and pulling out of Iraq too early, creating a subsequent vacuum that was filled by Jihadists who would later become known as ISIS.
Thanks for the reply.

Here's (you)rs
>Litterally thinks all people are equal and rich people just steal from the poor.
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>literally can't prove it

Trump's talking points, everyone.
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I don't agree with all libertarian policies, but personal freedoms and liberties should come before all else.

Eh, I'll bite.
because his plan to solve the budget problem is to just keep borrowing and hope that the other countries will have no choice but to just forgive the debt.
but donny said she was the founder of isis
the founder
he said it twice so it must be true
>literally can't prove it

Here's a DIA memo partially declassified under FOIA by Judicial Watch. It was written in 2012 and shows willful complicity of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in the rise of ISIS.
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Donald is ugly, and his mother dresses him funny.
In only five seconds?

He seems like a subnormal narcissist bigot, and I'm not from America.
>He has goals and ideals but 0 idea how to implement any of them that isn't fantasy.
How do you come to that conclusion?
Thanks for this list. I've been meaning to put this together.
He could still buy and sell you 1,000,000 times over, you broke bitch
You've got five seconds to tell me how much the shill of the hill paid you to try and sway your betters
It's a rough draft. I'd like to add some primary sourcing to it.
>Judicial watch
Enough said
>The argument for that is the Obama administration being liberal idealistic faggots and pulling out of Iraq too early
Except we were told to leave.

By suppressing wages and the supply of daily necessities, the rich *DO* steal from the poor.

>but personal freedoms and liberties should come before all else.
Close, but not quite. Extolling personal liberty at the expense of all else leads to perverse consequences.

I know this may come as a shock to you kiddo, but sometimes grown-ups lie.

>hillary is responsible for ISIS by overthrowing gaddafi
>bush isn't responsible for ISIS by overthrowing saddam
I need a history brush up. Who used to be in charge of Iraq, you know the second 'I' in ISIS?
Middle of the road voter here. I actually want reasons to vote for him and not Killary. And please, the emails argument is retarded.
Do you really think people want to structure well written arguments on a topic thats been debunked millions of times, on a imageboard that ends up you beeing called a faggot in the end?
Yet you can't really come up with anything in that paragraph other than the sins of her husband and "treason". I'd like for you to point out how, using the exact definition of treason, she has committed treason. You can't, so you cling to your shitty narratives about emails and rape that is based in half truths at best.

When you compare that to Donald's multiple bankruptcies, failed marriages, spousal rape/pussy grabbing, willingness to use nuclear weapons, lack of knowledge on foreign policy, lawsuits for discrimination, support from white supremacists, obvious use of his campaign as a piggy bank, and everything else I'm forgetting it seems a little uneven.

So it seems the state department was aware the ISIS existed, and was intent on allowing them to grow to isolate the Syrian state in its battle against the resistance.

Of course, this is so redacted there's no telling if there was recommended action against ISIS or if they listened.

Also, State Dept. is not in charge of the military. Exactly how does that make her complicit?
stop shilling all over the site bitch

It's kind of a good place to practice.

Like telling your alibi to a brick wall.
So could Kim Cuntdarcian. That does not make her qualified to be president
Did the Bush administration not set the timetable for withdraw? Oh right, they did. Obama just followed it.
>Enough said
it's really not even worth saying

>that ends up you beeing called a faggot in the end?
who doesn't love a good complement?

>absence of evidence is proof of conspiracy
but why would Hillary/Obama cover up Bush's misdeeds?

Indeed. Staying would have put them in conflict with previous agreements that had been put in place.
Seconding this.
Trump had plenty of chances to appeal to fiscal conservatives and constitutional Republicans and he blew them
Im not voting because I dont believe in our government
>>hillary is responsible for ISIS by overthrowing gaddafi
>>bush isn't responsible for ISIS by overthrowing saddam

Bush didn't arm ISIS. Hillary did.
>So it seems the state department was aware the ISIS existed, and was intent on allowing them to grow to isolate the Syrian state in its battle against the resistance.
this has been the US M.O for decades.
And Russia/ USSR's too
never going to change

I'm sorry I legit don't understand your question.

What I'm saying is, I don't think she's complicit and I have yet to see evidence that indicates it beyond a reasonable doubt.

Yeah, proxy war 101. At least we didn't train them this time.
>Being this big of a hypocritical shill or retarded 3rd party supporter
I don't suffer from cognitive dissonance.
Because in four years Hilldawg will get voted out and the better parts of the democratic party will get a more progressive lock in. Face it, republicans are done and the only party left will blow up in the not too far future.
>Bush didn't arm ISIS. Hillary did.
bush created the arena for ISIS
so we're gonna split hairs?
Assange claims to have 1,700 emails directly connecting Hillary Clinton to the sale of armaments to ISIS and Al-Qaeda in Lybia and Syria.
So I'm starting to see the problem. Some of you people think there are only two sides in Syria. Hahahaha, more like 5+ sides. Just because we are opposed to the Syrian regime doesn't mean we're pro-ISIS.
He's a passive aggressive pussy.
i have a strange feeling that 99% trump supporters know nothing about trump , hes a loser and redneck asshole
Because all of these things aren't true? I hate to tell you...
Because I'm Canadian
he's from new york, he isn't redneck at all.
We're directly supporting Al-Nusra in Syria.

He's been promising that the next dump is gonna be "the big one" for a while now.

i'll believe it when i see it, m8

Not because I doubt it's possible, just 'cause I'm really tired of hearing this kind of sentence.

Wikileaks has x that will finally prove that Hilary did y.

>Trump isn't a terrible candidate
>Hilary isn't already the President Elect
>>>710196362 (You)
>So I'm starting to see the problem. Some of you people think there are only two sides in Syria. Hahahaha, more like 5+ sides. Just because we are opposed to the Syrian regime doesn't mean we're pro-ISIS.
MY point was the super powers (the US and Russia) have been playing proxy war for YEARS.
Sorry you're just catching up
Let's put it this way, sophistication isn't something you can fake. He is unsophisticated for a upper class new yorker. Even his accent is more working class new york than his high rise. He eats fast food, and thinks its food that "you know whats in it". He's as close as a born billionaire living in new york is going to get.
>I'm sorry I legit don't understand your question.
Likewise apologies. I didn't catch the full meaning of your first post until the reply. I would seem we're in agreement on the issue.

but he *IS* a loser asshole
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Because his electoral map is so narrow as to be nonexistent
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Let me rephrase this "why don't you vote for this Jew instead of that Jew?"
unsophisticated because your perception of him is low. you just don't understand and will never understand because the reality is that you're the poor class pleb who wishes he had money and sophistication.
In college means you don't know shit about the real world yet. Have fun when you actually have to work for your money and realize it ain't all firm tits and bong hits out here

Yes, because everyone in college is young and relies on their parents to get by

I can see why Trump has so many racist supporters.

They can only think in terms of generalizations
kek so true. he's an moron.
Your "reality" of Trumpy is probably the Apprentice or what you have seen during his campaign.
Which means you have the brain power of the average American Idol viewer.
Okay, because what faggot eats kfc with a fork and knife? Definitely not anyone sophisticated.
>anon is actually a soldier going on the GI bill
Guess whos unpatriotic now fucko?
> Having "like" in a sentence unnecessarily.
> Trump is the retard.

Double-checking your retarded ass.
You're salty. You obviously didn't go to college.
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Your reality of Hillery is typical of a closed minded liberal that refuses to see the dammage that she has don and what she will actually do. You think that she actually gives a shit about this country and americans. Remember she is the one that said " 4 americans died WHO CARES! That cunt should die herself. She has no problem starting wars and sending our people off to die in them. She should send her daughter off to die as well. So FUCK THAT CUNT!.
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He's unqualified for the office.
Your all assholes and fucktards

Ive read his books and watched him over the years he is the wolf of white house like jordan belfort is the wolf of wall street.

He a bitch.
About to be beat down by a true killa bitch named clinton

>isis founded in 1999

I'll let you think on that one.
A campaign is supposed to highlight the best features of an individual, dumbass. What am I supposed to do, read his fucking book?
Not sure if serious...

Stay in school, kids
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>close minded liberal

It's amazing how the conservatives have adopted leftist rhetoric like it works both ways.

Look buddy, you can hate brown people are you can call others close minded, but you can't have both.
>In college means you don't know shit about the real world yet.
Consider for a moment: Trump will be the first Republican Presidential nominee to lose the vote of college educated white men since the end of WW2.

>didn't deny not going to college
just read what you posted.
YOU are the stereotypical trump supporter.
dumb as a box of rocks
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Why is tonight's troll theme niggers? You've made like 3 fuckin' threads. Nobody's convinced, niggers don't sit around on the internet reading things and they certainly don't know how to type. See it's not about them and it's not about something that's happening right this second so to a nigger it might as well be invisible.
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>supports unconstitutional policies like stop and frisk, terror watch lists, expanding libel law
>has a tax plan that has been projected to shrink our GDP by 4%
>wants to start a trade war with China, the cost of which will be passed on to the American consumer
>is at odds with Republicans running for Congress and Senate, would have weak control to enact half the good shit he's spouting
>wants to repeal roe v wade
>is a giant crybaby who can't form a coherent thought
>is running many of his businesses on negative capital
>chose a retarded evangelical VP when a log house Republican would have been a slam dunk
>has many policies that would be costly and ineffective
Because I'm a liberal cuck that has been brainwashed by the media and I'm afraid of Trump starting nuclear war. Also, he's literally Hitler.
You were good til you snuck in the ad homeneim stuff.
enough said junior
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I dont live in the states.
I don't live in America
I can have rational and emotional reasons to not want to vote for him. One doesn't discount the other.
I'm voting third party so that the LP can rise like a Phoenix out of the charred corpse of the GOP in 2020
Cuz reasons
Because I'm not completely fucking insane.

>You were good til you snuck in the ad homeneim stuff.
inorite? that's when he made america GREAT again

fuck tiny-fingered vulgarians
Wow. That does pretty much some it up. Should have added that she marries rapists and employs wifes of pedophiles.
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And Hillery wants:
>Open boarders
>all but abolish the second amendment
>war with Russia
>drone strikes on those that oppose her
>Doesn't care about American lives even those under her watch.
>sells deals to countries that support terrorism
>lies to everyone especially the American people
>only looks out for herself
>people that have incriminating testimony tend to die before they get to court or die if the word gets out they might turn on her.
>mishandles classified material and gets away with it unlike anyone else.

The list goes on but they have only a 2 meg limit.

>“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Making assumptions about a person based on their race, based off of only stereotypes that are in no way supported by data? That is racism.

>“You’re going to have to watch and study the mosques, because a lot of talk is going on in the mosques,” he said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” early Monday.

>“And from what I heard, in the old days — meaning a while ago — we had a great surveillance going on in and around the mosques of New York City,” the outspoken billionaire added.

>Trump then said that the U.S. would have “absolutely no choice” besides shutting down mosques when “some bad things happen.”

This is a clear declaration that Trump believes, or supports the idea, that because you believe in a certain religion, that your holy house is a nest for terrorist activity, not worship. This, again, is clearly racist. Because they are brown and have a different religion does not make them terrorists. No more than how serial killers and mass murderers in the US who happen to say they killed all those people for their Christian god mean that Christians are in anyway a flawed people.

He has also made many quotes stating that refugees are terrorists, despite AMPLE, THOROUGH BACKGROUND CHECKS BY A HALF DOZEN DIFFERENT AGENCIES WHICH RULES THAT OUT.

This is racism. This is fear-mongering, taking peoples fears about the scary brown people and how they hate you and your way of life and are coming to destroy it. Which is fucking baseless.
He is a grossly unqualified bigot whose election would likely create several economic and military crises.
I agree with you.
I dislike all those things about Trump and all those things about Hillary. Both are unfit to be president. Fuck I'd even rather have Mcmuffin win over either of those two clowns
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>health insurance denial for pre-existing conditions
I used to pay $100 dollars a month for me and my son. I now pay $400. I dont think you understand what "insurance" means or how it works.
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The FBI wouldn't have reopened the Clinton case unless they were going to prosecute her. They're not going to let her off the hook twice. This is just common sense.

Hillary Clinton is going to be prosecuted and she will serve jail time. She will be forced to flee the country to avoid a lengthy prison sentence.
>I used to pay $100 dollars a month for me and wife's son
repaired that for you, satan
This pic is perfect! She is the only true Republican running in this race. That's why she gets my vote. Trumps campaign is a vanity project for him to gloat about. He literally shows up at charity events, donates nothing and then has the nerve to take seat at the table of honor. Dude straight fakes being a charitable philanthropist when he can't even fake being a decent human being.

I dont have any sources I just get my news from facebook
Just wanted to add, I dont make a lot of money. That $300 less a month makes a huge fucking difference in my life. Obamacare is a fucking joke. Also, I've worked in a hospital. The poor already had free health care before Obamacare kicked in.
I'm not a conservative I'm an independent. I don't require a party to tell me how to vote. I make up my own mind. In this case there is too much at stake if she gets into office. Normally I don't really give a shit because the candidates are equally corrupt. But though both are corrupt, she is closer to the one that will deliver the final blow to this dying country and I don't want that while I still breath.
WOW! 10/10 Memeing Anon!
but no, hes my son..
Typical liberal.
Why don't you go and die for a cunt like her. I guess you want to sit back and smoke your weed and agree with your gender studies teacher.
>Open borders
Nope. Creating a path so undocumented workers can gain citizenship is not open borders. Google her stance for more details

>abolish second ammendment
The NRA says this about any liberal and it boosts gun sales. Nobody is trying to take peoples firearms away, christ

>War with Russia
Not really likely.

>Drone strikes
Every president is going to use a bunch of drone strikes. Get used to it. If you think she'd use them for political rivalries then your retarded

>Doesn't care about americans
Trump is a big care person? He doesn't pay his contractors, his taxes, doesn't donate to his own charity. I don't know if Clinton cares, but I know Trump does not.

>Sells deals
As does anyone who works in the state department. Diplomacy involves talking and deals. It is what is helping keep nukes out of Iran.

>Lies to everybody
Yep. So does Trump.

>Only looks out for herself
This was covered under "doesn't care about other people", stop repeating yourself

>people die around her
Yes, vast conspiracy networks are hiding the truth, entire police departments turn a blind eye to her murders, news agencies hide the truth, etc.

>Misshandles classified material
Yep, and she's a piece of shit for it too. I'm not saying to support Clinton. But if you don't support her, at least base some of your reasons in something resembling a fact
Try looking it up yourself. It's not hard.
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He was awful after the Orlando nightclub shooting!
Mexico and it's people aren't a race.
>it's a matter of why isn't she being tried and convicted
I blame the conservative director of the FBI

love transcends DNA profiles, you are truly a wonderful human bean

>prove my argument for me u cuck
wew lad
That isn't true. They re-opened the investigation which involves subpoenaing more documents.

They may decide to charge her, but investigation does not mean they will prosecute. If they intend to prosecute, they will need to be certain they can prove, to a Jury of idiots, that she is guilty.

Is she guilty? Probably. But I doubt they'll be certain enough in a conviction to proceed unless they are 100% certain
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The stuff in her emails was shocking!
drumpf is a bad goy, but there's no need to manufacture tweets, Vlad
>Race is the classification of humans into groups based on physical traits, ancestry, genetics or social relations, or the relations between them.

Yep, they are. I mean unless you are just being racist and saying they don't count as people, in which case, I doubt any amount of reading is going to change that opinion
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Right-o, comrade

Trump is dumb, ya think? Watch it, dare ya. Yawn.

You think a 1 million dollar loan is yuuuge? How much do you actually make?

Pedophilia? Linky or you stinky. Conjecture at liberal levels.

We DO have an immigrant problem, we have a security problem. Demoshits answer, "no problem, they vote for us."

Ever wonder why Demfucks mostly vote early? Because they don't have jobs! You people are fucking children.

Putin puppet? There no good reason we should have a conflict with Russia, this is for the military of the military industrial complex, there must be a boogie man. Wake up! (Shaking you)

The banks run our country, we are the slaves, that makes you a bum. Why the fuck would I care if the stock market crashed? Have you seen "The Big Short?" Get out of your parents fucking basement! Time to burn it down and hang all those responsible.

He's lost billions because of mismanagement? You can't even manage your hair. You can't fathom his level of responsibility and the amount of people and families that are dependent on him because you're dependent.

Tell that handsome young man Maddow I said hello cuck fuck.
Nigga i know that didn't take 5 seconds to type.
I called the phone number and somebody picked up. I said hello but there was no response. Now I hear sirens headed this way. Its legit and clinton is coming to cuck me. What do?
cool dictionary argument senpai
please save this post and re-read it after you get out of high school.
If, god forbid, you have graduated from HS, just please don't reproduce
im mexican
Illegal immigrants and undocumented workers are unable to register to vote or, as a result, vote. For anybody.

Trump has admitted in the past it was not just a 1 million dollar loan. He even mentions it during his comedy central roast FFS, it is not a secret.

I'm not arguing any other point, I'm not making those other claims. But fuck son, at least get within the real of reality.
stop projecting, real world veteran

>muh librals
>muh edgy nihilism

Another Trumpanzee blog post
Because if he wins, my currency is going to be gbp tier fucked and i want to buy shit from Asos
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>these are simply facts.

Because the media tell you so?
Grow up and do some research before you defend the clearly wrong position
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>>Open borders
>>abolish second ammendment
I said All BUT abolish. This means that she wants to put extraneous laws in place where it would near impossible for anyone to own a weapon. Learn to read.
>>War with Russia
Very likely. Get your news from something other that US news agencies.
>>Drone strikes

She wants to strike individuals like Julian Assange. She was actually heard saying that.
>>Doesn't care about americans
She has said "4 Americans died WHO CARES!. These people died do to her lack of response then lied to try and cover it up. Research Benghazi.
>>Sells deals
She actually sells deals to Countries and corporations for "Donations to the Clinton foundation".
>>Lies to everybody
Agree here buy she actually lies and then blows it off like it is no big deal. Never once apologizing. Remember when she was under sniper fire.
>>Only looks out for herself
She actually only looks out for herself. Not the American people which is her job.
>>people die around her
Strange how some people get "mugged" by getting shot in the back and nothing being taken isn't it.
>>Misshandles classified material
>Yep, and she's a piece of shit for it too. I'm not saying to support Clinton. But if you don't support her, at least base some of your reasons in something resembling a fact

You need to stop drinking the blue coolaid.
I've heard him speak
Why don't you go back to school. I got 2 degrees and I'm retired from the military. When you grow up you might be able to understand grown up things. (Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny are not real)

>conservative is a political party

This is why we've lost our civilization.

Nigger tier thinking like this.

And yet you can't make an argument without attacks or ALL CAPS.

Let's make this clear, your degrees in Gender Studies and Music Theory do not qualify you for adult conversations.
>Ever wonder why Demfucks mostly vote early? Because they don't have jobs!
maybe because they have jobs and just have to schedule it in?
nah, that doesn't fit your brightbard narrative.
now does it?
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He believes in American exceptionalism, he’s committed to education, an he demands high performance. After all, he has been know to fire anyone that doesn’t meet his high standards. Talk about efficiency.

No one will be tougher on ISIS than Donald Trump. Mostly because Islamic terrorism is eating up large portions of the Middle East and they’ve become rich. They even built a hotel making themselves a direct competitor of Trump Hotel.

Trump has a confidence and a self-assured, powerful personality that is perfectly suited for politics. Unlike other politicians who tend to be swayed by lobbyists and special interests, Trump is his own special interest and is unlikely to give that power away to anyone but Trump.

Trump is extremely rich, obviously, and his track record for financial success proves that he knows how to build a successful empire. With the U.S. trillions of dollars in debt, this is the sort of leader that might be able to turn it all around.

Trump’s loyalty will only be to America and Americans—not any political party, special interest group or foreign entity. Like his slogan reads, “Make America great again!”

He has emphasized beliefs in free enterprise and a strong military. He repeatedly highlights his acumen for success, his ability to get things done, and understanding of finances

Trump is undeniably a great negotiator, and despite his outrageous public statements in the recent past, he knows how to navigate complex deals and convince a wide variety of industries, businesses, and investors to do what he wants and to work with him to achieve his goals.

Trump isn’t politically correct. He isn’t afraid to say what he thinks, and he can certainly voice an opinion. If he has an issue with you, he will say it to your face. It’d be nice to have a politician in office with that level of transparency.
You must be an idiot. Conservatives have always been referred to and linked to the republicans like Liberals have been linked to the Democrats. An Independent is not either one. Not Republican, not democrat or their tied connections like conservatives or liberals. Depends on who is the best choice and the best policies. Independents are in between if your able to comprehend that.
>I got 2 degrees
>I got
you showed us all hows smartly you is there son
My degrees are in Business and IT. You need to go back to your gender studies teacher and hug them. Maybe smoke another bowl. Capes are how much I hate that cunt and for when she actually shouted 4 Americans died WHO CARES! (notice the use of caps?) it's because she shouted it you dipshit.
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>He isn’t afraid to say what he thinks,
Did I make you cry by telling you the truth about the Easter Bunny and Santa Clause?
>Open borders
That article you linked has her declaring "Open Borders" on trade. In other words, free trade. It has nothing to do with immigration. They are using "open borders" as a figure of speech. That is why it has the quotes around it. Feel free to read the article if you don't believe me.

>>Abolish second amendment
I haven't seen any sources. She says things like "tougher gun control" but that says nothing to be about making it more difficult to get a firearm. Maybe she'd stop people from legally reselling them to others on a personal basis, circumventing background checks? That is hardly making it "near impossible". Also, many democrats own firearms. She wouldn't have the power to pass sweeping firearm legislation, since she couldn't get senate/house support.

>War with Russia
I do read things from the associated press. We have ongoing diplomatic relations with Russia, which are in place to avoid wars. We disagree and posture with other countries often, but there are a lot of steps between now and armed conflict between superpowers. Putin would stop interacting with US leaders and their allies if we were approaching war. He has not.

>Drone strikes
Your proof that she wants to drone strike somebody is "somebody heard her say it"? If it wasn't recorded, then you can fuck off with that imaginary infowars bullshit.

>4 americans dead who cares
That isn't a quote listed anywhere reputable. She did say "at this point, what does it matter" which, in context is part of her saying that "what YOU are saying, senator, doesn't matter, because 4 americans died.". You can read the transcript on politifact

>Sells deals
People donating for favoritism, which I believe did probably happen, isn't selling deals. I DO believe she was influenced, gave them priority treatment, etc. I don't support that.

>Lies constantly
I also agree she is a slimy.

There are no
>conservative democrats in the South
>liberal Republicans in the North
>moderate leaders everywhere

>She says things like "tougher gun control" but that says nothing to be about making it more difficult to get a firearm.
Your not really sharp are you?
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