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I am The Oracle. Ask me a question of the future and it will

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 346
Thread images: 45
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I am The Oracle. Ask me a question of the future and it will be answered.
what the fuck do you know about the future
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What anime is this from?
How fuckin high are you?

What will the next global disaster be?
Does Hillary win?
When will 4chan finally die?
How do you plan to react to Google's utilization of javascript in order to flush out your JVMs on their phones?
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Neither of these are questions of the future. Do not waste my time here.
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>inb4 ifunny banner
It is if i am going to be fapping to it
Will Hillary been held responsible for her crimes
How high are you
Why would they do that?
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I get it.
Am I gonna die alone?
I thought that shit was settled and done with.
Is everything gonna be alright tomorrow night?
Will op (the oracle)
ever stop sucking such large amounts of cock with his mouth and anus?
Will daddy stop touching my peepee before my 40th birthday next month? Do I get ice cream cake? I'll kill her if the bitch doesn't get me icecream cake.
Literally lol'd
Google still got fed up. Their constantly trying to rid of java in all their devices and replace it with javascript (which they control).
So le edgy xD really pushin limits there, George Carlin jr
do you get it though? cuz i dont think you do. you just seem to do whatever the fuck pleases you without any regard for what happens to other people mostly me.
I don't wanna hear you bullshit and i definately do not want another one of those """endearing""" conversations ever again
Op you little fagboi start answering
the next major disaster is the nuclear fallout of '36, caused by russia's surprise bombing of the u.s.
>>709590182 not this election, but she does win in the next election, preventing trump from winning 2 consecutive terms
4chan lives on until the CIA issues a ban on internet in the u.s. during the recession of '22
>>709590363 yes, she is finally convicted of all charges she was accused of during her term as president, which led to her impeachment
What is the future of ISIS
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almost forgot image
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more like "The Faggot"
you are literally surrounded by faggots of all shapes, colors and creeds
Did you have a stroke?
Show your butt u faggot
What will happen in Syria in the coming years?
What will happen to team fortress 2 within the next 10 years
will my pay check go through at midnight or do i have to wait till tomorrow to get drunk
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i cannot, as i am a divinity, i have no physical form. i can, however emulate a human form with these articles of clothing
How long until i die? please, give something like years left
How many more cocks will you suck?
What is the next number I will spin on the roulette? Pls, I'm broke.
will i ever get to fuck karina?
Will I finish my career?
Are you Shino? cus he's a nerd but you look like him

Also will I be alright with my decisions this weekend or should I just be a hermit?
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after Russia's surprise bombing of the u.s., syria attempts to become allies with the now world superpower, but within 10 years russia will have enslaved almost 90% of the middle east's population.
no further sequels are made in the coming years
both you and i know you could get drunk right now if you wanted to
you will die on october 7th, 2020 from a heart attack
while i am able to see set events in the future, fate is not something to be meddled with, thus i cannot say what will happen
no, karina is out of your reach and you know it, move on with your life
What will the Trump presidency look like?
Dude your amazing. How about this. I'm a veteran will I get called back in military to fight the new war? Or will I be dead from the nuclear fallout? Or will I revolt against the military and government when the government orders weapons to be took from Americans door to door when Hillary gets elected
well at least i won't be dying from alcohol poisoning.
what this guy has stated, what will happen to ISIS
in the coming years? will they ever be stopped?
do i ever get to fuck lucey,emily, or jordan?
Will I get the job?
Will she actually date me within a year
Will I be the next god of smash bros melee?
will I ever get to fuck Daniella in the ass?
Should I go after HER, even though she's a good bit younger than me?
will this fucking game of cards against humanity ever start
will SiIva ever come back
Am I the chosen one
Answer me please
Am I demon?
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There is no chance Russia survives as a country up to '36. Keep on mysteryfagging.
this whole thing is bullshit because trump wins this election
When do I kill myself?
mike i recognize our fucking door stop shit posting on this website you under age faggot or ill call dad to unplug your internet
Kate or Georgina?
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no, you actually seek out 3 different careers before finally retiring at 63
the best choice that i can see is for you to stay indoors for this upcoming weekend. there will be unforseen danger during that time in your neighborhood.
this question is to vague and i don't have time to explain everything, please try to be more specific.
no, america's decision to begin drafting doesn't start until well after you are dead. also, hillary never actually has time to institute those laws.
isis is enslaved by the russians as i have stated before and they are forgotten
the best she will offer you is oral
no, that's a dead subject
im not sure what you mean by that, and so i dont have a response
>>709592663 yes, i said that earlier along with the fact that hillary stops him from running another term
We can see your nose in the first pic you stupid idiot
Will I ever get a gf?
Will we invent time travel anytime soon
Will Rogue One be a success?
When does God reveal himself to mankind in any way?
How would he know your specific future dumbass

Will I be happy?

Explain your hand on OP mike
does the business deal go through or should i start looking for something else?
Alright, I'll specify. Will Trump be as good a president as he's being hyped to be?
show tits
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Oh hell yeah. Thanks, Shino. Indoors it is!
stop trying to fucking switch one thing that won't happen with some other things that also wont happen
is 2pac dead
Do i stay with my current gf or try and fuck around and get lots of poon while im still young? emphasis on try since i'm shy af.
Is this a new pasta, or do you actually have autism?
even i know that you're too beta to leave your girlfriend
plz answer ^^
Will she ever give me another chance
Well judging by the sign on the door above you tells me you live with your mom because only women in there 50s start putting cheesy ass inspirational quotes around the house as a decoration.
C'mon m8. You and I both know the answer to that.
Tell me something, what i am going to study or work ? Wat about my life style in the next years ?
Do the Spartans defeat the Athenians at Salamis, and what is the point spread?
>le edgy meem
Is this it for us?
Do you suck the dick, Oracle?
What career field am I going into. Answer this or we know you're a faking cunt.
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yes, and you marry her 11 years later
humans never get the chance to amount to such technology
yes, however it will not be the most successful movie to ever be produced
what do you think i'm here for?
no, you commit suicide on jan 3, 2020
most of the people that voted for him were pleased with the overall state of the country that he left us in, even though it contradicted most of what he originally promised
your most successful timeline is the one in which you continue with your current career path
you will stay with her for another 2 months, which boosts your confidence enough to start trying again.
My bad. Will you one day suck the dick, Oracle?
When will the California drought end
>Thinks the CIA would ever have jurisdiction over US internet access

lol. grate bate.
Damn it I want to be alive so I can fight in the new great war for my country anything you can do to make me have a better chance of staying alive for the draft? The war veteran here
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What will I be doing, five years from now?
Where and when will the next terrorist attack be?
What will I be in the future? My job I mean
Do i ever get brain from the twink boy at my school
When is the rapture oracle?
Do I stay with Julia?
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do not ask me questions you already know the answer to
i have no control over the future, i can only see it clearer than most
the next major attack is the bombing of the 9/11 memorial in 2021
there is no rapture, only human-caused destruction
>no, you commit suicide on jan 3, 2020

What leads me to suicide, what can be done to prevent it, and what path can I take to lead a happy life?
Who am I currently planning on fucking? By that I mean is it a chick or a dude and what is his/her name.
When will WW3 Happen?
When will I finally lose my virginity?
I have a few questions:
1.Where is my mom?
2.When will i die?What can i do to avoid it?
3.What will trump do when hes president?
4.What am i going to do tomorrow?
5.What will i work at when i get older?And where
I've got no clue you fucking lying cunt. That's just your damage control can't answer the question response. Note with b8ing newfag.
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Oracle I'm worried that my ex is gonna kill herself over this new fuckboy who's been beating her, what's going to happen to her and when?
How long till I get another girlfriend?

Also, what branch of the military will I end up in?
Now quit with the*
get fucked. enough sabre rattling
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Sup faggot
will Trump win?
Do you know that The Joker is going to paralyze you?
Will I finally become a trap?
How many days until I finally enter a relationship that'll last more than a year?
When wil God unveil himself?
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Will everything be ok? Will I get the job? Will I be successful?
What's the name of the guy Im gonna marry?
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you stay with her for the next 2 months, but then part ways after finding out she had cheated on you
your career in medical engineering begins in early 2019
that is a fixed timeline, there is nothing you can do to prevent it
there is no such war in the future
nov 6, 2018 to a woman named kelly
please only one question at a time, my time in this form is limited
i cannot tell you what you are not willing to believe
the police eventually catch on and her boyfriend is jailed
you stay single until death, but live a prosperous live as a result; marines
What are you going on about you damn statist
My goodness you really are shit at baiting.
Do we ever make contact with an alien species?
What happens to Jessie?
Oracle, my girlfriend and I are having issues currently. Will we last or should I start trying to get with other girls?
When will my financial situation improve, when and how?
Come one man i really need to know if im going to do any sexual activity such as a bj with the twink boy at my schoo
Will I ever get to fuck my cousin?
>that is a fixed timeline, there is nothing you can do to prevent it

Can I at least be told the cause of suicide? What brings me over the edge?
oracle, you are a faggot
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OP are you really that lonely that you will pretend to give people fortunes just for a little human interaction? Please consider suicide.
Is my girlfriend amber actually going to the gym when she tells me she is or am I being played? Her story doesnt add up
What is the meaning of life?
Will she see her own insides or pass out when I gut her?
When will i die,how?
Where am i going to work at when i get older
My girlfriend's name is not Julia, it's Rebecca
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Racks am I intelligent? Will I ever slam hot boypussy with a cock so big I could break walls? Will I ever make good money? When will I RIP in Pongo
Holy shit I am currently studying in that field ! Also when will I die?
Will I make it into med school?

Fuck off cunt
when will i find love?
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Oracle here
She's really going to the gym... with chad
Chicken nuggets
Gay sextape goes public
Go for for dudes bro
Soon. In the next few years soon humans are getting dumb
Yup then he tells everyone
Answer me, please, or tell me something that you think it´s important for me to know, at least what im going to workk on. 111198
Thats not op
Fuck off fake cunt

t. Damo
Just as accurate as op
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Fuck off ciggy butt brain
Isn't that Grisaia?
If I ever reach Godtier, what will be my Class and Aspect?

You don't need advice from an oracle to know this one, bro.

The fact is if you get a feeling in your gut that something's up, it's probably true. Listen to your gut. She wouldn't be telling shit that doesn't add up unless she's hiding something. Now why would she be hiding something, I wonder? Perhaps she's doing something she doesn't want you to know?
Will I ever watch Naruto
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Successful trigger
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your next 3 relationships range from 2 to 3 years
i am the closest thing to a divinity that exists
it is discovered in the near future that we are the only living organisms in the universe
what specific event do you want to hear about that future?
your best timeline is set by your breaking up with her
you eventually find a job as a store clerk and work your way up to management in 5 years
no , he leaves the school before you decide to approach him in such a way
not for another 6 years
a drug overdose
yes, she stays faithful until you cheat on her next year
you never are able to go through with it
feb. 17 2046, lung cancer
you will become a manager at a respected architecture firm
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Will I make it into med school???
Am I going to be successful?
Will I live to 125 years ? I'm determined to make it
Will my romance with you-know-who work out?
What's the name of the next guy Im going to date?
no answer on this?

In regards to university
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How intelligent am I now, Oracle? Will I assume my career and breed with lots of shitters until I die?
Who will win Superbowl LI?
How will my financial status be in the future?
What's wrong OP? Did I trick you?
Will I ever do anything noteworthy?
Will my sister be pregnant with my child?
Get off 4chan Roger Johns
Where will i find the love of my life, please?
Duplicity won't give accurate results, faggot. He knows the future given all the correct variables, he's not fucking omniscient.
no answer?
How can i prevent the lung cancer?Will i do something that'll cause it? Just wondering
Wheres my mom
Are you fucking dumb no
Yes if you try
Oswald. Just like that blue octopus motherfucker
Congratulations you played yourself
Use plan b
Will I ever get to fuck my teacher?
When will I be GMT
will Jessie send me nudes again, will anyone find out?
How come i grabbed the twink boys dick literally today and he grabbed mine
How old are you? Nice trips
You do not fucking answer me because im too far ? or you are a fakin trash talker :(

Will your mom ever stop dreaming of the time I fucked her right in the pussy?
Bullshit, I'm going to rip that cunts tongue out and watch her bleed to death from her big fucking mouth
Yes you have a chance to fuck then
Gtfo faggot
Isreal d00d
If you were as close to a God, that would negate the whole enigma of God. So that makes you a liar. Who is telling you all of this, anon? Spirits?
>>709596768 (You)
>>709596031 (You)
>>709595763 (You)
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yes, but you lose motivation and drop out before the second semester
no, you die at the age of 96 from pneumonia
yes, you marry in the next 2 years and raise 2 successful children
drops out within 2 years
that is a matter of your own opinion
nothing that the world as a whole will notice
no, she never gives birth to him
it will be your tour guide on your trip to europe, rebecca
in the next year

Who do I end up with Vanessa, Natalie or Erika?
what is the name of the person I will marry?
thank you oracle
Cause you eat cawk
Sucks she has to dream of you having a big cock
Triggered >>709597063
When and how will I die?
Why are trump supporters such retards?
Oracle, will i fully unlock my astral travel abilities? Also, will mankind ever break the cycle of life?
Is there any way to expand my life? ( 125 guy here )
Am I gonna fap to bushy ebony bitches tonight or bushy milfs?
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i neeed to scream.gif
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When Will i have a girlfriend that i love and who loves me? its so hard to be alone.
Nah you're triggered mate
You wont. Youll die alone in your own pool of cum
How many mountain dews will i have by 2017
That is a subtly fucked up gif. Impressive.
Will I be successful
Tell me something that will surprise my, i dare you bitch
Will i ever get around to programming?
>drops out within 2 years
What's the reason?
What will I have for breakfast on 13/2/2019.
If you get off here. Yes. The choice is still yours.
Will I be rid of having to pay child support by the end of the year?
I am not even sure how accurate it is but the fact that he was able to know my current field is pretty amazing.
Delete Facebook. Go to the gym. Eat better. Limit the fapping follow your passion.
What is the name of my future wife? Its important please please
I'm tired to work for and help enrich others.
Please tell me the winning numbers for today's EuroJackpot.
Will I have sex within the next 7 days?
>implying that i cant c++ whiles browsing 4chan
Will the sex I'm having tonight go well?
Do I live to see the age of 123?
Will I end up with my love again?
It would be done if you weren't on here newfagging around niggy nog
Will the mother of my child kill herself?
Will they ever fix civ vi ai?
Will human level artificial intelligence ever be created in 50 years?
he cant tell u that
Does she like me or is she just being friendly? Will I ever find out or will I just wonder until she gives up because I'm a pussy?
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no, you considered the negative outcomes and decided against it
that will never be within your grasp
none of the above, her name will be natalia
june 4th 2018, car accident
no, yours is a fixed timeline
that is still up to fate
unfortunately, your disability deters any potential mates
it is hard for you to make time for it, so you pick it up as a hobby
eggos chocolate chip waffles and a glass of ice water
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comfort hug.gif
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Will the man I have fallen in love with love me back the way I wish him too?
Am I going to receive a large sum of money within the next 30 days?
Will my dream work out?
Will there be a second season to no game no life?
Ebonies tonight
96 on toilet from sideways poop
Racism, groupthink, and following others because it's cool
Drink less milk
Sooon anon
Actually you are triggered
It is
Yep buy the books and stop being lazy
Your dick gets stuck in the toaster
Whats my online identity?
Fate wants bushy ebony thanks mystery nigga
What happens to us when we die?
Yeah if you time stamp tits or gtfo
Out of curiosity could you tell me my name?
Nah you're triggered. I agree with your Trump analysis though.
Yea. That you owe to bills.
Does she still love me?
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no, it stays with you for the next 3 and a half years
chance is too distorted for me to perceive
yes, with your girlfriend in 2 days
you arent going to have sex tonight, it's delayed until tomorrow
do not attempt to impersonate me mortal
jokes on you asshole
the mother of my child already killed herself
I went to the funeral 8 months back.
Am I gonna beat the rape charge?
Should I make moves towards this girl I click with or will I get rejected? I'm a real shy person so I usually cant bring myself to do such things.
What citiy/ies are bombed
Name of person I will marry?
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Oracle please
I take a test in 20 minutes OP. I will receive the grade via email immediately after. What will I get OP?
We agree on one thing which is pretty cool. Now you're cool to me anon
will i have a gf ?
when is my birthday? 4th time asking 0 answer, come on oprah
When and where is the next big earthquake?
Can you teach me your ways?
I don't have a girlfriend and I'm pretty sure I have an STD that had caused a wart to develop along the left side of the shaft.
meant to call out >>709598152 not myself
Willlll I geet sckckk tomorrow? I'gve had halkf botle of rum.
What if I just really really avoid toasters?
Aye Oracle nigga do aliens have big dicks or small dicks?
Will I be successful in my current work field? Should I go back to my previous kind of work
Will my dream work? Also was that a gunshot?
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It's destiny bruh fixedntimeline and shits so it's going to happen so pepper your angus and take it head on like a man
Is that girl I want to send me nudes gonna send me nudes?
will there be a global economic collapse anytime in the next ten years?
When will I get into my next relationship?
Will she divorce me?
will russia and/or china go to war with the west/USA? who will win the war?
Wow man almost cut myself on that edge I gotta be careful
What is the name of my future wife?
Will i ever gain superior intellectual capacity?
How much of my future do i control?
When do i break up with my current gf?
when is my next holiday location ?
no one
we all die.
When will i meet a girl that will take this loneliness away from me?
You control all of it if you think about it
When will we be able to move to AZ?
Am I gonna fuck my friend?
Does Half life 3 ever come out?
Since the lottery thing won't work:
What can we do to get rid of retarded liars like Trump and his fans?
We also have problems with fact resistant scum in EU.
Am I gonna fuck that chick from work?
Where will i die? will i die alone?
What is the name of the girl i end up with?
Will Trump Win?
Every year this Sphincter smasher uses is in 2020 except that one date of 2036. Hmmm. = RETARDED FAGGOT NIGGERLOAF
>Takes this for real
Will my dream work out? Also did I just hear someone getting shot?
Is what I'm getting ready to do a bad idea?
how will I die?
when will I lose virginity
what is the name of the person i will marry
Really for real
>don't claim clairvoyance if you can't keep up with the demand for truths
Am I gonna fuck that actress?
I'm not the oracle guy.
I always lose friends.
When will i lose my most important friend and how?
When will I get dubs again????
Will I ever do anything great.
Oracle, will I they ever make another Socom game.
are we punished for killing ourselves? how?
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just saiyan
Will I stay in California my whole life or will I relocate to another state at some point? And if so, which state?
Will I ever kill another human? If so why?
by forcing you to live your life after an attempted suicide but as a failure in every aspect of life no matter how much effort is put into what you do.
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only death
no, she has moved on
there is no rape charge
you will go for her and date her for about 4 months
during what time?
yes, your other attempts at careers fail and you end up staying with the current one
the current conditions of that timeline make results blurry, but it will be between 70 and 80%
yes, you have 3 before marrying
hawaii, big island, 2030
your best life is a result of you sticking with your current job until your death
no, it is an unattainable goal
no, she has no data and her wifi goes down
it will come along with russia's surprise bombing
within the next 3 months
no, you break the relationship apart after having an affair and never telling her
no human can ascend his brain's capability and no man has control of his own future
in 3 months after she gets bored
in jan of next year
you try in 3 years , but die on the trip
which friend are you referring to?
in florida on your vacation with your wife
What are the winning mega millions number for the next drawing?
are you saying that you wake up having failed? everyone does?
Will I end my double life? Which one will I stay with the rest of my life?
Will the Fourth Reich ever rise?
I'm this guy
The female one obviously. (the only one I consider a friend)
When will this thread
How many kids will I have?
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Fagtech reporting in.

If this post is dubs, then OP is a faggot.
where specifically does Russia bomb in this surprise bombing
Faggot fuck off.
How smart am I now OP?
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If I get dubs you have to post your SSN and picture ID
Is World War 3 upon us? If so what countries will be wiped out.
Do i learn to manipulate elements and when will life on earth end?
Who do I go for, Mandy or Cacy
when will I lose virginity
he already answered this you dense cunt
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Don't hurt me.
Don't piss off the oracle, fuck head. Can't even dub
Dubs get
Read his fucking past answers
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that was a transformer burst
it doesnt affect your life in a major way
brain tumor
sept 30 2030
next week, suicide
no, you are never able to reach her
next year, you try to have sex with his girlfriend
in 2.4 hours
no, that will never become a series
no, you are unable to detach from your life of lies
ah, no but you attempt at another friend that you have yet to meet
1 male
i do not go by your rules, mortal
no human has that potential
Yes, but it works different depending on your method of suicide. The more violent and/or traumatic the farther back you're reset.
A gunshot victim might reset back to when they first thought about doing it and had the means but didn't do it, instead of actually shooting yourself you just wake up the following morning and all you remember is making a practice attempt. From there on you are a failure at all you do until you learn to appreciate the things you have the people you have while you have them.
Hell takes many forms and denying you knowledge is one of the most cruelest because nothing you experience from then on is real, everyone has already moved on and lived full lives by the time you realize what your mistake was how you can never go back and change it.
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haha gottem >>709600549
i will fuck only 3 girls before get married ? that´s shit
tell me if i´ll like my work at least
What is my name that i usually use online?
Will i be successful at all in my life?
What are the winning numbers for the next Mega Millions drawing?
Will I become an Ophthalmologist or will I be successful in music?
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wiwiwiw - Copy.png
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I'll smoke your birdie arms, you UK fuck.
Oracle, Who do I end up getting with, Mandy or Cacy
Does anime ever become real ?
But I already fucked her once...
>I'm this guy
And 404
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Not you. Pussy
Do I have a better chance with Lucy or Francie?
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you never do, however you make 3 attempts, the last of which is illegal and gets you a 5 year jail sentence
you live to be overall unsatisfied with your choice of labor
success is defined by your own determinants
your music career is what becomes your greatest achievement
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